using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Animations; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library; using Bfres.Structs; namespace FirstPlugin.Forms { public partial class BfresTexturePatternEditor : STForm { public PlayerState AnimationPlayerState = PlayerState.Stop; public enum PlayerState { Playing, Pause, Stop, } public bool IsLooping { get { return loopChkBox.Checked; } set { loopChkBox.Checked = value; } } public bool IsPlaying { get { return AnimationPlayerState == PlayerState.Playing; } } ImageList imgList = new ImageList(); private List MaterialAnimations; public BfresTexturePatternEditor(TreeNodeCollection materialAnimations) { InitializeComponent(); listViewCustom1.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.None; listViewCustom1.BackColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.TextEditorBackColor; imgList = new ImageList() { ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit, ImageSize = new Size(32, 32), }; stPanel4.BackColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormBackColor; timer1.Interval = 100 / 60; treeView1.BackColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormBackColor; treeView1.ForeColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormForeColor; toolstripShiftUp.Image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY); foreach (var type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Runtime.PictureBoxBG)).Cast()) backgroundCB.Items.Add(type); backgroundCB.SelectedItem = Runtime.pictureBoxStyle; MaterialAnimations = new List(); foreach (TreeNode matAnim in materialAnimations) { MaterialAnimations.Add((MaterialAnimation)matAnim); activeAnimCB.Items.Add(matAnim.Text); } } MaterialAnimation.SamplerKeyGroup activeSampler; MaterialAnimation _activeMaterialAnim; MaterialAnimation ActiveMaterialAnim { get { return _activeMaterialAnim; } set { _activeMaterialAnim = value; maxFrameCounterUD.Maximum = value.FrameCount; maxFrameCounterUD.Value = value.FrameCount; currentFrameCounterUD.Maximum = value.FrameCount; animationTrackBar.TickDivide = 1; animationTrackBar.Maximum = value.FrameCount; animationTrackBar.Minimum = 0; currentFrameCounterUD.Value = 0; frameCountUD.Maximum = value.FrameCount; frameCountUD.Value = value.FrameCount; } } private void OnPropertyChanged() { } public bool IsLoaded = false; public void LoadAnim(MaterialAnimation materialAnim) { if (materialAnim.Materials.Count <= 0) return; IsLoaded = false; ReloadAnimationView(materialAnim); IsLoaded = true; activeAnimCB.SelectItemByText(materialAnim.Text); animationTrackBar.Value = 0; } private void ReloadAnimationView(MaterialAnimation materialAnim) { treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); int Index = 0; foreach (var mat in materialAnim.Materials) { mat.Nodes.Clear(); var matWrapper = new TreeNode(mat.Text) { Tag = mat, }; treeView1.Nodes.Add(matWrapper); foreach (var sampler in mat.Samplers) matWrapper.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(sampler.Text) { Tag = sampler, }); if (matWrapper.Nodes.Count > 0 && Index == 0) treeView1.SelectedNode = matWrapper.Nodes[0]; Index++; } ReloadAnimationView(); } private void ReloadAnimationView() { editToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; listViewCustom1.SuspendLayout(); listViewCustom1.Items.Clear(); LoadAniamtion(ActiveMaterialAnim, activeSampler); listViewCustom1.ResumeLayout(); if (listViewCustom1.Items.Count > 0) { listViewCustom1.Items[0].Selected = true; listViewCustom1.Select(); editToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; } } Dictionary Images = new Dictionary(); public List KeyFrames = new List(); //Used for getting the frame of the list item public bool IsLoading = false; private void LoadAniamtion(MaterialAnimation anim, MaterialAnimation.SamplerKeyGroup activeSampler) { if (activeSampler == null || IsLoading) return; imgList.Images.Clear(); Images.Clear(); KeyFrames.Clear(); listViewCustom1.SmallImageList = imgList; listViewCustom1.Items.Clear(); listViewCustom1.View = View.SmallIcon; int ImageIndex = 0; for (int Frame = 0; Frame <= anim.FrameCount; Frame++) { //Constants always show so break after first frame if (activeSampler.Constant && Frame != 0) break; var keyFrame = activeSampler.GetKeyFrame(Frame); if (keyFrame.IsKeyed || activeSampler.Constant) { AddKeyFrame((int)keyFrame.Value, Frame, ImageIndex++); } } Thread Thread = new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { for (int Frame = 0; Frame <= anim.FrameCount; Frame++) { //Constants always show so break after first frame if (activeSampler.Constant && Frame != 0) break; var keyFrame = activeSampler.GetKeyFrame(Frame); if (keyFrame.IsKeyed || activeSampler.Constant) { AddKeyFrameImage((int)keyFrame.Value, Frame); } } IsLoading = true; if (listViewCustom1.InvokeRequired) { listViewCustom1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { if (listViewCustom1.Items.Count > 0) { listViewCustom1.Items[0].Selected = true; listViewCustom1.Select(); } }); } else { if (listViewCustom1.Items.Count > 0) { listViewCustom1.Items[0].Selected = true; listViewCustom1.Select(); } } IsLoading = false; })); Thread.Start(); } private void AddKeyFrameImage(int Index, int Frame) { var tex = activeSampler.GetActiveTexture((int)Index); if (tex != null) { Bitmap temp = tex.GetBitmap(); if (!Images.ContainsKey(Frame)) Images.Add(Frame, temp); else { Images.Remove(Frame); Images.Add(Frame, temp); } KeyFrames.Add(Frame); if (listViewCustom1.InvokeRequired) { listViewCustom1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { // Running on the UI thread imgList.Images.Add(temp); var dummy = imgList.Handle; }); } } } private void AddKeyFrame(int Index, int Frame, int ImageIndex) { if (activeSampler == null) return; string TextureKey = activeSampler.GetActiveTextureNameByIndex((int)Index); var tex = activeSampler.GetActiveTexture((int)Index); listViewCustom1.Items.Add($"{Frame} / {ActiveMaterialAnim.FrameCount} \n" + tex.Text, ImageIndex); } private void SelectThumbnailItems() { } private void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AnimationPlayerState == PlayerState.Playing) Pause(); else Play(); } private void btnStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stop(); } private void Play() { timer1.Start(); AnimationPlayerState = PlayerState.Playing; UpdateAnimationUI(); } private void Pause() { timer1.Stop(); AnimationPlayerState = PlayerState.Stop; UpdateAnimationUI(); } private void Stop() { timer1.Stop(); animationTrackBar.Value = 0; AnimationPlayerState = PlayerState.Stop; UpdateAnimationUI(); } private void UpdateAnimationUI() { btnPlay.BackgroundImage = IsPlaying ? Switch_Toolbox.Library.Properties.Resources.PauseBtn : Switch_Toolbox.Library.Properties.Resources.PlayArrowR; } private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AnimationPlayerState == PlayerState.Playing) { if (animationTrackBar.Value == animationTrackBar.Maximum) { if (IsLooping) animationTrackBar.Value = 0; else Stop(); } else { animationTrackBar.Value++; } } } private void maxFrameCounterUD_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ActiveMaterialAnim == null) return; if (maxFrameCounterUD.Value < 1) { maxFrameCounterUD.Value = 1; } else { ActiveMaterialAnim.FrameCount = (int)maxFrameCounterUD.Value; animationTrackBar.Value = 0; animationTrackBar.Maximum = ActiveMaterialAnim.FrameCount; animationTrackBar.Minimum = 0; } } private void animationTrackBar_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { currentFrameCounterUD.Value = animationTrackBar.Value; SetAnimationsToFrame(animationTrackBar.Value); } private void SelectListItem(int Frame) { if (KeyFrames.Contains(Frame)) { int index = KeyFrames.IndexOf(Frame); listViewCustom1.TrySelectItem(index); } } private void SetAnimationsToFrame(int Frame) { if (activeSampler != null) { var keyFrame = activeSampler.GetKeyFrame(Frame); var tex = activeSampler.GetActiveTexture((int)keyFrame.Value); if (tex != null) { if (Images.ContainsKey(Frame)) pictureBoxCustom1.Image = Images[Frame]; } } } private void currentFrameCounterUD_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentFrameCounterUD.Value > maxFrameCounterUD.Value) currentFrameCounterUD.Value = maxFrameCounterUD.Value; animationTrackBar.Value = (int)currentFrameCounterUD.Value; } private void listViewCustom1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewCustom1.SelectedItems.Count > 0 && KeyFrames.Count > 0) { editToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; int SelectedFrame = KeyFrames[listViewCustom1.SelectedIndices[0]]; animationTrackBar.Value = SelectedFrame; textureFrameUD.Value = SelectedFrame; } else editToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } private void animationTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e) { } private void btnForward1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (animationTrackBar.Value < animationTrackBar.Maximum) animationTrackBar.Value++; } private void btnBackward1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (animationTrackBar.Value > 0) animationTrackBar.Value--; } private void btnEditMaterial_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TexPatternMaterialEditor editor = new TexPatternMaterialEditor(); editor.LoadAnim(ActiveMaterialAnim); if (editor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { } } private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool IsWiiU = activeSampler is FTXP.BfresSamplerAnim; Texture_Selector editor = new Texture_Selector(); editor.LoadTexture("", IsWiiU); if (editor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string NewTex = editor.GetSelectedTexture(); if (ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures == null) ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures = new List(); if (!ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures.Contains(NewTex)) ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures.Add(NewTex); activeSampler.AddKeyFrame(NewTex); } } private void listViewCustom1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewCustom1.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { bool IsWiiU = activeSampler is FTXP.BfresSamplerAnim; int SelectedFrame = KeyFrames[listViewCustom1.SelectedIndices[0]]; string currentTex = listViewCustom1.SelectedItems[0].Text; Texture_Selector editor = new Texture_Selector(); editor.LoadTexture(currentTex, IsWiiU); if (editor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string NewTex = editor.GetSelectedTexture(); if (!ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures.Contains(NewTex)) ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures.Add(NewTex); int index = ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures.IndexOf(NewTex); activeSampler.SetValue(SelectedFrame, index); ActiveMaterialAnim.UpdateAnimationData(); } } } private void exportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewCustom1.SelectedItems.Count > 0 && activeSampler != null) { int Frame = animationTrackBar.Value; var keyFrame = activeSampler.GetKeyFrame(Frame); var tex = activeSampler.GetActiveTexture((int)keyFrame.Value); if (tex != null) { using (var sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { if (tex is FTEX) { sfd.Filter = FileFilters.FTEX; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (tex is FTEX) ((FTEX)tex).Export(sfd.FileName); } } if (tex is TextureData) { sfd.Filter = FileFilters.BNTX_TEX; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (tex is TextureData) ((TextureData)tex).Export(sfd.FileName); } } } } } } private void replaceToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewCustom1.SelectedItems.Count > 0 && activeSampler != null) { int Frame = animationTrackBar.Value; var keyFrame = activeSampler.GetKeyFrame(Frame); var tex = activeSampler.GetActiveTexture((int)keyFrame.Value); if (tex != null) { using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { if (tex is FTEX) { ofd.Filter = FileFilters.FTEX; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (tex is FTEX) ((FTEX)tex).Replace(ofd.FileName); } } if (tex is TextureData) { ofd.Filter = FileFilters.BNTX_TEX; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (tex is TextureData) ((TextureData)tex).Replace(ofd.FileName); } } } } ReloadAnimationView(); } } private void textureFrameUD_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewCustom1.SelectedItems.Count > 0 && KeyFrames.Count > 0) { int Index = listViewCustom1.SelectedIndices[0]; int SelectedFrame = KeyFrames[Index]; var ListItem = listViewCustom1.SelectedItems[0]; } } private void treeView1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (ActiveMaterialAnim == null || !IsLoaded) return; var node = treeView1.SelectedNode; if (node.Tag is MaterialAnimation.Material) { } if (node.Tag is MaterialAnimation.SamplerKeyGroup) { activeSampler = (MaterialAnimation.SamplerKeyGroup)node.Tag; ReloadAnimationView(); } } private void addKeyFrameToolstrip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (activeSampler != null) { bool IsWiiU = activeSampler is FTXP.BfresSamplerAnim; Texture_Selector editor = new Texture_Selector(); editor.LoadTexture("", IsWiiU); if (editor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string NewTex = editor.GetSelectedTexture(); if (ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures == null) ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures = new List(); if (!ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures.Contains(NewTex)) ActiveMaterialAnim.Textures.Add(NewTex); if (activeSampler != null) activeSampler.AddKeyFrame(NewTex); } } } private void removeKeyFrameToolstrip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (activeSampler != null) { int Frame = animationTrackBar.Value; activeSampler.RemoveKeyFrame(Frame); } } private void toolstripShiftUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (activeSampler != null) { int Frame = animationTrackBar.Value; activeSampler.ShiftKeyUp(Frame); } } private void toolstripShiftDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (activeSampler != null) { int Frame = animationTrackBar.Value; activeSampler.ShiftKeyDown(Frame); } } private void activeAnimCB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (activeAnimCB.SelectedIndex != -1 && IsLoaded) { ActiveMaterialAnim = MaterialAnimations[activeAnimCB.SelectedIndex]; ReloadAnimationView(ActiveMaterialAnim); } } private void backgroundCB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Runtime.pictureBoxStyle = (Runtime.PictureBoxBG)backgroundCB.SelectedItem; UpdateBackgroundImage(); } private void UpdateBackgroundImage() { switch (Runtime.pictureBoxStyle) { case Runtime.PictureBoxBG.Black: pictureBoxCustom1.BackgroundImage = null; pictureBoxCustom1.BackColor = Color.Black; break; case Runtime.PictureBoxBG.White: pictureBoxCustom1.BackgroundImage = null; pictureBoxCustom1.BackColor = Color.White; break; case Runtime.PictureBoxBG.Checkerboard: pictureBoxCustom1.BackgroundImage = Switch_Toolbox.Library.Properties.Resources.CheckerBackground; break; } } } }