using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library; namespace FirstPlugin { public class NSWShaderDecompile { public enum NswShaderType { Vertex, Geometry, Fragment, Compute } public static string DecompileShader(NswShaderType shaderType, byte[] Data, ulong Address = 0) { string TypeArg = "v"; switch (shaderType) { case NswShaderType.Vertex: TypeArg = "v"; break; case NswShaderType.Fragment: TypeArg = "f"; break; case NswShaderType.Geometry: TypeArg = "g"; break; } if (!Directory.Exists("temp")) Directory.CreateDirectory("temp"); if (!Directory.Exists("ShaderTools")) Directory.CreateDirectory("ShaderTools"); // File.WriteAllBytes("temp/shader1.bin", Utils.CombineByteArray(data.ToArray())); File.WriteAllBytes("temp/shader1.bin", Data); if (!File.Exists($"{Runtime.ExecutableDir}/ShaderTools/Ryujinx.ShaderTools.exe")) { MessageBox.Show("No shader decompiler found in ShaderTools. If you want to decompile a shader, you can use Ryujinx's ShaderTools.exe and put in the ShaderTools folder of the toolbox."); return ""; } ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo(); start.FileName = "ShaderTools/Ryujinx.ShaderTools.exe"; start.WorkingDirectory = Runtime.ExecutableDir; start.Arguments = $"{TypeArg} {Utils.AddQuotesIfRequired("temp/shader1.bin")}"; start.UseShellExecute = false; start.RedirectStandardOutput = true; start.CreateNoWindow = true; start.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; using (Process process = Process.Start(start)) { using (StreamReader reader = process.StandardOutput) { try { return reader.ReadToEnd(); } catch (Exception ex) { Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms.STErrorDialog.Show("Failed to decompile shader!", "Shader Tools", ex.ToString()); return ""; } } } } } }