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2019-06-29 13:55:04 -04:00

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#version 330
in vec2 f_texcoord0;
in vec2 f_texcoord1;
in vec2 f_texcoord2;
in vec2 f_texcoord3;
in vec3 objectPosition;
in vec3 normal;
in vec4 vertexColor;
in vec3 tangent;
in vec3 bitangent;
in vec3 boneWeightsColored;
// Viewport Camera/Lighting
uniform mat4 mtxCam;
uniform mat4 mtxMdl;
uniform mat4 mtxProj;
uniform vec3 specLightDirection;
const float levels = 3.0;
// Viewport Settings
uniform int uvChannel;
uniform int renderType;
uniform int useNormalMap;
uniform vec4 colorSamplerUV;
uniform int renderVertColor;
uniform vec3 difLightColor;
uniform vec3 ambLightColor;
uniform int colorOverride;
uniform float DefaultMetalness;
uniform float DefaultRoughness;
// Channel Toggles
uniform int renderR;
uniform int renderG;
uniform int renderB;
uniform int renderAlpha;
// Texture Samplers
uniform sampler2D DiffuseMap;
uniform sampler2D BakeShadowMap;
uniform sampler2D NormalMap;
uniform sampler2D BakeLightMap;
uniform sampler2D UVTestPattern;
uniform sampler2D TransparencyMap;
uniform sampler2D EmissionMap;
uniform sampler2D SpecularMap;
uniform sampler2D DiffuseLayer;
uniform sampler2D MetalnessMap;
uniform sampler2D RoughnessMap;
uniform sampler2D MRA;
uniform sampler2D TeamColorMap;
uniform sampler2D SphereMap;
uniform samplerCube irradianceMap;
uniform samplerCube specularIbl;
uniform sampler2D brdfLUT;
// Shader Params
uniform float normal_map_weight;
uniform float ao_density;
uniform float emission_intensity;
uniform vec4 fresnelParams;
uniform vec4 base_color_mul_color;
uniform vec3 emission_color;
uniform vec3 specular_color;
// Shader Options
uniform float uking_texture2_texcoord;
uniform float bake_shadow_type;
uniform float enable_fresnel;
uniform float enable_emission;
// Texture Map Toggles
uniform int HasDiffuse;
uniform int HasNormalMap;
uniform int HasSpecularMap;
uniform int HasShadowMap;
uniform int HasAmbientOcclusionMap;
uniform int HasLightMap;
uniform int HasTransparencyMap;
uniform int HasEmissionMap;
uniform int HasDiffuseLayer;
uniform int HasMetalnessMap;
uniform int HasRoughnessMap;
uniform int HasMRA;
uniform int roughnessAmount;
uniform int UseAOMap;
uniform int UseCavityMap;
uniform int UseMetalnessMap;
uniform int UseRoughnessMap;
int isTransparent;
uniform int renderDiffuse;
uniform int renderSpecular;
uniform int renderFresnel;
struct VertexAttributes
vec3 objectPosition;
vec2 texCoord;
vec2 texCoord2;
vec2 texCoord3;
vec4 vertexColor;
vec3 normal;
vec3 viewNormal;
vec3 tangent;
vec3 bitangent;
// Diffuse Channel Toggles
uniform int RedChannel;
uniform int GreenChannel;
uniform int BlueChannel;
uniform int AlphaChannel;
out vec4 fragColor;
#define gamma 2.2
const float PI = 3.14159265359;
// Defined in BFRES_Utility.frag.
vec3 CalcBumpedNormal(vec3 normal, sampler2D normalMap, VertexAttributes vert, float uking_texture2_texcoord);
float AmbientOcclusionBlend(sampler2D BakeShadowMap, VertexAttributes vert, float ao_density);
vec3 EmissionPass(sampler2D EmissionMap, float emission_intensity, VertexAttributes vert, float uking_texture2_texcoord, vec3 emission_color);
// Shader code adapted from learnopengl.com's PBR tutorial:
// https://learnopengl.com/PBR/Theory
vec3 fresnelSchlick(float cosTheta, vec3 F0)
return F0 + (1.0 - F0) * pow(1.0 - cosTheta, 5.0);
vec3 fresnelSchlickRoughness(float cosTheta, vec3 F0, float roughness)
return F0 + (max(vec3(1.0 - roughness), F0) - F0) * pow(1.0 - cosTheta, 5.0);
float DistributionGGX(vec3 N, vec3 H, float roughness)
float a = roughness*roughness;
float a2 = a*a;
float NdotH = max(dot(N, H), 0.0);
float NdotH2 = NdotH*NdotH;
float num = a2;
float denom = (NdotH2 * (a2 - 1.0) + 1.0);
denom = PI * denom * denom;
return num / denom;
float GeometrySchlickGGX(float NdotV, float roughness)
float r = (roughness + 1.0);
float k = (r*r) / 8.0;
float num = NdotV;
float denom = NdotV * (1.0 - k) + k;
return num / denom;
float GeometrySmith(vec3 N, vec3 V, vec3 L, float roughness)
float NdotV = max(dot(N, V), 0.0);
float NdotL = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
float ggx2 = GeometrySchlickGGX(NdotV, roughness);
float ggx1 = GeometrySchlickGGX(NdotL, roughness);
return ggx1 * ggx2;
vec3 saturation(vec3 rgb, float adjustment)
const vec3 W = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
vec3 intensity = vec3(dot(rgb, W));
return mix(intensity, rgb, adjustment);
vec3 DiffusePass(vec3 albedo, vec3 N, vec3 L, vec3 R)
float lambert = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
// Higher blend values make the dark region smoother and larger.
float smoothness = 0.1;
float center = 0.5;
float edgeL = center;
float edgeR = center + (smoothness * 0.5);
float smoothLambert = smoothstep(edgeL, edgeR, lambert);
float ambient = 0.6;
smoothLambert = clamp(smoothLambert + ambient, 0, 1);
vec3 diffuseTerm = albedo;
diffuseTerm *= smoothLambert;
return diffuseTerm * 1.5;
vec3 SpecularPass(vec3 albedo, vec3 N, vec3 H, vec3 R, float metallic, float specularMapIntensity)
// Specular pass
vec3 specularTerm = vec3(0);
// TODO: Metalness
vec3 specularColor = albedo;
specularTerm = specularColor;
// Hack something together for now.
vec3 specularLighting = texture(irradianceMap, R).rrr;
float center = 0.375;
float smoothness = 0.035;
specularLighting = smoothstep(vec3(center - smoothness), vec3(center + smoothness), specularLighting);
specularTerm *= specularLighting;
specularTerm *= specularMapIntensity;
return specularTerm;
vec3 FresnelPass(vec3 N, vec3 I)
// Fake edge lighting
float nDotI = clamp(dot(N, I), 0, 1);
float fresnel = 1 - nDotI;
// TODO: Extract cel shade function.
float center = 0.75;
float smoothness = 0.015;
fresnel = smoothstep(center - smoothness, center + smoothness, fresnel);
vec3 fresnelTerm = vec3(1, 1, 0.75) * fresnel * 0.2;
return fresnelTerm;
float GetComponent(int Type, vec4 Texture);
void main()
fragColor = vec4(1);
// Create a struct for passing all the vertex attributes to other functions.
VertexAttributes vert;
vert.objectPosition = objectPosition;
vert.texCoord = f_texcoord0;
vert.texCoord2 = f_texcoord1;
vert.texCoord3 = f_texcoord2;
vert.vertexColor = vertexColor;
vert.normal = normal;
vert.tangent = tangent;
vert.bitangent = bitangent;
vec3 lightColor = vec3(10);
// Wireframe color.
if (colorOverride == 1)
fragColor = vec4(1);
vec3 albedo = vec3(1);
if (HasDiffuse == 1)
vec4 DiffuseTex = pow(texture(DiffuseMap, f_texcoord0).rgba, vec4(gamma));
//Comp Selectors
albedo.r = GetComponent(RedChannel, DiffuseTex);
albedo.g = GetComponent(GreenChannel, DiffuseTex);
albedo.b = GetComponent(BlueChannel, DiffuseTex);
float metallic = DefaultMetalness;
if (HasMetalnessMap == 1)
metallic = texture(MetalnessMap, f_texcoord0).r;
float roughness = DefaultRoughness;
if (HasRoughnessMap == 1)
roughness = texture(RoughnessMap, f_texcoord0).r;
float ao = 1;
if (HasShadowMap == 1 && UseAOMap == 1)
ao = texture(BakeShadowMap, f_texcoord1).r;
float shadow = 1;
if (HasShadowMap == 1)
shadow = texture(BakeShadowMap, f_texcoord1).g;
float cavity = 1;
vec3 lightMapColor = vec3(1);
float lightMapIntensity = 0;
if (HasLightMap == 1)
// lightMapColor = texture(BakeLightMap, f_texcoord1).rgb;
// lightMapIntensity = texture(BakeLightMap, f_texcoord1).a;
// TODO: Extract function.
float specularMapIntensity = 1;
if (HasSpecularMap == 1)
if (uking_texture2_texcoord == 1)
metallic = texture(SpecularMap, f_texcoord1).g;
specularMapIntensity = texture(SpecularMap, f_texcoord1).r;
metallic = texture(SpecularMap, f_texcoord0).g;
specularMapIntensity = texture(SpecularMap, f_texcoord0).r;
vec3 I = vec3(0,0,-1) * mat3(mtxCam);
vec3 N = normal;
if (HasNormalMap == 1 && useNormalMap == 1)
N = CalcBumpedNormal(normal, NormalMap, vert, uking_texture2_texcoord);
vec3 V = normalize(I); //Eye View
vec3 L = normalize(specLightDirection); //Light
vec3 H = normalize(specLightDirection + I); //Half Angle
vec3 R = reflect(-I, N); // reflection
// Render passes
vec3 outputColor = vec3(0);
float kDiffuse = clamp(1.0 - metallic, 0, 1);
outputColor += DiffusePass(albedo, N, L, R) * renderDiffuse;
outputColor += SpecularPass(albedo, N, H, R, metallic, specularMapIntensity) * renderSpecular;
outputColor += FresnelPass(N, V) * renderFresnel;
if (HasEmissionMap == 1 || enable_emission == 1) //Can be without texture map
outputColor.rgb += EmissionPass(EmissionMap, emission_intensity, vert, uking_texture2_texcoord, emission_color);
outputColor *= ao;
outputColor *= (0.6 + shadow);
float cavityStrength = 1.0;
outputColor *= cavity * cavityStrength + (1.0 - cavityStrength);
// TODO: Renders as black?
// if (renderVertColor == 1)
// fragColor *= min(vertexColor, vec4(1));
outputColor = pow(outputColor, vec3(1.0 / gamma));
fragColor.rgb = outputColor;
// Alpha calculations.
if (isTransparent == 1)
float alpha = GetComponent(AlphaChannel, texture(DiffuseMap, f_texcoord0));
fragColor.a = alpha;