419 lines
16 KiB
419 lines
16 KiB
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using OpenTK;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Toolbox.Library.Animations
//Todo rewrite this
//Currently from forge
public class ANIM
static float Deg2Rad = (float)(Math.PI / 180f);
static float Rad2Deg = (float)(180f / Math.PI);
private class AnimHeader
public string animVersion;
public string mayaVersion;
public float startTime;
public float endTime;
public float startUnitless;
public float endUnitless;
public string timeUnit;
public string linearUnit;
public string angularUnit;
public AnimHeader()
animVersion = "1.1";
mayaVersion = "2015";
startTime = 0;
endTime = 0;
startUnitless = 0;
endUnitless = 0;
timeUnit = "ntscf";
linearUnit = "cm";
angularUnit = "deg";
private class AnimKey{
public float input, output;
public string intan, outtan;
public float t1 = 0, w1 = 1;
private class AnimData{
public string type, input, output, preInfinity, postInfinity;
public bool weighted = false;
public List<AnimKey> keys = new List<AnimKey>();
public float getValue(int frame){
AnimKey f1 = null, f2 = null;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count-1; i++) {
if ((keys [i].input-1 <= frame && keys [i + 1].input-1 >= frame)) {
f1 = keys [i];
f2 = keys [i + 1];
if (f1 == null) {
if (keys.Count <= 1) {
return keys [0].output;
} else {
f1 = keys [keys.Count - 2];
f2 = keys [keys.Count - 1];
return Animation.Hermite (frame+1, f1.input, f2.input, weighted ? f1.t1 : 0, weighted ? f2.t1 : 0, f1.output, f2.output);
private class AnimBone{
public string name;
public List<AnimData> atts = new List<AnimData>();
public static Animation read(string filename, STSkeleton vbn){
StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(filename);
string line;
bool isHeader = true;
string angularUnit, linearUnit, timeUnit;
int startTime = 0;
int endTime = 0;
List<AnimBone> bones = new List<AnimBone>();
Animation.KeyNode current = null;
Animation.KeyFrame att = new Animation.KeyFrame();
bool inKeys = false;
string type = "";
Animation a = new Animation(filename);
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
string[] args = line.Replace (";", "").TrimStart().Split (' ');
if (isHeader) {
if (args [0].Equals ("anim"))
isHeader = false;
else if (args [0].Equals ("angularUnit"))
angularUnit = args [1];
else if (args [0].Equals ("endTime"))
endTime = (int)Math.Ceiling(float.Parse (args [1]));
else if (args [0].Equals ("startTime"))
startTime = (int)Math.Ceiling(float.Parse (args [1]));
if (!isHeader) {
if (inKeys) {
inKeys = false;
Animation.KeyFrame k = new Animation.KeyFrame ();
//att.keys.Add (k);
if (type.Contains("translate"))
if (type.Contains("X")) current.XPOS.Keys.Add(k);
if (type.Contains("Y")) current.YPOS.Keys.Add(k);
if (type.Contains("Z")) current.ZPOS.Keys.Add(k);
if (type.Contains("rotate"))
if (type.Contains("X")) current.XROT.Keys.Add(k);
if (type.Contains("Y")) current.YROT.Keys.Add(k);
if (type.Contains("Z")) current.ZROT.Keys.Add(k);
if (type.Contains("scale"))
if (type.Contains("X")) current.XSCA.Keys.Add(k);
if (type.Contains("Y")) current.YSCA.Keys.Add(k);
if (type.Contains("Z")) current.ZSCA.Keys.Add(k);
k.Frame = float.Parse (args [0])-1;
k.Value = float.Parse (args [1]);
if (type.Contains("rotate"))
k.Value *= Deg2Rad;
//k.intan = (args [2]);
//k.outtan = (args [3]);
if (args.Length > 7 && att.Weighted)
k.In = float.Parse(args[7]) * Deg2Rad;
k.Out = float.Parse(args[8]) * Deg2Rad;
if (args [0].Equals ("anim")) {
inKeys = false;
if (args.Length == 5) {
//TODO: finish this type
// can be name of attribute
if (args.Length == 7) {
// see of the bone of this attribute exists
current = null;
foreach (Animation.KeyNode b in a.Bones)
if (b.Text.Equals (args [3])) {
current = b;
if (current == null) {
current = new Animation.KeyNode (args[3]);
current.RotType = Animation.RotationType.EULER;
a.Bones.Add (current);
current.Text = args [3];
att = new Animation.KeyFrame();
att.InterType = InterpolationType.HERMITE;
type = args [2];
//current.Nodes.Add (att);
// row child attribute aren't needed here
/*if (args [0].Equals ("input"))
att.input = args [1];
if (args [0].Equals ("output"))
att.output = args [1];
if (args [0].Equals ("preInfinity"))
att.preInfinity = args [1];
if (args [0].Equals ("postInfinity"))
att.postInfinity = args [1];*/
if (args[0].Equals("weighted"))
att.Weighted = args[1].Equals("1");
// begining keys section
if (args [0].Contains ("keys")) {
inKeys = true;
a.FrameCount = endTime-1;
return a;
public static void CreateANIM(string fname, Animation a, STSkeleton vbn)
System.Globalization.CultureInfo customCulture = (System.Globalization.CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone();
customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@fname))
AnimHeader header = new AnimHeader();
file.WriteLine("animVersion " + header.animVersion + ";");
file.WriteLine("mayaVersion " + header.mayaVersion + ";");
file.WriteLine("timeUnit " + header.timeUnit + ";");
file.WriteLine("linearUnit " + header.linearUnit + ";");
file.WriteLine("angularUnit " + header.angularUnit + ";");
file.WriteLine("startTime " + 1 + ";");
file.WriteLine("endTime " + a.FrameCount + ";");
a.SetFrame(a.FrameCount - 1); //from last frame
for (int li = 0; li < a.FrameCount; ++li) //go through each frame with nextFrame
a.NextFrame(vbn, false, true);
a.NextFrame(vbn, false, true); //go on first frame
int i = 0;
// writing node attributes
foreach (STBone b in vbn.getBoneTreeOrder())
i = vbn.boneIndex(b.Text);
if (a.HasBone(b.Text))
// write the bone attributes
// count the attributes
Animation.KeyNode n = a.GetBone(b.Text);
int ac = 0;
if (n.XPOS.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim translate.translateX translateX " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.XPOS, n, a.Size(), "translateX");
if (n.YPOS.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim translate.translateY translateY " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.YPOS, n, a.Size(), "translateY");
if (n.ZPOS.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim translate.translateZ translateZ " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.ZPOS, n, a.Size(), "translateZ");
if (n.XROT.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim rotate.rotateX rotateX " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.XROT, n, a.Size(), "rotateX");
if (n.YROT.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim rotate.rotateY rotateY " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.YROT, n, a.Size(), "rotateY");
if (n.ZROT.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim rotate.rotateZ rotateZ " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.ZROT, n, a.Size(), "rotateZ");
if (n.XSCA.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim scale.scaleX scaleX " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.XSCA, n, a.Size(), "scaleX", n.UseSegmentScaleCompensate);
if (n.YSCA.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim scale.scaleY scaleY " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.YSCA, n, a.Size(), "scaleY", n.UseSegmentScaleCompensate);
if (n.ZSCA.HasAnimation())
file.WriteLine("anim scale.scaleZ scaleZ " + b.Text + " 0 0 " + (ac++) + ";");
writeKey(file, n.ZSCA, n, a.Size(), "scaleZ", n.UseSegmentScaleCompensate);
if (ac == 0)
file.WriteLine("anim " + b.Text + " 0 0 0;");
file.WriteLine("anim " + b.Text + " 0 0 0;");
private static void writeKey(StreamWriter file, Animation.KeyGroup keys, Animation.KeyNode rt, int size, string type, bool useSegmentCompenseateScale = false)
bool isAngular = type == "rotateX" || type == "rotateY" || type == "rotateZ";
// string interp = isAngular ? "angular" : "linear";
string interp = "linear";
file.WriteLine("animData {");
file.WriteLine(" input time;");
file.WriteLine($" output {interp};");
file.WriteLine(" weighted 1;");
file.WriteLine(" preInfinity constant;");
file.WriteLine(" postInfinity constant;");
file.WriteLine(" keys {");
if (((Animation.KeyFrame)keys.Keys[0]).InterType == InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
size = 1;
int f = 1;
foreach (Animation.KeyFrame key in keys.Keys)
float v = 0;
switch (type)
case "translateX":
case "translateY":
case "translateZ":
v = key.Value;
case "rotateX":
if (rt.RotType == Animation.RotationType.EULER)
v = key.Value * Rad2Deg;
if (rt.RotType == Animation.RotationType.QUATERNION)
Quaternion q = new Quaternion(rt.XROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.YROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.ZROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.WROT.GetValue(key.Frame));
v = quattoeul(q).X * Rad2Deg;
case "rotateY":
if (rt.RotType == Animation.RotationType.EULER)
v = key.Value * Rad2Deg;
if (rt.RotType == Animation.RotationType.QUATERNION)
Quaternion q = new Quaternion(rt.XROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.YROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.ZROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.WROT.GetValue(key.Frame));
v = quattoeul(q).Y * Rad2Deg;
case "rotateZ":
if (rt.RotType == Animation.RotationType.EULER)
v = key.Value * Rad2Deg;
if (rt.RotType == Animation.RotationType.QUATERNION)
Quaternion q = new Quaternion(rt.XROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.YROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.ZROT.GetValue(key.Frame), rt.WROT.GetValue(key.Frame));
v = quattoeul(q).Z * Rad2Deg;
case "scaleX":
case "scaleY":
case "scaleZ":
if (useSegmentCompenseateScale)
v = 1f / key.Value;
v = key.Value;
file.WriteLine(" " + (key.Frame + 1) + " {0:N6} fixed fixed 1 1 0 0 1 0 1;".Replace(",","."), v);
file.WriteLine(" }");
public static Vector3 quattoeul(Quaternion q){
float sqw = q.W * q.W;
float sqx = q.X * q.X;
float sqy = q.Y * q.Y;
float sqz = q.Z * q.Z;
float normal = (float)Math.Sqrt (sqw + sqx + sqy + sqz);
float pole_result = (q.X * q.Z) + (q.Y * q.W);
if (pole_result > (0.5 * normal)){
float ry = (float)Math.PI / 2;
float rz = 0;
float rx = 2 * (float)Math.Atan2(q.X, q.W);
return new Vector3(rx, ry, rz);
if (pole_result < (-0.5 * normal)){
float ry = (float)Math.PI/2;
float rz = 0;
float rx = -2 * (float)Math.Atan2(q.X, q.W);
return new Vector3(rx, ry, rz);
float r11 = 2*(q.X*q.Y + q.W*q.Z);
float r12 = sqw + sqx - sqy - sqz;
float r21 = -2*(q.X*q.Z - q.W*q.Y);
float r31 = 2*(q.Y*q.Z + q.W*q.X);
float r32 = sqw - sqx - sqy + sqz;
float frx = (float)Math.Atan2( r31, r32 );
float fry = (float)Math.Asin ( r21 );
float frz = (float)Math.Atan2( r11, r12 );
return new Vector3(frx, fry, frz);