mirror of synced 2025-03-02 00:20:37 +01:00
KillzXGaming 6d7579e6e0 More improvements.
Camera is now centerd when a bfres is selected. This will apply to reseting the camera aswell. The method is based on Smash Forge so thanks to the devs for it.
Start on bfsha program linking for bfres materials. Dunno how far i'll take this.
Basic ortho mode added. Needs improvements to zoom in and mainly just changes the projection matrix to ortho atm. Controls are not altered.
2019-05-21 18:08:57 -04:00

286 lines
9.2 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Drawing;
using GL_EditorFramework.Interfaces;
using GL_EditorFramework.EditorDrawables;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Switch_Toolbox.Library
//Thanks to Smash Forge for a few of these!
// https://github.com/jam1garner/Smash-Forge/blob/master/Smash%20Forge/Runtime.cs
public class Runtime
public static string Mk8GamePath = "";
public static string Mk8dGamePath = "";
public static string SmoGamePath = "";
public static string TpGamePath = "";
public static string BotwGamePath = "";
public class ImageEditor
public static bool ShowPropertiesPanel = true;
public static bool DisplayVertical = false;
public static bool DisplayAlpha = true;
public static bool UseComponetSelector = true;
public static bool EnableImageZoom = true;
public static bool EnablePixelGrid = false;
public class ObjectEditor
public static bool OpenModelsOnOpen = false;
public static Point Location = new Point(364, 0);
public static int ListPanelWidth;
//Used for experimental edits
public static bool useEditDebugMode = false;
public static bool UseEditDebugMode
if (useEditDebugMode == false)
var result = MessageBox.Show("This feature is experimental and could lead to potential crashes. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);
if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
useEditDebugMode = true;
return useEditDebugMode;
public static int SelectedBoneIndex = -1;
//These are so we can load multiple drawables in the viewport
//Each viewport can carry it's own set of drawables
//When a viewport is made it will add a ViewportEditor instance and add drawables
//These will be switchable in settings to load specic objects in the scene or display all of them at once
public static List<ViewportEditor> viewportEditors = new List<ViewportEditor>();
public class ViewportEditor
public List<EditableObject> editableDrawables = new List<EditableObject>();
public List<AbstractGlDrawable> staticDrawables = new List<AbstractGlDrawable>();
public static int Width = 638;
public static TEX_FORMAT PreferredTexFormat = TEX_FORMAT.BC1_UNORM_SRGB;
public static string ExecutableDir;
public static Form MainForm;
public static bool UseDebugDomainExceptionHandler;
public static bool DisableUpdatePrompt;
public static bool MaximizeMdiWindow = false;
public static bool AddFilesToActiveObjectEditor = true;
public class PBR
public static bool UseSkybox = false;
public static bool UseDiffuseSkyTexture = true;
public static string DiffuseCubeMapPath = "";
public static string SpecularCubeMapPath = "";
public static string BRSFMapPath = "";
public static GridSettings gridSettings = new GridSettings();
public class GridSettings
public float CellSize = 1.0f;
public uint CellAmount = 10;
public Color color = Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90);
public static float MaxCameraSpeed = 0.1f;
public static CameraMode ViewportCameraMode = CameraMode.Perspective;
public enum CameraMode
public static int Yaz0CompressionLevel = 3;
public static bool RenderModels = true;
public static bool RenderModelSelection = true;
public static bool RenderModelWireframe = false;
public static ViewportShading viewportShading;
public static bool IsDebugMode = true; //Enables experimental features and other things to debug.
public static bool EnableVersionCheck = true;
public static bool EnablePBR = true;
public static bool enableVSync = false;
public static float floorSize = 30f;
public static Color floorColor = Color.Gray;
public static FloorStyle floorStyle = FloorStyle.WireFrame;
public static PictureBoxBG pictureBoxStyle = PictureBoxBG.Checkerboard;
public static float previewScale = 1.0f;
public static bool renderFloorLines = true;
public static bool UseOpenGL = true; //Removes all acess to opengl functionality. Useful for old PCs
public static bool DisplayViewport = true; //Only displays it in editors if true
//Viewport Background
public static BackgroundStyle backgroundStyle = BackgroundStyle.Gradient;
public static bool renderBackGround = true;
public static string backgroundTexFilePath = "";
public static Color backgroundGradientTop = Color.FromArgb(255, 26, 26, 26);
public static Color backgroundGradientBottom = Color.FromArgb(255, 77, 77, 77);
public static float zoomspeed = 1.25f;
public static float zoomModifierScale = 2.0f;
public static bool cameraLight = false;
public static bool DisplayPolyCount = true;
public static float PolyCount = 0;
public static float VertCount = 0;
public static bool enableOpenTKDebugOutput = false;
public static bool OpenStartupWindow = false;
// Toggle Render Passes
public static bool renderDiffuse = true;
public static bool renderFresnel = true;
public static bool renderSpecular = true;
public static bool renderReflection = true;
public static bool renderBoundingBoxes = false;
public static bool renderNormalMap = true;
public static bool renderVertColor = true;
public static bool renderBfresPbr = false;
public static bool renderNormalsPoints = false;
public static bool renderBones = true;
public static bool renderFog = true;
public static float bonePointSize = 0.2f;
public static bool boneXrayDisplay = false;
public static float normalsLineLength = 1;
public static bool stereoscopy = false;
public static bool UseLegacyGL = false;
public static bool OpenTKInitialized = false;
public static bool useNormalMap = true;
public static CameraMovement cameraMovement;
public static CameraView cameraView;
public static ThumbnailSize thumbnailSize = ThumbnailSize.Small;
public static float CameraNear = 0.1f;
public static float CameraFar = 100000.0f;
public static ActiveGame activeGame = ActiveGame.SMO;
public static string ProgramVersion = "0.0.0";
public static string CompileDate = "0/0/0000";
public static string CommitInfo = "";
public enum ActiveGame
public enum PictureBoxBG
public enum CameraMovement
public enum CameraView
public enum ThumbnailSize
public enum BackgroundStyle
Gradient = 0,
UserTexture = 1,
Solid = 2,
public enum FloorStyle
WireFrame = 0,
UserTexture = 1,
Solid = 2,
public enum ViewportShading
Default = 0,
Normal = 1,
Lighting = 2,
Diffuse = 3,
NormalMap = 4,
VertColor = 5,
AmbientOcclusion = 6,
UVCoords = 7,
UVTestPattern = 8,
Tangents = 9,
Bitangents = 10,
LightMap = 11,
SelectedBoneWeights = 12,
SpecularMap = 13,
ShadowMap = 14,
MetalnessMap = 15,
RoughnessMap = 16,
SubSurfaceScatteringMap = 17,
EmmissionMap = 18,
public enum UVChannel
Channel1 = 1,
Channel2 = 2,
Channel3 = 3
// Debug Shading
public static bool renderR = true;
public static bool renderG = true;
public static bool renderB = true;
public static bool renderAlpha = true;
public static UVChannel uvChannel = UVChannel.Channel1;
// OpenGL System Information
public static string renderer = "";
public static string openGLVersion = "";
public static string GLSLVersion = "";