using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Toolbox; using System.Windows.Forms; using Toolbox.Library; using Toolbox.Library.IO; using Toolbox.Library.Animations; using OpenTK; namespace FirstPlugin { public class CSAB : TreeNodeFile, IFileFormat, IAnimationContainer { public FileType FileType { get; set; } = FileType.Animation; public bool CanSave { get; set; } public string[] Description { get; set; } = new string[] { "CTR Skeletal Animation Binary" }; public string[] Extension { get; set; } = new string[] { "*.csab" }; public string FileName { get; set; } public string FilePath { get; set; } public IFileInfo IFileInfo { get; set; } public bool Identify(System.IO.Stream stream) { using (var reader = new Toolbox.Library.IO.FileReader(stream, true)) { return reader.CheckSignature(4, "csab"); } } public Type[] Types { get { List types = new List(); return types.ToArray(); } } public STAnimation AnimationController => header; public override void OnClick(TreeView treeview) { } public Header header; public void Load(System.IO.Stream stream) { try { header = new Header(); header.Read(new FileReader(stream)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } this.Text = FileName; foreach (var bone in header.Nodes) header.AnimGroups.Add(bone); } public void Unload() { } public void Save(System.IO.Stream stream) { } public enum GameVersion { OOT3D, MM3D, LM3DS, } public enum AnimationTrackType { LINEAR = 0x01, HERMITE = 0x02, }; public class Header : STSkeletonAnimation { public GameVersion Version; public List Nodes = new List(); public override STSkeleton GetActiveSkeleton() { var containers = Toolbox.Library.Forms.ObjectEditor.GetDrawableContainers(); foreach (var container in containers) { foreach (var draw in container.Drawables) if (draw is STSkeleton) return (STSkeleton)draw; } return base.GetActiveSkeleton(); } public override void NextFrame() { if (Frame > FrameCount) return; var skeleton = GetActiveSkeleton(); if (Frame == 0) skeleton.reset(); bool Updated = false; // no need to update skeleton of animations that didn't change foreach (var node in Nodes) { Console.WriteLine($"node.BoneIndex {node.BoneIndex}"); if (node.BoneIndex < skeleton.bones.Count) { var b = skeleton.bones[node.BoneIndex]; if (b == null) continue; Updated = true; if (node.TranslateX.HasKeys) b.pos.X = node.TranslateX.GetFrameValue(Frame); if (node.TranslateY.HasKeys) b.pos.Y = node.TranslateY.GetFrameValue(Frame); if (node.TranslateZ.HasKeys) b.pos.Z = node.TranslateZ.GetFrameValue(Frame); if (node.ScaleX.HasKeys) = node.ScaleX.GetFrameValue(Frame); else = 1; if (node.ScaleY.HasKeys) = node.ScaleY.GetFrameValue(Frame); else = 1; if (node.ScaleZ.HasKeys) = node.ScaleZ.GetFrameValue(Frame); else = 1; if (node.RotationX.HasKeys || node.RotationY.HasKeys || node.RotationZ.HasKeys) { float x = node.RotationX.HasKeys ? node.RotationX.GetFrameValue(Frame) : b.rotation[0]; float y = node.RotationY.HasKeys ? node.RotationY.GetFrameValue(Frame) : b.rotation[1]; float z = node.RotationZ.HasKeys ? node.RotationZ.GetFrameValue(Frame) : b.rotation[2]; b.rot = EulerToQuat(z, y, x); } } } if (Updated) { skeleton.update(); } } public static Quaternion EulerToQuat(float z, float y, float x) { { Quaternion xRotation = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitX, x); Quaternion yRotation = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitY, y); Quaternion zRotation = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitZ, z); Quaternion q = (zRotation * yRotation * xRotation); if (q.W < 0) q *= -1; //return xRotation * yRotation * zRotation; return q; } } public void Read(FileReader reader) { reader.SetByteOrder(false); reader.ReadSignature(4, "csab"); uint FileSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint versionNum = reader.ReadUInt32(); if (versionNum == 5) Version = GameVersion.MM3D; else if (versionNum == 3) Version = GameVersion.OOT3D; else Version = GameVersion.LM3DS; uint padding = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Unsure if (Version >= GameVersion.MM3D) { uint unknown = reader.ReadUInt32();//0x42200000 uint unknown2 = reader.ReadUInt32();//0x42200000 uint unknown3 = reader.ReadUInt32();//0x42200000 } uint numAnimations = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Unsure uint location = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Unsure uint unknown4 = reader.ReadUInt32();//0x00 uint unknown5 = reader.ReadUInt32();//0x00 uint unknown6 = reader.ReadUInt32();//0x00 uint unknown7 = reader.ReadUInt32();//0x00 uint unknown8 = reader.ReadUInt32();//0x00 reader.SeekBegin(0x28); if (Version >= GameVersion.MM3D) reader.SeekBegin(0x34); uint duration = reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.SeekBegin(0x30); if (Version >= GameVersion.MM3D) reader.SeekBegin(0x3C); uint nodeCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint boneCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); if (nodeCount != boneCount) throw new Exception("Unexpected bone and node count!"); FrameCount = duration; Console.WriteLine($"duration {duration}"); Console.WriteLine($"boneCount {boneCount}"); uint nodeSize = 0x18; reader.SeekBegin(0x38); if (Version >= GameVersion.MM3D) { nodeSize = 0x24; reader.SeekBegin(0x44); } ushort[] BoneIndexTable = reader.ReadUInt16s((int)boneCount); reader.Align(4); uint[] nodeOffsets = reader.ReadUInt32s((int)nodeCount); for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { reader.SeekBegin(nodeOffsets[i] + nodeSize); AnimationNode node = new AnimationNode(); node.Read(reader, Version); Nodes.Add(node); } } } public class AnimationNode : STAnimGroup { public ushort BoneIndex { get; set; } public AnimTrack TranslateX { get; set; } public AnimTrack TranslateY { get; set; } public AnimTrack TranslateZ { get; set; } public AnimTrack RotationX { get; set; } public AnimTrack RotationY { get; set; } public AnimTrack RotationZ { get; set; } public AnimTrack ScaleX { get; set; } public AnimTrack ScaleY { get; set; } public AnimTrack ScaleZ { get; set; } public override List GetTracks() { List tracks = new List(); tracks.Add(TranslateX); tracks.Add(TranslateY); tracks.Add(TranslateZ); tracks.Add(RotationX); tracks.Add(RotationY); tracks.Add(RotationZ); tracks.Add(ScaleX); tracks.Add(ScaleY); tracks.Add(ScaleZ); return tracks; } public void Read(FileReader reader, GameVersion version) { long pos = reader.Position; reader.ReadSignature(4, "anod"); BoneIndex = reader.ReadUInt16(); reader.ReadUInt16();//0x00 TranslateX = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); TranslateY = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); TranslateZ = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); RotationX = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); RotationY = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); RotationZ = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); ScaleX = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); ScaleY = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); ScaleZ = ParseTrack(reader, version, pos); reader.ReadUInt16();//0x00 } } private static AnimTrack ParseTrack(FileReader reader, GameVersion version, long startPos) { long pos = reader.Position; uint Offset = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (Offset == 0) return new AnimTrack(); reader.SeekBegin(startPos + Offset); var track = new AnimTrack(reader, version); reader.SeekBegin(pos + sizeof(ushort)); //Seek back to next offset return track; } public class AnimTrack : STAnimationTrack { public List KeyFramesLinear = new List(); public List KeyFramesHermite = new List(); public uint TrackInterpolationType; public AnimTrack() { } public AnimTrack(FileReader reader, GameVersion version) { uint numKeyFrames =0; if (version >= GameVersion.MM3D) { reader.ReadByte(); //unk TrackInterpolationType = reader.ReadByte(); numKeyFrames = reader.ReadUInt16(); } else { TrackInterpolationType = reader.ReadUInt32(); numKeyFrames = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint unknown = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint endFrame = reader.ReadUInt32(); } if (TrackInterpolationType == (uint)AnimationTrackType.LINEAR) { InterpolationType = STInterpoaltionType.Linear; if (version >= GameVersion.MM3D) { float scale = reader.ReadSingle(); float bias = reader.ReadSingle(); for (uint i = 0; i < numKeyFrames; i++) { float Value = reader.ReadUInt16() * scale - bias; KeyFrames.Add(new STKeyFrame() { Frame = i, Value = Value }); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < numKeyFrames; i++) { uint Time = reader.ReadUInt32(); float Value = reader.ReadSingle(); KeyFrames.Add(new STKeyFrame() { Frame = Time, Value = Value }); } } } else if (TrackInterpolationType == (uint)AnimationTrackType.HERMITE) { InterpolationType = STInterpoaltionType.Hermite; for (int i = 0; i < numKeyFrames; i++) { uint Time = reader.ReadUInt32(); float Value = reader.ReadSingle(); float TangentIn = reader.ReadSingle(); float TangentOut = reader.ReadSingle(); KeyFrames.Add(new STHermiteKeyFrame() { Frame = Time, TangentIn = TangentIn, TangentOut = TangentOut, Value = Value, }); } } else throw new Exception("Unknown interpolation type! " + InterpolationType); } } public class HermiteKeyFrame { public uint Time { get; set; } public float Value { get; set; } public float TangentIn { get; set; } public float TangentOut { get; set; } } public class LinearKeyFrame { public uint Time { get; set; } public float Value { get; set; } } } }