using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Toolbox.Library; using Toolbox.Library.Forms; using LayoutBXLYT.Cafe; namespace LayoutBXLYT { public partial class LayoutHierarchy : LayoutDocked { private LayoutEditor ParentEditor; private STContextMenuStrip ContexMenu; public LayoutHierarchy(LayoutEditor layoutEditor) { ParentEditor = layoutEditor; InitializeComponent(); treeView1.BackColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormBackColor; treeView1.ForeColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormForeColor; var imgList = new ImageList(); imgList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; imgList.Images.Add("folder", Toolbox.Library.Properties.Resources.Folder); imgList.Images.Add("AlignmentPane", FirstPlugin.Properties.Resources.AlignmentPane); imgList.Images.Add("WindowPane", FirstPlugin.Properties.Resources.WindowPane); imgList.Images.Add("ScissorPane", FirstPlugin.Properties.Resources.ScissorPane); imgList.Images.Add("BoundryPane", FirstPlugin.Properties.Resources.BoundryPane); imgList.Images.Add("NullPane", FirstPlugin.Properties.Resources.NullPane); imgList.Images.Add("PicturePane", FirstPlugin.Properties.Resources.PicturePane); imgList.Images.Add("QuickAcess", FirstPlugin.Properties.Resources.QuickAccess); imgList.Images.Add("TextPane", FirstPlugin.Properties.Resources.TextPane); imgList.Images.Add("material", Toolbox.Library.Properties.Resources.materialSphere); imgList.Images.Add("texture", Toolbox.Library.Properties.Resources.Texture); imgList.Images.Add("font", Toolbox.Library.Properties.Resources.Font); imgList.ImageSize = new Size(22,22); treeView1.ImageList = imgList; BackColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormBackColor; ForeColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormForeColor; ContexMenu = new STContextMenuStrip(); } private bool isLoaded = false; private EventHandler OnProperySelected; private BxlytHeader ActiveLayout; public void LoadLayout(BxlytHeader bxlyt, EventHandler onPropertySelected) { isLoaded = false; OnProperySelected = onPropertySelected; ActiveLayout = bxlyt; treeView1.BeginUpdate(); treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); CreateQuickAccess(bxlyt); treeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("File Settings") {Tag = bxlyt }); LoadTextures(bxlyt.Textures); LoadFonts(bxlyt.Fonts); LoadMaterials(bxlyt.GetMaterials()); treeView1.Nodes.Add(new AnimatedPaneFolder(ParentEditor, "Animated Pane List") { Tag = bxlyt }); LoadPane(bxlyt.RootGroup); LoadPane(bxlyt.RootPane); treeView1.EndUpdate(); isLoaded = true; } public class AnimatedPaneFolder : TreeNodeCustom { private LayoutEditor ParentEditor; private bool Expanded = false; public AnimatedPaneFolder(LayoutEditor editor, string text) { ParentEditor = editor; Text = text; Nodes.Add("Empty"); } public override void OnExpand() { if (Expanded) return; var layoutFile = (BxlytHeader)Tag; Nodes.Clear(); Expanded = true; var animations = ParentEditor.AnimationFiles; foreach (var pane in layoutFile.PaneLookup.Values) { string matName = ""; //Find materials var mat = pane.TryGetActiveMaterial(); if (mat != null) matName = mat.Name; //search archive var archive = layoutFile.FileInfo.IFileInfo.ArchiveParent; if (archive != null) { foreach (var file in archive.Files) { if (Utils.GetExtension(file.FileName) == ".bflan" && !animations.Any(x => x.FileName == file.FileName)) { if (BxlanHeader.ContainsEntry(file.FileData, new string[2] { pane.Name, matName })) { var paneNode = CreatePaneWrapper(pane); Nodes.Add(paneNode); } } } } //Search opened animations for (int i = 0; i < animations?.Count; i++) { if (animations[i].ContainsEntry(pane.Name) || animations[i].ContainsEntry(matName)) { var paneNode = CreatePaneWrapper(pane); Nodes.Add(paneNode); } } } } } public void SelectNode(TreeNode node) { treeView1.SelectedNode = node; treeView1.Refresh(); } public void UpdateTree() { treeView1.Refresh(); } public void Reset() { treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); isLoaded = false; } private void LoadTextures(List textures) { ActiveLayout.TextureFolder = new TreeNode("Textures"); treeView1.Nodes.Add(ActiveLayout.TextureFolder); for (int i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { TreeNode matNode = new TreeNode(textures[i]); matNode.Tag = i; matNode.ContextMenuStrip = new ContextMenuStrip(); var menu = new STToolStipMenuItem("Rename"); menu.Click += RenameTextureAction; matNode.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add(menu); matNode.ImageKey = "texture"; matNode.SelectedImageKey = "texture"; ActiveLayout.TextureFolder.Nodes.Add(matNode); } } private void RenameTextureAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { var selectedNode = treeView1.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode == null) return; int index = (int)selectedNode.Tag; string activeTex = ActiveLayout.Textures[index]; RenameDialog dlg = new RenameDialog(); dlg.SetString(activeTex); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ActiveLayout.Textures[index] = dlg.textBox1.Text; selectedNode.Text = dlg.textBox1.Text; } } private void LoadFonts(List fonts) { ActiveLayout.FontFolder = new TreeNode("Fonts"); treeView1.Nodes.Add(ActiveLayout.FontFolder); for (int i = 0; i < fonts.Count; i++) { TreeNode matNode = new TreeNode(fonts[i]); matNode.ImageKey = "font"; matNode.SelectedImageKey = "font"; ActiveLayout.FontFolder.Nodes.Add(matNode); } } private void LoadMaterials(List materials) { ActiveLayout.MaterialFolder = new TreeNode("Materials"); treeView1.Nodes.Add(ActiveLayout.MaterialFolder); for (int i = 0; i < materials.Count; i++) { MatWrapper matNode = new MatWrapper(materials[i].Name); materials[i].NodeWrapper = matNode; matNode.Tag = materials[i]; matNode.ImageKey = "material"; matNode.SelectedImageKey = "material"; ActiveLayout.MaterialFolder.Nodes.Add(matNode); } } private void CreateQuickAccess(BxlytHeader bxlyt) { var panes = new List(); var groupPanes = new List(); GetPanes(bxlyt.RootPane,ref panes); GetGroupPanes(bxlyt.RootGroup,ref groupPanes); TreeNode node = new TreeNode("Quick Access"); node.ImageKey = "QuickAcess"; node.SelectedImageKey = "QuickAcess"; treeView1.Nodes.Add(node); TreeNode nullFolder = new TreeNode("Null Panes"); TreeNode textFolder = new TreeNode("Text Boxes"); TreeNode windowFolder = new TreeNode("Window Panes"); TreeNode pictureFolder = new TreeNode("Picture Panes"); TreeNode boundryFolder = new TreeNode("Boundry Panes"); TreeNode partsFolder = new TreeNode("Part Panes"); TreeNode groupFolder = new TreeNode("Groups"); node.Nodes.Add(nullFolder); node.Nodes.Add(textFolder); node.Nodes.Add(windowFolder); node.Nodes.Add(pictureFolder); node.Nodes.Add(boundryFolder); node.Nodes.Add(partsFolder); node.Nodes.Add(groupFolder); for (int i = 0; i < panes.Count; i++) { var paneNode = CreatePaneWrapper(panes[i]); if (panes[i] is BFLYT.WND1) windowFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BCLYT.WND1) windowFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BRLYT.WND1) windowFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BFLYT.PIC1) pictureFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BCLYT.PIC1) pictureFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BRLYT.PIC1) pictureFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BFLYT.BND1) boundryFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BCLYT.BND1) boundryFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BRLYT.BND1) boundryFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BCLYT.PRT1) partsFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BFLYT.PRT1) partsFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BRLYT.PRT1) partsFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BRLYT.TXT1) textFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BCLYT.TXT1) textFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else if (panes[i] is BFLYT.TXT1) textFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else nullFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); } for (int i = 0; i < groupPanes.Count; i++) { var paneNode = CreatePaneWrapper(groupPanes[i]); groupFolder.Nodes.Add(paneNode); } } private void GetPanes(BasePane pane, ref List panes) { panes.Add(pane); foreach (var childPane in pane.Childern) GetPanes(childPane,ref panes); } private void GetGroupPanes(BasePane pane, ref List panes) { panes.Add(pane); foreach (var childPane in pane.Childern) GetPanes(childPane,ref panes); } public static PaneTreeWrapper CreatePaneWrapper(BasePane pane) { PaneTreeWrapper paneNode = new PaneTreeWrapper(); paneNode.Text = pane.Name; paneNode.Tag = pane; paneNode.Checked = true; string imageKey = ""; if (pane is BFLYT.WND1) imageKey = "WindowPane"; else if (pane is BCLYT.WND1) imageKey = "WindowPane"; else if (pane is BRLYT.WND1) imageKey = "WindowPane"; else if (pane is BFLYT.PIC1) imageKey = "PicturePane"; else if (pane is BCLYT.PIC1) imageKey = "PicturePane"; else if (pane is BRLYT.PIC1) imageKey = "PicturePane"; else if (pane is BFLYT.BND1) imageKey = "BoundryPane"; else if (pane is BCLYT.BND1) imageKey = "BoundryPane"; else if (pane is BRLYT.BND1) imageKey = "BoundryPane"; else if (pane is BFLYT.TXT1) imageKey = "TextPane"; else if (pane is BCLYT.TXT1) imageKey = "TextPane"; else if (pane is BRLYT.TXT1) imageKey = "TextPane"; else imageKey = "NullPane"; paneNode.ImageKey = imageKey; paneNode.SelectedImageKey = imageKey; return paneNode; } private void LoadPane(BasePane pane, TreeNode parent = null) { var paneNode = CreatePaneWrapper(pane); pane.NodeWrapper = paneNode; if (parent == null) treeView1.Nodes.Add(paneNode); else parent.Nodes.Add(paneNode); foreach (var childPane in pane.Childern) LoadPane(childPane, paneNode); } private void treeView1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (isLoaded) OnProperySelected.Invoke("Select", e); } private void treeView1_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (isLoaded) { if (!e.Node.Checked) e.Node.ForeColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.DisabledItemColor; else e.Node.ForeColor = treeView1.ForeColor; OnProperySelected.Invoke("Checked", e); } } private void treeView1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { } private void TogglePane(object sender, EventArgs e) { TogglePane(treeView1.SelectedNode); } private void TogglePane(TreeNode node) { if (node == null) return; if (node.Checked) node.Checked = false; else node.Checked = true; } private void treeView1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { var node = treeView1.SelectedNode; if (node == null || node.Tag == null) return; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.H && e.Control) { if (node.Tag is BasePane) TogglePane(node); } } private void treeView1_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Node.Tag == null) return; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { treeView1.SelectedNode = e.Node; if (e.Node.Tag is BasePane) { ContexMenu.Items.Clear(); ContexMenu.Items.Add(new STToolStipMenuItem("Display Panes", null, TogglePane, Keys.Control | Keys.H)); // ContexMenu.Items.Add(new STToolStipMenuItem("Display Children Panes", null, TogglePane, Keys.Control | Keys.H)); ContexMenu.Show(Cursor.Position); } } } private void treeView1_BeforeExpand(object sender, TreeViewCancelEventArgs e) { //Create and expand a file format, then update the tag //Allows for faster loading if (e.Node.Tag is ArchiveFileInfo) { } if (e.Node is TreeNodeCustom) ((TreeNodeCustom)e.Node).OnExpand(); } private void treeView1_NodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Node.Tag == null) return; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (e.Node.Tag is BasePane) ParentEditor.ShowPaneEditor(e.Node.Tag as BasePane); } } #region NodeDragDrop private string NodeMap; private void treeView1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { /* if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(PaneTreeWrapper))) { Point targetPoint = treeView1.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); TreeNode NodeOver = treeView1.GetNodeAt(targetPoint); TreeNode NodeMoving = (PaneTreeWrapper)e.Data.GetData(typeof(PaneTreeWrapper)); if (NodeOver != null && (NodeOver != NodeMoving || (NodeOver.Parent != null && NodeOver.Index == (NodeOver.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1)))) { int OffsetY = this.treeView1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position).Y - NodeOver.Bounds.Top; int NodeOverImageWidth = this.treeView1.ImageList.Images[NodeOver.ImageIndex].Size.Width + 8; Graphics g = this.treeView1.CreateGraphics(); //Folder node if (OffsetY < (NodeOver.Bounds.Height / 3)) { TreeNode tnParadox = NodeOver; while (tnParadox.Parent != null) { if (tnParadox.Parent == NodeMoving) { this.NodeMap = ""; return; } tnParadox = tnParadox.Parent; } } } }*/ #endregion if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(PaneTreeWrapper))) { Point targetPoint = treeView1.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); TreeNode targetNode = treeView1.GetNodeAt(targetPoint); TreeNode draggedNode = (PaneTreeWrapper)e.Data.GetData(typeof(PaneTreeWrapper)); var draggedPane = draggedNode.Tag as BasePane; if (draggedPane == null || draggedPane.IsRoot) return; TreeNode parentNode = targetNode; if (targetNode != null && targetNode.Parent != null) { bool canDrop = true; while (canDrop && (parentNode != null)) { canDrop = !Object.ReferenceEquals(draggedNode, parentNode); parentNode = parentNode.Parent; } if (!canDrop) return; bool isTargetParent = targetNode.Equals(draggedNode.Parent); //Remove it's previous parent draggedPane.Parent.Childern.Remove(draggedPane); draggedNode.Remove(); //Adjust the parent to the parent's parent Console.WriteLine("isTargetParent " + isTargetParent); if (isTargetParent) { var parentPane = targetNode.Tag as BasePane; if (parentPane.IsRoot) return; var upperParentNode = targetNode.Parent; var upperParentPane = upperParentNode.Tag as BasePane; draggedPane.ResetParentTransform(upperParentPane); draggedPane.Parent = upperParentPane; upperParentPane.Childern.Add(draggedPane); upperParentNode.Nodes.Add(draggedNode); upperParentNode.Expand(); } else //Set the target node as the parent { var parentPane = targetNode.Tag as BasePane; draggedPane.ResetParentTransform(parentPane); draggedPane.Parent = parentPane; parentPane.Childern.Add(draggedPane); targetNode.Nodes.Add(draggedNode); targetNode.Expand(); } ParentEditor.UpdateViewport(); } } } private void treeView1_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; } private void treeView1_ItemDrag(object sender, ItemDragEventArgs e) { DoDragDrop(e.Item, DragDropEffects.Move); } } }