#version 330 // A struct is used for what would normally be attributes from the vert/geom shader. struct VertexAttributes { vec3 objectPosition; vec2 texCoord; vec2 texCoord2; vec2 texCoord3; vec4 vertexColor; vec3 normal; vec3 viewNormal; vec3 tangent; vec3 bitangent; }; uniform mat4 sphereMatrix; uniform sampler2D SphereMap; uniform samplerCube specularIbl; uniform int HasSphereMap; uniform int hasTangents; // Defined in Utility.frag. float Luminance(vec3 rgb); vec3 SpecularPass(vec3 I, vec3 normal, int HasSpecularMap, sampler2D SpecularMap, vec3 SpecColor, VertexAttributes vert, float texcoord2) { float specBrdf = max(dot(I, normal), 0); float exponent = 8; if (SpecColor == vec3(0)) //Color shouldn't be black unless it's not set SpecColor = vec3(1); if (HasSpecularMap == 0) { return 0.1 * SpecColor * pow(specBrdf, exponent); } // TODO: Different games use the channels for separate textures. vec3 specularTex = vec3(1); if (texcoord2 == 1) specularTex = texture(SpecularMap, vert.texCoord2).rrr; else specularTex = texture(SpecularMap, vert.texCoord).rrr; vec3 result = specularTex * SpecColor * pow(specBrdf, exponent); result *= SpecColor.rgb; float intensity = 0.3; return result * intensity; } vec3 EmissionPass(sampler2D EmissionMap, float emission_intensity, VertexAttributes vert, float texCoordIndex, vec3 emission_color) { vec3 result = vec3(0); // BOTW somtimes uses second uv channel for emission map vec3 emission = vec3(1); if (texCoordIndex == 1) emission = texture2D(EmissionMap, vert.texCoord2).rgb; else emission = texture2D(EmissionMap, vert.texCoord).rgb; // If tex is empty then use full brightness. //Some emissive mats have emission but no texture // if (Luminance(emission.rgb) < 0.01) // result += vec3(emission_intensity) * emission_color; result += emission.rgb; return result; } vec3 SphereMapColor(vec3 viewNormal, sampler2D spheremap) { // Calculate UVs based on view space normals. vec2 sphereTexcoord = vec2(viewNormal.x, (1 - viewNormal.y)); return texture(spheremap, sphereTexcoord * 0.5 + 0.5).rgb; } vec3 ReflectionPass(vec3 N, vec3 I, vec4 diffuseMap, float specularAmount, float aoBlend, vec3 tintColor, VertexAttributes vert) { vec3 reflectionPass = vec3(0); // cubemap reflection vec3 R = reflect(I, N); R.y *= -1.0; int maxSpecularLod = 8; vec3 cubeColor = textureLod(specularIbl, R, maxSpecularLod).rgb; reflectionPass += cubeColor * specularAmount; vec3 viewNormal = mat3(sphereMatrix) * normalize(N.xyz); vec3 sphereMapColor = SphereMapColor(vert.viewNormal, SphereMap); reflectionPass += sphereMapColor * HasSphereMap; reflectionPass = max(reflectionPass, vec3(0)); return reflectionPass; } float AmbientOcclusionBlend(sampler2D BakeShadowMap, VertexAttributes vert, float ao_density) { float aoMap = texture(BakeShadowMap, vert.texCoord2).r; return mix(aoMap, 1, ao_density); } vec3 CalcBumpedNormal(vec3 inputNormal, sampler2D normalMap, VertexAttributes vert, float texCoordIndex) { float normalIntensity = 1; //if (normal_map_weight != 0) //MK8 and splatoon 1/2 uses this param // normalIntensity = normal_map_weight; // Calculate the resulting normal map and intensity. vec3 normalMapColor = vec3(1); if (texCoordIndex == 1) normalMapColor = vec3(texture(normalMap, vert.texCoord2).rg, 1); else normalMapColor = vec3(texture(normalMap, vert.texCoord).rg, 1); normalMapColor = mix(vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1), normalMapColor, normalIntensity); // Remap the normal map to the correct range. vec3 normalMapNormal = 2.0 * normalMapColor - vec3(1); // TBN Matrix. vec3 T = vert.tangent; vec3 B = vert. bitangent; if (Luminance(B) < 0.01) B = normalize(cross(T, vert.normal)); mat3 tbnMatrix = mat3(T, B, vert.normal); vec3 newNormal = tbnMatrix * normalMapNormal; return normalize(newNormal); }