# Switch-Toolbox A tool to edit many formats of Nintendo Switch and some Wii U. ## Note not all libraries and files are pushed to this tool YET. This is in BETA and not final! Code also needs some major clean up! ## Credits - Smash Forge Devs (SMG, Ploaj, jam1garner, smb123w64gb, etc) for some code ported over. Specifically animation stuff and some rendering. - Assimp devs for their massive asset library! - Wexos (helped figure out a few things, ie format list to assign each attribute) - JuPaHe64 for the base 3D renderer. - Every File Explorer devs (Gericom) for Yaz0 stuff - Exelix for Byaml, Sarc and KCL library - Syroot for helpful IO extensions and libraies - GDK Chan for some DDS decode methods - AboodXD for some foundation stuff with exelix's SARC library and BNTX texture swizzling and documentation - MelonSpeedruns for logo. Resources - [Treeview Icons by icons8](https://icons8.com/) - Smash Forge (Currently placeholders) Libaries - [Exelix (Sarc, kcl, and byml libraries)](https://github.com/exelix11/EditorCore/tree/master/FileFormatPlugins) - [ZstdNet (Compression)](https://github.com/skbkontur/ZstdNet) - [Be.HexEditor by Bernhard Elbl](https://sourceforge.net/projects/hexbox/) - GL EditorFramwork by jupahe64 - [WeifenLuo for docking suite](http://dockpanelsuite.com/) - [SF Graphics by SMG (Experimental](https://github.com/ScanMountGoat/SFGraphics) (currently just a placeholder for shader workflow and some useful things) - [Audio & MIDI library](https://github.com/naudio/NAudio) - [VGAudio](https://github.com/Thealexbarney/VGAudio) - [Assimp](https://bitbucket.org/Starnick/assimpnet/src/master/) - [OpenTK](https://github.com/opentk/opentk) - [BezelEngineArchive Library](https://github.com/KillzXGaming/BEA-Library-Editor) - [Syroot BinaryData](https://gitlab.com/Syroot/BinaryData) - [Syroot Maths](https://gitlab.com/Syroot/Maths) - [Syroot Bfres Library (Wii U)](https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools.Bfres) - [Costura for embedding data for plugins](https://github.com/Fody/Costura) - [CsvHelper (unused atm but planned to be used](https://joshclose.github.io/CsvHelper/) License in Switch_Toolbox\Lib\Licenses Please note if you do not want your library used or if i'm missing credits!