//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DirectXTex.h // // DirectX Texture Library // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248926 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #if defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) && (WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE_APP) && (_WIN32_WINNT <= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8) #error WIC is not supported on Windows Phone 8.0 #endif // VS 2010's stdint.h conflicts with intsafe.h #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4005) #include #pragma warning(pop) #include #include #if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE) #include #define DCOMMON_H_INCLUDED #else #include #endif #include // VS 2010 doesn't support explicit calling convention for std::function #ifndef DIRECTX_STD_CALLCONV #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1700) #define DIRECTX_STD_CALLCONV #else #define DIRECTX_STD_CALLCONV __cdecl #endif #endif // VS 2010/2012 do not support =default =delete #ifndef DIRECTX_CTOR_DEFAULT #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1800) #define DIRECTX_CTOR_DEFAULT {} #define DIRECTX_CTOR_DELETE ; #else #define DIRECTX_CTOR_DEFAULT =default; #define DIRECTX_CTOR_DELETE =delete; #endif #endif #define DIRECTX_TEX_VERSION 133 struct IWICImagingFactory; namespace DirectX { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DXGI Format Utilities bool __cdecl IsValid( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); bool __cdecl IsCompressed( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); bool __cdecl IsPacked( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); bool __cdecl IsVideo( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); bool __cdecl IsPlanar( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); bool __cdecl IsPalettized( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); bool __cdecl IsDepthStencil(_In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); bool __cdecl IsSRGB( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); bool __cdecl IsTypeless( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt, _In_ bool partialTypeless = true ); bool __cdecl HasAlpha( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); size_t __cdecl BitsPerPixel( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); size_t __cdecl BitsPerColor( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); enum CP_FLAGS { CP_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, // Normal operation CP_FLAGS_LEGACY_DWORD = 0x1, // Assume pitch is DWORD aligned instead of BYTE aligned CP_FLAGS_PARAGRAPH = 0x2, // Assume pitch is 16-byte aligned instead of BYTE aligned CP_FLAGS_YMM = 0x4, // Assume pitch is 32-byte aligned instead of BYTE aligned CP_FLAGS_ZMM = 0x8, // Assume pitch is 64-byte aligned instead of BYTE aligned CP_FLAGS_PAGE4K = 0x200, // Assume pitch is 4096-byte aligned instead of BYTE aligned CP_FLAGS_24BPP = 0x10000, // Override with a legacy 24 bits-per-pixel format size CP_FLAGS_16BPP = 0x20000, // Override with a legacy 16 bits-per-pixel format size CP_FLAGS_8BPP = 0x40000, // Override with a legacy 8 bits-per-pixel format size }; void __cdecl ComputePitch( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt, _In_ size_t width, _In_ size_t height, _Out_ size_t& rowPitch, _Out_ size_t& slicePitch, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); size_t __cdecl ComputeScanlines( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt, _In_ size_t height ); DXGI_FORMAT __cdecl MakeSRGB( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); DXGI_FORMAT __cdecl MakeTypeless( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); DXGI_FORMAT __cdecl MakeTypelessUNORM( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); DXGI_FORMAT __cdecl MakeTypelessFLOAT( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Texture metadata enum TEX_DIMENSION // Subset here matches D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION and D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { TEX_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D = 2, TEX_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D = 3, TEX_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D = 4, }; enum TEX_MISC_FLAG // Subset here matches D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG and D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { TEX_MISC_TEXTURECUBE = 0x4L, }; enum TEX_MISC_FLAG2 { TEX_MISC2_ALPHA_MODE_MASK = 0x7L, }; enum TEX_ALPHA_MODE // Matches DDS_ALPHA_MODE, encoded in MISC_FLAGS2 { TEX_ALPHA_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0, TEX_ALPHA_MODE_STRAIGHT = 1, TEX_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED = 2, TEX_ALPHA_MODE_OPAQUE = 3, TEX_ALPHA_MODE_CUSTOM = 4, }; struct TexMetadata { size_t width; size_t height; // Should be 1 for 1D textures size_t depth; // Should be 1 for 1D or 2D textures size_t arraySize; // For cubemap, this is a multiple of 6 size_t mipLevels; uint32_t miscFlags; uint32_t miscFlags2; DXGI_FORMAT format; TEX_DIMENSION dimension; size_t __cdecl ComputeIndex( _In_ size_t mip, _In_ size_t item, _In_ size_t slice ) const; // Returns size_t(-1) to indicate an out-of-range error bool __cdecl IsCubemap() const { return (miscFlags & TEX_MISC_TEXTURECUBE) != 0; } // Helper for miscFlags bool __cdecl IsPMAlpha() const { return ((miscFlags2 & TEX_MISC2_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) == TEX_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED) != 0; } void __cdecl SetAlphaMode( TEX_ALPHA_MODE mode ) { miscFlags2 = (miscFlags2 & ~TEX_MISC2_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) | static_cast(mode); } // Helpers for miscFlags2 bool __cdecl IsVolumemap() const { return (dimension == TEX_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D); } // Helper for dimension }; enum DDS_FLAGS { DDS_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, DDS_FLAGS_LEGACY_DWORD = 0x1, // Assume pitch is DWORD aligned instead of BYTE aligned (used by some legacy DDS files) DDS_FLAGS_NO_LEGACY_EXPANSION = 0x2, // Do not implicitly convert legacy formats that result in larger pixel sizes (24 bpp, 3:3:2, A8L8, A4L4, P8, A8P8) DDS_FLAGS_NO_R10B10G10A2_FIXUP = 0x4, // Do not use work-around for long-standing D3DX DDS file format issue which reversed the 10:10:10:2 color order masks DDS_FLAGS_FORCE_RGB = 0x8, // Convert DXGI 1.1 BGR formats to DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM to avoid use of optional WDDM 1.1 formats DDS_FLAGS_NO_16BPP = 0x10, // Conversions avoid use of 565, 5551, and 4444 formats and instead expand to 8888 to avoid use of optional WDDM 1.2 formats DDS_FLAGS_EXPAND_LUMINANCE = 0x20, // When loading legacy luminance formats expand replicating the color channels rather than leaving them packed (L8, L16, A8L8) DDS_FLAGS_FORCE_DX10_EXT = 0x10000, // Always use the 'DX10' header extension for DDS writer (i.e. don't try to write DX9 compatible DDS files) DDS_FLAGS_FORCE_DX10_EXT_MISC2 = 0x20000, // DDS_FLAGS_FORCE_DX10_EXT including miscFlags2 information (result may not be compatible with D3DX10 or D3DX11) }; enum WIC_FLAGS { WIC_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0, WIC_FLAGS_FORCE_RGB = 0x1, // Loads DXGI 1.1 BGR formats as DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM to avoid use of optional WDDM 1.1 formats WIC_FLAGS_NO_X2_BIAS = 0x2, // Loads DXGI 1.1 X2 10:10:10:2 format as DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM WIC_FLAGS_NO_16BPP = 0x4, // Loads 565, 5551, and 4444 formats as 8888 to avoid use of optional WDDM 1.2 formats WIC_FLAGS_ALLOW_MONO = 0x8, // Loads 1-bit monochrome (black & white) as R1_UNORM rather than 8-bit grayscale WIC_FLAGS_ALL_FRAMES = 0x10, // Loads all images in a multi-frame file, converting/resizing to match the first frame as needed, defaults to 0th frame otherwise WIC_FLAGS_IGNORE_SRGB = 0x20, // Ignores sRGB metadata if present in the file WIC_FLAGS_DITHER = 0x10000, // Use ordered 4x4 dithering for any required conversions WIC_FLAGS_DITHER_DIFFUSION = 0x20000, // Use error-diffusion dithering for any required conversions WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_POINT = 0x100000, WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_LINEAR = 0x200000, WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_CUBIC = 0x300000, WIC_FLAGS_FILTER_FANT = 0x400000, // Combination of Linear and Box filter // Filtering mode to use for any required image resizing (only needed when loading arrays of differently sized images; defaults to Fant) }; HRESULT __cdecl GetMetadataFromDDSMemory( _In_reads_bytes_(size) LPCVOID pSource, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ TexMetadata& metadata ); HRESULT __cdecl GetMetadataFromDDSFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ TexMetadata& metadata ); HRESULT __cdecl GetMetadataFromTGAMemory( _In_reads_bytes_(size) LPCVOID pSource, _In_ size_t size, _Out_ TexMetadata& metadata ); HRESULT __cdecl GetMetadataFromTGAFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile, _Out_ TexMetadata& metadata ); HRESULT __cdecl GetMetadataFromWICMemory( _In_reads_bytes_(size) LPCVOID pSource, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ TexMetadata& metadata ); HRESULT __cdecl GetMetadataFromWICFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ TexMetadata& metadata ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bitmap image container struct Image { size_t width; size_t height; DXGI_FORMAT format; size_t rowPitch; size_t slicePitch; uint8_t* pixels; }; class ScratchImage { public: ScratchImage() : _nimages(0), _size(0), _image(nullptr), _memory(nullptr) {} ScratchImage(ScratchImage&& moveFrom) : _nimages(0), _size(0), _image(nullptr), _memory(nullptr) { *this = std::move(moveFrom); } ~ScratchImage() { Release(); } ScratchImage& __cdecl operator= (ScratchImage&& moveFrom); HRESULT __cdecl Initialize( _In_ const TexMetadata& mdata, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); HRESULT __cdecl Initialize1D( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt, _In_ size_t length, _In_ size_t arraySize, _In_ size_t mipLevels, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); HRESULT __cdecl Initialize2D( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt, _In_ size_t width, _In_ size_t height, _In_ size_t arraySize, _In_ size_t mipLevels, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); HRESULT __cdecl Initialize3D( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt, _In_ size_t width, _In_ size_t height, _In_ size_t depth, _In_ size_t mipLevels, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); HRESULT __cdecl InitializeCube( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT fmt, _In_ size_t width, _In_ size_t height, _In_ size_t nCubes, _In_ size_t mipLevels, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); HRESULT __cdecl InitializeFromImage( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ bool allow1D = false, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); HRESULT __cdecl InitializeArrayFromImages( _In_reads_(nImages) const Image* images, _In_ size_t nImages, _In_ bool allow1D = false, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); HRESULT __cdecl InitializeCubeFromImages( _In_reads_(nImages) const Image* images, _In_ size_t nImages, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); HRESULT __cdecl Initialize3DFromImages( _In_reads_(depth) const Image* images, _In_ size_t depth, _In_ DWORD flags = CP_FLAGS_NONE ); void __cdecl Release(); bool __cdecl OverrideFormat( _In_ DXGI_FORMAT f ); const TexMetadata& __cdecl GetMetadata() const { return _metadata; } const Image* __cdecl GetImage(_In_ size_t mip, _In_ size_t item, _In_ size_t slice) const; const Image* __cdecl GetImages() const { return _image; } size_t __cdecl GetImageCount() const { return _nimages; } uint8_t* __cdecl GetPixels() const { return _memory; } size_t __cdecl GetPixelsSize() const { return _size; } bool __cdecl IsAlphaAllOpaque() const; private: size_t _nimages; size_t _size; TexMetadata _metadata; Image* _image; uint8_t* _memory; // Hide copy constructor and assignment operator ScratchImage( const ScratchImage& ); ScratchImage& operator=( const ScratchImage& ); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Memory blob (allocated buffer pointer is always 16-byte aligned) class Blob { public: Blob() : _buffer(nullptr), _size(0) {} Blob(Blob&& moveFrom) : _buffer(nullptr), _size(0) { *this = std::move(moveFrom); } ~Blob() { Release(); } Blob& __cdecl operator= (Blob&& moveFrom); HRESULT __cdecl Initialize( _In_ size_t size ); void __cdecl Release(); void *__cdecl GetBufferPointer() const { return _buffer; } size_t __cdecl GetBufferSize() const { return _size; } private: void* _buffer; size_t _size; // Hide copy constructor and assignment operator Blob( const Blob& ); Blob& operator=( const Blob& ); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Image I/O // DDS operations HRESULT __cdecl LoadFromDDSMemory( _In_reads_bytes_(size) LPCVOID pSource, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_opt_ TexMetadata* metadata, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl LoadFromDDSFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_opt_ TexMetadata* metadata, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToDDSMemory( _In_ const Image& image, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ Blob& blob ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToDDSMemory( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* images, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ Blob& blob ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToDDSFile( _In_ const Image& image, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToDDSFile( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* images, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile ); // TGA operations HRESULT __cdecl LoadFromTGAMemory( _In_reads_bytes_(size) LPCVOID pSource, _In_ size_t size, _Out_opt_ TexMetadata* metadata, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl LoadFromTGAFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile, _Out_opt_ TexMetadata* metadata, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToTGAMemory( _In_ const Image& image, _Out_ Blob& blob ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToTGAFile( _In_ const Image& image, _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile ); // WIC operations HRESULT __cdecl LoadFromWICMemory( _In_reads_bytes_(size) LPCVOID pSource, _In_ size_t size, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_opt_ TexMetadata* metadata, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl LoadFromWICFile( _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_opt_ TexMetadata* metadata, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToWICMemory( _In_ const Image& image, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_ REFGUID guidContainerFormat, _Out_ Blob& blob, _In_opt_ const GUID* targetFormat = nullptr, _In_opt_ std::function setCustomProps = nullptr ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToWICMemory( _In_count_(nimages) const Image* images, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_ REFGUID guidContainerFormat, _Out_ Blob& blob, _In_opt_ const GUID* targetFormat = nullptr, _In_opt_ std::function setCustomProps = nullptr ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToWICFile( _In_ const Image& image, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_ REFGUID guidContainerFormat, _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile, _In_opt_ const GUID* targetFormat = nullptr, _In_opt_ std::function setCustomProps = nullptr ); HRESULT __cdecl SaveToWICFile( _In_count_(nimages) const Image* images, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_ REFGUID guidContainerFormat, _In_z_ LPCWSTR szFile, _In_opt_ const GUID* targetFormat = nullptr, _In_opt_ std::function setCustomProps = nullptr ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Texture conversion, resizing, mipmap generation, and block compression enum TEX_FR_FLAGS { TEX_FR_ROTATE0 = 0x0, TEX_FR_ROTATE90 = 0x1, TEX_FR_ROTATE180 = 0x2, TEX_FR_ROTATE270 = 0x3, TEX_FR_FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 0x08, TEX_FR_FLIP_VERTICAL = 0x10, }; HRESULT __cdecl FlipRotate( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl FlipRotate( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ ScratchImage& result ); // Flip and/or rotate image enum TEX_FILTER_FLAGS { TEX_FILTER_DEFAULT = 0, TEX_FILTER_WRAP_U = 0x1, TEX_FILTER_WRAP_V = 0x2, TEX_FILTER_WRAP_W = 0x4, TEX_FILTER_WRAP = ( TEX_FILTER_WRAP_U | TEX_FILTER_WRAP_V | TEX_FILTER_WRAP_W ), TEX_FILTER_MIRROR_U = 0x10, TEX_FILTER_MIRROR_V = 0x20, TEX_FILTER_MIRROR_W = 0x40, TEX_FILTER_MIRROR = ( TEX_FILTER_MIRROR_U | TEX_FILTER_MIRROR_V | TEX_FILTER_MIRROR_W ), // Wrap vs. Mirror vs. Clamp filtering options TEX_FILTER_SEPARATE_ALPHA = 0x100, // Resize color and alpha channel independently TEX_FILTER_RGB_COPY_RED = 0x1000, TEX_FILTER_RGB_COPY_GREEN = 0x2000, TEX_FILTER_RGB_COPY_BLUE = 0x4000, // When converting RGB to R, defaults to using grayscale. These flags indicate copying a specific channel instead // When converting RGB to RG, defaults to copying RED | GREEN. These flags control which channels are selected instead. TEX_FILTER_DITHER = 0x10000, // Use ordered 4x4 dithering for any required conversions TEX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION = 0x20000, // Use error-diffusion dithering for any required conversions TEX_FILTER_POINT = 0x100000, TEX_FILTER_LINEAR = 0x200000, TEX_FILTER_CUBIC = 0x300000, TEX_FILTER_BOX = 0x400000, TEX_FILTER_FANT = 0x400000, // Equiv to Box filtering for mipmap generation TEX_FILTER_TRIANGLE = 0x500000, // Filtering mode to use for any required image resizing TEX_FILTER_SRGB_IN = 0x1000000, TEX_FILTER_SRGB_OUT = 0x2000000, TEX_FILTER_SRGB = ( TEX_FILTER_SRGB_IN | TEX_FILTER_SRGB_OUT ), // sRGB <-> RGB for use in conversion operations // if the input format type is IsSRGB(), then SRGB_IN is on by default // if the output format type is IsSRGB(), then SRGB_OUT is on by default TEX_FILTER_FORCE_NON_WIC = 0x10000000, // Forces use of the non-WIC path when both are an option TEX_FILTER_FORCE_WIC = 0x20000000, // Forces use of the WIC path even when logic would have picked a non-WIC path when both are an option }; HRESULT __cdecl Resize( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ size_t width, _In_ size_t height, _In_ DWORD filter, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl Resize( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ size_t width, _In_ size_t height, _In_ DWORD filter, _Out_ ScratchImage& result ); // Resize the image to width x height. Defaults to Fant filtering. // Note for a complex resize, the result will always have mipLevels == 1 HRESULT __cdecl Convert( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD filter, _In_ float threshold, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl Convert( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD filter, _In_ float threshold, _Out_ ScratchImage& result ); // Convert the image to a new format HRESULT __cdecl ConvertToSinglePlane( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl ConvertToSinglePlane( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); // Converts the image from a planar format to an equivalent non-planar format HRESULT __cdecl GenerateMipMaps( _In_ const Image& baseImage, _In_ DWORD filter, _In_ size_t levels, _Inout_ ScratchImage& mipChain, _In_ bool allow1D = false ); HRESULT __cdecl GenerateMipMaps( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD filter, _In_ size_t levels, _Inout_ ScratchImage& mipChain ); // levels of '0' indicates a full mipchain, otherwise is generates that number of total levels (including the source base image) // Defaults to Fant filtering which is equivalent to a box filter HRESULT __cdecl GenerateMipMaps3D( _In_reads_(depth) const Image* baseImages, _In_ size_t depth, _In_ DWORD filter, _In_ size_t levels, _Out_ ScratchImage& mipChain ); HRESULT __cdecl GenerateMipMaps3D( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD filter, _In_ size_t levels, _Out_ ScratchImage& mipChain ); // levels of '0' indicates a full mipchain, otherwise is generates that number of total levels (including the source base image) // Defaults to Fant filtering which is equivalent to a box filter enum TEX_PMALPHA_FLAGS { TEX_PMALPHA_DEFAULT = 0, TEX_PMALPHA_IGNORE_SRGB = 0x1, // ignores sRGB colorspace conversions TEX_PMALPHA_SRGB_IN = 0x1000000, TEX_PMALPHA_SRGB_OUT = 0x2000000, TEX_PMALPHA_SRGB = ( TEX_PMALPHA_SRGB_IN | TEX_PMALPHA_SRGB_OUT ), // if the input format type is IsSRGB(), then SRGB_IN is on by default // if the output format type is IsSRGB(), then SRGB_OUT is on by default }; HRESULT __cdecl PremultiplyAlpha( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl PremultiplyAlpha( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD flags, _Out_ ScratchImage& result ); // Converts to a premultiplied alpha version of the texture enum TEX_COMPRESS_FLAGS { TEX_COMPRESS_DEFAULT = 0, TEX_COMPRESS_RGB_DITHER = 0x10000, // Enables dithering RGB colors for BC1-3 compression TEX_COMPRESS_A_DITHER = 0x20000, // Enables dithering alpha for BC1-3 compression TEX_COMPRESS_DITHER = 0x30000, // Enables both RGB and alpha dithering for BC1-3 compression TEX_COMPRESS_UNIFORM = 0x40000, // Uniform color weighting for BC1-3 compression; by default uses perceptual weighting TEX_COMPRESS_BC7_USE_3SUBSETS = 0x80000, // Enables exhaustive search for BC7 compress for mode 0 and 2; by default skips trying these modes TEX_COMPRESS_SRGB_IN = 0x1000000, TEX_COMPRESS_SRGB_OUT = 0x2000000, TEX_COMPRESS_SRGB = ( TEX_COMPRESS_SRGB_IN | TEX_COMPRESS_SRGB_OUT ), // if the input format type is IsSRGB(), then SRGB_IN is on by default // if the output format type is IsSRGB(), then SRGB_OUT is on by default TEX_COMPRESS_PARALLEL = 0x10000000, // Compress is free to use multithreading to improve performance (by default it does not use multithreading) }; HRESULT __cdecl Compress( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD compress, _In_ float alphaRef, _Out_ ScratchImage& cImage ); HRESULT __cdecl Compress( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD compress, _In_ float alphaRef, _Out_ ScratchImage& cImages ); // Note that alphaRef is only used by BC1. 0.5f is a typical value to use HRESULT __cdecl Compress( _In_ ID3D11Device* pDevice, _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD compress, _In_ float alphaWeight, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl Compress( _In_ ID3D11Device* pDevice, _In_ const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _In_ DWORD compress, _In_ float alphaWeight, _Out_ ScratchImage& cImages ); // DirectCompute-based compression (alphaWeight is only used by BC7. 1.0 is the typical value to use) HRESULT __cdecl Decompress( _In_ const Image& cImage, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Out_ ScratchImage& image ); HRESULT __cdecl Decompress( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* cImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Out_ ScratchImage& images ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Normal map operations enum CNMAP_FLAGS { CNMAP_DEFAULT = 0, CNMAP_CHANNEL_RED = 0x1, CNMAP_CHANNEL_GREEN = 0x2, CNMAP_CHANNEL_BLUE = 0x3, CNMAP_CHANNEL_ALPHA = 0x4, CNMAP_CHANNEL_LUMINANCE = 0x5, // Channel selection when evaluting color value for height // Luminance is a combination of red, green, and blue CNMAP_MIRROR_U = 0x1000, CNMAP_MIRROR_V = 0x2000, CNMAP_MIRROR = 0x3000, // Use mirror semantics for scanline references (defaults to wrap) CNMAP_INVERT_SIGN = 0x4000, // Inverts normal sign CNMAP_COMPUTE_OCCLUSION = 0x8000, // Computes a crude occlusion term stored in the alpha channel }; HRESULT __cdecl ComputeNormalMap( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_ float amplitude, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Out_ ScratchImage& normalMap ); HRESULT __cdecl ComputeNormalMap( _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ DWORD flags, _In_ float amplitude, _In_ DXGI_FORMAT format, _Out_ ScratchImage& normalMaps ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Misc image operations struct Rect { size_t x; size_t y; size_t w; size_t h; Rect() DIRECTX_CTOR_DEFAULT Rect( size_t _x, size_t _y, size_t _w, size_t _h ) : x(_x), y(_y), w(_w), h(_h) {} }; HRESULT __cdecl CopyRectangle( _In_ const Image& srcImage, _In_ const Rect& srcRect, _In_ const Image& dstImage, _In_ DWORD filter, _In_ size_t xOffset, _In_ size_t yOffset ); enum CMSE_FLAGS { CMSE_DEFAULT = 0, CMSE_IMAGE1_SRGB = 0x1, CMSE_IMAGE2_SRGB = 0x2, // Indicates that image needs gamma correction before comparision CMSE_IGNORE_RED = 0x10, CMSE_IGNORE_GREEN = 0x20, CMSE_IGNORE_BLUE = 0x40, CMSE_IGNORE_ALPHA = 0x80, // Ignore the channel when computing MSE CMSE_IMAGE1_X2_BIAS = 0x100, CMSE_IMAGE2_X2_BIAS = 0x200, // Indicates that image should be scaled and biased before comparison (i.e. UNORM -> SNORM) }; HRESULT __cdecl ComputeMSE( _In_ const Image& image1, _In_ const Image& image2, _Out_ float& mse, _Out_writes_opt_(4) float* mseV, _In_ DWORD flags = 0 ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WIC utility code enum WICCodecs { WIC_CODEC_BMP = 1, // Windows Bitmap (.bmp) WIC_CODEC_JPEG, // Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg, .jpeg) WIC_CODEC_PNG, // Portable Network Graphics (.png) WIC_CODEC_TIFF, // Tagged Image File Format (.tif, .tiff) WIC_CODEC_GIF, // Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) WIC_CODEC_WMP, // Windows Media Photo / HD Photo / JPEG XR (.hdp, .jxr, .wdp) WIC_CODEC_ICO, // Windows Icon (.ico) }; REFGUID __cdecl GetWICCodec(_In_ WICCodecs codec); IWICImagingFactory* __cdecl GetWICFactory( bool& iswic2 ); void __cdecl SetWICFactory( _In_opt_ IWICImagingFactory* pWIC); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Direct3D 11 functions bool __cdecl IsSupportedTexture( _In_ ID3D11Device* pDevice, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata ); HRESULT __cdecl CreateTexture( _In_ ID3D11Device* pDevice, _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _Outptr_ ID3D11Resource** ppResource ); HRESULT __cdecl CreateShaderResourceView( _In_ ID3D11Device* pDevice, _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppSRV ); HRESULT __cdecl CreateTextureEx( _In_ ID3D11Device* pDevice, _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ D3D11_USAGE usage, _In_ unsigned int bindFlags, _In_ unsigned int cpuAccessFlags, _In_ unsigned int miscFlags, _In_ bool forceSRGB, _Outptr_ ID3D11Resource** ppResource ); HRESULT __cdecl CreateShaderResourceViewEx( _In_ ID3D11Device* pDevice, _In_reads_(nimages) const Image* srcImages, _In_ size_t nimages, _In_ const TexMetadata& metadata, _In_ D3D11_USAGE usage, _In_ unsigned int bindFlags, _In_ unsigned int cpuAccessFlags, _In_ unsigned int miscFlags, _In_ bool forceSRGB, _Outptr_ ID3D11ShaderResourceView** ppSRV ); HRESULT __cdecl CaptureTexture( _In_ ID3D11Device* pDevice, _In_ ID3D11DeviceContext* pContext, _In_ ID3D11Resource* pSource, _Out_ ScratchImage& result ); #include "DirectXTex.inl" }; // namespace