//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BC.cpp // // Block-compression (BC) functionality for BC1, BC2, BC3 (orginal DXTn formats) // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248926 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "directxtexp.h" // Experiemental encoding variants, not enabled by default //#define COLOR_WEIGHTS //#define COLOR_AVG_0WEIGHTS #include "BC.h" using namespace DirectX::PackedVector; namespace DirectX { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Perceptual weightings for the importance of each channel. static const HDRColorA g_Luminance (0.2125f / 0.7154f, 1.0f, 0.0721f / 0.7154f, 1.0f); static const HDRColorA g_LuminanceInv(0.7154f / 0.2125f, 1.0f, 0.7154f / 0.0721f, 1.0f); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Decode/Encode RGB 5/6/5 colors //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline static void Decode565(_Out_ HDRColorA *pColor, _In_ const uint16_t w565) { pColor->r = (float) ((w565 >> 11) & 31) * (1.0f / 31.0f); pColor->g = (float) ((w565 >> 5) & 63) * (1.0f / 63.0f); pColor->b = (float) ((w565 >> 0) & 31) * (1.0f / 31.0f); pColor->a = 1.0f; } inline static uint16_t Encode565(_In_ const HDRColorA *pColor) { HDRColorA Color; Color.r = (pColor->r < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : (pColor->r > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : pColor->r; Color.g = (pColor->g < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : (pColor->g > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : pColor->g; Color.b = (pColor->b < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : (pColor->b > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : pColor->b; uint16_t w; w = (uint16_t) ((static_cast(Color.r * 31.0f + 0.5f) << 11) | (static_cast(Color.g * 63.0f + 0.5f) << 5) | (static_cast(Color.b * 31.0f + 0.5f) << 0)); return w; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void OptimizeRGB(_Out_ HDRColorA *pX, _Out_ HDRColorA *pY, _In_reads_(NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK) const HDRColorA *pPoints, _In_ size_t cSteps, _In_ DWORD flags) { static const float fEpsilon = (0.25f / 64.0f) * (0.25f / 64.0f); static const float pC3[] = { 2.0f/2.0f, 1.0f/2.0f, 0.0f/2.0f }; static const float pD3[] = { 0.0f/2.0f, 1.0f/2.0f, 2.0f/2.0f }; static const float pC4[] = { 3.0f/3.0f, 2.0f/3.0f, 1.0f/3.0f, 0.0f/3.0f }; static const float pD4[] = { 0.0f/3.0f, 1.0f/3.0f, 2.0f/3.0f, 3.0f/3.0f }; const float *pC = (3 == cSteps) ? pC3 : pC4; const float *pD = (3 == cSteps) ? pD3 : pD4; // Find Min and Max points, as starting point HDRColorA X = (flags & BC_FLAGS_UNIFORM) ? HDRColorA(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f) : g_Luminance; HDRColorA Y = HDRColorA(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); for(size_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; iPoint++) { #ifdef COLOR_WEIGHTS if(pPoints[iPoint].a > 0.0f) #endif // COLOR_WEIGHTS { if(pPoints[iPoint].r < X.r) X.r = pPoints[iPoint].r; if(pPoints[iPoint].g < X.g) X.g = pPoints[iPoint].g; if(pPoints[iPoint].b < X.b) X.b = pPoints[iPoint].b; if(pPoints[iPoint].r > Y.r) Y.r = pPoints[iPoint].r; if(pPoints[iPoint].g > Y.g) Y.g = pPoints[iPoint].g; if(pPoints[iPoint].b > Y.b) Y.b = pPoints[iPoint].b; } } // Diagonal axis HDRColorA AB; AB.r = Y.r - X.r; AB.g = Y.g - X.g; AB.b = Y.b - X.b; float fAB = AB.r * AB.r + AB.g * AB.g + AB.b * AB.b; // Single color block.. no need to root-find if(fAB < FLT_MIN) { pX->r = X.r; pX->g = X.g; pX->b = X.b; pY->r = Y.r; pY->g = Y.g; pY->b = Y.b; return; } // Try all four axis directions, to determine which diagonal best fits data float fABInv = 1.0f / fAB; HDRColorA Dir; Dir.r = AB.r * fABInv; Dir.g = AB.g * fABInv; Dir.b = AB.b * fABInv; HDRColorA Mid; Mid.r = (X.r + Y.r) * 0.5f; Mid.g = (X.g + Y.g) * 0.5f; Mid.b = (X.b + Y.b) * 0.5f; float fDir[4]; fDir[0] = fDir[1] = fDir[2] = fDir[3] = 0.0f; for(size_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; iPoint++) { HDRColorA Pt; Pt.r = (pPoints[iPoint].r - Mid.r) * Dir.r; Pt.g = (pPoints[iPoint].g - Mid.g) * Dir.g; Pt.b = (pPoints[iPoint].b - Mid.b) * Dir.b; float f; #ifdef COLOR_WEIGHTS f = Pt.r + Pt.g + Pt.b; fDir[0] += pPoints[iPoint].a * f * f; f = Pt.r + Pt.g - Pt.b; fDir[1] += pPoints[iPoint].a * f * f; f = Pt.r - Pt.g + Pt.b; fDir[2] += pPoints[iPoint].a * f * f; f = Pt.r - Pt.g - Pt.b; fDir[3] += pPoints[iPoint].a * f * f; #else f = Pt.r + Pt.g + Pt.b; fDir[0] += f * f; f = Pt.r + Pt.g - Pt.b; fDir[1] += f * f; f = Pt.r - Pt.g + Pt.b; fDir[2] += f * f; f = Pt.r - Pt.g - Pt.b; fDir[3] += f * f; #endif // COLOR_WEIGHTS } float fDirMax = fDir[0]; size_t iDirMax = 0; for(size_t iDir = 1; iDir < 4; iDir++) { if(fDir[iDir] > fDirMax) { fDirMax = fDir[iDir]; iDirMax = iDir; } } if(iDirMax & 2) { float f = X.g; X.g = Y.g; Y.g = f; } if(iDirMax & 1) { float f = X.b; X.b = Y.b; Y.b = f; } // Two color block.. no need to root-find if(fAB < 1.0f / 4096.0f) { pX->r = X.r; pX->g = X.g; pX->b = X.b; pY->r = Y.r; pY->g = Y.g; pY->b = Y.b; return; } // Use Newton's Method to find local minima of sum-of-squares error. float fSteps = (float) (cSteps - 1); for(size_t iIteration = 0; iIteration < 8; iIteration++) { // Calculate new steps HDRColorA pSteps[4]; for(size_t iStep = 0; iStep < cSteps; iStep++) { pSteps[iStep].r = X.r * pC[iStep] + Y.r * pD[iStep]; pSteps[iStep].g = X.g * pC[iStep] + Y.g * pD[iStep]; pSteps[iStep].b = X.b * pC[iStep] + Y.b * pD[iStep]; } // Calculate color direction Dir.r = Y.r - X.r; Dir.g = Y.g - X.g; Dir.b = Y.b - X.b; float fLen = (Dir.r * Dir.r + Dir.g * Dir.g + Dir.b * Dir.b); if(fLen < (1.0f / 4096.0f)) break; float fScale = fSteps / fLen; Dir.r *= fScale; Dir.g *= fScale; Dir.b *= fScale; // Evaluate function, and derivatives float d2X, d2Y; HDRColorA dX, dY; d2X = d2Y = dX.r = dX.g = dX.b = dY.r = dY.g = dY.b = 0.0f; for(size_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; iPoint++) { float fDot = (pPoints[iPoint].r - X.r) * Dir.r + (pPoints[iPoint].g - X.g) * Dir.g + (pPoints[iPoint].b - X.b) * Dir.b; size_t iStep; if(fDot <= 0.0f) iStep = 0; else if(fDot >= fSteps) iStep = cSteps - 1; else iStep = static_cast(fDot + 0.5f); HDRColorA Diff; Diff.r = pSteps[iStep].r - pPoints[iPoint].r; Diff.g = pSteps[iStep].g - pPoints[iPoint].g; Diff.b = pSteps[iStep].b - pPoints[iPoint].b; #ifdef COLOR_WEIGHTS float fC = pC[iStep] * pPoints[iPoint].a * (1.0f / 8.0f); float fD = pD[iStep] * pPoints[iPoint].a * (1.0f / 8.0f); #else float fC = pC[iStep] * (1.0f / 8.0f); float fD = pD[iStep] * (1.0f / 8.0f); #endif // COLOR_WEIGHTS d2X += fC * pC[iStep]; dX.r += fC * Diff.r; dX.g += fC * Diff.g; dX.b += fC * Diff.b; d2Y += fD * pD[iStep]; dY.r += fD * Diff.r; dY.g += fD * Diff.g; dY.b += fD * Diff.b; } // Move endpoints if(d2X > 0.0f) { float f = -1.0f / d2X; X.r += dX.r * f; X.g += dX.g * f; X.b += dX.b * f; } if(d2Y > 0.0f) { float f = -1.0f / d2Y; Y.r += dY.r * f; Y.g += dY.g * f; Y.b += dY.b * f; } if((dX.r * dX.r < fEpsilon) && (dX.g * dX.g < fEpsilon) && (dX.b * dX.b < fEpsilon) && (dY.r * dY.r < fEpsilon) && (dY.g * dY.g < fEpsilon) && (dY.b * dY.b < fEpsilon)) { break; } } pX->r = X.r; pX->g = X.g; pX->b = X.b; pY->r = Y.r; pY->g = Y.g; pY->b = Y.b; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline static void DecodeBC1( _Out_writes_(NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK) XMVECTOR *pColor, _In_ const D3DX_BC1 *pBC, _In_ bool isbc1 ) { assert( pColor && pBC ); static_assert( sizeof(D3DX_BC1) == 8, "D3DX_BC1 should be 8 bytes" ); static XMVECTORF32 s_Scale = { 1.f/31.f, 1.f/63.f, 1.f/31.f, 1.f }; XMVECTOR clr0 = XMLoadU565( reinterpret_cast(&pBC->rgb[0]) ); XMVECTOR clr1 = XMLoadU565( reinterpret_cast(&pBC->rgb[1]) ); clr0 = XMVectorMultiply( clr0, s_Scale ); clr1 = XMVectorMultiply( clr1, s_Scale ); clr0 = XMVectorSwizzle<2, 1, 0, 3>( clr0 ); clr1 = XMVectorSwizzle<2, 1, 0, 3>( clr1 ); clr0 = XMVectorSelect( g_XMIdentityR3, clr0, g_XMSelect1110 ); clr1 = XMVectorSelect( g_XMIdentityR3, clr1, g_XMSelect1110 ); XMVECTOR clr2, clr3; if ( isbc1 && (pBC->rgb[0] <= pBC->rgb[1]) ) { clr2 = XMVectorLerp( clr0, clr1, 0.5f ); clr3 = XMVectorZero(); // Alpha of 0 } else { clr2 = XMVectorLerp( clr0, clr1, 1.f/3.f ); clr3 = XMVectorLerp( clr0, clr1, 2.f/3.f ); } uint32_t dw = pBC->bitmap; for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i, dw >>= 2) { switch(dw & 3) { case 0: pColor[i] = clr0; break; case 1: pColor[i] = clr1; break; case 2: pColor[i] = clr2; break; case 3: default: pColor[i] = clr3; break; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void EncodeBC1(_Out_ D3DX_BC1 *pBC, _In_reads_(NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK) const HDRColorA *pColor, _In_ bool bColorKey, _In_ float alphaRef, _In_ DWORD flags) { assert( pBC && pColor ); static_assert( sizeof(D3DX_BC1) == 8, "D3DX_BC1 should be 8 bytes" ); // Determine if we need to colorkey this block size_t uSteps; if (bColorKey) { size_t uColorKey = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { if(pColor[i].a < alphaRef) uColorKey++; } if(NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK == uColorKey) { pBC->rgb[0] = 0x0000; pBC->rgb[1] = 0xffff; pBC->bitmap = 0xffffffff; return; } uSteps = (uColorKey > 0) ? 3 : 4; } else { uSteps = 4; } // Quantize block to R56B5, using Floyd Stienberg error diffusion. This // increases the chance that colors will map directly to the quantized // axis endpoints. HDRColorA Color[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; HDRColorA Error[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_RGB) memset(Error, 0x00, NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(HDRColorA)); size_t i; for(i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { HDRColorA Clr; Clr.r = pColor[i].r; Clr.g = pColor[i].g; Clr.b = pColor[i].b; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_RGB) { Clr.r += Error[i].r; Clr.g += Error[i].g; Clr.b += Error[i].b; } Color[i].r = (float) static_cast(Clr.r * 31.0f + 0.5f) * (1.0f / 31.0f); Color[i].g = (float) static_cast(Clr.g * 63.0f + 0.5f) * (1.0f / 63.0f); Color[i].b = (float) static_cast(Clr.b * 31.0f + 0.5f) * (1.0f / 31.0f); #ifdef COLOR_WEIGHTS Color[i].a = pColor[i].a; #else Color[i].a = 1.0f; #endif // COLOR_WEIGHTS if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_RGB) { HDRColorA Diff; Diff.r = Color[i].a * (Clr.r - Color[i].r); Diff.g = Color[i].a * (Clr.g - Color[i].g); Diff.b = Color[i].a * (Clr.b - Color[i].b); if(3 != (i & 3)) { assert( i < 15 ); _Analysis_assume_( i < 15 ); Error[i + 1].r += Diff.r * (7.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 1].g += Diff.g * (7.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 1].b += Diff.b * (7.0f / 16.0f); } if(i < 12) { if(i & 3) { Error[i + 3].r += Diff.r * (3.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 3].g += Diff.g * (3.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 3].b += Diff.b * (3.0f / 16.0f); } Error[i + 4].r += Diff.r * (5.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 4].g += Diff.g * (5.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 4].b += Diff.b * (5.0f / 16.0f); if(3 != (i & 3)) { assert( i < 11 ); _Analysis_assume_( i < 11 ); Error[i + 5].r += Diff.r * (1.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 5].g += Diff.g * (1.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 5].b += Diff.b * (1.0f / 16.0f); } } } if ( !( flags & BC_FLAGS_UNIFORM ) ) { Color[i].r *= g_Luminance.r; Color[i].g *= g_Luminance.g; Color[i].b *= g_Luminance.b; } } // Perform 6D root finding function to find two endpoints of color axis. // Then quantize and sort the endpoints depending on mode. HDRColorA ColorA, ColorB, ColorC, ColorD; OptimizeRGB(&ColorA, &ColorB, Color, uSteps, flags); if ( flags & BC_FLAGS_UNIFORM ) { ColorC = ColorA; ColorD = ColorB; } else { ColorC.r = ColorA.r * g_LuminanceInv.r; ColorC.g = ColorA.g * g_LuminanceInv.g; ColorC.b = ColorA.b * g_LuminanceInv.b; ColorD.r = ColorB.r * g_LuminanceInv.r; ColorD.g = ColorB.g * g_LuminanceInv.g; ColorD.b = ColorB.b * g_LuminanceInv.b; } uint16_t wColorA = Encode565(&ColorC); uint16_t wColorB = Encode565(&ColorD); if((uSteps == 4) && (wColorA == wColorB)) { pBC->rgb[0] = wColorA; pBC->rgb[1] = wColorB; pBC->bitmap = 0x00000000; return; } Decode565(&ColorC, wColorA); Decode565(&ColorD, wColorB); if ( flags & BC_FLAGS_UNIFORM ) { ColorA = ColorC; ColorB = ColorD; } else { ColorA.r = ColorC.r * g_Luminance.r; ColorA.g = ColorC.g * g_Luminance.g; ColorA.b = ColorC.b * g_Luminance.b; ColorB.r = ColorD.r * g_Luminance.r; ColorB.g = ColorD.g * g_Luminance.g; ColorB.b = ColorD.b * g_Luminance.b; } // Calculate color steps HDRColorA Step[4]; if((3 == uSteps) == (wColorA <= wColorB)) { pBC->rgb[0] = wColorA; pBC->rgb[1] = wColorB; Step[0] = ColorA; Step[1] = ColorB; } else { pBC->rgb[0] = wColorB; pBC->rgb[1] = wColorA; Step[0] = ColorB; Step[1] = ColorA; } static const size_t pSteps3[] = { 0, 2, 1 }; static const size_t pSteps4[] = { 0, 2, 3, 1 }; const size_t *pSteps; if(3 == uSteps) { pSteps = pSteps3; HDRColorALerp(&Step[2], &Step[0], &Step[1], 0.5f); } else { pSteps = pSteps4; HDRColorALerp(&Step[2], &Step[0], &Step[1], 1.0f / 3.0f); HDRColorALerp(&Step[3], &Step[0], &Step[1], 2.0f / 3.0f); } // Calculate color direction HDRColorA Dir; Dir.r = Step[1].r - Step[0].r; Dir.g = Step[1].g - Step[0].g; Dir.b = Step[1].b - Step[0].b; float fSteps = (float) (uSteps - 1); float fScale = (wColorA != wColorB) ? (fSteps / (Dir.r * Dir.r + Dir.g * Dir.g + Dir.b * Dir.b)) : 0.0f; Dir.r *= fScale; Dir.g *= fScale; Dir.b *= fScale; // Encode colors uint32_t dw = 0; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_RGB) memset(Error, 0x00, NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(HDRColorA)); for(i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { if((3 == uSteps) && (pColor[i].a < alphaRef)) { dw = (3 << 30) | (dw >> 2); } else { HDRColorA Clr; if ( flags & BC_FLAGS_UNIFORM ) { Clr.r = pColor[i].r; Clr.g = pColor[i].g; Clr.b = pColor[i].b; } else { Clr.r = pColor[i].r * g_Luminance.r; Clr.g = pColor[i].g * g_Luminance.g; Clr.b = pColor[i].b * g_Luminance.b; } if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_RGB) { Clr.r += Error[i].r; Clr.g += Error[i].g; Clr.b += Error[i].b; } float fDot = (Clr.r - Step[0].r) * Dir.r + (Clr.g - Step[0].g) * Dir.g + (Clr.b - Step[0].b) * Dir.b; uint32_t iStep; if(fDot <= 0.0f) iStep = 0; else if(fDot >= fSteps) iStep = 1; else iStep = static_cast( pSteps[static_cast(fDot + 0.5f)] ); dw = (iStep << 30) | (dw >> 2); if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_RGB) { HDRColorA Diff; Diff.r = Color[i].a * (Clr.r - Step[iStep].r); Diff.g = Color[i].a * (Clr.g - Step[iStep].g); Diff.b = Color[i].a * (Clr.b - Step[iStep].b); if(3 != (i & 3)) { Error[i + 1].r += Diff.r * (7.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 1].g += Diff.g * (7.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 1].b += Diff.b * (7.0f / 16.0f); } if(i < 12) { if(i & 3) { Error[i + 3].r += Diff.r * (3.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 3].g += Diff.g * (3.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 3].b += Diff.b * (3.0f / 16.0f); } Error[i + 4].r += Diff.r * (5.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 4].g += Diff.g * (5.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 4].b += Diff.b * (5.0f / 16.0f); if(3 != (i & 3)) { Error[i + 5].r += Diff.r * (1.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 5].g += Diff.g * (1.0f / 16.0f); Error[i + 5].b += Diff.b * (1.0f / 16.0f); } } } } } pBC->bitmap = dw; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef COLOR_WEIGHTS static void EncodeSolidBC1(_Out_ D3DX_BC1 *pBC, _In_reads_(NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK) const HDRColorA *pColor) { #ifdef COLOR_AVG_0WEIGHTS // Compute avg color HDRColorA Color; Color.r = pColor[0].r; Color.g = pColor[0].g; Color.b = pColor[0].b; for(size_t i = 1; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { Color.r += pColor[i].r; Color.g += pColor[i].g; Color.b += pColor[i].b; } Color.r *= 1.0f / 16.0f; Color.g *= 1.0f / 16.0f; Color.b *= 1.0f / 16.0f; uint16_t wColor = Encode565(&Color); #else uint16_t wColor = 0x0000; #endif // COLOR_AVG_0WEIGHTS // Encode solid block pBC->rgb[0] = wColor; pBC->rgb[1] = wColor; pBC->bitmap = 0x00000000; } #endif // COLOR_WEIGHTS //===================================================================================== // Entry points //===================================================================================== //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BC1 Compression //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Use_decl_annotations_ void D3DXDecodeBC1(XMVECTOR *pColor, const uint8_t *pBC) { auto pBC1 = reinterpret_cast(pBC); DecodeBC1( pColor, pBC1, true ); } _Use_decl_annotations_ void D3DXEncodeBC1(uint8_t *pBC, const XMVECTOR *pColor, float alphaRef, DWORD flags) { assert( pBC && pColor ); HDRColorA Color[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) { float fError[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; memset(fError, 0x00, NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(float)); for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { HDRColorA clr; XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast( &clr ), pColor[i] ); float fAlph = clr.a + fError[i]; Color[i].r = clr.r; Color[i].g = clr.g; Color[i].b = clr.b; Color[i].a = (float) static_cast(clr.a + fError[i] + 0.5f); float fDiff = fAlph - Color[i].a; if(3 != (i & 3)) { assert( i < 15 ); _Analysis_assume_( i < 15 ); fError[i + 1] += fDiff * (7.0f / 16.0f); } if(i < 12) { if(i & 3) fError[i + 3] += fDiff * (3.0f / 16.0f); fError[i + 4] += fDiff * (5.0f / 16.0f); if(3 != (i & 3)) { assert( i < 11 ); _Analysis_assume_( i < 11 ); fError[i + 5] += fDiff * (1.0f / 16.0f); } } } } else { for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast( &Color[i] ), pColor[i] ); } } auto pBC1 = reinterpret_cast(pBC); EncodeBC1(pBC1, Color, true, alphaRef, flags); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BC2 Compression //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Use_decl_annotations_ void D3DXDecodeBC2(XMVECTOR *pColor, const uint8_t *pBC) { assert( pColor && pBC ); static_assert( sizeof(D3DX_BC2) == 16, "D3DX_BC2 should be 16 bytes" ); auto pBC2 = reinterpret_cast(pBC); // RGB part DecodeBC1(pColor, &pBC2->bc1, false); // 4-bit alpha part DWORD dw = pBC2->bitmap[0]; for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i, dw >>= 4) { #pragma prefast(suppress:22103, "writing blocks in two halves confuses tool") pColor[i] = XMVectorSetW( pColor[i], (float) (dw & 0xf) * (1.0f / 15.0f) ); } dw = pBC2->bitmap[1]; for(size_t i = 8; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i, dw >>= 4) pColor[i] = XMVectorSetW( pColor[i], (float) (dw & 0xf) * (1.0f / 15.0f) ); } _Use_decl_annotations_ void D3DXEncodeBC2(uint8_t *pBC, const XMVECTOR *pColor, DWORD flags) { assert( pBC && pColor ); static_assert( sizeof(D3DX_BC2) == 16, "D3DX_BC2 should be 16 bytes" ); HDRColorA Color[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast( &Color[i] ), pColor[i] ); } auto pBC2 = reinterpret_cast(pBC); // 4-bit alpha part. Dithered using Floyd Stienberg error diffusion. pBC2->bitmap[0] = 0; pBC2->bitmap[1] = 0; float fError[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) memset(fError, 0x00, NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(float)); for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { float fAlph = Color[i].a; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) fAlph += fError[i]; uint32_t u = (uint32_t) static_cast(fAlph * 15.0f + 0.5f); pBC2->bitmap[i >> 3] >>= 4; pBC2->bitmap[i >> 3] |= (u << 28); if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) { float fDiff = fAlph - (float) u * (1.0f / 15.0f); if(3 != (i & 3)) { assert( i < 15 ); _Analysis_assume_( i < 15 ); fError[i + 1] += fDiff * (7.0f / 16.0f); } if(i < 12) { if(i & 3) fError[i + 3] += fDiff * (3.0f / 16.0f); fError[i + 4] += fDiff * (5.0f / 16.0f); if(3 != (i & 3)) { assert( i < 11 ); _Analysis_assume_( i < 11 ); fError[i + 5] += fDiff * (1.0f / 16.0f); } } } } // RGB part #ifdef COLOR_WEIGHTS if(!pBC2->bitmap[0] && !pBC2->bitmap[1]) { EncodeSolidBC1(pBC2->dxt1, Color); return; } #endif // COLOR_WEIGHTS EncodeBC1(&pBC2->bc1, Color, false, 0.f, flags); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BC3 Compression //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Use_decl_annotations_ void D3DXDecodeBC3(XMVECTOR *pColor, const uint8_t *pBC) { assert( pColor && pBC ); static_assert( sizeof(D3DX_BC3) == 16, "D3DX_BC3 should be 16 bytes" ); auto pBC3 = reinterpret_cast(pBC); // RGB part DecodeBC1(pColor, &pBC3->bc1, false); // Adaptive 3-bit alpha part float fAlpha[8]; fAlpha[0] = ((float) pBC3->alpha[0]) * (1.0f / 255.0f); fAlpha[1] = ((float) pBC3->alpha[1]) * (1.0f / 255.0f); if(pBC3->alpha[0] > pBC3->alpha[1]) { for(size_t i = 1; i < 7; ++i) fAlpha[i + 1] = (fAlpha[0] * (7 - i) + fAlpha[1] * i) * (1.0f / 7.0f); } else { for(size_t i = 1; i < 5; ++i) fAlpha[i + 1] = (fAlpha[0] * (5 - i) + fAlpha[1] * i) * (1.0f / 5.0f); fAlpha[6] = 0.0f; fAlpha[7] = 1.0f; } DWORD dw = pBC3->bitmap[0] | (pBC3->bitmap[1] << 8) | (pBC3->bitmap[2] << 16); for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i, dw >>= 3) pColor[i] = XMVectorSetW( pColor[i], fAlpha[dw & 0x7] ); dw = pBC3->bitmap[3] | (pBC3->bitmap[4] << 8) | (pBC3->bitmap[5] << 16); for(size_t i = 8; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i, dw >>= 3) pColor[i] = XMVectorSetW( pColor[i], fAlpha[dw & 0x7] ); } _Use_decl_annotations_ void D3DXEncodeBC3(uint8_t *pBC, const XMVECTOR *pColor, DWORD flags) { assert( pBC && pColor ); static_assert( sizeof(D3DX_BC3) == 16, "D3DX_BC3 should be 16 bytes" ); HDRColorA Color[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { XMStoreFloat4( reinterpret_cast( &Color[i] ), pColor[i] ); } auto pBC3 = reinterpret_cast(pBC); // Quantize block to A8, using Floyd Stienberg error diffusion. This // increases the chance that colors will map directly to the quantized // axis endpoints. float fAlpha[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; float fError[NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK]; float fMinAlpha = Color[0].a; float fMaxAlpha = Color[0].a; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) memset(fError, 0x00, NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(float)); for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i) { float fAlph = Color[i].a; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) fAlph += fError[i]; fAlpha[i] = static_cast(fAlph * 255.0f + 0.5f) * (1.0f / 255.0f); if(fAlpha[i] < fMinAlpha) fMinAlpha = fAlpha[i]; else if(fAlpha[i] > fMaxAlpha) fMaxAlpha = fAlpha[i]; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) { float fDiff = fAlph - fAlpha[i]; if(3 != (i & 3)) { assert( i < 15 ); _Analysis_assume_( i < 15 ); fError[i + 1] += fDiff * (7.0f / 16.0f); } if(i < 12) { if(i & 3) fError[i + 3] += fDiff * (3.0f / 16.0f); fError[i + 4] += fDiff * (5.0f / 16.0f); if(3 != (i & 3)) { assert( i < 11 ); _Analysis_assume_( i < 11 ); fError[i + 5] += fDiff * (1.0f / 16.0f); } } } } #ifdef COLOR_WEIGHTS if(0.0f == fMaxAlpha) { EncodeSolidBC1(&pBC3->dxt1, Color); pBC3->alpha[0] = 0x00; pBC3->alpha[1] = 0x00; memset(pBC3->bitmap, 0x00, 6); } #endif // RGB part EncodeBC1(&pBC3->bc1, Color, false, 0.f, flags); // Alpha part if(1.0f == fMinAlpha) { pBC3->alpha[0] = 0xff; pBC3->alpha[1] = 0xff; memset(pBC3->bitmap, 0x00, 6); return; } // Optimize and Quantize Min and Max values size_t uSteps = ((0.0f == fMinAlpha) || (1.0f == fMaxAlpha)) ? 6 : 8; float fAlphaA, fAlphaB; OptimizeAlpha(&fAlphaA, &fAlphaB, fAlpha, uSteps); uint8_t bAlphaA = (uint8_t) static_cast(fAlphaA * 255.0f + 0.5f); uint8_t bAlphaB = (uint8_t) static_cast(fAlphaB * 255.0f + 0.5f); fAlphaA = (float) bAlphaA * (1.0f / 255.0f); fAlphaB = (float) bAlphaB * (1.0f / 255.0f); // Setup block if((8 == uSteps) && (bAlphaA == bAlphaB)) { pBC3->alpha[0] = bAlphaA; pBC3->alpha[1] = bAlphaB; memset(pBC3->bitmap, 0x00, 6); return; } static const size_t pSteps6[] = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 }; static const size_t pSteps8[] = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1 }; const size_t *pSteps; float fStep[8]; if(6 == uSteps) { pBC3->alpha[0] = bAlphaA; pBC3->alpha[1] = bAlphaB; fStep[0] = fAlphaA; fStep[1] = fAlphaB; for(size_t i = 1; i < 5; ++i) fStep[i + 1] = (fStep[0] * (5 - i) + fStep[1] * i) * (1.0f / 5.0f); fStep[6] = 0.0f; fStep[7] = 1.0f; pSteps = pSteps6; } else { pBC3->alpha[0] = bAlphaB; pBC3->alpha[1] = bAlphaA; fStep[0] = fAlphaB; fStep[1] = fAlphaA; for(size_t i = 1; i < 7; ++i) fStep[i + 1] = (fStep[0] * (7 - i) + fStep[1] * i) * (1.0f / 7.0f); pSteps = pSteps8; } // Encode alpha bitmap float fSteps = (float) (uSteps - 1); float fScale = (fStep[0] != fStep[1]) ? (fSteps / (fStep[1] - fStep[0])) : 0.0f; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) memset(fError, 0x00, NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK * sizeof(float)); for(size_t iSet = 0; iSet < 2; iSet++) { uint32_t dw = 0; size_t iMin = iSet * 8; size_t iLim = iMin + 8; for(size_t i = iMin; i < iLim; ++i) { float fAlph = Color[i].a; if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) fAlph += fError[i]; float fDot = (fAlph - fStep[0]) * fScale; uint32_t iStep; if(fDot <= 0.0f) iStep = ((6 == uSteps) && (fAlph <= fStep[0] * 0.5f)) ? 6 : 0; else if(fDot >= fSteps) iStep = ((6 == uSteps) && (fAlph >= (fStep[1] + 1.0f) * 0.5f)) ? 7 : 1; else iStep = static_cast( pSteps[static_cast(fDot + 0.5f)] ); dw = (iStep << 21) | (dw >> 3); if (flags & BC_FLAGS_DITHER_A) { float fDiff = (fAlph - fStep[iStep]); if(3 != (i & 3)) fError[i + 1] += fDiff * (7.0f / 16.0f); if(i < 12) { if(i & 3) fError[i + 3] += fDiff * (3.0f / 16.0f); fError[i + 4] += fDiff * (5.0f / 16.0f); if(3 != (i & 3)) fError[i + 5] += fDiff * (1.0f / 16.0f); } } } pBC3->bitmap[0 + iSet * 3] = ((uint8_t *) &dw)[0]; pBC3->bitmap[1 + iSet * 3] = ((uint8_t *) &dw)[1]; pBC3->bitmap[2 + iSet * 3] = ((uint8_t *) &dw)[2]; } } } // namespace