mirror of synced 2025-03-03 08:36:18 +01:00
KillzXGaming 0c126e4155 More improvements.
Rewrote the compression handling from scatch. It's way easier and cleaner to add new formats code wise as it's handled like file formats.
Added wip TVOL support (Touhou Azure Reflections)
Added XCI support. Note I plan to improve NSP, XCI, NCA, etc later for exefs exporting.
The compression rework now compresses via streams, so files get decompressed properly within archives as streams.
Added hyrule warriors bin.gz compression along with archive rebuilding. Note i do not have texture rebuilding done just yet.
2019-09-15 19:13:01 -04:00

549 lines
18 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using OpenTK;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Toolbox.Library.Rendering;
namespace Toolbox.Library
public class STGenericObject : TreeNodeCustom
public STGenericObject()
Checked = true;
public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView)
//To update buffer data for opengl
public virtual void UpdateVertexData()
public virtual void SaveVertexBuffer()
public virtual STGenericMaterial GetMaterial()
return new STGenericMaterial();
public List<STGenericPolygonGroup> PolygonGroups = new List<STGenericPolygonGroup>();
public bool HasPos;
public bool HasNrm;
public bool HasUv0;
public bool HasUv1;
public bool HasUv2;
public bool HasWeights;
public bool HasIndices;
public bool HasBitans;
public bool HasTans;
public bool HasVertColors;
public string ObjectName;
public int BoneIndex;
public int MaterialIndex;
public int VertexBufferIndex;
public int DisplayLODIndex;
public int Offset;
private byte vertexSkinCount;
public byte VertexSkinCount
return vertexSkinCount;
vertexSkinCount = value;
public byte GetMaxSkinInfluenceCount()
return (byte)vertices.Max(t => t.boneIds.Count);
public Vector3 GetOrigin()
Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero;
foreach (Vertex vert in vertices)
return pos;
public List<string[]> bones = new List<string[]>();
public List<float[]> weightsT = new List<float[]>();
public List<string> boneList = new List<string>();
public List<Vertex> vertices = new List<Vertex>();
public List<LOD_Mesh> lodMeshes = new List<LOD_Mesh>();
public class LOD_Mesh
public STPolygonType PrimitiveType = STPolygonType.Triangle;
public STIndexFormat IndexFormat = STIndexFormat.UInt16;
public uint FirstVertex;
public List<SubMesh> subMeshes = new List<SubMesh>();
public class SubMesh
public uint size;
public uint offset;
public void GenerateSubMesh()
SubMesh subMesh = new SubMesh();
subMesh.offset = 0;
subMesh.size = (uint)faces.Count;
public int index = 0;
public int strip = 0x40;
public int displayFaceSize = 0;
public List<int> faces = new List<int>();
public override string ToString()
return "LOD Mesh " + index;
public List<int> getDisplayFace()
if ((strip >> 4) == 4)
displayFaceSize = faces.Count;
return faces;
List<int> f = new List<int>();
int startDirection = 1;
int p = 0;
int f1 = faces[p++];
int f2 = faces[p++];
int faceDirection = startDirection;
int f3;
f3 = faces[p++];
if (f3 == 0xFFFF)
f1 = faces[p++];
f2 = faces[p++];
faceDirection = startDirection;
faceDirection *= -1;
if ((f1 != f2) && (f2 != f3) && (f3 != f1))
if (faceDirection > 0)
f1 = f2;
f2 = f3;
} while (p < faces.Count);
displayFaceSize = f.Count;
return f;
public List<int> faces = new List<int>();
#region Methods
public void TransformPosition(Vector3 Position, Vector3 Rotation, Vector3 Scale)
Matrix4 positionMat = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(Position);
Matrix4 rotXMat = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Rotation.X));
Matrix4 rotYMat = Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Rotation.Y));
Matrix4 rotZMat = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Rotation.Z));
Matrix4 scaleMat = Matrix4.CreateScale(Scale);
Matrix4 Transformation = (rotXMat * rotYMat * rotZMat) * positionMat;
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
v.pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(v.pos, scaleMat * Transformation);
v.nrm = Vector3.TransformNormal(v.nrm, Transformation);
public void RemoveDuplicateVertices()
public void FlipUvsVertical()
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
v.uv0 = new Vector2(v.uv0.X, 1 - v.uv0.Y);
public void FlipUvsHorizontal()
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
v.uv0 = new Vector2(1 - v.uv0.X, v.uv0.Y);
public void TransformUVs(Vector2 Translate, Vector2 Scale, int Index)
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
if (Index == 0)
v.uv0 = (v.uv0 * Scale) + Translate;
else if (Index == 1)
v.uv1 = (v.uv1 * Scale) + Translate;
v.uv2 = (v.uv2 * Scale) + Translate;
public void CalculateTangentBitangent(bool UseUVLayer2)
if (vertices.Count < 3)
List<int> f = lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].getDisplayFace();
Vector3[] tanArray = new Vector3[vertices.Count];
Vector3[] bitanArray = new Vector3[vertices.Count];
CalculateTanBitanArrays(f, tanArray, bitanArray, UseUVLayer2);
ApplyTanBitanArray(tanArray, bitanArray);
private void ApplyTanBitanArray(Vector3[] tanArray, Vector3[] bitanArray)
if (vertices.Count < 3)
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
Vertex v = vertices[i];
Vector3 newTan = tanArray[i];
Vector3 newBitan = bitanArray[i];
// The tangent and bitangent should be orthogonal to the normal.
// Bitangents are not calculated with a cross product to prevent flipped shading with mirrored normal maps.
v.tan = new Vector4(Vector3.Normalize(newTan - v.nrm * Vector3.Dot(v.nrm, newTan)), 1);
v.bitan = new Vector4(Vector3.Normalize(newBitan - v.nrm * Vector3.Dot(v.nrm, newBitan)), 1);
v.bitan *= -1;
private void CalculateTanBitanArrays(List<int> faces, Vector3[] tanArray, Vector3[] bitanArray, bool UseUVLayer2)
if (vertices.Count < 3 || lodMeshes.Count <= 0)
for (int i = 0; i < lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].displayFaceSize; i += 3)
Vertex v1 = vertices[faces[i]];
Vertex v2 = vertices[faces[i + 1]];
Vertex v3 = vertices[faces[i + 2]];
float x1 = v2.pos.X - v1.pos.X;
float x2 = v3.pos.X - v1.pos.X;
float y1 = v2.pos.Y - v1.pos.Y;
float y2 = v3.pos.Y - v1.pos.Y;
float z1 = v2.pos.Z - v1.pos.Z;
float z2 = v3.pos.Z - v1.pos.Z;
float s1, s2, t1, t2;
if (UseUVLayer2)
s1 = v2.uv1.X - v1.uv1.X;
s2 = v3.uv1.X - v1.uv1.X;
t1 = v2.uv1.Y - v1.uv1.Y;
t2 = v3.uv1.Y - v1.uv1.Y;
s1 = v2.uv0.X - v1.uv0.X;
s2 = v3.uv0.X - v1.uv0.X;
t1 = v2.uv0.Y - v1.uv0.Y;
t2 = v3.uv0.Y - v1.uv0.Y;
float div = (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
float r = 1.0f / div;
// Fix +/- infinity from division by 0.
if (r == float.PositiveInfinity || r == float.NegativeInfinity)
r = 1.0f;
float sX = t2 * x1 - t1 * x2;
float sY = t2 * y1 - t1 * y2;
float sZ = t2 * z1 - t1 * z2;
Vector3 s = new Vector3(sX, sY, sZ) * r;
float tX = s1 * x2 - s2 * x1;
float tY = s1 * y2 - s2 * y1;
float tZ = s1 * z2 - s2 * z1;
Vector3 t = new Vector3(tX, tY, tZ) * r;
// Prevents black tangents or bitangents due to having vertices with the same UV coordinates.
float delta = 0.00075f;
bool sameU, sameV;
if (UseUVLayer2)
sameU = (Math.Abs(v1.uv1.X - v2.uv1.X) < delta) && (Math.Abs(v2.uv1.X - v3.uv1.X) < delta);
sameV = (Math.Abs(v1.uv1.Y - v2.uv1.Y) < delta) && (Math.Abs(v2.uv1.Y - v3.uv1.Y) < delta);
sameU = (Math.Abs(v1.uv0.X - v2.uv0.X) < delta) && (Math.Abs(v2.uv0.X - v3.uv0.X) < delta);
sameV = (Math.Abs(v1.uv0.Y - v2.uv0.Y) < delta) && (Math.Abs(v2.uv0.Y - v3.uv0.Y) < delta);
if (sameU || sameV)
// Let's pick some arbitrary tangent vectors.
s = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
t = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
// Average tangents and bitangents.
tanArray[faces[i]] += s;
tanArray[faces[i + 1]] += s;
tanArray[faces[i + 2]] += s;
bitanArray[faces[i]] += t;
bitanArray[faces[i + 1]] += t;
bitanArray[faces[i + 2]] += t;
public static void SmoothNormals(List<STGenericObject> Shapes, int DisplayLODIndex = 0)
if (Shapes.Count == 0)
//List of duplicate vertices from multiple shapes
//We will normalize each vertex with the same normal value to prevent seams
List<Vertex> DuplicateVerts = new List<Vertex>();
List<Vector3> NotDuplicateVerts = new List<Vector3>();
for (int s = 0; s < Shapes.Count; s++)
if (Shapes[s].vertices.Count < 3)
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[Shapes[s].vertices.Count];
List<int> f = Shapes[s].lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].getDisplayFace();
for (int v = 0; v < Shapes[s].lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].displayFaceSize; v += 3)
Vertex v1 = Shapes[s].vertices[f[v]];
Vertex v2 = Shapes[s].vertices[f[v + 1]];
Vertex v3 = Shapes[s].vertices[f[v + 2]];
Vector3 nrm = Shapes[s].CalculateNormal(v1, v2, v3);
if (NotDuplicateVerts.Contains(v1.pos)) DuplicateVerts.Add(v1); else NotDuplicateVerts.Add(v1.pos);
if (NotDuplicateVerts.Contains(v2.pos)) DuplicateVerts.Add(v2); else NotDuplicateVerts.Add(v2.pos);
if (NotDuplicateVerts.Contains(v3.pos)) DuplicateVerts.Add(v3); else NotDuplicateVerts.Add(v3.pos);
normals[f[v + 0]] += nrm;
normals[f[v + 1]] += nrm;
normals[f[v + 2]] += nrm;
for (int n = 0; n < normals.Length; n++)
Shapes[s].vertices[n].nrm = normals[n].Normalized();
//Smooth normals normally
for (int s = 0; s < Shapes.Count; s++)
// Compare each vertex with all the remaining vertices. This might skip some.
for (int i = 0; i < Shapes[s].vertices.Count; i++)
Vertex v = Shapes[s].vertices[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < Shapes[s].vertices.Count; j++)
Vertex v2 = Shapes[s].vertices[j];
if (v == v2)
float dis = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(v.pos.X - v2.pos.X, 2) + Math.Pow(v.pos.Y - v2.pos.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(v.pos.Z - v2.pos.Z, 2));
if (dis <= 0f) // Extra smooth
Vector3 nn = ((v2.nrm + v.nrm) / 2).Normalized();
v.nrm = nn;
v2.nrm = nn;
//Now do the same but for fixing duplicate vertices
for (int s = 0; s < Shapes.Count; s++)
//Smooth duplicate normals
for (int i = 0; i < Shapes[s].vertices.Count; i++)
Vertex v = Shapes[s].vertices[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < DuplicateVerts.Count; j++)
Vertex v2 = DuplicateVerts[j];
if (v.pos == v2.pos)
float dis = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(v.pos.X - v2.pos.X, 2) + Math.Pow(v.pos.Y - v2.pos.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(v.pos.Z - v2.pos.Z, 2));
if (dis <= 0f) // Extra smooth
Vector3 nn = ((v2.nrm + v.nrm) / 2).Normalized();
v.nrm = nn;
v2.nrm = nn;
public void SmoothNormals()
if (vertices.Count < 3)
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertices.Count];
List<int> f = lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].getDisplayFace();
for (int i = 0; i < lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].displayFaceSize; i += 3)
Vertex v1 = vertices[f[i]];
Vertex v2 = vertices[f[i + 1]];
Vertex v3 = vertices[f[i + 2]];
Vector3 nrm = CalculateNormal(v1, v2, v3);
normals[f[i + 0]] += nrm;
normals[f[i + 1]] += nrm;
normals[f[i + 2]] += nrm;
for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
vertices[i].nrm = normals[i].Normalized();
// Compare each vertex with all the remaining vertices. This might skip some.
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
Vertex v = vertices[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < vertices.Count; j++)
Vertex v2 = vertices[j];
if (v == v2)
float dis = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(v.pos.X - v2.pos.X, 2) + Math.Pow(v.pos.Y - v2.pos.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(v.pos.Z - v2.pos.Z, 2));
if (dis <= 0f) // Extra smooth
Vector3 nn = ((v2.nrm + v.nrm) / 2).Normalized();
v.nrm = nn;
v2.nrm = nn;
public void InvertNormals()
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
v.nrm = new Vector3(-1 * v.nrm.X, -1 * v.nrm.Y, -1 * v.nrm.Z);
public void UVUnwrapPosition()
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
public void CalculateNormals()
if (vertices.Count < 3)
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertices.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
normals[i] = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
List<int> f = lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].getDisplayFace();
for (int i = 0; i < lodMeshes[DisplayLODIndex].displayFaceSize; i += 3)
Vertex v1 = vertices[f[i]];
Vertex v2 = vertices[f[i + 1]];
Vertex v3 = vertices[f[i + 2]];
Vector3 nrm = CalculateNormal(v1, v2, v3);
normals[f[i + 0]] += nrm * (nrm.Length / 2);
normals[f[i + 1]] += nrm * (nrm.Length / 2);
normals[f[i + 2]] += nrm * (nrm.Length / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
vertices[i].nrm = normals[i].Normalized();
private Vector3 CalculateNormal(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, Vertex v3)
Vector3 U = v2.pos - v1.pos;
Vector3 V = v3.pos - v1.pos;
// Don't normalize here, so surface area can be calculated.
return Vector3.Cross(U, V);
public void SetVertexColor(Vector4 intColor)
// (127, 127, 127, 255) is white.
foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
v.col = intColor;