using SELib; using OpenTK; namespace Switch_Toolbox.Library.Animations { public class SEANIM { public static Animation Read(string FileName) { Animation anim = new Animation(); var seanim = SEAnim.Read(FileName); return anim; } private static void WriteKey(Animation.KeyGroup keys) { foreach (Animation.KeyFrame key in keys.Keys) { } } public static void SaveAnimation(string FileName, Animation anim, STSkeleton skeleton) { anim.SetFrame(anim.FrameCount - 1); //from last frame for (int f = 0; f < anim.FrameCount; ++f) //go through each frame with nextFrame anim.NextFrame(skeleton); anim.NextFrame(skeleton); //go on first frame foreach (STBone b in skeleton.getBoneTreeOrder()) { if (anim.HasBone(b.Text)) { Animation.KeyNode n = anim.GetBone(b.Text); if (n.XPOS.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.XPOS); if (n.YPOS.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.YPOS); if (n.ZPOS.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.ZPOS); if (n.XROT.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.XROT); if (n.YROT.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.YROT); if (n.ZROT.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.ZROT); if (n.XSCA.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.XSCA); if (n.YSCA.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.YSCA); if (n.ZSCA.HasAnimation()) WriteKey(n.ZSCA); } } SEAnim seAnim = new SEAnim(); seAnim.Looping = anim.CanLoop; seAnim.AnimType = AnimationType.Absolute; //Reset active animation to 0 anim.SetFrame(0); for (int frame = 0; frame < anim.FrameCount; frame++) { anim.NextFrame(skeleton, false, true); foreach (Animation.KeyNode boneAnim in anim.Bones) { STBone bone = skeleton.GetBone(boneAnim.Text); if (bone == null) continue; Vector3 position = bone.GetPosition(); Quaternion rotation = bone.GetRotation(); Vector3 scale = bone.GetScale(); seAnim.AddTranslationKey(boneAnim.Text, frame, position.X, position.Y, position.Z); seAnim.AddRotationKey(boneAnim.Text, frame, rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, rotation.W); seAnim.AddScaleKey(boneAnim.Text, frame, scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z); } } seAnim.Write(FileName); } } }