Add apak rebuilding. Add support for joints for .mod. Add support for part property panes attached to the heiarchy tree. Fix BFLYT TXT1 text encoding for wii u to use big endian unicode. Fix a bug with textures opening in quick access menu and bntx for gfpak. Fix tex2 files being used for the bfres material editor which caused a crash. Fix WTA support for decompressed files. Auto search file names for WTA files if possible. Fix g1t decoding images at the wrong position depeding on the header size being incorrect.
639 lines
22 KiB
639 lines
22 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Toolbox.Library;
using Toolbox.Library.IO;
using Toolbox.Library.Rendering;
using Toolbox.Library.Forms;
using OpenTK;
using GL_EditorFramework.GL_Core;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
namespace FirstPlugin
class MOD : TreeNodeFile, IFileFormat
public FileType FileType { get; set; } = FileType.Model;
public bool CanSave { get; set; }
public string[] Description { get; set; } = new string[] { "Pikmin 1 Model Format" };
public string[] Extension { get; set; } = new string[] { "*.mod" };
public string FileName { get; set; }
public string FilePath { get; set; }
public IFileInfo IFileInfo { get; set; }
public bool Identify(System.IO.Stream stream)
return Utils.HasExtension(FileName, ".mod");
public Type[] Types
List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
return types.ToArray();
//Check for the viewport in the object editor
//This is attached to it to load multiple file formats within the object editor to the viewer
Viewport viewport
var editor = LibraryGUI.GetObjectEditor();
return editor.GetViewport();
var editor = LibraryGUI.GetObjectEditor();
bool DrawablesLoaded = false;
public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView)
//Make sure opengl is enabled
if (Runtime.UseOpenGL)
//Open the viewport
if (viewport == null)
viewport = new Viewport(ObjectEditor.GetDrawableContainers());
viewport.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
//Make sure to load the drawables only once so set it to true!
if (!DrawablesLoaded)
DrawablesLoaded = true;
//Reload which drawable to display
viewport.Text = Text;
public MDL_Renderer Renderer;
public DrawableContainer DrawableContainer = new DrawableContainer();
private STSkeleton Skeleton;
private Vector3[] Vertices;
private Vector3[] VertexNormals;
private Vector4[] Colors;
private enum ChunkNames
VertexPosition = 0x0010,
VertexNormal = 0x0011,
VertexNBT = 0x0012,
VertexColor = 0x0013,
VertexUV0 = 0x0018,
VertexUV1 = 0x0019,
VertexUV2 = 0x001A,
VertexUV3 = 0x001B,
VertexUV4 = 0x001C,
VertexUV5 = 0x001D,
VertexUV6 = 0x001E,
VertexUV7 = 0x001F,
Texture = 0x0020,
TextureAttribute = 0x0022,
Material = 0x0030,
VertexMatrix = 0x0040,
Envelope = 0x0041,
Mesh = 0x0050,
Joint = 0x0060,
JointName = 0x0061,
CollisionPrism = 0x0100,
CollisionGrid = 0x0110,
EoF = 0xFFFF
private void SkipPadding(FileReader stream, int offset)
stream.Seek((~(offset - 1) & (stream.Position + offset - 1)) - stream.Position);
public void Load(System.IO.Stream stream)
CanSave = true;
Text = FileName;
//Set renderer
//Load it to a drawables list
Renderer = new MDL_Renderer();
Skeleton = new STSkeleton();
DrawableContainer.Name = FileName;
using (var reader = new FileReader(stream))
string[] JointNames = new string[0];
Joint[] Joints = new Joint[0];
Envelope[] Envelopes = new Envelope[0];
while (reader.EndOfStream == false)
long chunkStart = reader.Position;
int opcode = reader.ReadInt32();
int lengthOfStruct = reader.ReadInt32();
// basic error checking
if ((chunkStart & 0x1F) != 0)
throw new Exception($"Chunk start ({chunkStart}) not on boundary!");
switch ((ChunkNames)opcode)
case ChunkNames.VertexPosition:
Vertices = ReadVector3Array(reader);
case ChunkNames.VertexNormal:
VertexNormals = ReadVector3Array(reader);
case ChunkNames.VertexColor:
Colors = ReadVertexColors(reader);
case ChunkNames.Mesh:
case ChunkNames.Envelope:
Envelopes = ParseArray<Envelope>(reader);
case ChunkNames.JointName:
JointNames = ReadStrings(reader);
case ChunkNames.Joint:
Joints = ParseArray<Joint>(reader);
reader.Seek(lengthOfStruct, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
for (int i = 0; i < Joints.Length; i++)
STBone bone = new STBone(Skeleton);
bone.parentIndex = Joints[i].ParentIndex;
bone.position = new float[]
bone.scale = new float[]
bone.rotation = new float[]
private T[] ParseArray<T>(FileReader reader)
where T : IModChunk, new()
int count = reader.ReadInt32();
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
T[] values = new T[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
values[i] = new T();
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
return values;
private Vector4[] ReadVertexColors(FileReader reader)
int count = reader.ReadInt32();
Vector4[] vertexData = new Vector4[count];
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Colors[i] = new Vector4(
reader.ReadByte() / 255f,
reader.ReadByte() / 255f,
reader.ReadByte() / 255f,
reader.ReadByte() / 255f);
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
return vertexData;
private Vector3[] ReadVector3Array(FileReader reader)
int count = reader.ReadInt32();
Vector3[] vertexData = new Vector3[count];
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
vertexData[i] = reader.ReadVec3();
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
return vertexData;
private string[] ReadStrings(FileReader reader)
int count = reader.ReadInt32();
string[] vertexData = new string[count];
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
uint length = reader.ReadUInt32();
vertexData[i] = reader.ReadString((int)length, true);
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
return vertexData;
private void ReadMeshChunk(FileReader reader)
int meshCount = reader.ReadInt32();
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
for (int mIdx = 0; mIdx < meshCount; mIdx++)
//Create a renderable object for our mesh
var renderedMesh = new GenericRenderedObject
Checked = true,
ImageKey = "mesh",
SelectedImageKey = "mesh",
Text = $"Mesh {mIdx}"
STGenericPolygonGroup polyGroup = new STGenericPolygonGroup();
renderedMesh.BoneIndex = reader.ReadInt32();
int vtxDescriptor = reader.ReadInt32();
int mtxGroupCount = reader.ReadInt32();
for (int mgIdx = 0; mgIdx < mtxGroupCount; mgIdx++)
int dependencyCount = reader.ReadInt32();
for (int ll = 0; ll < dependencyCount; ll++)
int dListCount = reader.ReadInt32();
for (int dlIdx = 0; dlIdx < dListCount; dlIdx++)
int flags = reader.ReadInt32();
int unk1 = reader.ReadInt32();
int dataSize = reader.ReadInt32();
SkipPadding(reader, 0x20);
long endPosition = reader.Position + dataSize;
while (reader.Position < endPosition)
byte faceType = reader.ReadByte();
if (faceType == 0x98 || faceType == 0xA0)
short faceCount = reader.ReadInt16();
int[] polygons = new int[faceCount];
for (int fIdx = 0; fIdx < faceCount; fIdx++)
if ((vtxDescriptor & 1) == 1)
reader.ReadByte(); // posmat index
if ((vtxDescriptor & 2) == 2)
reader.ReadByte(); // tex1 index
ushort vtxIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
ushort nrmIdx = 0;
if (VertexNormals.Length > 0)
nrmIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
ushort colIdx = 0;
if ((vtxDescriptor & 4) == 4)
colIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
int txCoordIdx = 0;
int txCoordDescriptor = vtxDescriptor >> 3;
for (int tcoordIdx = 0; tcoordIdx < 8; tcoordIdx++)
if ((txCoordDescriptor & 1) == 0x1)
// Only read for the first texcoord
txCoordIdx = reader.ReadInt16();
txCoordDescriptor >>= 1;
Vertex newVertex = new Vertex
pos = Vertices[vtxIdx]
if (VertexNormals != null)
newVertex.nrm = VertexNormals[nrmIdx];
if (Colors != null)
newVertex.col = Colors[colIdx];
polygons[fIdx] = renderedMesh.vertices.Count;
List<Triangle> currentPolygons = ToTris(polygons, faceType);
Console.WriteLine($"faceType {faceType} polygons {polygons.Length} ");
foreach (Triangle triangle in currentPolygons)
if (faceType == 0x98)
private static List<Triangle> ToTris(int[] polys, byte opcode)
if (polys.Length == 3)
return new List<Triangle>()
new Triangle()
{ A = polys[0], B = polys[1], C = polys[2] }
var tris = new List<Triangle>();
if (opcode == 0x98)
int n = 2;
for (int x = 0; x < polys.Length - 2; x++)
int[] tri = new int[3];
bool isEven = (n % 2) == 0;
tri[0] = polys[n - 2];
tri[1] = isEven ? polys[n] : polys[n - 1];
tri[2] = isEven ? polys[n - 1] : polys[n];
if (tri[0] != tri[1] && tri[1] != tri[2] && tri[2] != tri[0])
tris.Add(new Triangle()
A = tri[0],
B = tri[1],
C = tri[2],
if (opcode == 0xA0)
for (int n = 1; n < polys.Length - 1; n++)
int[] tri = new int[3];
tri[0] = polys[n];
tri[1] = polys[n + 1];
tri[2] = polys[0];
if (tri[0] != tri[1] && tri[1] != tri[2] && tri[2] != tri[0])
tris.Add(new Triangle()
A = tri[0],
B = tri[1],
C = tri[2],
return tris;
public interface IModChunk
void Read(FileReader reader);
void Write(FileWriter writer);
public class Envelope : IModChunk
public float[] Weights;
public ushort[] Indices;
public void Read(FileReader reader)
ushort count = reader.ReadUInt16();
Weights = new float[count];
Indices = new ushort[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Indices[i] = reader.ReadUInt16();
Weights[i] = reader.ReadSingle();
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
for (int i = 0; i < Indices.Length; i++) {
public class Joint : IModChunk
public int ParentIndex;
public bool UseVolume { get; set; }
public bool FoundLightGroup { get; set; }
public BoundingBox BoundingBox { get; set; }
public float VolumeRadius { get; set; }
public Vector3 Scale { get; set; }
public Vector3 Rotation { get; set; }
public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
public List<MatPoly> MatPolys = new List<MatPoly>();
private uint flags;
public void Read(FileReader reader)
ParentIndex = reader.ReadInt32();
flags = reader.ReadUInt32();
ushort usingIdentifier = (ushort)flags;
UseVolume = usingIdentifier > 0;
FoundLightGroup = (usingIdentifier & 0x4000) != 0;
BoundingBox = new BoundingBox()
Min = reader.ReadVec3(),
Max = reader.ReadVec3(),
VolumeRadius = reader.ReadSingle();
Scale = reader.ReadVec3();
Rotation = reader.ReadVec3();
Position = reader.ReadVec3();
uint numMatPolys = reader.ReadUInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < numMatPolys; i++)
MatPolys.Add(new MatPoly()
Index = reader.ReadUInt16(),
Unknown = reader.ReadUInt16(),
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
foreach (var matPoly in MatPolys) {
public struct MatPoly
public ushort Index { get; set; }
public ushort Unknown { get; set; }
public struct BoundingBox
public Vector3 Min { get; set; }
public Vector3 Max { get; set; }
public class Triangle
public int A;
public int B;
public int C;
public void Unload()
public void Save(System.IO.Stream stream)
public class MaterialTextureMap : STGenericMatTexture
//The index of a texture
//Some formats will map them by index, some by name, some by a hash, it's up to how the user handles it
public int TextureIndex { get; set; }
public class MDL_Renderer : GenericModelRenderer
//A list of textures to display on the model
public List<STGenericTexture> TextureList = new List<STGenericTexture>();
public override void OnRender(GLControl control)
//Here we can add things on each frame rendered
//Render data to display by per material and per mesh
public override void SetRenderData(STGenericMaterial mat, ShaderProgram shader, STGenericObject m)
//Custom bind texture method
public override int BindTexture(STGenericMatTexture tex, ShaderProgram shader)
//By default we bind to the default texture to use
//This will be used if no texture is found
GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0 + tex.textureUnit + 1);
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, RenderTools.defaultTex.RenderableTex.TexID);
string activeTex = tex.Name;
//We want to cast our custom texture map class to get any custom properties we may need
//If you don't need any custom way of mapping, you can just stick with the generic one
var matTexture = (MaterialTextureMap)tex;
//Go through our texture maps in the material and see if the index matches
foreach (var texture in TextureList)
if (TextureList.IndexOf(texture) == matTexture.TextureIndex)
BindGLTexture(tex, shader, TextureList[matTexture.TextureIndex]);
return tex.textureUnit + 1;
//You can also check if the names match
if (texture.Text == tex.Name)
BindGLTexture(tex, shader, TextureList[matTexture.TextureIndex]);
return tex.textureUnit + 1;
//Return our texture uint id.
return tex.textureUnit + 1;