using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using OpenTK; namespace Toolbox.Library.Animations { public class CameraAnimation : Animation { //Base values public float ClipNear; public float ClipFar; public float AspectRatio; public float FieldOfView; public float Twist; public Vector3 Position; public Vector3 Rotation; public bool IsLooping; public List Values = new List(); public Settings settings; public enum Settings { EulerZXY, Perspective, } //Offsets to get data from "Values" public enum CameraOffsetType { ClipNear = 0, ClipFar = 4, AspectRatio = 8, FieldOFView = 12, PositionX = 16, PositionY = 20, PositionZ = 24, RotationX = 28, RotationY = 32, RotationZ = 36, Twist = 40, } public virtual void NextFrame(Viewport viewport) { if (Frame >= FrameCount) return; float posX = Position.X; float posY = Position.Y; float posZ = Position.Z; float rotX = Rotation.X; float rotY = Rotation.Y; float rotZ = Rotation.Z; if (Frame != 0) { foreach (var curve in Values) { switch ((CameraOffsetType)curve.AnimDataOffset) { case CameraOffsetType.ClipNear: ClipNear = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.ClipFar: ClipFar = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.AspectRatio: AspectRatio = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.FieldOFView: FieldOfView = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.PositionX: posX = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.PositionY: posY = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.PositionZ: posZ = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.RotationX: rotX = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.RotationY: rotY = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.RotationZ: rotZ = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; case CameraOffsetType.Twist: Twist = curve.GetValue(Frame); break; } } } if (viewport.GL_ControlModern != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Camera {Frame} {ClipNear} {ClipFar} {AspectRatio} {FieldOfView} {new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ)} {new Vector3(rotX, rotY, rotZ)}"); var matrix = CalculateMatrix(new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ), new Vector3(rotX, rotY, rotZ), Twist); var quat = matrix.ExtractRotation(); viewport.GL_ControlModern.CameraTarget = new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ); viewport.GL_ControlModern.CamRotX = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(rotX); viewport.GL_ControlModern.CamRotY = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(rotY); viewport.GL_ControlModern.Fov = FieldOfView; viewport.GL_ControlModern.ZNear = ClipNear; viewport.GL_ControlModern.ZFar = ClipFar; //Add frames to the playing animation Frame += 1f; //Reset it when it reaches the total frame count if (Frame >= FrameCount) { Frame = 0; } } } public Matrix4 CalculateMatrix(Vector3 Rotation, Vector3 Position, float twist) { if (settings.HasFlag(Settings.EulerZXY)) { return Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(STSkeleton.FromEulerAngles(Rotation.Z, Rotation.Y, Rotation.X)); } else { float rad2deg = (float)(180.0 / Math.PI); var c = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(twist); var rotation = LookAtAngles(Position) * rad2deg; return Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(STSkeleton.FromEulerAngles(rotation.Z, rotation.Y, rotation.X)) * c; } } public float _x; public float _y; public float _z; public Vector3 LookatAngles() { return new Vector3((float)Math.Atan2(_y, Math.Sqrt(_x * _x + _z * _z)), (float)Math.Atan2(-_x, -_z), 0.0f); } public Vector3 LookAtAngles(Vector3 origin) { return LookatAngles(); } } public class LightAnimation : Animation { //Base values public int Enable; public Vector3 Position; public Vector3 Rotation; public Vector2 DistanceAttn; public Vector2 AngleAttn; public Vector3 Color0; public Vector3 Color1; public bool IsLooping; public List Values = new List(); //Offsets to get data from "Values" public enum FogOffsetType { Enable = 0, PositionX = 4, PositionY = 8, PositionZ = 12, RotationX = 16, RotationY = 20, RotationZ = 24, DistanceAttnX = 28, DistanceAttnY = 32, AngleAttnX = 36, AngleAttnY = 40, Color0R = 44, Color0G = 48, Color0B = 52, Color1R = 56, Color1G = 60, Color1B = 64, } public virtual void NextFrame(Viewport viewport) { if (Frame >= FrameCount) return; } } public class FogAnimation : Animation { //Base values public Vector2 DistanceAttn; public Vector3 Color; public bool IsLooping; public List Values = new List(); //Offsets to get data from "Values" public enum FogOffsetType { DistanceAttnX = 0, DistanceAttnY = 4, ColorR = 8, ColorG = 12, ColorB = 16, } public virtual void NextFrame(Viewport viewport) { if (Frame >= FrameCount) return; foreach (var value in Values) { switch ((FogOffsetType)value.AnimDataOffset) { case FogOffsetType.ColorR: break; case FogOffsetType.ColorG: break; case FogOffsetType.ColorB: break; case FogOffsetType.DistanceAttnX: break; case FogOffsetType.DistanceAttnY: break; } } } } }