using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking; using System.Drawing; using GL_Core.Interfaces; namespace Switch_Toolbox.Library { //Thanks to Smash Forge for a few of these! // public class Runtime { public static List abstractGlDrawables = new List(); public static DockState objectListDockState = DockState.DockLeft; public static int Yaz0CompressionLevel = 3; public static bool RenderModels = true; public static bool RenderModelSelection = true; public static bool RenderModelWireframe = false; public static ViewportShading viewportShading; public static bool IsDebugMode = false; //Enables experimental features and other things to debug. public static bool DisableViewport = false; public static bool EnablePBR = false; public static bool enableVSync = false; public static float floorSize = 30f; public static Color floorColor = Color.Gray; public static FloorStyle floorStyle = FloorStyle.WireFrame; public static PictureBoxBG pictureBoxStyle = PictureBoxBG.Checkerboard; public static float previewScale = 1.0f; public static bool renderFloorLines = true; //Viewport Background public static BackgroundStyle backgroundStyle = BackgroundStyle.Gradient; public static bool renderBackGround = true; public static string backgroundTexFilePath = ""; public static Color backgroundGradientTop = Color.FromArgb(255, 26, 26, 26); public static Color backgroundGradientBottom = Color.FromArgb(255, 77, 77, 77); public static float zoomspeed = 1.25f; public static float zoomModifierScale = 2.0f; public static bool cameraLight = false; public static bool DisplayPolyCount = true; public static float PolyCount = 0; public static float VertCount = 0; public static bool enableOpenTKDebugOutput = false; public static bool OpenStartupWindow = true; // Toggle Render Passes public static bool renderDiffuse = true; public static bool renderFresnel = true; public static bool renderSpecular = true; public static bool renderReflection = true; public static bool renderBoundingBoxes = true; public static bool renderNormalMap = true; public static bool renderVertColor = true; public static bool renderBfresPbr = false; public static bool stereoscopy = false; public static bool UseLegacyGL = false; public static bool useNormalMap = true; public static CameraMovement cameraMovement; public static CameraView cameraView; public static ThumbnailSize thumbnailSize = ThumbnailSize.Small; public static float CameraNear = 0.1f; public static float CameraFar = 100000.0f; public static ActiveGame activeGame = ActiveGame.SMO; public enum ActiveGame { SMO, MK8D, ARMs, Splatoon2, BOTW, KSA, } public enum PictureBoxBG { Checkerboard, Black, } public enum CameraMovement { Inspect, Walk, } public enum CameraView { Perspective, Orthographic, } public enum ThumbnailSize { Small, Medium, Large } public enum BackgroundStyle { Gradient = 0, UserTexture = 1, Solid = 2, } public enum FloorStyle { WireFrame = 0, UserTexture = 1, Solid = 2, } public enum ViewportShading { Default = 0, Normal = 1, Lighting = 2, Diffuse = 3, NormalMap = 4, VertColor = 5, AmbientOcclusion = 6, UVCoords = 7, UVTestPattern = 8, Tangents = 9, Bitangents = 10, LightMap = 11, SelectedBoneWeights = 12, SpecularMap = 13, ShadowMap = 14, MetalnessMap = 15, RoughnessMap = 16, SubSurfaceScatteringMap = 17, EmmissionMap = 18, } public enum UVChannel { Channel1 = 1, Channel2 = 2, Channel3 = 3 } // Debug Shading public static bool renderR = true; public static bool renderG = true; public static bool renderB = true; public static bool renderAlpha = true; public static UVChannel uvChannel = UVChannel.Channel1; // OpenGL System Information public static string renderer = ""; public static string openGLVersion = ""; public static string GLSLVersion = ""; } }