using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Toolbox.Library { public class TegraX1Swizzle { // Swizzle code and surface calculations are performed using an efficient Rust implementation. // C# code can call the Rust code using the library's C API. // Github: // FFI Docs: // 64 Bit. [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct BlockDimX64 { public ulong width; public ulong height; public ulong depth; } [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x64", EntryPoint = "deswizzle_surface")] private static unsafe extern void DeswizzleSurfaceX64(ulong width, ulong height, ulong depth, byte* source, ulong sourceLength, byte* destination, ulong destinationLength, BlockDimX64 blockDim, ulong blockHeightMip0, ulong bytesPerPixel, ulong mipmapCount, ulong arrayCount); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x64", EntryPoint = "swizzle_surface")] private static unsafe extern void SwizzleSurfaceX64(ulong width, ulong height, ulong depth, byte* source, ulong sourceLength, byte* destination, ulong destinationLength, BlockDimX64 blockDim, ulong blockHeightMip0, ulong bytesPerPixel, ulong mipmapCount, ulong arrayCount); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x64", EntryPoint = "deswizzle_block_linear")] private static unsafe extern void DeswizzleBlockLinearX64(ulong width, ulong height, ulong depth, byte* source, ulong sourceLength, byte* destination, ulong destinationLength, ulong blockHeight, ulong bytesPerPixel); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x64", EntryPoint = "swizzle_block_linear")] private static unsafe extern void SwizzleBlockLinearX64(ulong width, ulong height, ulong depth, byte* source, ulong sourceLength, byte* destination, ulong destinationLength, ulong blockHeight, ulong bytesPerPixel); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x64", EntryPoint = "swizzled_surface_size")] private static extern ulong SwizzledSurfaceSizeX64(ulong width, ulong height, ulong depth, BlockDimX64 blockDim, ulong blockHeightMip0, ulong bytesPerPixel, ulong mipmapCount, ulong arrayCount); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x64", EntryPoint = "deswizzled_surface_size")] private static extern ulong DeswizzledSurfaceSizeX64(ulong width, ulong height, ulong depth, BlockDimX64 blockDim, ulong bytesPerPixel, ulong mipmapCount, ulong arrayCount); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x64", EntryPoint = "block_height_mip0")] private static extern ulong BlockHeightMip0X64(ulong height); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x64", EntryPoint = "mip_block_height")] private static extern ulong MipBlockHeightX64(ulong mipHeight, ulong blockHeightMip0); // 32 Bit. [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct BlockDimX86 { public uint width; public uint height; public uint depth; } [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x86", EntryPoint = "deswizzle_surface")] private static unsafe extern void DeswizzleSurfaceX86(uint width, uint height, uint depth, byte* source, uint sourceLength, byte* destination, uint destinationLength, BlockDimX86 blockDim, uint blockHeightMip0, uint bytesPerPixel, uint mipmapCount, uint arrayCount); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x86", EntryPoint = "swizzle_surface")] private static unsafe extern void SwizzleSurfaceX86(uint width, uint height, uint depth, byte* source, uint sourceLength, byte* destination, uint destinationLength, BlockDimX86 blockDim, uint blockHeightMip0, uint bytesPerPixel, uint mipmapCount, uint arrayCount); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x86", EntryPoint = "deswizzle_block_linear")] private static unsafe extern void DeswizzleBlockLinearX86(uint width, uint height, uint depth, byte* source, uint sourceLength, byte* destination, uint destinationLength, uint blockHeight, uint bytesPerPixel); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x86", EntryPoint = "swizzle_block_linear")] private static unsafe extern void SwizzleBlockLinearX86(uint width, uint height, uint depth, byte* source, uint sourceLength, byte* destination, uint destinationLength, uint blockHeight, uint bytesPerPixel); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x86", EntryPoint = "swizzled_surface_size")] private static extern uint SwizzledSurfaceSizeX86(uint width, uint height, uint depth, BlockDimX86 blockDim, uint blockHeightMip0, uint bytesPerPixel, uint mipmapCount, uint arrayCount); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x86", EntryPoint = "deswizzled_surface_size")] private static extern uint DeswizzledSurfaceSizeX86(uint width, uint height, uint depth, BlockDimX86 blockDim, uint bytesPerPixel, uint mipmapCount, uint arrayCount); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x86", EntryPoint = "block_height_mip0")] private static extern uint BlockHeightMip0X86(uint height); [DllImport("tegra_swizzle_x86", EntryPoint = "mip_block_height")] private static extern uint MipBlockHeightX86(uint mipHeight, uint blockHeightMip0); public static List GenerateMipSizes(TEX_FORMAT Format, uint Width, uint Height, uint Depth, uint SurfaceCount, uint MipCount) { List MipMapSizes = new List(); uint bpp = STGenericTexture.GetBytesPerPixel(Format); uint blkWidth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockWidth(Format); uint blkHeight = STGenericTexture.GetBlockHeight(Format); uint blkDepth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockDepth(Format); for (int arrayLevel = 0; arrayLevel < SurfaceCount; arrayLevel++) { uint[] MipOffsets = new uint[MipCount]; for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < MipCount; mipLevel++) { uint width = Math.Max(1, Width >> mipLevel); uint height = Math.Max(1, Height >> mipLevel); uint depth = Math.Max(1, Depth >> mipLevel); uint size = DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth) * DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight) * DIV_ROUND_UP(depth, blkDepth) * bpp; MipOffsets[mipLevel] = size; } MipMapSizes.Add(MipOffsets); } return MipMapSizes; } public static byte[] GetImageData(STGenericTexture texture, byte[] ImageData, int ArrayLevel, int MipLevel, int DepthLevel, int target = 1, bool LinearTileMode = false) { uint blkHeight = STGenericTexture.GetBlockHeight(texture.Format); uint blkDepth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockDepth(texture.Format); uint blockHeight = GetBlockHeight(DIV_ROUND_UP(texture.Height, blkHeight)); uint BlockHeightLog2 = (uint)Convert.ToString(blockHeight, 2).Length - 1; return GetImageData(texture, ImageData, ArrayLevel, MipLevel, DepthLevel, BlockHeightLog2, target, LinearTileMode); } public static byte[] GetDirectImageData(STGenericTexture texture, byte[] ImageData, int mipLevel, int target = 1, bool LinearTileMode = false) { uint blkWidth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockWidth(texture.Format); uint blkHeight = STGenericTexture.GetBlockHeight(texture.Format); uint blkDepth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockDepth(texture.Format); var blockHeightMip0 = GetBlockHeight(DIV_ROUND_UP(texture.Height, blkHeight)); uint bpp = STGenericTexture.GetBytesPerPixel(texture.Format); uint TileMode = LinearTileMode ? 1u : 0u; uint width = Math.Max(1, texture.Width >> mipLevel); uint height = Math.Max(1, texture.Height >> mipLevel); uint depth = Math.Max(1, texture.Depth >> mipLevel); uint heightInBlocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight); // tegra_swizzle only allows block heights supported by the TRM (1,2,4,8,16,32). var mipBlockHeightLog2 = (int)Math.Log(GetMipBlockHeight(heightInBlocks, blockHeightMip0), 2); try { byte[] result = deswizzle(width, height, depth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, target, bpp, TileMode, mipBlockHeightLog2, ImageData); return result; } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show($"Failed to swizzle texture {texture.Text}!"); Console.WriteLine(e); return new byte[0]; } } public static byte[] GetImageData(STGenericTexture texture, byte[] ImageData, int ArrayLevel, int MipLevel, int DepthLevel, uint BlockHeightLog2, int target = 1, bool LinearTileMode = false) { uint bpp = STGenericTexture.GetBytesPerPixel(texture.Format); uint blkWidth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockWidth(texture.Format); uint blkHeight = STGenericTexture.GetBlockHeight(texture.Format); uint blkDepth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockDepth(texture.Format); uint TileMode = 0; if (LinearTileMode) TileMode = 1; uint width = texture.Width; uint height = texture.Height; uint depth = Math.Max(1, texture.Depth); var blockHeightMip0 = GetBlockHeight(DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight)); var blockDim = new BlockDimX64 { width = blkWidth, height = blkHeight, depth = blkDepth }; uint arrayOffset = 0; // TODO: Why is depth done like this? for (int depthLevel = 0; depthLevel < depth; depthLevel++) { for (int arrayLevel = 0; arrayLevel < texture.ArrayCount; arrayLevel++) { var mipOffset = 0u; for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < texture.MipCount; mipLevel++) { uint mipWidth = Math.Max(1, width >> mipLevel); uint mipHeight = Math.Max(1, height >> mipLevel); uint mipDepth = Math.Max(1, depth >> mipLevel); uint mipHeightInBlocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(mipHeight, blkHeight); // tegra_swizzle only allows block heights supported by the TRM (1,2,4,8,16,32). var mipBlockHeightLog2 = (int)Math.Log(GetMipBlockHeight(mipHeightInBlocks, blockHeightMip0), 2); uint mipSize = (uint)SwizzledSurfaceSizeX64(mipWidth, mipHeight, mipDepth, blockDim, blockHeightMip0, bpp, 1, 1); // TODO: Avoid this copy. byte[] mipData = Utils.SubArray(ImageData, arrayOffset + mipOffset, mipSize); try { if (ArrayLevel == arrayLevel && MipLevel == mipLevel && DepthLevel == depthLevel) { // The set of swizzled addresses is at least as big as the set of linear addresses. // When defined appropriately, we only require a single memory allocation for the output. byte[] result = deswizzle(mipWidth, mipHeight, mipDepth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, target, bpp, TileMode, mipBlockHeightLog2, mipData); return result; } } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show($"Failed to swizzle texture {texture.Text}!"); Console.WriteLine(e); return new byte[0]; } mipOffset += mipSize; } arrayOffset += (uint)(ImageData.Length / texture.ArrayCount); } } return new byte[0]; } private static unsafe byte[] SwizzleDeswizzleBlockLinear(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint blkWidth, uint blkHeight, uint blkDepth, uint bpp, int blockHeightLog2, byte[] data, bool deswizzle, uint size, uint alignment = 512) { // tegra_swizzle only allows block heights supported by the TRM (1,2,4,8,16,32). var blockHeightMip0 = (ulong)(1 << Math.Max(Math.Min(blockHeightLog2, 5), 0)); if (deswizzle) { // This function expects the surface dimensions in blocks rather than pixels for block compressed formats. // This ensures the bytes per pixel parameter is used correctly. width = DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth); height = DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight); depth = DIV_ROUND_UP(depth, blkDepth); var output = new byte[width * height * depth * bpp]; DeswizzleBlockLinear(width, height, depth, bpp, data, (uint)blockHeightMip0, output); return output; } else { var blockDim = new BlockDimX86 { width = blkWidth, height = blkHeight, depth = blkDepth }; ulong surfaceSize = SwizzledSurfaceSize(width, height, depth, blockDim, (uint)blockHeightMip0, bpp, 1, 1); var output = new byte[surfaceSize]; // This function expects the surface dimensions in blocks rather than pixels for block compressed formats. // This ensures the bytes per pixel parameter is used correctly. width = DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth); height = DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight); depth = DIV_ROUND_UP(depth, blkDepth); SwizzleBlockLinear(width, height, depth, bpp, data, (uint)blockHeightMip0, output); return output; } } private static unsafe void SwizzleBlockLinear(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint bpp, byte[] data, uint blockHeightMip0, byte[] output) { fixed (byte* dataPtr = data) { fixed (byte* outputPtr = output) { if (Environment.Is64BitProcess) SwizzleBlockLinearX64(width, height, depth, dataPtr, (ulong)data.Length, outputPtr, (ulong)output.Length, blockHeightMip0, bpp); else SwizzleBlockLinearX86(width, height, depth, dataPtr, (uint)data.Length, outputPtr, (uint)output.Length, blockHeightMip0, bpp); } } } private static unsafe void DeswizzleBlockLinear(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint bpp, byte[] data, uint blockHeightMip0, byte[] output) { fixed (byte* dataPtr = data) { fixed (byte* outputPtr = output) { if (Environment.Is64BitProcess) DeswizzleBlockLinearX64(width, height, depth, dataPtr, (ulong)data.Length, outputPtr, (ulong)output.Length, blockHeightMip0, bpp); else DeswizzleBlockLinearX86(width, height, depth, dataPtr, (uint)data.Length, outputPtr, (uint)output.Length, blockHeightMip0, bpp); } } } private static ulong SwizzledSurfaceSize(uint width, uint height, uint depth, BlockDimX86 blockDim, uint blockHeightMip0, uint bytesPerPixel, uint mipmapCount, uint arrayCount) { if (Environment.Is64BitProcess) { var blockDimX64 = new BlockDimX64 { width = blockDim.width, height = blockDim.height, depth = blockDim.depth }; return SwizzledSurfaceSizeX64(width, height, depth, blockDimX64, blockHeightMip0, bytesPerPixel, mipmapCount, arrayCount); } else { return SwizzledSurfaceSizeX86(width, height, depth, blockDim, blockHeightMip0, bytesPerPixel, mipmapCount, arrayCount); } } public static uint GetBlockHeight(uint heightInBytes) { if (Environment.Is64BitProcess) return (uint)BlockHeightMip0X64(heightInBytes); else return BlockHeightMip0X86(heightInBytes); } public static uint GetMipBlockHeight(uint mipHeightInBytes, uint blockHeightMip0) { if (Environment.Is64BitProcess) return (uint)MipBlockHeightX64(mipHeightInBytes, blockHeightMip0); else return MipBlockHeightX86(mipHeightInBytes, blockHeightMip0); } // TODO: These should not be public. public static byte[] deswizzle(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint blkWidth, uint blkHeight, uint blkDepth, int roundPitch, uint bpp, uint tileMode, int blockHeightLog2, byte[] data) { if (tileMode == 1) return SwizzlePitchLinear(width, height, depth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, roundPitch, bpp, blockHeightLog2, data, true, 0); else return SwizzleDeswizzleBlockLinear(width, height, depth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, bpp, blockHeightLog2, data, true, 0); } public static byte[] swizzle(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint blkWidth, uint blkHeight, uint blkDepth, int roundPitch, uint bpp, uint tileMode, int blockHeightLog2, byte[] data, uint size) { if (tileMode == 1) return SwizzlePitchLinear(width, height, depth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, roundPitch, bpp, blockHeightLog2, data, false, size); else return SwizzleDeswizzleBlockLinear(width, height, depth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, bpp, blockHeightLog2, data, false, size); } /*--------------------------------------- * * Code ported from AboodXD's BNTX Extractor * *---------------------------------------*/ public static uint DIV_ROUND_UP(uint n, uint d) { return (n + d - 1) / d; } public static uint round_up(uint x, uint y) { return ((x - 1) | (y - 1)) + 1; } public static uint pow2_round_up(uint x) { x -= 1; x |= x >> 1; x |= x >> 2; x |= x >> 4; x |= x >> 8; x |= x >> 16; return x + 1; } private static byte[] SwizzlePitchLinear(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint blkWidth, uint blkHeight, uint blkDepth, int roundPitch, uint bpp, int blockHeightLog2, byte[] data, bool deswizzle, uint size) { // TODO: Investigate doing this more efficiently in Rust. width = DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth); height = DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight); depth = DIV_ROUND_UP(depth, blkDepth); uint pitch; uint surfSize; pitch = width * bpp; if (roundPitch == 1) pitch = round_up(pitch, 32); surfSize = pitch * height; byte[] result = new byte[surfSize]; for (uint z = 0; z < depth; z++) { for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint pos; uint pos_; pos = y * pitch + x * bpp; pos_ = (y * width + x) * bpp; if (pos + bpp <= surfSize) { if (!deswizzle) Array.Copy(data, pos, result, pos_, bpp); else Array.Copy(data, pos_, result, pos, bpp); } } } } return result; } } }