Adjust drag and drop support a bit from archives so it doesn't have any issues. Added BRLYT viewing (very basic) Fix U8 not adding all the directories. Hopefully any U8 will work correctly now
272 lines
11 KiB
272 lines
11 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Toolbox.Library
public class TegraX1Swizzle
public static List<uint[]> GenerateMipSizes(TEX_FORMAT Format, uint Width, uint Height, uint Depth, uint SurfaceCount, uint MipCount, uint ImageSize)
List<uint[]> MipMapSizes = new List<uint[]>();
uint bpp = STGenericTexture.GetBytesPerPixel(Format);
uint blkWidth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockWidth(Format);
uint blkHeight = STGenericTexture.GetBlockHeight(Format);
uint blkDepth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockDepth(Format);
uint blockHeight = TegraX1Swizzle.GetBlockHeight(TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(Height, blkHeight));
uint BlockHeightLog2 = (uint)Convert.ToString(blockHeight, 2).Length - 1;
uint Pitch = 0;
uint DataAlignment = 512;
int linesPerBlockHeight = (1 << (int)BlockHeightLog2) * 8;
uint ArrayCount = SurfaceCount;
uint ArrayOffset = 0;
for (int arrayLevel = 0; arrayLevel < ArrayCount; arrayLevel++)
uint SurfaceSize = 0;
int blockHeightShift = 0;
uint[] MipOffsets = new uint[MipCount];
for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < MipCount; mipLevel++)
uint width = (uint)Math.Max(1, Width >> mipLevel);
uint height = (uint)Math.Max(1, Height >> mipLevel);
uint depth = (uint)Math.Max(1, Depth >> mipLevel);
uint size = TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth) * TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight) * bpp;
if (TegraX1Swizzle.pow2_round_up(TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkWidth)) < linesPerBlockHeight)
blockHeightShift += 1;
uint width__ = TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth);
uint height__ = TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight);
//Calculate the mip size instead
byte[] AlignedData = new byte[(TegraX1Swizzle.round_up(SurfaceSize, DataAlignment) - SurfaceSize)];
SurfaceSize += (uint)AlignedData.Length;
MipOffsets[mipLevel] = (SurfaceSize);
//Get the first mip offset and current one and the total image size
int msize = (int)((MipOffsets[0] + ImageSize - MipOffsets[mipLevel]) / ArrayCount);
Pitch = TegraX1Swizzle.round_up(width__ * bpp, 64);
SurfaceSize += Pitch * TegraX1Swizzle.round_up(height__, Math.Max(1, blockHeight >> blockHeightShift) * 8);
ArrayOffset += (uint)(ImageSize / ArrayCount);
return MipMapSizes;
public static byte[] GetImageData(STGenericTexture texture, byte[] ImageData, int ArrayLevel, int MipLevel, int target = 1, bool LinearTileMode = false)
uint bpp = STGenericTexture.GetBytesPerPixel(texture.Format);
uint blkWidth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockWidth(texture.Format);
uint blkHeight = STGenericTexture.GetBlockHeight(texture.Format);
uint blkDepth = STGenericTexture.GetBlockDepth(texture.Format);
uint blockHeight = TegraX1Swizzle.GetBlockHeight(TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(texture.Height, blkHeight));
uint BlockHeightLog2 = (uint)Convert.ToString(blockHeight, 2).Length - 1;
uint Pitch = 0;
uint DataAlignment = 512;
uint TileMode = 0;
if (LinearTileMode)
TileMode = 1;
int linesPerBlockHeight = (1 << (int)BlockHeightLog2) * 8;
uint ArrayOffset = 0;
for (int arrayLevel = 0; arrayLevel < texture.ArrayCount; arrayLevel++)
uint SurfaceSize = 0;
int blockHeightShift = 0;
List<uint> MipOffsets = new List<uint>();
for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < texture.MipCount; mipLevel++)
uint width = (uint)Math.Max(1, texture.Width >> mipLevel);
uint height = (uint)Math.Max(1, texture.Height >> mipLevel);
uint depth = (uint)Math.Max(1, texture.Depth >> mipLevel);
uint size = TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth) * TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight) * bpp;
Console.WriteLine($"size " + size);
if (TegraX1Swizzle.pow2_round_up(TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkWidth)) < linesPerBlockHeight)
blockHeightShift += 1;
uint width__ = TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth);
uint height__ = TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight);
//Calculate the mip size instead
byte[] AlignedData = new byte[(TegraX1Swizzle.round_up(SurfaceSize, DataAlignment) - SurfaceSize)];
SurfaceSize += (uint)AlignedData.Length;
//Get the first mip offset and current one and the total image size
int msize = (int)((MipOffsets[0] + ImageData.Length - MipOffsets[mipLevel]) / texture.ArrayCount);
byte[] data_ = Utils.SubArray(ImageData, ArrayOffset + MipOffsets[mipLevel], (uint)msize);
Pitch = TegraX1Swizzle.round_up(width__ * bpp, 64);
SurfaceSize += Pitch * TegraX1Swizzle.round_up(height__, Math.Max(1, blockHeight >> blockHeightShift) * 8);
byte[] result = TegraX1Swizzle.deswizzle(width, height, depth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, target, bpp, TileMode, (int)Math.Max(0, BlockHeightLog2 - blockHeightShift), data_);
//Create a copy and use that to remove uneeded data
byte[] result_ = new byte[size];
Array.Copy(result, 0, result_, 0, size);
result = null;
if (ArrayLevel == arrayLevel && MipLevel == mipLevel)
return result_;
catch (Exception e)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show($"Failed to swizzle texture {texture.Text}!");
return new byte[0];
ArrayOffset += (uint)(ImageData.Length / texture.ArrayCount);
return new byte[0];
* Code ported from AboodXD's BNTX Extractor
public static uint GetBlockHeight(uint height)
uint blockHeight = pow2_round_up(height / 8);
if (blockHeight > 16)
blockHeight = 16;
return blockHeight;
public static uint DIV_ROUND_UP(uint n, uint d)
return (n + d - 1) / d;
public static uint round_up(uint x, uint y)
return ((x - 1) | (y - 1)) + 1;
public static uint pow2_round_up(uint x)
x -= 1;
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
return x + 1;
private static byte[] _swizzle(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint blkWidth, uint blkHeight, uint blkDepth, int roundPitch, uint bpp, uint tileMode, int blockHeightLog2, byte[] data, int toSwizzle)
uint block_height = (uint)(1 << blockHeightLog2);
Console.WriteLine($"Swizzle {width} {height} {blkWidth} {blkHeight} {roundPitch} {bpp} {tileMode} {blockHeightLog2} {data.Length} {toSwizzle}");
width = DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth);
height = DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight);
depth = DIV_ROUND_UP(depth, blkDepth);
uint pitch;
uint surfSize;
if (tileMode == 1)
pitch = width * bpp;
if (roundPitch == 1)
pitch = round_up(pitch, 32);
surfSize = pitch * height;
pitch = round_up(width * bpp, 64);
surfSize = pitch * round_up(height, block_height * 8);
byte[] result = new byte[surfSize];
for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++)
uint pos;
uint pos_;
if (tileMode == 1)
pos = y * pitch + x * bpp;
pos = getAddrBlockLinear(x, y, width, bpp, 0, block_height);
pos_ = (y * width + x) * bpp;
if (pos + bpp <= surfSize)
if (toSwizzle == 0)
Array.Copy(data, pos, result, pos_, bpp);
Array.Copy(data, pos_, result, pos, bpp);
return result;
public static byte[] deswizzle(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint blkWidth, uint blkHeight, uint blkDepth, int roundPitch, uint bpp, uint tileMode, int size_range, byte[] data)
return _swizzle(width, height, depth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, roundPitch, bpp, tileMode, size_range, data, 0);
public static byte[] swizzle(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint blkWidth, uint blkHeight,uint blkDepth, int roundPitch, uint bpp, uint tileMode, int size_range, byte[] data)
return _swizzle(width, height, depth, blkWidth, blkHeight, blkDepth, roundPitch, bpp, tileMode, size_range, data, 1);
static uint getAddrBlockLinear(uint x, uint y, uint width, uint bytes_per_pixel, uint base_address, uint block_height)
From Tega X1 TRM
uint image_width_in_gobs = DIV_ROUND_UP(width * bytes_per_pixel, 64);
uint GOB_address = (base_address
+ (y / (8 * block_height)) * 512 * block_height * image_width_in_gobs
+ (x * bytes_per_pixel / 64) * 512 * block_height
+ (y % (8 * block_height) / 8) * 512);
x *= bytes_per_pixel;
uint Address = (GOB_address + ((x % 64) / 32) * 256 + ((y % 8) / 2) * 64
+ ((x % 32) / 16) * 32 + (y % 2) * 16 + (x % 16));
return Address;
} |