using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.ComponentModel.Design; namespace Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms { [Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ParentControlDesigner, System.Design", typeof(IDesigner))] public partial class STDropDownPanel : STPanel { private Size _previousParentSize = Size.Empty; public Image SetIcon { get { return stCollapsePanelButton1.SetIcon; } set { stCollapsePanelButton1.SetIcon = value; } } public Color SetIconColor { get { return stCollapsePanelButton1.SetIconColor; } set { stCollapsePanelButton1.SetIconColor = value; } } public Color SetIconAlphaColor { get { return stCollapsePanelButton1.SetIconAlphaColor; } set { stCollapsePanelButton1.SetIconAlphaColor = value; } } /// /// Height of panel in expanded state /// private int _expandedHeight; /// /// Height of panel in collapsed state /// private readonly int _collapsedHeight; public string PanelName { get { return stCollapsePanelButton1.PanelName; } set { stCollapsePanelButton1.PanelName = value; } } public string PanelValueName { get { return stCollapsePanelButton1.PanelValueName; } set { stCollapsePanelButton1.PanelValueName = value; } } private InternalPanelState _internalPanelState; private enum InternalPanelState { Normal, Expanding, Collapsing } public void AddColorPreview(Color color) { } public STDropDownPanel() { InitializeComponent(); _collapsedHeight = stCollapsePanelButton1.Location.Y + stCollapsePanelButton1.Size.Height; // _collapsedHeight = stCollapsePanelButton1.Location.Y + stCollapsePanelButton1.Size.Height + stCollapsePanelButton1.Margin.Bottom; stCollapsePanelButton1.Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - stCollapsePanelButton1.Margin.Left - stCollapsePanelButton1.Margin.Right, stCollapsePanelButton1.Height); stCollapsePanelButton1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top; stCollapsePanelButton1.AutoSize = true; stCollapsePanelButton1.IsExpanded = true; stCollapsePanelButton1.ExpandCollapse += BtnExpandCollapseExpandCollapse; } public bool IsExpanded { get { return stCollapsePanelButton1.IsExpanded; } set { if (stCollapsePanelButton1.IsExpanded != value) stCollapsePanelButton1.IsExpanded = value; } } public int ExpandedHeight { get { return _expandedHeight; } set { _expandedHeight = value; if (IsExpanded) { Height = _expandedHeight; } } } public event EventHandler ExpandCollapse; private void BtnExpandCollapseExpandCollapse(object sender, ExpandCollapseEventArgs e) { if (e.IsExpanded) // if button is expanded now { Expand(); // expand the panel } else { Collapse(); // collapse the panel } // Retrieve expand-collapse state changed event for panel EventHandler handler = ExpandCollapse; if (handler != null) handler(this, e); } protected virtual void Expand() { _internalPanelState = InternalPanelState.Normal; Size = new Size(Size.Width, _expandedHeight); } protected virtual void Collapse() { if (_internalPanelState == InternalPanelState.Normal) { // store current panel height in expanded state _expandedHeight = Size.Height; } Size = new Size(Size.Width, _collapsedHeight); } protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnSizeChanged(e); // we always manually scale expand-collapse button for filling the horizontal space of panel: stCollapsePanelButton1.Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - stCollapsePanelButton1.Margin.Left - stCollapsePanelButton1.Margin.Right, stCollapsePanelButton1.Height); #region Handling panel's Anchor property sets to Bottom when panel collapsed if (!IsExpanded // if panel collapsed && ((Anchor & AnchorStyles.Bottom) != 0) //and panel's Anchor property sets to Bottom && Size.Height != _collapsedHeight // and panel height is changed (it could happens only if parent control just has resized) && Parent != null) // and panel has the parent control { // main, calculate the parent control resize diff and add it to expandedHeight value: _expandedHeight += Parent.Height - _previousParentSize.Height; // reset resized height (by base.OnSizeChanged anchor.Bottom handling) to collapsedHeight value: Size = new Size(Size.Width, _collapsedHeight); } // store previous size of parent control (however we need only height) if (Parent != null) _previousParentSize = Parent.Size; #endregion } } }