Syroot.Maths Represents a set of mathematical (extension) methods. Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, π. Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, π, divided two times. Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, π, divided four times. Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, π, divided eight times. Limits the given to lie between and . The value to clamp. The smallest value to return. The biggest value to return. The clamped value. Limits the given to lie between and . The value to clamp. The smallest value to return. The biggest value to return. The clamped value. Returns the sine of the specified angle. An angle, measured in radians. The sine of a. If a is equal to , or , this method returns . Returns the cosine of the specified angle. An angle, measured in radians. The cosine of a. If a is equal to , or , this method returns . Returns the tangent of the specified angle. An angle, measured in radians. The tangent of a. If a is equal to , or , this method returns . Interpolates between the given values by the given factor. If the factor is 0f, a is returned, otherwise b, and for anything between, an interpolation by that factor is returned. The start value returned if the factor would be 0f. The end value returned if the factor would be 1f. The factor by which the two values are interpolated. An interpolation between the two values by the given factor. Converts the given angle in degrees into radians. The angle in degrees to convert. The converted angle in radians. Converts the given angle in radians into degrees. The angle in radians to convert. The converted angle in degrees . Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . The extended . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise false. Represents a 4-component color with the components red, green, blue and alpha, representing each value as a byte. A with an RGBA value of #FFFFFF00. A with an RGBA value of #F0F8FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #FAEBD7FF. A with an RGBA value of #00FFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #7FFFD4FF. A with an RGBA value of #F0FFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #F5F5DCFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFE4C4FF. A with an RGBA value of #000000FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFEBCDFF. A with an RGBA value of #0000FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #8A2BE2FF. A with an RGBA value of #A52A2AFF. A with an RGBA value of #DEB887FF. A with an RGBA value of #5F9EA0FF. A with an RGBA value of #7FFF00FF. A with an RGBA value of #D2691EFF. A with an RGBA value of #FF7F50FF. A with an RGBA value of #6495EDFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFF8DCFF. A with an RGBA value of #DC143CFF. A with an RGBA value of #00FFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #00008BFF. A with an RGBA value of #008B8BFF. A with an RGBA value of #B8860BFF. A with an RGBA value of #A9A9A9FF. A with an RGBA value of #006400FF. A with an RGBA value of #BDB76BFF. A with an RGBA value of #8B008BFF. A with an RGBA value of #556B2FFF. A with an RGBA value of #FF8C00FF. A with an RGBA value of #9932CCFF. A with an RGBA value of #8B0000FF. A with an RGBA value of #E9967AFF. A with an RGBA value of #8FBC8BFF. A with an RGBA value of #483D8BFF. A with an RGBA value of #2F4F4FFF. A with an RGBA value of #00CED1FF. A with an RGBA value of #9400D3FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF1493FF. A with an RGBA value of #00BFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #696969FF. A with an RGBA value of #1E90FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #B22222FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFAF0FF. A with an RGBA value of #228B22FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF00FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #DCDCDCFF. A with an RGBA value of #F8F8FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFD700FF. A with an RGBA value of #DAA520FF. A with an RGBA value of #808080FF. A with an RGBA value of #008000FF. A with an RGBA value of #ADFF2FFF. A with an RGBA value of #F0FFF0FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF69B4FF. A with an RGBA value of #CD5C5CFF. A with an RGBA value of #4B0082FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFFF0FF. A with an RGBA value of #F0E68CFF. A with an RGBA value of #E6E6FAFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFF0F5FF. A with an RGBA value of #7CFC00FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFACDFF. A with an RGBA value of #ADD8E6FF. A with an RGBA value of #F08080FF. A with an RGBA value of #E0FFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #FAFAD2FF. A with an RGBA value of #D3D3D3FF. A with an RGBA value of #90EE90FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFB6C1FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFA07AFF. A with an RGBA value of #20B2AAFF. A with an RGBA value of #87CEFAFF. A with an RGBA value of #778899FF. A with an RGBA value of #B0C4DEFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFFE0FF. A with an RGBA value of #00FF00FF. A with an RGBA value of #32CD32FF. A with an RGBA value of #FAF0E6FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF00FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #800000FF. A with an RGBA value of #66CDAAFF. A with an RGBA value of #0000CDFF. A with an RGBA value of #BA55D3FF. A with an RGBA value of #9370DBFF. A with an RGBA value of #3CB371FF. A with an RGBA value of #7B68EEFF. A with an RGBA value of #00FA9AFF. A with an RGBA value of #48D1CCFF. A with an RGBA value of #C71585FF. A with an RGBA value of #191970FF. A with an RGBA value of #F5FFFAFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFE4E1FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFE4B5FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFDEADFF. A with an RGBA value of #000080FF. A with an RGBA value of #FDF5E6FF. A with an RGBA value of #808000FF. A with an RGBA value of #6B8E23FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFA500FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF4500FF. A with an RGBA value of #DA70D6FF. A with an RGBA value of #EEE8AAFF. A with an RGBA value of #98FB98FF. A with an RGBA value of #AFEEEEFF. A with an RGBA value of #DB7093FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFEFD5FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFDAB9FF. A with an RGBA value of #CD853FFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFC0CBFF. A with an RGBA value of #DDA0DDFF. A with an RGBA value of #B0E0E6FF. A with an RGBA value of #800080FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF0000FF. A with an RGBA value of #BC8F8FFF. A with an RGBA value of #4169E1FF. A with an RGBA value of #8B4513FF. A with an RGBA value of #FA8072FF. A with an RGBA value of #F4A460FF. A with an RGBA value of #2E8B57FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFF5EEFF. A with an RGBA value of #A0522DFF. A with an RGBA value of #C0C0C0FF. A with an RGBA value of #87CEEBFF. A with an RGBA value of #6A5ACDFF. A with an RGBA value of #708090FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFAFAFF. A with an RGBA value of #00FF7FFF. A with an RGBA value of #4682B4FF. A with an RGBA value of #D2B48CFF. A with an RGBA value of #008080FF. A with an RGBA value of #D8BFD8FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF6347FF. A with an RGBA value of #40E0D0FF. A with an RGBA value of #EE82EEFF. A with an RGBA value of #F5DEB3FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #F5F5F5FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFF00FF. A with an RGBA value of #9ACD32FF. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The amount of red between 0f (no red) and 1f (full red). The amount of green between 0f (no green) and 1f (full green). The amount of blue between 0f (no blue) and 1f (full blue). The opacity amount between 0f (fully transparent) and 1f (fully opaque). Initializes a new instance of the struct with the specified components and full opacity. The amount of red. The amount of green. The amount of blue. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the specified color and opacity amount. The color which to use as a base. The opacity amount of the color. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the specified component values. The amount of red. The amount of green. The amount of blue. The opacity amount. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a 4-component color with the components red, green, blue and alpha, representing each value as a float. A with an RGBA value of #FFFFFF00. A with an RGBA value of #F0F8FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #FAEBD7FF. A with an RGBA value of #00FFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #7FFFD4FF. A with an RGBA value of #F0FFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #F5F5DCFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFE4C4FF. A with an RGBA value of #000000FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFEBCDFF. A with an RGBA value of #0000FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #8A2BE2FF. A with an RGBA value of #A52A2AFF. A with an RGBA value of #DEB887FF. A with an RGBA value of #5F9EA0FF. A with an RGBA value of #7FFF00FF. A with an RGBA value of #D2691EFF. A with an RGBA value of #FF7F50FF. A with an RGBA value of #6495EDFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFF8DCFF. A with an RGBA value of #DC143CFF. A with an RGBA value of #00FFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #00008BFF. A with an RGBA value of #008B8BFF. A with an RGBA value of #B8860BFF. A with an RGBA value of #A9A9A9FF. A with an RGBA value of #006400FF. A with an RGBA value of #BDB76BFF. A with an RGBA value of #8B008BFF. A with an RGBA value of #556B2FFF. A with an RGBA value of #FF8C00FF. A with an RGBA value of #9932CCFF. A with an RGBA value of #8B0000FF. A with an RGBA value of #E9967AFF. A with an RGBA value of #8FBC8BFF. A with an RGBA value of #483D8BFF. A with an RGBA value of #2F4F4FFF. A with an RGBA value of #00CED1FF. A with an RGBA value of #9400D3FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF1493FF. A with an RGBA value of #00BFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #696969FF. A with an RGBA value of #1E90FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #B22222FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFAF0FF. A with an RGBA value of #228B22FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF00FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #DCDCDCFF. A with an RGBA value of #F8F8FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFD700FF. A with an RGBA value of #DAA520FF. A with an RGBA value of #808080FF. A with an RGBA value of #008000FF. A with an RGBA value of #ADFF2FFF. A with an RGBA value of #F0FFF0FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF69B4FF. A with an RGBA value of #CD5C5CFF. A with an RGBA value of #4B0082FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFFF0FF. A with an RGBA value of #F0E68CFF. A with an RGBA value of #E6E6FAFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFF0F5FF. A with an RGBA value of #7CFC00FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFACDFF. A with an RGBA value of #ADD8E6FF. A with an RGBA value of #F08080FF. A with an RGBA value of #E0FFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #FAFAD2FF. A with an RGBA value of #D3D3D3FF. A with an RGBA value of #90EE90FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFB6C1FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFA07AFF. A with an RGBA value of #20B2AAFF. A with an RGBA value of #87CEFAFF. A with an RGBA value of #778899FF. A with an RGBA value of #B0C4DEFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFFE0FF. A with an RGBA value of #00FF00FF. A with an RGBA value of #32CD32FF. A with an RGBA value of #FAF0E6FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF00FFFF. A with an RGBA value of #800000FF. A with an RGBA value of #66CDAAFF. A with an RGBA value of #0000CDFF. A with an RGBA value of #BA55D3FF. A with an RGBA value of #9370DBFF. A with an RGBA value of #3CB371FF. A with an RGBA value of #7B68EEFF. A with an RGBA value of #00FA9AFF. A with an RGBA value of #48D1CCFF. A with an RGBA value of #C71585FF. A with an RGBA value of #191970FF. A with an RGBA value of #F5FFFAFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFE4E1FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFE4B5FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFDEADFF. A with an RGBA value of #000080FF. A with an RGBA value of #FDF5E6FF. A with an RGBA value of #808000FF. A with an RGBA value of #6B8E23FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFA500FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF4500FF. A with an RGBA value of #DA70D6FF. A with an RGBA value of #EEE8AAFF. A with an RGBA value of #98FB98FF. A with an RGBA value of #AFEEEEFF. A with an RGBA value of #DB7093FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFEFD5FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFDAB9FF. A with an RGBA value of #CD853FFF. A with an RGBA value of #FFC0CBFF. A with an RGBA value of #DDA0DDFF. A with an RGBA value of #B0E0E6FF. A with an RGBA value of #800080FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF0000FF. A with an RGBA value of #BC8F8FFF. A with an RGBA value of #4169E1FF. A with an RGBA value of #8B4513FF. A with an RGBA value of #FA8072FF. A with an RGBA value of #F4A460FF. A with an RGBA value of #2E8B57FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFF5EEFF. A with an RGBA value of #A0522DFF. A with an RGBA value of #C0C0C0FF. A with an RGBA value of #87CEEBFF. A with an RGBA value of #6A5ACDFF. A with an RGBA value of #708090FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFAFAFF. A with an RGBA value of #00FF7FFF. A with an RGBA value of #4682B4FF. A with an RGBA value of #D2B48CFF. A with an RGBA value of #008080FF. A with an RGBA value of #D8BFD8FF. A with an RGBA value of #FF6347FF. A with an RGBA value of #40E0D0FF. A with an RGBA value of #EE82EEFF. A with an RGBA value of #F5DEB3FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFFFFFF. A with an RGBA value of #F5F5F5FF. A with an RGBA value of #FFFF00FF. A with an RGBA value of #9ACD32FF. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The amount of red between 0f (no red) and 1f (full red). The amount of green between 0f (no green) and 1f (full green). The amount of blue between 0f (no blue) and 1f (full blue). The opacity amount between 0f (fully transparent) and 1f (fully opaque). Initializes a new instance of the struct with the specified components and full opacity. The amount of red. The amount of green. The amount of blue. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the specified color and opacity amount. The color which to use as a base. The opacity amount of the color. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the specified component values. The amount of red. The amount of green. The amount of blue. The opacity amount. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Implicit conversion from . The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for determining equality of instances. Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. The type of structures to compare. Indicates whether the current structure is equal to another structure of the same type. Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A structure to compare with this structure. true if the current structure is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for determining nearly equality of instances with float values, ignoring rounding precision errors. The type of objects to compare. Indicates whether the current object is nearly equal to another object of the same type. An object to compare with this object. true if the current object is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise false. Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for determining nearly equality of instances with float values, ignoring rounding precision errors. Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. The type of objects to compare. Indicates whether the current object is nearly equal to another object of the same type. Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. An object to compare with this object. true if the current object is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 2 rows and 2 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 2 rows and 4 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the first row and the fourth column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the second row and the fourth column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the first row and the fourth column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the second row and the fourth column. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. The identity which causes no transformations to happen. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the third row and the third column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the third row and the third column. Multiplicates the first with the second one. The first to multiplicate with. The second to multiplicate with. The multiplication result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix3 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix3x2 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the first row and the fourth column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the second row and the fourth column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the third row and the third column. The value in the third row and the fourth column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the first row and the fourth column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the second row and the fourth column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the third row and the third column. The value in the third row and the fourth column. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 4 rows and 4 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. The identity which causes no transformations to happen. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the first row and the fourth column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the second row and the fourth column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the third row and the third column. The value in the third row and the fourth column. The value in the fourth row and the first column. The value in the fourth row and the second column. The value in the fourth row and the third column. The value in the fourth row and the fourth column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the first row and the fourth column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the second row and the fourth column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the third row and the third column. The value in the third row and the fourth column. The value in the fourth row and the first column. The value in the fourth row and the second column. The value in the fourth row and the third column. The value in the fourth row and the fourth column. Multiplicates the first with the second one. The first to multiplicate with. The second to multiplicate with. The multiplication result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a for an orthographic camera to transform vertices to normalized device coordinates. The top clipping distance before which vertices will disappear. The right clipping distance before which vertices will disappear. The bottom clipping distance before which vertices will disappear. The left clipping distance before which vertices will disappear. The near clipping distance before which vertices will disappear. The far clipping distance after which vertices will disappear. An orthographic camera . Gets a for a rotation around the X axis in 3-dimensional space. The degrees of rotation. A representing the given rotation. Gets a for a rotation around the Y axis in 3-dimensional space. The degrees of rotation. A representing the given rotation. Gets a for a rotation around the Z axis in 3-dimensional space. The degrees of rotation. A representing the given rotation. Gets a for a scaling of vectors in 3-dimensional space. The containing the scaling amount on all axes. A representing the given scaling. Gets a for a scaling of vectors in 3-dimensional space. The scaling amount on the X axis. The scaling amount on the Y axis. The scaling amount on the Z axis. A representing the given scaling. Gets a for a translation of vectors in 3-dimensional space. The containing the translation amount on all axes. A representing the given translation. Gets a for a translation of vectors in 3-dimensional space. The translation amount on the X axis. The translation amount on the Y axis. The translation amount on the Z axis. A representing the given translation. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 4 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the fourth row and the first column. The value in the fourth row and the second column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the fourth row and the first column. The value in the fourth row and the second column. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a matrix with 4 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation. A with all components being 0f. Gets the number of rows. Gets the number of columns. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the third row and the third column. The value in the fourth row and the first column. The value in the fourth row and the second column. The value in the fourth row and the third column. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values. The value in the first row and the first column. The value in the first row and the second column. The value in the first row and the third column. The value in the second row and the first column. The value in the second row and the second column. The value in the second row and the third column. The value in the third row and the first column. The value in the third row and the second column. The value in the third row and the third column. The value in the fourth row and the first column. The value in the fourth row and the second column. The value in the fourth row and the third column. Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified. The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets or sets the component at the given and . The row of the component. The column of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a rectangle specifying a position and size which uses integer values. A at position 0, 0 and a width and height of 0. A at position 0, 0 and a width and height of 1. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X integer component. The Y integer component. The integer width of the rectangle. The integer height of the rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the position and size components. The value of the X position component. The value of the Y position component. The value of the width size component. The value of the height size component. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the position and size components. The values of the position components. The values of the size components. Gets or sets the positional of this rectangle, representing the and members. Gets or sets the sizing of this rectangle, representing the and members. Gets or sets the end coordinate on the X axis. Gets or sets the end coordinate on the Y axis. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a rectangle specifying a position and size which uses float values. A at position 0f, 0f and a width and height of 0f. A at position 0f, 0f and a width and height of 1f. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X float component. The Y float component. The float width of the rectangle. The float height of the rectangle. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the position and size components. The value of the X position component. The value of the Y position component. The value of the width size component. The value of the height size component. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the position and size components. The values of the position components. The values of the size components. Gets or sets the positional of this rectangle, representing the and members. Gets or sets the sizing of this rectangle, representing the and members. Gets or sets the end coordinate on the X axis. Gets or sets the end coordinate on the Y axis. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Implicit conversion from . The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a two-dimensional vector which uses integer values. A with the X and Y components being 0. A with the X and Y components being 1. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X integer component. The Y integer component. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the X and Y components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Negates the given . The to negate. The negated result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether the lies within the provided . The tested for intersection. true when the lies within the rectangle, otherwise false. Represents a two-dimensional vector which uses boolean values. A with the X and Y components being false. A with the X and Y components being true. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X boolean component. The Y boolean component. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the X and Y components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a two-dimensional vector which uses float values. A with the X and Y components being 0f. A with the X and Y components being 0.5f. A with the X and Y components being 1f. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X float component. The Y float component. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values for the X and Y components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Negates the given . The to negate. The negated result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Implicit conversion from . The to convert from. The retrieved . Implicit conversion from . The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether the lies within the provided . The tested for intersection. true when the lies within the rectangle, otherwise false. Represents a two-dimensional vector which uses unsigned integer values. A with the X and Y components being 0. A with the X and Y components being 1. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X unsigned integer component. The Y unsigned integer component. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the X and Y components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Returns a value indicating whether the lies within the provided . The tested for intersection. true when the lies within the rectangle, otherwise false. Represents a three-dimensional vector which uses integer values. A with the X, Y and Z components being 0. A with the X, Y and Z components being 1. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X integer component. The Y integer component. The Z integer component. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the X, Y and Z components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. The value of the Z component. Gets the length of this vector. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Negates the given . The to negate. The negated result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Gets the angle between this and the other . The other . The angle between this and the other vector. Gets the angle between this and the other . The other . The angle between this and the other vector. Gets the cross product between this and the other . The other . The cross product between this and the other vector. Gets the cross product between this and the other . The other . The cross product between this and the other vector. Gets the dot product between this and the other . The other . The dot product between this and the other vector. Gets the dot product between this and the other . The other . The dot product between this and the other vector. Normalizes the length of this vector. Returns a normalized version of this vector. Represents a three-dimensional vector which uses boolean values. A with the X, Y and Z components being false. A with the X, Y and Z components being true. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X boolean component. The Y boolean component. The Z boolean component. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the X, Y and Z components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. The value of the Z component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a three-dimensional vector which uses float values. A with the X, Y and Z components being 0f. A with the X, Y and Z components being 1f. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X float component. The Y float component. The Z float component. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values for the X, Y and Z components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. The value of the Z component. Gets the length of this vector. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Negates the given . The to negate. The negated result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Implicit conversion from . The to convert from. The retrieved . Implicit conversion from . The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Gets the angle between this and the other . The other . The angle between this and the other vector. Gets the angle between this and the other . The other . The angle between this and the other vector. Gets the cross product between this and the other . The other . The cross product between this and the other vector. Gets the cross product between this and the other . The other . The cross product between this and the other vector. Gets the dot product between this and the other . The other . The dot product between this and the other vector. Gets the dot product between this and the other . The other . The dot product between this and the other vector. Normalizes the length of this vector. Returns a normalized version of this vector. Represents a three-dimensional vector which uses unsigned integer values. A with the X, Y and Z components being 0. A with the X, Y and Z components being 1. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X unsigned integer component. The Y unsigned integer component. The Z unsigned integer component. Initializes a new instance of the structure with the given values for the X, Y and Z components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. The value of the Z component. Gets the length of this vector. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Gets the angle between this and the other . The other . The angle between this and the other vector. Gets the angle between this and the other . The other . The angle between this and the other vector. Gets the cross product between this and the other . The other . The cross product between this and the other vector. Gets the cross product between this and the other . The other . The cross product between this and the other vector. Gets the dot product between this and the other . The other . The dot product between this and the other vector. Gets the dot product between this and the other . The other . The dot product between this and the other vector. Normalizes the length of this vector. Returns a normalized version of this vector. Represents a four-dimensional vector which uses integer values. A with the X, Y, Z and W components being 0. A with the X, Y, Z and W components being 1. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X integer component. The Y integer component. The Z integer component. The W integer component. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values for the X, Y, Z and W components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. The value of the Z component. The value of the W component. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Negates the given . The to negate. The negated result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a four-dimensional vector which uses integer values. A with the X, Y, Z and W components being false. A with the X, Y, Z and W components being true. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X boolean component. The Y boolean component. The Z boolean component. The W boolean component. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values for the X, Y, Z and W components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. The value of the Z component. The value of the W component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a four-dimensional vector which uses float values. A with the X, Y, Z and W components being 0f. A with the X, Y, Z and W components being 1f. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X float component. The Y float component. The Z float component. The W float component. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values for the X, Y, Z and W components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. The value of the Z component. The value of the W component. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Negates the given . The to negate. The negated result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Implicit conversion from . The to convert from. The retrieved . Implicit conversion from . The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is nearly equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this . true if the current is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Represents a four-dimensional vector which uses unsigned integer values. A with the X, Y, Z and W components being 0. A with the X, Y, Z and W components being 1. Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure. Gets the size of this structure. The X unsigned integer component. The Y unsigned integer component. The Z unsigned integer component. The W unsigned integer component. Initializes a new instance of the struct with the given values for the X, Y, Z and W components. The value of the X component. The value of the Y component. The value of the Z component. The value of the W component. Returns the given . The . The result. Adds the first to the second one. The first . The second . The addition result. Subtracts the first from the second one. The first . The second . The subtraction result. Multiplicates the given by the scalar. The . The scalar. The multiplication result. Multiplicates the first by the second one. The first . The second . The multiplication result. Divides the given through the scalar. The . The scalar. The division result. Divides the first through the second one. The first . The second . The division result. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified are not the same as the components of the second specified . The first to compare. The second to compare. true, if the components of both are not the same. Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Explicit conversion from The to convert from. The retrieved . Gets or sets the component at the given . The index of the component. The value of the component. Gets a value indicating whether the components of this are the same as the components of the second specified . The object to compare, if it is a . true, if the components of both are the same. Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality. The hash code. Gets a string describing the components of this . A string describing this . Indicates whether the current is equal to another . A to compare with this . true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current is equal to another . Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying. A to compare with this structure. true if the current is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.