using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Syroot.Maths; using Toolbox.Library.IO; using Toolbox.Library.Animations; using Toolbox.Library; using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking; using System.ComponentModel; namespace LayoutBXLYT { public class BasePane : SectionCommon { [Browsable(false)] public BxlytHeader LayoutFile; [Browsable(false)] public PaneAnimController animController = new PaneAnimController(); [Browsable(false)] public TreeNodeCustom NodeWrapper; [DisplayName("Is Visible"), CategoryAttribute("Flags")] public virtual bool Visible { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public bool IsRoot { get { return Parent == null; } } [Browsable(false)] public bool ParentIsRoot { get { return Parent != null && Parent.IsRoot; } } internal RenderablePane renderablePane; [DisplayName("Alpha"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")] public byte Alpha { get; set; } [DisplayName("Influence Alpha"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")] public virtual bool InfluenceAlpha { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual bool DisplayInEditor { get; set; } = true; private string name; [DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public string Name { get { return name; } set { //Adjust necessary parameters if the user changes the name if (name != null && LayoutFile != null) { //Adjust name table entry if (LayoutFile != null && LayoutFile.PaneLookup.ContainsKey(name)) LayoutFile.PaneLookup.Remove(name); //Adjust material reference if (this is IPicturePane) ((IPicturePane)this).Material.SetName(name, value); else if (this is ITextPane) ((ITextPane)this).Material.SetName(name, value); else if (this is IWindowPane) { var wnd = this as IWindowPane; wnd.Content?.Material?.SetName(name, value); if (wnd.WindowFrames != null) { foreach (var frame in wnd.WindowFrames) { if (frame.Material == null) continue; frame.Material.SetName(name, value); } } } } name = value; if (LayoutFile != null && !LayoutFile.PaneLookup.ContainsKey(name)) LayoutFile.PaneLookup.Add(name, this); } } [DisplayName("Translate"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public Vector3F Translate { get; set; } [DisplayName("Rotate"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public Vector3F Rotate { get; set; } [DisplayName("Scale"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public Vector2F Scale { get; set; } [DisplayName("Width"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public float Width { get; set; } [DisplayName("Height"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public float Height { get; set; } [DisplayName("Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")] public virtual OriginX originX { get; set; } [DisplayName("Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")] public virtual OriginY originY { get; set; } [DisplayName("Parent Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")] public virtual OriginX ParentOriginX { get; set; } [DisplayName("Parent Origin Y"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")] public virtual OriginY ParentOriginY { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public BasePane Parent { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public List Childern { get; set; } = new List(); [Browsable(false)] public bool HasChildern { get { return Childern.Count > 0; } } public Vector3F GetTranslation() { var posX = Translate.X; var posY = Translate.Y; var posZ = Translate.Z; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.TranslateX)) posX = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.TranslateX]; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.TranslateY)) posY = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.TranslateY]; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.TranslateZ)) posZ = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.TranslateZ]; return new Vector3F(posX, posY, posZ); } public Vector3F GetRotation() { var rotX = Rotate.X; var rotY = Rotate.Y; var rotZ = Rotate.Z; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.RotateX)) rotX = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.RotateX]; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.RotateY)) rotY = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.RotateY]; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.RotateZ)) rotZ = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.RotateZ]; return new Vector3F(rotX, rotY, rotZ); } public Vector2F GetScale() { var scaX = Scale.X; var scaY = Scale.Y; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.ScaleX)) scaX = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.ScaleX]; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.ScaleY)) scaY = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.ScaleY]; return new Vector2F(scaX, scaY); } public Vector2F GetSize() { var scaX = Width; var scaY = Height; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.SizeX)) scaX = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.SizeX]; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.SizeY)) scaY = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.SizeY]; return new Vector2F(scaX, scaY); } public BasePane() { originX = OriginX.Center; originY = OriginY.Center; ParentOriginX = OriginX.Center; ParentOriginY = OriginY.Center; } public virtual BasePane Copy() { return new BasePane(); } public virtual UserData CreateUserData() { return new UserData(); } public bool IsNullPane { get { if (this is IPicturePane) return false; else if (this is IWindowPane) return false; else if (this is ITextPane) return false; else if (this is IBoundryPane) return false; else if (this is IPartPane) return false; return true; } } public void ResetParentTransform(BasePane newParent) { //We need to get the difference in the parent transform and remove it to the current transform of this pane var transform = GetParentTransform(Parent); var newParentTransform = GetParentTransform(newParent); Translate += transform; Translate -= newParentTransform; Console.WriteLine($"newParentTransform {newParentTransform.X} {newParentTransform.Y} {newParentTransform.Z}"); Console.WriteLine($"transform {transform.X} {transform.Y} {transform.Z}"); } private Vector3F GetParentTransform(BasePane parent) { return GetParentTransform(parent.Translate); } private Vector3F GetParentTransform(Vector3F translate) { if (Parent != null) translate = Parent.Translate + Parent.GetParentTransform(translate); return translate; } public void KeepChildrenTransform(float newTransX, float newTransY) { Vector2F distance = new Vector2F(newTransX - Translate.X, newTransY - Translate.Y); KeepChildrenTransform(distance, newTransX, newTransY); } private void KeepChildrenTransform(Vector2F distance, float newTransX, float newTransY) { if (HasChildern) { foreach (var child in Childern) { child.Translate -= new Vector3F(distance.X, distance.Y, 0); child.KeepChildrenTransform(child.Translate.X, child.Translate.Y); } } } public CustomRectangle TransformParent(CustomRectangle rect) { return rect.GetTransformedRectangle(Parent, GetTranslation(),GetRotation(), GetScale()); } private CustomRectangle rectangle; [Browsable(false)] public CustomRectangle Rectangle { get { UpdateRectangle(); return rectangle; } } private void UpdateRectangle() { rectangle = CreateRectangle(); } public CustomRectangle CreateRectangle(uint width, uint height) { //Do origin transforms var transformed = TransformOrientation((int)width, (int)height, originX, originY); var parentTransform = ParentOriginTransform(transformed); return new CustomRectangle( parentTransform.X, parentTransform.Y, parentTransform.Z, parentTransform.W); } public void TransformRectangle(LayoutViewer.PickAction pickAction, CustomRectangle selectionBox, float pickMouseX, float pickMouseY) { CustomRectangle currentRectangle = this.CreateRectangle(); currentRectangle = currentRectangle.GetTransformedRectangle(Parent, GetTranslation(), GetRotation(), GetScale()); //The selection box can have mutlile panes selected in one box //Scaling the edges will have different distances float distanceLeft = selectionBox.LeftPoint - currentRectangle.LeftPoint; float distanceRight = selectionBox.RightPoint - currentRectangle.RightPoint; float distanceTop = selectionBox.TopPoint - currentRectangle.TopPoint; float distanceBottom = selectionBox.BottomPoint - currentRectangle.BottomPoint; Console.WriteLine("distanceLeft " + distanceLeft); Console.WriteLine("distanceRight " + distanceRight); Console.WriteLine("distanceTop " + distanceTop); Console.WriteLine("distanceBottom " + distanceBottom); float posX = Translate.X; float posY = Translate.Y; float posZ = Translate.Z; float pickWidth = pickMouseX; float pickHeight = pickMouseY; switch (pickAction) { case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragLeft: Width += pickMouseX; if (originX == OriginX.Left) posX = Translate.X - pickMouseX; else if (originX == OriginX.Right) posX = Translate.X + pickMouseX; else posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2); break; case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragRight: if (originX == OriginX.Right) { Width -= pickMouseX; posX = Translate.X + pickMouseX; } else if (originX == OriginX.Left) { Width -= pickMouseX; posX = Translate.X + pickMouseX; } else { Width -= pickMouseX; posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2); } break; case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragTop: if (originY == OriginY.Top) { Height -= pickMouseY; posY = Translate.Y - pickMouseY; } else if (originY == OriginY.Bottom) { Height -= pickMouseY; posY = Translate.Y - pickMouseY; } else { Height -= pickMouseY; posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2); } break; case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragBottom: Height += pickMouseY; posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2); break; case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragTopLeft: Width += pickMouseX; Height -= pickMouseY; posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2); posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2); break; case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragBottomLeft: Width += pickMouseX; Height += pickMouseY; posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2); posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2); break; case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragBottomRight: Width -= pickMouseX; Height += pickMouseY; posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2); posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2); break; case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragTopRight: Width -= pickMouseX; Height -= pickMouseY; posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2); posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2); break; } if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.TransformChidlren) KeepChildrenTransform(posX, posY); Translate = new Vector3F(posX, posY, posZ); } private Vector2F SetOrientation(float pickWidth, float pickHeight) { float posX = 0; float posY = 0; switch (originX) { case OriginX.Left: Width += pickWidth; posX = pickWidth; break; default: Width += pickWidth; posX = pickWidth / 2; break; } switch (originY) { case OriginY.Top: Height += pickHeight; posY = pickHeight; break; default: Height += pickHeight; posY = pickHeight / 2; break; } return new Vector2F(posX, posY); } public CustomRectangle CreateRectangle() { //Do origin transforms var transformed = new Vector4(); int paneWidth = (int)Width; int paneHeight = (int)Height; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.SizeX)) paneWidth = (int)animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.SizeX]; if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.SizeY)) paneHeight = (int)animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.SizeY]; transformed = TransformOrientation(paneWidth, paneHeight, originX, originY); var parentTransform = ParentOriginTransform(transformed); return new CustomRectangle( parentTransform.X, parentTransform.Y, parentTransform.Z, parentTransform.W); } public static float MixColors(params float[] c) { float a = c[0]; for (int i = 1; i < c.Length; i++) { a *= c[i]; } for (int i = 1; i < c.Length; i++) { a /= 255f; } return a / 255f; } //Get the previous transform from the parent origin private Vector4 ParentOriginTransform(Vector4 points) { //Dont shift the root or the first child of the root //The parent setting shouldn't be set, but it doesn't hurt to do this if (IsRoot || ParentIsRoot || Parent == null) return points; var transformedPosition = TransformOrientationPosition((int)Parent.Width, (int)Parent.Height, ParentOriginX, ParentOriginY); var transformed = ShiftRectangle(transformedPosition, points); if (Parent != null) return Parent.ParentOriginTransform(transformed); return transformed; } private static Vector4 ShiftRectangle(Vector2 position, Vector4 points) { int left = points[0] + position.X; int right = points[1] + position.X; int top = points[2] + position.Y; int bottom = points[3] + position.Y; return new Vector4(left, right, top, bottom); } private static Vector2 TransformOrientationPosition(int Width, int Height, OriginX originX, OriginY originY) { int x = 0; int y = 0; if (originX == OriginX.Left) x = -(Width / 2); else if (originX == OriginX.Right) x = (Width / 2); if (originY == OriginY.Top) y = Height / 2; else if (originY == OriginY.Bottom) y = -(Height / 2); return new Vector2(x, y); } private static Vector4 TransformOrientation(int Width, int Height, OriginX originX, OriginY originY) { int left = 0; int right = 0; int top = 0; int bottom = 0; if (originX == OriginX.Left) right = Width; else if (originX == OriginX.Right) left = -Width; else //To center { left = -Width / 2; right = Width / 2; } if (originY == OriginY.Top) bottom = -Height; else if (originY == OriginY.Bottom) top = Height; else //To center { top = Height / 2; bottom = -Height / 2; } return new Vector4(left, right, top, bottom); } public bool IsHit(CustomRectangle selectionBox) { var rect = CreateRectangle(); var transformed = rect.GetTransformedRectangle(Parent, GetTranslation(), GetRotation(), GetScale()); if ((selectionBox.LeftPoint < transformed.RightPoint) && (selectionBox.RightPoint > transformed.LeftPoint) && (selectionBox.TopPoint > transformed.BottomPoint) && (selectionBox.BottomPoint < transformed.TopPoint)) return true; else return false; } public bool IsHit(int X, int Y) { var rect = CreateRectangle(); var transformed = rect.GetTransformedRectangle(Parent, GetTranslation(), GetRotation(), GetScale()); bool isInBetweenX = (X > transformed.LeftPoint) && (X < transformed.RightPoint) || (X < transformed.LeftPoint) && (X > transformed.RightPoint); bool isInBetweenY = (Y > transformed.BottomPoint) && (Y < transformed.TopPoint) || (Y < transformed.BottomPoint) && (Y > transformed.TopPoint); if (isInBetweenX && isInBetweenY) return true; else return false; } public BasePane SearchPane(string name) { if (Name == name) return this; foreach (var child in Childern) { var matchPane = child.SearchPane(name); if (matchPane != null) return matchPane; } return null; } } public class VertexColorHelper { public static System.Drawing.Color Mix(System.Drawing.Color colorA, System.Drawing.Color colorB, float value) { byte R = (byte)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(colorA.R, colorB.R, value); byte G = (byte)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(colorA.G, colorB.G, value); byte B = (byte)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(colorA.B, colorB.B, value); byte A = (byte)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(colorA.A, colorB.A, value); return System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(A, R, G, B); } } public class PaneAnimController { public Dictionary PaneSRT = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary PaneVertexColors = new Dictionary(); public bool Visibile = true; public void ResetAnim() { Visibile = true; PaneSRT.Clear(); PaneVertexColors.Clear(); } } public enum FilterMode { Near = 0, Linear = 1 } public enum WrapMode { Clamp = 0, Repeat = 1, Mirror = 2 } public enum OriginX : byte { Center = 0, Left = 1, Right = 2 }; public enum OriginY : byte { Center = 0, Top = 1, Bottom = 2 }; public interface IUserDataContainer { UserData UserData { get; set; } } public class BxlytTextureRef { public short ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public virtual WrapMode WrapModeU { get; set; } public virtual WrapMode WrapModeV { get; set; } public virtual FilterMode MinFilterMode { get; set; } public virtual FilterMode MaxFilterMode { get; set; } } public class BxlytAlphaCompare { public GfxAlphaFunction CompareMode { get; set; } public float Value { get; set; } public BxlytAlphaCompare() { CompareMode = GfxAlphaFunction.Always; Value = 0; } public BxlytAlphaCompare(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header) { CompareMode = reader.ReadEnum(false); reader.ReadBytes(0x3); Value = reader.ReadSingle(); } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.Write(CompareMode, false); writer.Seek(3); writer.Write(Value); } } public class BxlytBlendMode { public GX2BlendOp BlendOp { get; set; } public GX2BlendFactor SourceFactor { get; set; } public GX2BlendFactor DestFactor { get; set; } public GX2LogicOp LogicOp { get; set; } public BxlytBlendMode() { BlendOp = GX2BlendOp.Add; SourceFactor = GX2BlendFactor.SourceAlpha; DestFactor = GX2BlendFactor.SourceInvAlpha; LogicOp = GX2LogicOp.Disable; } public BxlytBlendMode(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header) { BlendOp = (GX2BlendOp)reader.ReadByte(); SourceFactor = (GX2BlendFactor)reader.ReadByte(); DestFactor = (GX2BlendFactor)reader.ReadByte(); LogicOp = (GX2LogicOp)reader.ReadByte(); } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.Write(BlendOp, false); writer.Write(SourceFactor, false); writer.Write(DestFactor, false); writer.Write(LogicOp, false); } public enum GX2BlendFactor : byte { Factor0 = 0, Factor1 = 1, DestColor = 2, DestInvColor = 3, SourceAlpha = 4, SourceInvAlpha = 5, DestAlpha = 6, DestInvAlpha = 7, SourceColor = 8, SourceInvColor = 9 } public enum GX2BlendOp : byte { Disable = 0, Add = 1, Subtract = 2, ReverseSubtract = 3, SelectMin = 4, SelectMax = 5 } public enum GX2LogicOp : byte { Disable = 0, NoOp = 1, Clear = 2, Set = 3, Copy = 4, InvCopy = 5, Inv = 6, And = 7, Nand = 8, Or = 9, Nor = 10, Xor = 11, Equiv = 12, RevAnd = 13, InvAd = 14, RevOr = 15, InvOr = 16 } } public class UserData : SectionCommon { public List Entries { get; set; } public UserData() { Entries = new List(); } public override void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header) { } } public class UserDataEntry { public string Name { get; set; } public UserDataType Type { get; set; } public byte Unknown { get; set; } public object data; public string GetString() { return (string)data; } public float[] GetFloats() { return (float[])data; } public int[] GetInts() { return (int[])data; } public void SetValue(string value) { data = value; Type = UserDataType.String; } public void SetValue(float[] value) { data = value; Type = UserDataType.Float; } public void SetValue(int[] value) { data = value; Type = UserDataType.Int; } internal long _pos; } public enum UserDataType : byte { String, Int, Float, } public enum AnimationTarget : byte { Pane = 0, Material = 1 } public enum LPATarget : byte { TranslateX = 0x00, TranslateY = 0x01, TranslateZ = 0x02, RotateX = 0x03, RotateY = 0x04, RotateZ = 0x05, ScaleX = 0x06, ScaleY = 0x07, SizeX = 0x08, SizeY = 0x09, } public enum LTSTarget : byte { TranslateS = 0x00, TranslateT = 0x01, Rotate = 0x02, ScaleS = 0x03, ScaleT = 0x04, } public enum LVITarget : byte { Visibility = 0x00, } public enum LVCTarget : byte { LeftTopRed = 0x00, LeftTopGreen = 0x01, LeftTopBlue = 0x02, LeftTopAlpha = 0x03, RightTopRed = 0x04, RightTopGreen = 0x05, RightTopBlue = 0x06, RightTopAlpha = 0x07, LeftBottomRed = 0x08, LeftBottomGreen = 0x09, LeftBottomBlue = 0x0A, LeftBottomAlpha = 0x0B, RightBottomRed = 0x0C, RightBottomGreen = 0x0D, RightBottomBlue = 0x0E, RightBottomAlpha = 0x0F, PaneAlpha = 0x10, } public enum LTPTarget : byte { Image1 = 0x00, Image2 = 0x01, //Unsure if mutliple are used but just in case Image3 = 0x02, } public enum LMCTarget : byte { BlackColorRed, BlackColorGreen, BlackColorBlue, BlackColorAlpha, WhiteColorRed, WhiteColorGreen, WhiteColorBlue, WhiteColorAlpha, TextureColorBlendRatio, TexColor0Red, TexColor0Green, TexColor0Blue, TexColor0Alpha, TexColor1Red, TexColor1Green, TexColor1Blue, TexColor1Alpha, TexColor2Red, TexColor2Green, TexColor2Blue, TexColor2Alpha, TevKonstantColor0Red, TevKonstantColor0Green, TevKonstantColor0Blue, TevKonstantColor0Alpha, TevKonstantColor1Red, TevKonstantColor1Green, TevKonstantColor1Blue, TevKonstantColor1Alpha, TevKonstantColor2Red, TevKonstantColor2Green, TevKonstantColor2Blue, TevKonstantColor2Alpha, } public enum LIMTarget : byte { Rotation, ScaleU, ScaleV, } public enum LFSTarget : byte { FontShadowBlackColorRed, FontShadowBlackColorGreen, FontShadowBlackColorBlue, FontShadowBlackColorAlpha, FontShadowWhiteColorRed, FontShadowWhiteColorGreen, FontShadowWhiteColorBlue, FontShadowWhiteColorAlpha, } public enum LCTTarget : byte { FontShadowBlackColorRed, FontShadowBlackColorGreen, FontShadowBlackColorBlue, FontShadowBlackColorAlpha, FontShadowWhiteColorRed, FontShadowWhiteColorGreen, FontShadowWhiteColorBlue, FontShadowWhiteColorAlpha, } public enum WindowKind { Around = 0, Horizontal = 1, HorizontalNoContent = 2 } public enum WindowFrameTexFlip : byte { None = 0, FlipH = 1, FlipV = 2, Rotate90 = 3, Rotate180 = 4, Rotate270 = 5 } public enum GfxAlphaFunction : byte { Never = 0, Less = 1, LessOrEqual = 2, Equal = 3, NotEqual = 4, GreaterOrEqual = 5, Greater = 6, Always = 7, } public enum TevMode : byte { Replace, Modulate, Add, AddSigned, Interpolate, Subtract, AddMultiplicate, MultiplcateAdd, Overlay, Indirect, BlendIndirect, EachIndirect, } public enum TevScale { Scale1, Scale2, Scale4 } public enum TevSource { Tex0 = 0, Tex1 = 1, Tex2 = 2, Tex3 = 3, Constant = 4, Primary = 5, Previous = 6, Register = 7 } public enum TevColorOp { RGB = 0, InvRGB = 1, Alpha = 2, InvAlpha = 3, RRR = 4, InvRRR = 5, GGG = 6, InvGGG = 7, BBB = 8, InvBBB = 9 } public enum TevAlphaOp { Alpha = 0, InvAlpha = 1, R = 2, InvR = 3, G = 4, InvG = 5, B = 6, InvB = 7 } public interface IPicturePane { ushort MaterialIndex { get; set; } BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; } TexCoord[] TexCoords { get; set; } STColor8 ColorTopLeft { get; set; } STColor8 ColorTopRight { get; set; } STColor8 ColorBottomLeft { get; set; } STColor8 ColorBottomRight { get; set; } } public interface IBoundryPane { } public interface ITextPane { ushort MaterialIndex { get; set; } string Text { get; set; } OriginX HorizontalAlignment { get; set; } OriginY VerticalAlignment { get; set; } List GetFonts { get; } ushort TextLength { get; set; } ushort MaxTextLength { get; set; } ushort RestrictedLength { get; } BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; } Toolbox.Library.Rendering.RenderableTex RenderableFont { get; set; } byte TextAlignment { get; set; } LineAlign LineAlignment { get; set; } float ItalicTilt { get; set; } STColor8 FontTopColor { get; set; } STColor8 FontBottomColor { get; set; } Vector2F FontSize { get; set; } float CharacterSpace { get; set; } float LineSpace { get; set; } Vector2F ShadowXY { get; set; } Vector2F ShadowXYSize { get; set; } STColor8 ShadowForeColor { get; set; } STColor8 ShadowBackColor { get; set; } float ShadowItalic { get; set; } string TextBoxName { get; set; } bool PerCharTransform { get; set; } bool RestrictedTextLengthEnabled { get; set; } bool ShadowEnabled { get; set; } string FontName { get; set; } ushort FontIndex { get; set; } } public interface IPartPane { string LayoutFileName { get; set; } } public interface IWindowPane { System.Drawing.Color[] GetVertexColors(); void ReloadFrames(); bool UseOneMaterialForAll { get; set; } bool UseVertexColorForAll { get; set; } WindowKind WindowKind { get; set; } bool NotDrawnContent { get; set; } ushort StretchLeft { get; set; } ushort StretchRight { get; set; } ushort StretchTop { get; set; } ushort StretchBottm { get; set; } ushort FrameElementLeft { get; set; } ushort FrameElementRight { get; set; } ushort FrameElementTop { get; set; } ushort FrameElementBottm { get; set; } byte FrameCount { get; set; } BxlytWindowContent Content { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] List WindowFrames { get; set; } } public class BXLAN { public BxlanHeader BxlanHeader; } public class BxlytWindowContent { public STColor8 ColorTopLeft { get; set; } public STColor8 ColorTopRight { get; set; } public STColor8 ColorBottomLeft { get; set; } public STColor8 ColorBottomRight { get; set; } public ushort MaterialIndex { get; set; } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public virtual BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; } public List TexCoords = new List(); private BxlytHeader LayoutFile; public BxlytWindowContent(BxlytHeader header, string name) { LayoutFile = header; ColorTopLeft = STColor8.White; ColorTopRight = STColor8.White; ColorBottomLeft = STColor8.White; ColorBottomRight = STColor8.White; TexCoords.Add(new TexCoord()); //Add new material Material = header.CreateNewMaterial($"{name}_C"); MaterialIndex = (ushort)header.AddMaterial(Material); } public BxlytWindowContent(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header) { LayoutFile = header; ColorTopLeft = reader.ReadColor8RGBA(); ColorTopRight = reader.ReadColor8RGBA(); ColorBottomLeft = reader.ReadColor8RGBA(); ColorBottomRight = reader.ReadColor8RGBA(); MaterialIndex = reader.ReadUInt16(); byte UVCount = reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); //padding for (int i = 0; i < UVCount; i++) TexCoords.Add(new TexCoord() { TopLeft = reader.ReadVec2SY(), TopRight = reader.ReadVec2SY(), BottomLeft = reader.ReadVec2SY(), BottomRight = reader.ReadVec2SY(), }); Material = LayoutFile.GetMaterial(MaterialIndex); } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.Write(ColorTopLeft); writer.Write(ColorTopRight); writer.Write(ColorBottomLeft); writer.Write(ColorBottomRight); writer.Write(MaterialIndex); writer.Write((byte)TexCoords.Count); writer.Write((byte)0); foreach (var texCoord in TexCoords) { writer.Write(texCoord.TopLeft); writer.Write(texCoord.TopRight); writer.Write(texCoord.BottomLeft); writer.Write(texCoord.BottomRight); } } } public class BxlytWindowFrame { [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; } public ushort MaterialIndex; public WindowFrameTexFlip TextureFlip { get; set; } public BxlytWindowFrame(BxlytHeader header, string materialName) { TextureFlip = WindowFrameTexFlip.None; var mat = header.CreateNewMaterial(materialName); MaterialIndex = (ushort)header.AddMaterial(mat); Material = mat; } public BxlytWindowFrame(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header) { MaterialIndex = reader.ReadUInt16(); TextureFlip = (WindowFrameTexFlip)reader.ReadByte(); reader.ReadByte(); //padding Material = header.GetMaterial(MaterialIndex); } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.Write(MaterialIndex); writer.Write(TextureFlip, false); writer.Write((byte)0); } } public class TexCoord { public Vector2F TopLeft { get; set; } public Vector2F TopRight { get; set; } public Vector2F BottomLeft { get; set; } public Vector2F BottomRight { get; set; } public TexCoord() { TopLeft = new Vector2F(0, 0); TopRight = new Vector2F(1, 0); BottomLeft = new Vector2F(0, 1); BottomRight = new Vector2F(1, 1); } } public class LayoutHeader : IDisposable { [Browsable(false)] public TextureManager TextureManager = new TextureManager(); public PartsManager PartsManager = new PartsManager(); [Browsable(false)] public string FileName { get { return FileInfo.FileName; } } [DisplayName("Use Big Endian"), CategoryAttribute("File Settings")] public bool IsBigEndian { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] internal IFileFormat FileInfo; [Browsable(false)] internal uint Version; [DisplayName("Version"), CategoryAttribute("File Settings")] public string VersionFull { get { return $"{VersionMajor},{VersionMinor},{VersionMicro},{VersionMicro2}"; } } [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] public uint VersionMajor { get; set; } [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] public uint VersionMinor { get; set; } [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] public uint VersionMicro { get; set; } [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] public uint VersionMicro2 { get; set; } internal void SetVersionInfo() { VersionMajor = Version >> 24; VersionMinor = Version >> 16 & 0xFF; VersionMicro = Version >> 8 & 0xFF; VersionMicro2 = Version & 0xFF; } internal uint SaveVersion() { return VersionMajor << 24 | VersionMinor << 16 | VersionMicro << 8 | VersionMicro2; } public static void WriteSection(FileWriter writer, string magic, SectionCommon section, Action WriteMethod = null) { long startPos = writer.Position; writer.WriteSignature(magic); writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); WriteMethod?.Invoke(); writer.Align(4); long endPos = writer.Position; using (writer.TemporarySeek(startPos + 4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)) { writer.Write((uint)(endPos - startPos)); } } public void Dispose() { PartsManager?.Dispose(); TextureManager?.Dispose(); FileInfo.Unload(); } } public class BxlanHeader : LayoutHeader { public BxlanPAT1 AnimationTag; public BxlanPAI1 AnimationInfo; public BxlanPaiEntry TryGetTag(string name) { for (int i = 0; i < AnimationInfo.Entries?.Count; i++) { if (AnimationInfo.Entries[i].Name == name) return AnimationInfo.Entries[i]; } return null; } public virtual void Read(FileReader reader, BXLAN header) { } public virtual void Write(FileWriter writer) { } public LytAnimation GetGenericAnimation() { return animation; } private LytAnimation animation; public LytAnimation ToGenericAnimation(BxlytHeader parentLayout) { if (animation == null) animation = new LytAnimation(this, parentLayout); else animation.UpdateLayout(parentLayout); return animation; } } public class BxlanPAT1 : SectionCommon { [DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("Animation")] public string Name { get; set; } [DisplayName("Groups"), CategoryAttribute("Animation")] public List Groups { get; set; } [DisplayName("Start"), CategoryAttribute("Frames")] public short StartFrame { get; set; } [DisplayName("End"), CategoryAttribute("Frames")] public short EndFrame { get; set; } [DisplayName("Animation Order"), CategoryAttribute("Parameters")] public ushort AnimationOrder { get; set; } [DisplayName("Child Binding"), CategoryAttribute("Parameters")] public bool ChildBinding { get; set; } } public class BxlanPAI1 : SectionCommon { public ushort FrameSize; public bool Loop; public bool ContainsEntry(string name) { return Entries.Any(x => x.Name == name); } public virtual BxlanPaiEntry AddEntry(string name, byte target) { return new BxlanPaiEntry(); } public List Textures { get; set; } = new List(); public List Entries = new List(); } public class BxlanPaiEntry { public virtual BxlanPaiTag AddEntry(string tag) { return new BxlanPaiTag(); } [DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("Animation")] public string Name { get; set; } [DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Animation")] public AnimationTarget Target { get; set; } public List Tags = new List(); } public class BxlanPaiTag { public BxlanPaiTag() { } public BxlanPaiTag(string tag) { Tag = tag; } public BxlanPaiTagEntry CreateTarget(object TargetType, byte interpolationType) { byte target = (byte)TargetType; string tagType = Tag.Remove(0, 1); switch (Tag) { case "LPA": return new LPATagEntry(target, interpolationType); case "LTS": return new LTSTagEntry(target, interpolationType); case "LVI": return new LVITagEntry(target, interpolationType); case "LVC": return new LVCTagEntry(target, interpolationType); case "LMC": return new LMCTagEntry(target, interpolationType); case "LTP": return new LTPTagEntry(target, interpolationType); default: return new BxlanPaiTagEntry(target, interpolationType); } } public List Entries = new List(); public string Tag; public string Type { get { return TypeDefine.ContainsKey(Tag) ? TypeDefine[Tag] : Tag; } } public static Dictionary TypeDefine = new Dictionary() { {"FLPA","PaneSRT" }, {"FLVI","Visibility" }, {"FLTS","TextureSRT" }, {"FLVC","VertexColor" }, {"FLMC","MaterialColor" }, {"FLTP","TexturePattern" }, {"FLIM","IndTextureSRT" }, {"FLAC","AlphaTest" }, {"FLCT","FontShadow" }, {"FLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" }, {"RLPA","PaneSRT" }, {"RLVI","Visibility" }, {"RLTS","TextureSRT" }, {"RLVC","VertexColor" }, {"RLMC","MaterialColor" }, {"RLTP","TexturePattern" }, {"RLIM","IndTextureSRT" }, {"RLAC","AlphaTest" }, {"RLCT","FontShadow" }, {"RLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" }, {"CLPA","PaneSRT" }, {"CLVI","Visibility" }, {"CLTS","TextureSRT" }, {"CLVC","VertexColor" }, {"CLMC","MaterialColor" }, {"CLTP","TexturePattern" }, {"CLIM","IndTextureSRT" }, {"CLAC","AlphaTest" }, {"CLCT","FontShadow" }, {"CLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" }, }; } public class LPATagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry { public override string TargetName => Target.ToString(); [DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")] public LPATarget Target { get { return (LPATarget)AnimationTarget; } set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; } } public LPATagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { } public LPATagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { } } public class LTSTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry { public override string TargetName => Target.ToString(); [DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")] public LTSTarget Target { get { return (LTSTarget)AnimationTarget; } set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; } } public LTSTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { } public LTSTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { } } public class LVITagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry { public override string TargetName => Target.ToString(); [DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")] public LVITarget Target { get { return (LVITarget)AnimationTarget; } set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; } } public LVITagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { } public LVITagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { } } public class LVCTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry { public override string TargetName => Target.ToString(); [DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")] public LVCTarget Target { get { return (LVCTarget)AnimationTarget; } set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; } } public LVCTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { } public LVCTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { } } public class LMCTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry { public override string TargetName => Target.ToString(); [DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")] public LMCTarget Target { get { return (LMCTarget)AnimationTarget; } set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; } } public LMCTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { } public LMCTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { } } public class LTPTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry { public override string TargetName => Target.ToString(); [DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")] public LTPTarget Target { get { return (LTPTarget)AnimationTarget; } set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; } } public LTPTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { } public LTPTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { } } public class BxlanPaiTagEntry { [Browsable(false)] public virtual string TargetName { get { return AnimationTarget.ToString(); } } public byte AnimationTarget; [DisplayName("Index"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")] public byte Index { get; set; } [DisplayName("Curve Type"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")] public CurveType CurveType { get; set; } public List KeyFrames = new List(); public BxlanPaiTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) { AnimationTarget = target; CurveType = (CurveType)curveType; } public BxlanPaiTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) { long startPos = reader.Position; Index = reader.ReadByte(); AnimationTarget = reader.ReadByte(); CurveType = reader.ReadEnum(true); reader.ReadByte(); //padding var KeyFrameCount = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16(); //Padding uint keyFrameOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.SeekBegin(startPos + keyFrameOffset); for (int i = 0; i < KeyFrameCount; i++) KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame(reader, CurveType)); } public void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header) { long startPos = writer.Position; writer.Write(Index); writer.Write(AnimationTarget); writer.Write(CurveType, true); writer.Write((byte)0); //padding writer.Write((ushort)KeyFrames.Count); writer.Write((ushort)0); //padding writer.Write(0); //key offset if (KeyFrames.Count > 0) { writer.WriteUint32Offset(startPos + 8, startPos); for (int i = 0; i < KeyFrames.Count; i++) KeyFrames[i].Write(writer, CurveType); } } } public enum BorderType : byte { Standard = 0, DeleteBorder = 1, RenderTwoCycles = 2, }; public enum LineAlign : byte { Unspecified = 0, Left = 1, Center = 2, Right = 3, }; public enum CurveType : byte { Constant, Step, Hermite, } public class KeyFrame { [DisplayName("Slope"), CategoryAttribute("Key Frame")] public float Slope { get; set; } [DisplayName("Frame"), CategoryAttribute("Key Frame")] public float Frame { get; set; } [DisplayName("Value"), CategoryAttribute("Key Frame")] public float Value { get; set; } public KeyFrame(float frame) { Frame = frame; Value = 0; Slope = 0; } public KeyFrame(FileReader reader, CurveType curveType) { switch (curveType) { case CurveType.Hermite: Frame = reader.ReadSingle(); Value = reader.ReadSingle(); Slope = reader.ReadSingle(); break; default: Frame = reader.ReadSingle(); Value = reader.ReadInt16(); reader.ReadInt16(); //padding break; } } public void Write(FileWriter writer, CurveType curveType) { switch (curveType) { case CurveType.Hermite: writer.Write(Frame); writer.Write(Value); writer.Write(Slope); break; default: writer.Write(Frame); writer.Write((ushort)Value); writer.Write((ushort)0); break; } } } public class BxlytHeader : LayoutHeader { [Browsable(false)] public System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode MaterialFolder; [Browsable(false)] public System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode TextureFolder; [Browsable(false)] public System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode FontFolder; [Browsable(false)] public Dictionary PaneLookup = new Dictionary(); [Browsable(false)] public BasePane RootPane { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public BasePane RootGroup { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual Dictionary GetTextures { get; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual List Textures { get; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual List Fonts { get; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual List GetMaterials() { return new List(); } public virtual short AddMaterial(BxlytMaterial material, ushort index) { return -1; } public virtual short AddMaterial(BxlytMaterial material) { return -1; } public virtual List AddMaterial(List materials) { return new List(); } public virtual void TryRemoveMaterial(BxlytMaterial material) { } public virtual void TryRemoveMaterial(List materials) { } public virtual BxlytMaterial CreateNewMaterial(string name) { return new BxlytMaterial(); } public virtual BxlytMaterial GetMaterial(ushort index) { return new BxlytMaterial(); } public void RemoveTextureReferences(string texture) { foreach (var mat in GetMaterials()) mat.TryRemoveTexture(texture); } public BxlytMaterial SearchMaterial(string name) { var materials = GetMaterials(); for (int i = 0; i < materials.Count; i++) { if (materials[i].Name == name) return materials[i]; } return null; } public virtual int AddFont(string name) { return -1; } public virtual void RemoveTexture(string name) { } public virtual int AddTexture(string name) { return -1; } public void AddPaneToTable(BasePane pane) { if (!PaneLookup.ContainsKey(pane.Name)) PaneLookup.Add(pane.Name, pane); } public void AddPane(BasePane pane, string parent) { if (PaneLookup.ContainsKey(parent)) AddPane(pane, PaneLookup[parent]); else throw new Exception($"Failed to find parent pane! [{parent}]"); } public void AddPane(BasePane pane, BasePane parent) { if (!PaneLookup.ContainsKey(pane.Name)) PaneLookup.Add(pane.Name, pane); pane.Parent = parent; parent.Childern.Add(pane); parent.NodeWrapper.Nodes.Add(pane.NodeWrapper); Console.WriteLine("newpane " + pane.Name + " " + pane.Parent.Name); } public void RemovePanes(List panes, BasePane rootPane) { Console.WriteLine("RemovePanes num " + panes.Count); for (int i = 0; i < panes.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"RemovePanes {panes[i].Name} {panes[i]}"); //We need to remove any materials that the material referenced if (panes[i] is IPicturePane) TryRemoveMaterial(((IPicturePane)panes[i]).Material); if (panes[i] is ITextPane) TryRemoveMaterial(((ITextPane)panes[i]).Material); if (panes[i] is IWindowPane) { var wnd = panes[i] as IWindowPane; List materials = new List(); var matC = wnd.Content.Material; materials.Add(matC); foreach (var windowFrame in wnd.WindowFrames) materials.Add(windowFrame.Material); TryRemoveMaterial(materials); materials.Clear(); } } List topMostPanes = new List(); GetTopMostPanes(panes, topMostPanes, rootPane); foreach (var pane in topMostPanes) { pane.Parent.NodeWrapper.Nodes.Remove(pane.NodeWrapper); pane.Parent.Childern.Remove(pane); } for (int i = 0; i < panes.Count; i++) { if (PaneLookup.ContainsKey(panes[i].Name)) PaneLookup.Remove(panes[i].Name); } } //Loop through each pane in the heiarchy until it finds the first set of panes //The topmost panes are only going to be removed for adding with redo to be easier private void GetTopMostPanes(List panes, List topMost, BasePane root) { foreach (var child in root.Childern) { if (panes.Contains(child)) topMost.Add(child); } if (topMost.Count == 0) { foreach (var child in root.Childern) GetTopMostPanes(panes, topMost, child); } } } public class BxlytMaterial { //Setup some enable booleans //These determine wether to switch to default values or not //While i could null out the instances of each, it's best to keep those intact //incase the settings get renabled, which keeps the previous data [Browsable(false)] public bool EnableAlphaCompare { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public bool EnableBlend { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public bool EnableBlendLogic { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public bool EnableIndParams { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public bool EnableFontShadowParams { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public TreeNodeCustom NodeWrapper; public bool TryRemoveTexture(string name) { int removeIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < TextureMaps?.Length; i++) { if (TextureMaps[i].Name == name) removeIndex = i; } if (removeIndex != -1) { TextureMaps = TextureMaps.RemoveAt(removeIndex); return true; } return false; } public void RemoveNodeWrapper() { if (NodeWrapper.Parent != null) { var parent = NodeWrapper.Parent; parent.Nodes.Remove(NodeWrapper); } } public virtual void AddTexture(string texture) { int index = ParentLayout.AddTexture(texture); BxlytTextureRef textureRef = new BxlytTextureRef(); textureRef.ID = (short)index; textureRef.Name = texture; TextureMaps = TextureMaps.AddToArray(textureRef); TextureTransforms = TextureTransforms.AddToArray(new BxlytTextureTransform()); } [DisplayName("Texture Transforms"), CategoryAttribute("Texture")] public BxlytTextureTransform[] TextureTransforms { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public MaterialAnimController animController = new MaterialAnimController(); [DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("General")] public virtual string Name { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public BxlytHeader ParentLayout; public void SetName(string oldName, string newName) { if (Name == null) return; Name = Name.Replace(oldName, newName); } [DisplayName("Black Color"), CategoryAttribute("Color")] public virtual STColor8 WhiteColor { get; set; } = STColor8.White; [DisplayName("White Color"), CategoryAttribute("Color")] public virtual STColor8 BlackColor { get; set; } = STColor8.Black; [DisplayName("Blend Mode"), CategoryAttribute("Blend")] [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public BxlytBlendMode BlendMode { get; set; } [DisplayName("Blend Mode Logic"), CategoryAttribute("Blend")] [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public BxlytBlendMode BlendModeLogic { get; set; } [DisplayName("Alpha Compare"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")] [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public BxlytAlphaCompare AlphaCompare { get; set; } [DisplayName("Thresholding Alpha Interpolation"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")] public virtual bool ThresholdingAlphaInterpolation { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual BxlytShader Shader { get; set; } [DisplayName("Texture Maps"), CategoryAttribute("Texture")] public BxlytTextureRef[] TextureMaps { get; set; } [DisplayName("Tev Stages"), CategoryAttribute("Tev")] public BxlytTevStage[] TevStages { get; set; } } public class BxlytTevStage { public TevMode ColorMode { get; set; } public TevMode AlphaMode { get; set; } } public class MaterialAnimController { public Dictionary MaterialColors = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary TexturePatterns = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary TextureSRTS = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary IndTextureSRTS = new Dictionary(); public void ResetAnim() { MaterialColors.Clear(); TexturePatterns.Clear(); TextureSRTS.Clear(); IndTextureSRTS.Clear(); } } public class BxlytTextureTransform { public Vector2F Translate { get; set; } public float Rotate { get; set; } public Vector2F Scale { get; set; } public BxlytTextureTransform() { Translate = new Vector2F(0,0); Scale = new Vector2F(1, 1); Rotate = 0; } } public class BxlytIndTextureTransform { public float Rotation { get; set; } public float ScaleX { get; set; } public float ScaleY { get; set; } } public class SectionCommon { [Browsable(false)] public virtual string Signature { get; } internal uint SectionSize { get; set; } internal long StartPosition { get; set; } internal byte[] Data { get; set; } public SectionCommon() { } public SectionCommon(string signature) { Signature = signature; } public virtual void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header) { if (Data != null) writer.Write(Data); } } public class CustomRectangle { public int LeftPoint; public int RightPoint; public int TopPoint; public int BottomPoint; public CustomRectangle(int left, int right, int top, int bottom) { LeftPoint = left; RightPoint = right; TopPoint = top; BottomPoint = bottom; } public CustomRectangle RotateZ(float rotate) { var topLeft = RotateZPoint(LeftPoint, TopPoint, rotate); var bottomRight = RotateZPoint(RightPoint, BottomPoint, rotate); return new CustomRectangle( (int)topLeft.X, (int)bottomRight.X, (int)topLeft.Y, (int)bottomRight.Y); } private OpenTK.Vector2 RotateZPoint(float p1, float p2, float rotate) { double angleInRadians = rotate * (Math.PI / 180); double cosTheta = Math.Cos(angleInRadians); double sinTheta = Math.Sin(angleInRadians); var centerPoint = new OpenTK.Vector2(0,0); return new OpenTK.Vector2( (int)(p1 * cosTheta - p2 * sinTheta), (int)(p1 * sinTheta + p2 * cosTheta)); return new OpenTK.Vector2( (int) (cosTheta * (p1 - centerPoint.X) - sinTheta * (p2 - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.X), (int) (sinTheta * (p1 - centerPoint.X) + cosTheta * (p2 - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.Y)); } public CustomRectangle GetTransformedRectangle(BasePane parent, Vector3F Transform, Vector3F Rotate, Vector2F scale) { var rect = this.RotateZ(Rotate.Z); rect = new CustomRectangle( (int)(((rect.LeftPoint * scale.X) + Transform.X)), (int)(((rect.RightPoint * scale.X) + Transform.X)), (int)(((rect.TopPoint * scale.Y) + Transform.Y)), (int)(((rect.BottomPoint * scale.Y) + Transform.Y))); if (parent != null) return parent.TransformParent(rect); else return rect; } public int Width { get { return LeftPoint - RightPoint; } } public int Height { get { return TopPoint - BottomPoint; } } } public class LayoutControlDocked : Toolbox.Library.Forms.STUserControl { public DockContent DockContent; public DockPane Pane => DockContent?.Pane; } public class LayoutDocked : DockContent { } }