mirror of synced 2025-03-02 16:23:21 +01:00
KillzXGaming af8a8f17f6 Add latest files
Start on base for BLO. These will probably not be usable for awhile and is wip.. Currently aiming to support more varied layouts so this can help improve the code base.
Add BRFNT and BCFNT support. All merged as BXFNT class.
Fix bflim 3ds with LA4 textures.
Fix loading/saving part panes with property user data.
Fix texture coordinates to default centered UVs for layout panes with no textures.
Cleanup some files and directories.
2020-02-14 18:25:08 -05:00

2850 lines
85 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Syroot.Maths;
using Toolbox.Library.IO;
using Toolbox.Library.Animations;
using Toolbox.Library;
using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using SharpYaml.Serialization;
namespace LayoutBXLYT
public class BasePane : SectionCommon, ICloneable
internal BxlytHeader LayoutFile;
internal PaneAnimController animController = new PaneAnimController();
internal TreeNodeCustom NodeWrapper;
internal bool IsRoot
get { return Parent == null; }
internal bool ParentIsRoot
get { return Parent != null && Parent.IsRoot; }
internal RenderablePane renderablePane;
internal virtual bool DisplayInEditor { get; set; } = true;
private string name;
[DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")]
public string Name
get { return name; }
//Adjust necessary parameters if the user changes the name
if (name != null && LayoutFile != null)
//Adjust name table entry
if (LayoutFile != null && LayoutFile.PaneLookup.ContainsKey(name))
//Adjust material reference
if (this is IPicturePane)
((IPicturePane)this).Material.SetName(name, value);
else if (this is ITextPane)
((ITextPane)this).Material.SetName(name, value);
else if (this is IWindowPane)
var wnd = this as IWindowPane;
wnd.Content?.Material?.SetName(name, value);
if (wnd.WindowFrames != null)
foreach (var frame in wnd.WindowFrames)
if (frame.Material == null) continue;
frame.Material.SetName(name, value);
name = value;
if (LayoutFile != null && !LayoutFile.PaneLookup.ContainsKey(name))
LayoutFile.PaneLookup.Add(name, this);
[DisplayName("Is Visible"), CategoryAttribute("Flags")]
public virtual bool Visible { get; set; }
public BxlytMaterial TryGetActiveMaterial()
if (this is IPicturePane)
return ((IPicturePane)this).Material;
return null;
[DisplayName("Translate"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")]
public Vector3F Translate { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Rotate"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")]
public Vector3F Rotate { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Scale"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")]
public Vector2F Scale { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Width"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")]
public float Width { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Height"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")]
public float Height { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")]
public virtual OriginX originX { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")]
public virtual OriginY originY { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Parent Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")]
public virtual OriginX ParentOriginX { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Parent Origin Y"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")]
public virtual OriginY ParentOriginY { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Alpha"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")]
public byte Alpha { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Influence Alpha"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")]
public virtual bool InfluenceAlpha { get; set; }
public BasePane Parent { get; set; }
public List<BasePane> Childern { get; set; } = new List<BasePane>();
internal bool HasChildern
get { return Childern.Count > 0; }
public OpenTK.Matrix4 GetRotationMatrix()
var paneRotate = GetRotation();
OpenTK.Matrix4 rotationX = OpenTK.Matrix4.CreateRotationX(OpenTK.MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(paneRotate.X));
OpenTK.Matrix4 rotationY = OpenTK.Matrix4.CreateRotationY(OpenTK.MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(paneRotate.Y));
OpenTK.Matrix4 rotationZ = OpenTK.Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(OpenTK.MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(paneRotate.Z));
var rotationMatrix = rotationX * rotationY * rotationZ;
if (Parent != null)
rotationMatrix = Parent.GetRotationMatrix() * rotationMatrix;
return rotationMatrix;
public Vector3F GetTranslation()
var posX = Translate.X;
var posY = Translate.Y;
var posZ = Translate.Z;
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.TranslateX))
posX = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.TranslateX];
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.TranslateY))
posY = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.TranslateY];
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.TranslateZ))
posZ = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.TranslateZ];
return new Vector3F(posX, posY, posZ);
public Vector3F GetRotation()
var rotX = Rotate.X;
var rotY = Rotate.Y;
var rotZ = Rotate.Z;
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.RotateX))
rotX = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.RotateX];
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.RotateY))
rotY = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.RotateY];
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.RotateZ))
rotZ = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.RotateZ];
return new Vector3F(rotX, rotY, rotZ);
public Vector2F GetScale()
var scaX = Scale.X;
var scaY = Scale.Y;
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.ScaleX))
scaX = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.ScaleX];
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.ScaleY))
scaY = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.ScaleY];
return new Vector2F(scaX, scaY);
public Vector2F GetSize()
var scaX = Width;
var scaY = Height;
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.SizeX))
scaX = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.SizeX];
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.SizeY))
scaY = animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.SizeY];
return new Vector2F(scaX, scaY);
public BasePane()
originX = OriginX.Center;
originY = OriginY.Center;
ParentOriginX = OriginX.Center;
ParentOriginY = OriginY.Center;
public virtual void LoadDefaults()
Alpha = 255;
Name = "";
Translate = new Vector3F(0, 0, 0);
Rotate = new Vector3F(0, 0, 0);
Scale = new Vector2F(1, 1);
Width = 30;
Height = 40;
originX = OriginX.Center;
originY = OriginY.Center;
ParentOriginX = OriginX.Center;
ParentOriginY = OriginY.Center;
InfluenceAlpha = false;
Visible = true;
public virtual BasePane Copy()
return new BasePane();
public object Clone()
BasePane copiedPane = (BasePane)this.MemberwiseClone();
if (copiedPane is IPicturePane)
if (copiedPane is ITextPane)
if (copiedPane is IWindowPane)
return copiedPane;
public virtual UserData CreateUserData()
return new UserData();
public bool IsNullPane
if (this is IPicturePane)
return false;
else if (this is IWindowPane)
return false;
else if (this is ITextPane)
return false;
else if (this is IBoundryPane)
return false;
else if (this is IPartPane)
return false;
return true;
public void ResetParentTransform(BasePane newParent)
//We need to get the difference in the parent transform and remove it to the current transform of this pane
var transform = GetParentTransform(Parent);
var newParentTransform = GetParentTransform(newParent);
Translate += transform;
Translate -= newParentTransform;
Console.WriteLine($"newParentTransform {newParentTransform.X} {newParentTransform.Y} {newParentTransform.Z}");
Console.WriteLine($"transform {transform.X} {transform.Y} {transform.Z}");
private Vector3F GetParentTransform(BasePane parent) {
return GetParentTransform(parent.Translate);
private Vector3F GetParentTransform(Vector3F translate)
if (Parent != null)
translate = Parent.Translate + Parent.GetParentTransform(translate);
return translate;
public void KeepChildrenTransform(float newTransX, float newTransY)
Vector2F distance = new Vector2F(newTransX - Translate.X, newTransY - Translate.Y);
KeepChildrenTransform(distance, newTransX, newTransY);
private void KeepChildrenTransform(Vector2F distance, float newTransX, float newTransY)
if (HasChildern)
foreach (var child in Childern)
child.Translate -= new Vector3F(distance.X, distance.Y, 0);
child.KeepChildrenTransform(child.Translate.X, child.Translate.Y);
public CustomRectangle TransformParent(CustomRectangle rect)
return rect.GetTransformedRectangle(Parent, GetTranslation(),GetRotation(), GetScale());
private CustomRectangle rectangle;
public virtual CustomRectangle Rectangle
return rectangle;
private void UpdateRectangle()
rectangle = CreateRectangle();
public CustomRectangle CreateRectangle(uint width, uint height)
//Do origin transforms
var transformed = TransformOrientation((int)width, (int)height, originX, originY);
var parentTransform = ParentOriginTransform(transformed);
return new CustomRectangle(
public void TransformRectangle(LayoutViewer.PickAction pickAction, CustomRectangle selectionBox, float pickMouseX, float pickMouseY)
CustomRectangle currentRectangle = this.CreateRectangle();
currentRectangle = currentRectangle.GetTransformedRectangle(Parent, GetTranslation(), GetRotation(), GetScale());
//The selection box can have mutlile panes selected in one box
//Scaling the edges will have different distances
float distanceLeft = selectionBox.LeftPoint - currentRectangle.LeftPoint;
float distanceRight = selectionBox.RightPoint - currentRectangle.RightPoint;
float distanceTop = selectionBox.TopPoint - currentRectangle.TopPoint;
float distanceBottom = selectionBox.BottomPoint - currentRectangle.BottomPoint;
Console.WriteLine("distanceLeft " + distanceLeft);
Console.WriteLine("distanceRight " + distanceRight);
Console.WriteLine("distanceTop " + distanceTop);
Console.WriteLine("distanceBottom " + distanceBottom);
float posX = Translate.X;
float posY = Translate.Y;
float posZ = Translate.Z;
float pickWidth = pickMouseX;
float pickHeight = pickMouseY;
switch (pickAction)
case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragLeft:
Width += pickMouseX;
if (originX == OriginX.Left)
posX = Translate.X - pickMouseX;
else if (originX == OriginX.Right)
posX = Translate.X + pickMouseX;
posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2);
case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragRight:
if (originX == OriginX.Right)
Width -= pickMouseX;
posX = Translate.X + pickMouseX;
else if (originX == OriginX.Left)
Width -= pickMouseX;
posX = Translate.X + pickMouseX;
Width -= pickMouseX;
posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2);
case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragTop:
if (originY == OriginY.Top)
Height -= pickMouseY;
posY = Translate.Y - pickMouseY;
else if (originY == OriginY.Bottom)
Height -= pickMouseY;
posY = Translate.Y - pickMouseY;
Height -= pickMouseY;
posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2);
case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragBottom:
Height += pickMouseY;
posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2);
case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragTopLeft:
Width += pickMouseX;
Height -= pickMouseY;
posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2);
posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2);
case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragBottomLeft:
Width += pickMouseX;
Height += pickMouseY;
posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2);
posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2);
case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragBottomRight:
Width -= pickMouseX;
Height += pickMouseY;
posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2);
posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2);
case LayoutViewer.PickAction.DragTopRight:
Width -= pickMouseX;
Height -= pickMouseY;
posX = Translate.X - (pickMouseX / 2);
posY = Translate.Y - (pickMouseY / 2);
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.TransformChidlren)
KeepChildrenTransform(posX, posY);
Translate = new Vector3F(posX, posY, posZ);
private Vector2F SetOrientation(float pickWidth, float pickHeight)
float posX = 0;
float posY = 0;
switch (originX)
case OriginX.Left:
Width += pickWidth;
posX = pickWidth;
Width += pickWidth;
posX = pickWidth / 2;
switch (originY)
case OriginY.Top:
Height += pickHeight;
posY = pickHeight;
Height += pickHeight;
posY = pickHeight / 2;
return new Vector2F(posX, posY);
public CustomRectangle CreateRectangle()
//Do origin transforms
var transformed = new Vector4();
int paneWidth = (int)Width;
int paneHeight = (int)Height;
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.SizeX))
paneWidth = (int)animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.SizeX];
if (animController.PaneSRT.ContainsKey(LPATarget.SizeY))
paneHeight = (int)animController.PaneSRT[LPATarget.SizeY];
transformed = TransformOrientation(paneWidth, paneHeight, originX, originY);
var parentTransform = ParentOriginTransform(transformed);
return new CustomRectangle(
public static float MixColors(params float[] c)
float a = c[0];
for (int i = 1; i < c.Length; i++)
a *= c[i];
for (int i = 1; i < c.Length; i++)
a /= 255f;
return a / 255f;
//Get the previous transform from the parent origin
private Vector4 ParentOriginTransform(Vector4 points)
//Dont shift the root or the first child of the root
//The parent setting shouldn't be set, but it doesn't hurt to do this
if (IsRoot || ParentIsRoot || Parent == null)
return points;
var transformedPosition = TransformOrientationPosition((int)Parent.Width, (int)Parent.Height, ParentOriginX, ParentOriginY);
var transformed = ShiftRectangle(transformedPosition, points);
if (Parent != null)
return Parent.ParentOriginTransform(transformed);
return transformed;
private static Vector4 ShiftRectangle(Vector2 position, Vector4 points)
int left = points[0] + position.X;
int right = points[1] + position.X;
int top = points[2] + position.Y;
int bottom = points[3] + position.Y;
return new Vector4(left, right, top, bottom);
private static Vector2 TransformOrientationPosition(int Width, int Height, OriginX originX, OriginY originY)
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
if (originX == OriginX.Left)
x = -(Width / 2);
else if (originX == OriginX.Right)
x = (Width / 2);
if (originY == OriginY.Top)
y = Height / 2;
else if (originY == OriginY.Bottom)
y = -(Height / 2);
return new Vector2(x, y);
private static Vector4 TransformOrientation(int Width, int Height, OriginX originX, OriginY originY)
int left = 0;
int right = 0;
int top = 0;
int bottom = 0;
if (originX == OriginX.Left)
right = Width;
else if (originX == OriginX.Right)
left = -Width;
else //To center
left = -Width / 2;
right = Width / 2;
if (originY == OriginY.Top)
bottom = -Height;
else if (originY == OriginY.Bottom)
top = Height;
else //To center
top = Height / 2;
bottom = -Height / 2;
return new Vector4(left, right, top, bottom);
public bool IsHit(CustomRectangle selectionBox)
var rect = CreateRectangle();
var transformed = rect.GetTransformedRectangle(Parent, GetTranslation(), GetRotation(), GetScale());
if ((selectionBox.LeftPoint < transformed.RightPoint) &&
(selectionBox.RightPoint > transformed.LeftPoint) &&
(selectionBox.TopPoint > transformed.BottomPoint) &&
(selectionBox.BottomPoint < transformed.TopPoint))
return true;
return false;
public bool IsHit(int X, int Y)
var rect = CreateRectangle();
var transformed = rect.GetTransformedRectangle(Parent, GetTranslation(), GetRotation(), GetScale());
bool isInBetweenX = (X > transformed.LeftPoint) && (X < transformed.RightPoint) ||
(X < transformed.LeftPoint) && (X > transformed.RightPoint);
bool isInBetweenY = (Y > transformed.BottomPoint) && (Y < transformed.TopPoint) ||
(Y < transformed.BottomPoint) && (Y > transformed.TopPoint);
if (isInBetweenX && isInBetweenY)
return true;
return false;
public BasePane SearchPane(string name)
if (Name == name)
return this;
foreach (var child in Childern)
var matchPane = child.SearchPane(name);
if (matchPane != null) return matchPane;
return null;
public class VertexColorHelper
public static System.Drawing.Color Mix(System.Drawing.Color colorA, System.Drawing.Color colorB, float value)
byte R = (byte)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(colorA.R, colorB.R, value);
byte G = (byte)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(colorA.G, colorB.G, value);
byte B = (byte)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(colorA.B, colorB.B, value);
byte A = (byte)InterpolationHelper.Lerp(colorA.A, colorB.A, value);
return System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(A, R, G, B);
public class PaneAnimController
public Dictionary<LPATarget, float> PaneSRT = new Dictionary<LPATarget, float>();
public Dictionary<LVCTarget, float> PaneVertexColors = new Dictionary<LVCTarget, float>();
public bool Visibile = true;
public void ResetAnim()
Visibile = true;
public enum FilterMode
Near = 0,
Linear = 1
public enum WrapMode
Clamp = 0,
Repeat = 1,
Mirror = 2
public enum OriginX : byte
Center = 0,
Left = 1,
Right = 2
public enum OriginY : byte
Center = 0,
Top = 1,
Bottom = 2
public interface IUserDataContainer
UserData UserData { get; set; }
public class BxlytTextureRef
public short ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual WrapMode WrapModeU { get; set; }
public virtual WrapMode WrapModeV { get; set; }
public virtual FilterMode MinFilterMode { get; set; }
public virtual FilterMode MaxFilterMode { get; set; }
public class BxlytAlphaCompare
public GfxAlphaFunction CompareMode { get; set; }
public float Value { get; set; }
public BxlytAlphaCompare()
CompareMode = GfxAlphaFunction.Always;
Value = 0;
public BxlytAlphaCompare(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header)
CompareMode = reader.ReadEnum<GfxAlphaFunction>(false);
Value = reader.ReadSingle();
public virtual void Write(FileWriter writer)
writer.Write(CompareMode, false);
public class BxlytBlendMode
public GX2BlendOp BlendOp { get; set; }
public GX2BlendFactor SourceFactor { get; set; }
public GX2BlendFactor DestFactor { get; set; }
public GX2LogicOp LogicOp { get; set; }
public BxlytBlendMode()
BlendOp = GX2BlendOp.Add;
SourceFactor = GX2BlendFactor.SourceAlpha;
DestFactor = GX2BlendFactor.SourceInvAlpha;
LogicOp = GX2LogicOp.Set;
public BxlytBlendMode(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header)
BlendOp = (GX2BlendOp)reader.ReadByte();
SourceFactor = (GX2BlendFactor)reader.ReadByte();
DestFactor = (GX2BlendFactor)reader.ReadByte();
LogicOp = (GX2LogicOp)reader.ReadByte();
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
writer.Write(BlendOp, false);
writer.Write(SourceFactor, false);
writer.Write(DestFactor, false);
writer.Write(LogicOp, false);
public enum GX2BlendFactor : byte
Factor0 = 0,
Factor1 = 1,
DestColor = 2,
DestInvColor = 3,
SourceAlpha = 4,
SourceInvAlpha = 5,
DestAlpha = 6,
DestInvAlpha = 7,
SourceColor = 8,
SourceInvColor = 9
public enum GX2BlendOp : byte
Disable = 0,
Add = 1,
Subtract = 2,
ReverseSubtract = 3,
SelectMin = 4,
SelectMax = 5
public enum GX2LogicOp : byte
Disable = 0,
NoOp = 1,
Clear = 2,
Set = 3,
Copy = 4,
InvCopy = 5,
Inv = 6,
And = 7,
Nand = 8,
Or = 9,
Nor = 10,
Xor = 11,
Equiv = 12,
RevAnd = 13,
InvAd = 14,
RevOr = 15,
InvOr = 16
public class UserData : SectionCommon
public List<UserDataEntry> Entries { get; set; }
public UserData()
Entries = new List<UserDataEntry>();
public override void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header)
public class UserDataEntry
public string Name { get; set; }
public UserDataType Type { get; set; }
public byte Unknown { get; set; }
public object data;
public string GetString()
return (string)data;
public float[] GetFloats()
return (float[])data;
public int[] GetInts()
return (int[])data;
public byte[] GetBytes()
return (byte[])data;
public void SetValue(string value)
data = value;
Type = UserDataType.String;
public void SetValue(float[] value)
data = value;
Type = UserDataType.Float;
public void SetValue(int[] value)
data = value;
Type = UserDataType.Int;
public void SetValue(List<UserDataStruct> value)
data = value;
Type = UserDataType.StructData;
public List<UserDataStruct> GetStructs()
return (List<UserDataStruct>)data;
internal long _pos;
public class UserDataStruct
public ushort Unknown { get; set; } // 0
public List<UserDataStructEntry> Entries = new List<UserDataStructEntry>();
public UserDataStruct(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header)
long pos = reader.Position;
ushort unknown = reader.ReadUInt16();
ushort numEntries = reader.ReadUInt16();
uint[] offsets = reader.ReadUInt32s(numEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
reader.SeekBegin(pos + offsets[i]);
Entries.Add(new UserDataStructEntry(reader, header));
public void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header)
long pos = writer.Position;
long _ofsPos = writer.Position;
//Fill empty spaces for offsets later
writer.Write(new uint[Entries.Count]);
for (int i = 0; i < Entries.Count; i++)
writer.WriteUint32Offset(_ofsPos + (i * 4), pos);
Entries[i].Write(writer, header);
public class UserDataStructEntry
public uint DataType { get; set; }
public List<object> Data { get; set; }
public UserDataStructEntry(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header)
long pos = reader.Position;
DataType = reader.ReadUInt32();
Console.WriteLine($"USD1 Struct DataType " + DataType);
if (DataType == 0)
uint numEntries = reader.ReadUInt32();
uint[] offsets = reader.ReadUInt32s((int)numEntries);
Data = new List<object>();
for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
reader.SeekBegin(pos + offsets[i]);
switch (DataType)
case 0:
string str = reader.ReadZeroTerminatedString();
Console.WriteLine($"USD1 str " + str);
public void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header)
long pos = writer.Position;
switch (DataType)
case 0:
long _ofsPos = writer.Position;
//Fill empty spaces for offsets later
writer.Write(new uint[Data.Count]);
for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count; i++)
writer.WriteUint32Offset(_ofsPos + (i * 4), pos);
if (i == Data.Count - 1)
public enum UserDataType : byte
public enum AnimationTarget : byte
Pane = 0,
Material = 1
public enum LPATarget : byte
TranslateX = 0x00,
TranslateY = 0x01,
TranslateZ = 0x02,
RotateX = 0x03,
RotateY = 0x04,
RotateZ = 0x05,
ScaleX = 0x06,
ScaleY = 0x07,
SizeX = 0x08,
SizeY = 0x09,
public enum LTSTarget : byte
TranslateS = 0x00,
TranslateT = 0x01,
Rotate = 0x02,
ScaleS = 0x03,
ScaleT = 0x04,
public enum LVITarget : byte
Visibility = 0x00,
public enum LVCTarget : byte
LeftTopRed = 0x00,
LeftTopGreen = 0x01,
LeftTopBlue = 0x02,
LeftTopAlpha = 0x03,
RightTopRed = 0x04,
RightTopGreen = 0x05,
RightTopBlue = 0x06,
RightTopAlpha = 0x07,
LeftBottomRed = 0x08,
LeftBottomGreen = 0x09,
LeftBottomBlue = 0x0A,
LeftBottomAlpha = 0x0B,
RightBottomRed = 0x0C,
RightBottomGreen = 0x0D,
RightBottomBlue = 0x0E,
RightBottomAlpha = 0x0F,
PaneAlpha = 0x10,
public enum LTPTarget : byte
Image1 = 0x00,
Image2 = 0x01, //Unsure if mutliple are used but just in case
Image3 = 0x02,
public enum RevLMCTarget : byte
public enum LMCTarget : byte
public enum LIMTarget : byte
public enum LFSTarget : byte
public enum LCTTarget : byte
public enum WindowKind
Around = 0,
Horizontal = 1,
HorizontalNoContent = 2
public enum WindowFrameTexFlip : byte
None = 0,
FlipH = 1,
FlipV = 2,
Rotate90 = 3,
Rotate180 = 4,
Rotate270 = 5
public enum GfxAlphaFunction : byte
Never = 0,
Less = 1,
LessOrEqual = 2,
Equal = 3,
NotEqual = 4,
GreaterOrEqual = 5,
Greater = 6,
Always = 7,
public enum GfxAlphaOp : byte
And = 0,
Or = 1,
Xor = 2,
Nor = 3,
public enum TevMode : byte
public enum TevScale
public enum TevSource
Tex0 = 0,
Tex1 = 1,
Tex2 = 2,
Tex3 = 3,
Constant = 4,
Primary = 5,
Previous = 6,
Register = 7
public enum TevColorOp
RGB = 0,
InvRGB = 1,
Alpha = 2,
InvAlpha = 3,
RRR = 4,
InvRRR = 5,
GGG = 6,
InvGGG = 7,
BBB = 8,
InvBBB = 9
public enum TevAlphaOp
Alpha = 0,
InvAlpha = 1,
R = 2,
InvR = 3,
G = 4,
InvG = 5,
B = 6,
InvB = 7
public interface IPicturePane
ushort MaterialIndex { get; set; }
BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; }
TexCoord[] TexCoords { get; set; }
STColor8 ColorTopLeft { get; set; }
STColor8 ColorTopRight { get; set; }
STColor8 ColorBottomLeft { get; set; }
STColor8 ColorBottomRight { get; set; }
void CopyMaterial();
public interface IBoundryPane
public interface ITextPane
ushort MaterialIndex { get; set; }
string Text { get; set; }
OriginX HorizontalAlignment { get; set; }
OriginY VerticalAlignment { get; set; }
List<string> GetFonts { get; }
ushort TextLength { get; set; }
ushort MaxTextLength { get; set; }
ushort RestrictedLength { get; }
BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; }
Toolbox.Library.Rendering.RenderableTex RenderableFont { get; set; }
byte TextAlignment { get; set; }
LineAlign LineAlignment { get; set; }
float ItalicTilt { get; set; }
STColor8 FontTopColor { get; set; }
STColor8 FontBottomColor { get; set; }
Vector2F FontSize { get; set; }
float CharacterSpace { get; set; }
float LineSpace { get; set; }
Vector2F ShadowXY { get; set; }
Vector2F ShadowXYSize { get; set; }
STColor8 ShadowForeColor { get; set; }
STColor8 ShadowBackColor { get; set; }
float ShadowItalic { get; set; }
string TextBoxName { get; set; }
bool RestrictedTextLengthEnabled { get; set; }
bool ShadowEnabled { get; set; }
string FontName { get; set; }
ushort FontIndex { get; set; }
void CopyMaterial();
public interface IPartPane
string LayoutFileName { get; set; }
public interface IWindowPane
System.Drawing.Color[] GetVertexColors();
void ReloadFrames();
bool UseOneMaterialForAll { get; set; }
bool UseVertexColorForAll { get; set; }
WindowKind WindowKind { get; set; }
bool NotDrawnContent { get; set; }
ushort StretchLeft { get; set; }
ushort StretchRight { get; set; }
ushort StretchTop { get; set; }
ushort StretchBottm { get; set; }
ushort FrameElementLeft { get; set; }
ushort FrameElementRight { get; set; }
ushort FrameElementTop { get; set; }
ushort FrameElementBottm { get; set; }
byte FrameCount { get; set; }
BxlytWindowContent Content { get; set; }
List<BxlytWindowFrame> WindowFrames { get; set; }
void CopyWindows();
public class BXLAN
public BxlanHeader BxlanHeader;
public class BxlytWindowContent : ICloneable
public STColor8 ColorTopLeft { get; set; }
public STColor8 ColorTopRight { get; set; }
public STColor8 ColorBottomLeft { get; set; }
public STColor8 ColorBottomRight { get; set; }
public ushort MaterialIndex { get; set; }
public virtual BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; }
public List<TexCoord> TexCoords = new List<TexCoord>();
private BxlytHeader LayoutFile;
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
public BxlytWindowContent(BxlytHeader header) {
LayoutFile = header;
ColorTopLeft = STColor8.White;
ColorTopRight = STColor8.White;
ColorBottomLeft = STColor8.White;
ColorBottomRight = STColor8.White;
TexCoords.Add(new TexCoord());
public BxlytWindowContent(BxlytHeader header, string name)
LayoutFile = header;
ColorTopLeft = STColor8.White;
ColorTopRight = STColor8.White;
ColorBottomLeft = STColor8.White;
ColorBottomRight = STColor8.White;
TexCoords.Add(new TexCoord());
//Add new material
Material = header.CreateNewMaterial($"{name}_C");
MaterialIndex = (ushort)header.AddMaterial(Material);
public BxlytWindowContent(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header)
LayoutFile = header;
ColorTopLeft = reader.ReadColor8RGBA();
ColorTopRight = reader.ReadColor8RGBA();
ColorBottomLeft = reader.ReadColor8RGBA();
ColorBottomRight = reader.ReadColor8RGBA();
MaterialIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();
byte UVCount = reader.ReadByte();
reader.ReadByte(); //padding
for (int i = 0; i < UVCount; i++)
TexCoords.Add(new TexCoord()
TopLeft = reader.ReadVec2SY(),
TopRight = reader.ReadVec2SY(),
BottomLeft = reader.ReadVec2SY(),
BottomRight = reader.ReadVec2SY(),
Material = LayoutFile.Materials[MaterialIndex];
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
foreach (var texCoord in TexCoords)
public class BxlytWindowFrame : ICloneable
public BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; }
public ushort MaterialIndex;
public WindowFrameTexFlip TextureFlip { get; set; }
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
public BxlytWindowFrame()
public BxlytWindowFrame(BxlytHeader header, string materialName)
TextureFlip = WindowFrameTexFlip.None;
var mat = header.CreateNewMaterial(materialName);
MaterialIndex = (ushort)header.AddMaterial(mat);
Material = mat;
public BxlytWindowFrame(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header)
MaterialIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();
TextureFlip = (WindowFrameTexFlip)reader.ReadByte();
reader.ReadByte(); //padding
Material = header.Materials[MaterialIndex];
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
writer.Write(TextureFlip, false);
public class TexCoord
public Vector2F TopLeft { get; set; }
public Vector2F TopRight { get; set; }
public Vector2F BottomLeft { get; set; }
public Vector2F BottomRight { get; set; }
public TexCoord()
TopLeft = new Vector2F(0, 0);
TopRight = new Vector2F(1, 0);
BottomLeft = new Vector2F(0, 1);
BottomRight = new Vector2F(1, 1);
public class LayoutHeader : IDisposable
public TextureManager TextureManager = new TextureManager();
public PartsManager PartsManager = new PartsManager();
public string FileName
get { return FileInfo.FileName; }
[DisplayName("Use Big Endian"), CategoryAttribute("File Settings")]
public bool IsBigEndian { get; set; }
internal IFileFormat FileInfo;
internal uint Version;
[DisplayName("Version"), CategoryAttribute("File Settings")]
public string VersionFull
return $"{VersionMajor},{VersionMinor},{VersionMicro},{VersionMicro2}";
public uint VersionMajor { get; set; }
public uint VersionMinor { get; set; }
public uint VersionMicro { get; set; }
public uint VersionMicro2 { get; set; }
internal void SetVersionInfo()
VersionMajor = Version >> 24;
VersionMinor = Version >> 16 & 0xFF;
VersionMicro = Version >> 8 & 0xFF;
VersionMicro2 = Version & 0xFF;
internal uint SaveVersion()
return VersionMajor << 24 | VersionMinor << 16 | VersionMicro << 8 | VersionMicro2;
public static void WriteSection(FileWriter writer, string magic, SectionCommon section, Action WriteMethod = null)
long startPos = writer.Position;
long endPos = writer.Position;
using (writer.TemporarySeek(startPos + 4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin))
writer.Write((uint)(endPos - startPos));
public virtual BasePane CreateNewNullPane(string name)
return null;
public virtual BasePane CreateNewTextPane(string name)
return null;
public virtual BasePane CreateNewPicturePane(string name)
return null;
public virtual BasePane CreateNewWindowPane(string name)
return null;
public virtual BasePane CreateNewBoundryPane(string name)
return null;
public virtual BasePane CreateNewPartPane(string name)
return null;
public void Dispose()
public class BxlanHeader : LayoutHeader
public BxlanPAT1 AnimationTag;
public BxlanPAI1 AnimationInfo;
public static bool ContainsEntry(byte[] bxlanFile, string[] EntryNames)
using (var reader = new FileReader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(bxlanFile)))
reader.ReadUInt32(); //magic
ushort byteOrderMark = reader.ReadUInt16();
ushort HeaderSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
uint Version = reader.ReadUInt32();
uint FileSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
ushort sectionCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
reader.ReadUInt16(); //Padding
for (int i = 0; i < sectionCount; i++)
long pos = reader.Position;
string Signature = reader.ReadString(4, Encoding.ASCII);
uint SectionSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
if (Signature == "pai1")
reader.ReadUInt16(); //FrameSize
reader.ReadBoolean(); //Loop
reader.ReadByte(); //padding
var numTextures = reader.ReadUInt16();
var numEntries = reader.ReadUInt16();
var entryOffsetTbl = reader.ReadUInt32();
reader.SeekBegin(pos + entryOffsetTbl);
var entryOffsets = reader.ReadUInt32s(numEntries);
for (int e = 0; e < numEntries; e++)
reader.SeekBegin(pos + entryOffsets[e]);
string name = reader.ReadString(28, true);
if (EntryNames.Contains(name))
return true;
reader.SeekBegin(pos + SectionSize);
return false;
public BxlanPaiEntry TryGetTag(string name)
for (int i = 0; i < AnimationInfo.Entries?.Count; i++)
if (AnimationInfo.Entries[i].Name == name)
return AnimationInfo.Entries[i];
return null;
public bool ContainsEntry(string name)
for (int i = 0; i < AnimationInfo.Entries?.Count; i++) {
if (AnimationInfo.Entries[i].Name == name)
return true;
return false;
public virtual void Read(FileReader reader, BXLAN header)
public virtual void Write(FileWriter writer)
public LytAnimation GetGenericAnimation()
return animation;
private LytAnimation animation;
public LytAnimation ToGenericAnimation(BxlytHeader parentLayout)
if (animation == null)
animation = new LytAnimation(this, parentLayout);
return animation;
public class BxlanPAT1 : SectionCommon
[DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("Animation")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Groups"), CategoryAttribute("Animation")]
public List<string> Groups { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Start"), CategoryAttribute("Frames")]
public short StartFrame { get; set; }
[DisplayName("End"), CategoryAttribute("Frames")]
public short EndFrame { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Animation Order"), CategoryAttribute("Parameters")]
public ushort AnimationOrder { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Child Binding"), CategoryAttribute("Parameters")]
public bool ChildBinding { get; set; }
public class BxlanPAI1 : SectionCommon
public ushort FrameSize;
public bool Loop;
public bool ContainsEntry(string name)
return Entries.Any(x => x.Name == name);
public virtual BxlanPaiEntry AddEntry(string name, byte target)
return new BxlanPaiEntry();
public List<string> Textures { get; set; } = new List<string>();
public List<BxlanPaiEntry> Entries = new List<BxlanPaiEntry>();
public class BxlanPaiEntry
public virtual BxlanPaiTag AddEntry(string tag)
return new BxlanPaiTag();
[DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("Animation")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Animation")]
public AnimationTarget Target { get; set; }
public List<BxlanPaiTag> Tags = new List<BxlanPaiTag>();
public class BxlanPaiTag
public BxlanPaiTag()
public BxlanPaiTag(string tag)
Tag = tag;
public BxlanPaiTagEntry CreateTarget(object TargetType, byte interpolationType)
byte target = (byte)TargetType;
string tagType = Tag.Remove(0, 1);
switch (tagType)
case "LPA":
return new LPATagEntry(target, interpolationType);
case "LTS":
return new LTSTagEntry(target, interpolationType);
case "LVI":
return new LVITagEntry(target, interpolationType);
case "LVC":
return new LVCTagEntry(target, interpolationType);
case "LMC":
return new LMCTagEntry(target, interpolationType);
case "LTP":
return new LTPTagEntry(target, interpolationType);
return new BxlanPaiTagEntry(target, interpolationType);
public List<BxlanPaiTagEntry> Entries = new List<BxlanPaiTagEntry>();
public string Tag;
public string Type
get { return TypeDefine.ContainsKey(Tag) ? TypeDefine[Tag] : Tag; }
public static Dictionary<string, string> CafeTypeDefine = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"FLPA","PaneSRT" },
{"FLVI","Visibility" },
{"FLTS","TextureSRT" },
{"FLVC","VertexColor" },
{"FLMC","MaterialColor" },
{"FLTP","TexturePattern" },
{"FLIM","IndTextureSRT" },
{"FLAC","AlphaTest" },
{"FLCT","FontShadow" },
{"FLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" },
public static Dictionary<string, string> RevTypeDefine = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"RLPA","PaneSRT" },
{"RLVI","Visibility" },
{"RLTS","TextureSRT" },
{"RLVC","VertexColor" },
{"RLMC","MaterialColor" },
{"RLTP","TexturePattern" },
{"RLIM","IndTextureSRT" },
{"RLAC","AlphaTest" },
{"RLCT","FontShadow" },
{"RLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" },
public static Dictionary<string, string> CtrTypeDefine = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"CLPA","PaneSRT" },
{"CLVI","Visibility" },
{"CLTS","TextureSRT" },
{"CLVC","VertexColor" },
{"CLMC","MaterialColor" },
{"CLTP","TexturePattern" },
{"CLIM","IndTextureSRT" },
{"CLAC","AlphaTest" },
{"CLCT","FontShadow" },
{"CLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" },
public static Dictionary<string, string> TypeDefine = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"FLPA","PaneSRT" },
{"FLVI","Visibility" },
{"FLTS","TextureSRT" },
{"FLVC","VertexColor" },
{"FLMC","MaterialColor" },
{"FLTP","TexturePattern" },
{"FLIM","IndTextureSRT" },
{"FLAC","AlphaTest" },
{"FLCT","FontShadow" },
{"FLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" },
{"RLPA","PaneSRT" },
{"RLVI","Visibility" },
{"RLTS","TextureSRT" },
{"RLVC","VertexColor" },
{"RLMC","MaterialColor" },
{"RLTP","TexturePattern" },
{"RLIM","IndTextureSRT" },
{"RLAC","AlphaTest" },
{"RLCT","FontShadow" },
{"RLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" },
{"CLPA","PaneSRT" },
{"CLVI","Visibility" },
{"CLTS","TextureSRT" },
{"CLVC","VertexColor" },
{"CLMC","MaterialColor" },
{"CLTP","TexturePattern" },
{"CLIM","IndTextureSRT" },
{"CLAC","AlphaTest" },
{"CLCT","FontShadow" },
{"CLCC","PerCharacterTransformCurve" },
public class LPATagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry
public override string TargetName => Target.ToString();
[DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public LPATarget Target
get { return (LPATarget)AnimationTarget; }
set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; }
public LPATagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { }
public LPATagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { }
public class LTSTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry
public override string TargetName => Target.ToString();
[DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public LTSTarget Target
get { return (LTSTarget)AnimationTarget; }
set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; }
public LTSTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { }
public LTSTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { }
public class LVITagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry
public override string TargetName => Target.ToString();
[DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public LVITarget Target
get { return (LVITarget)AnimationTarget; }
set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; }
public LVITagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { }
public LVITagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { }
public class LVCTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry
public override string TargetName => Target.ToString();
[DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public LVCTarget Target
get { return (LVCTarget)AnimationTarget; }
set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; }
public LVCTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { }
public LVCTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { }
public class LMCTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry
public override string TargetName => Target.ToString();
[DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public LMCTarget Target
get { return (LMCTarget)AnimationTarget; }
set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; }
public LMCTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { }
public LMCTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { }
public class RevLMCTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry
public override string TargetName => Target.ToString();
[DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public RevLMCTarget Target
get { return (RevLMCTarget)AnimationTarget; }
set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; }
public RevLMCTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { }
public RevLMCTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { }
public class LTPTagEntry : BxlanPaiTagEntry
public override string TargetName => Target.ToString();
[DisplayName("Target"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public LTPTarget Target
get { return (LTPTarget)AnimationTarget; }
set { AnimationTarget = (byte)value; }
public LTPTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType) : base(target, curveType) { }
public LTPTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header) : base(reader, header) { }
public class BxlanPaiTagEntry
public virtual string TargetName
get { return AnimationTarget.ToString(); }
public byte AnimationTarget;
[DisplayName("Index"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public byte Index { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Curve Type"), CategoryAttribute("Tag")]
public CurveType CurveType { get; set; }
public List<KeyFrame> KeyFrames = new List<KeyFrame>();
public BxlanPaiTagEntry(byte target, byte curveType)
AnimationTarget = target;
CurveType = (CurveType)curveType;
public BxlanPaiTagEntry(FileReader reader, BxlanHeader header)
long startPos = reader.Position;
Index = reader.ReadByte();
AnimationTarget = reader.ReadByte();
CurveType = reader.ReadEnum<CurveType>(true);
reader.ReadByte(); //padding
var KeyFrameCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
reader.ReadUInt16(); //Padding
uint keyFrameOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
reader.SeekBegin(startPos + keyFrameOffset);
for (int i = 0; i < KeyFrameCount; i++)
KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame(reader, CurveType));
public void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header)
long startPos = writer.Position;
writer.Write(CurveType, true);
writer.Write((byte)0); //padding
writer.Write((ushort)0); //padding
writer.Write(0); //key offset
if (KeyFrames.Count > 0)
writer.WriteUint32Offset(startPos + 8, startPos);
for (int i = 0; i < KeyFrames.Count; i++)
KeyFrames[i].Write(writer, CurveType);
public enum BorderType : byte
Standard = 0,
DeleteBorder = 1,
RenderTwoCycles = 2,
public enum LineAlign : byte
Unspecified = 0,
Left = 1,
Center = 2,
Right = 3,
public enum CurveType : byte
public class KeyFrame
[DisplayName("Slope"), CategoryAttribute("Key Frame")]
public float Slope { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Frame"), CategoryAttribute("Key Frame")]
public float Frame { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Value"), CategoryAttribute("Key Frame")]
public float Value { get; set; }
public KeyFrame(float frame)
Frame = frame;
Value = 0;
Slope = 0;
public KeyFrame(FileReader reader, CurveType curveType)
switch (curveType)
case CurveType.Hermite:
Frame = reader.ReadSingle();
Value = reader.ReadSingle();
Slope = reader.ReadSingle();
Frame = reader.ReadSingle();
Value = reader.ReadInt16();
reader.ReadInt16(); //padding
public void Write(FileWriter writer, CurveType curveType)
switch (curveType)
case CurveType.Hermite:
public class BxlytHeader : LayoutHeader
public System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode MaterialFolder;
public System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode TextureFolder;
public System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode FontFolder;
public Dictionary<string, BasePane> PaneLookup = new Dictionary<string, BasePane>();
public BasePane RootPane { get; set; }
public BasePane RootGroup { get; set; }
public virtual Dictionary<string, STGenericTexture> GetTextures { get; }
public virtual List<string> Textures { get; }
public virtual List<string> Fonts { get; }
public virtual List<BxlytMaterial> Materials { get;}
public virtual short AddMaterial(BxlytMaterial material, ushort index) { return -1; }
public virtual short AddMaterial(BxlytMaterial material) { return -1; }
public virtual List<int> AddMaterial(List<BxlytMaterial> materials) { return new List<int>(); }
public virtual void TryRemoveMaterial(BxlytMaterial material) { }
public virtual void TryRemoveMaterial(List<BxlytMaterial> materials) { }
public virtual BxlytMaterial CreateNewMaterial(string name)
return new BxlytMaterial();
public virtual BxlytMaterial GetMaterial(ushort index)
return new BxlytMaterial();
public void RemoveTextureReferences(string texture)
foreach (var mat in Materials)
public BxlytMaterial SearchMaterial(string name)
for (int i = 0; i < Materials.Count; i++)
if (Materials[i].Name == name)
return Materials[i];
return null;
public virtual int AddFont(string name)
return -1;
public virtual void RemoveTexture(string name)
public virtual int AddTexture(string name)
return -1;
public void AddPaneToTable(BasePane pane)
if (!PaneLookup.ContainsKey(pane.Name))
PaneLookup.Add(pane.Name, pane);
public void AddPane(BasePane pane, string parent)
if (PaneLookup.ContainsKey(parent))
AddPane(pane, PaneLookup[parent]);
throw new Exception($"Failed to find parent pane! [{parent}]");
public void AddPane(BasePane pane, BasePane parent)
if (!PaneLookup.ContainsKey(pane.Name))
PaneLookup.Add(pane.Name, pane);
pane.Parent = parent;
public void RemovePanes(List<BasePane> panes, BasePane rootPane)
Console.WriteLine("RemovePanes num " + panes.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < panes.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"RemovePanes {panes[i].Name} {panes[i]}");
//We need to remove any materials that the material referenced
if (panes[i] is IPicturePane)
if (panes[i] is ITextPane)
if (panes[i] is IWindowPane)
var wnd = panes[i] as IWindowPane;
List<BxlytMaterial> materials = new List<BxlytMaterial>();
var matC = wnd.Content.Material;
foreach (var windowFrame in wnd.WindowFrames)
List<BasePane> topMostPanes = new List<BasePane>();
GetTopMostPanes(panes, topMostPanes, rootPane);
foreach (var pane in topMostPanes)
for (int i = 0; i < panes.Count; i++)
if (PaneLookup.ContainsKey(panes[i].Name))
//Loop through each pane in the heiarchy until it finds the first set of panes
//The topmost panes are only going to be removed for adding with redo to be easier
private void GetTopMostPanes(List<BasePane> panes, List<BasePane> topMost, BasePane root)
foreach (var child in root.Childern)
if (panes.Contains(child))
if (topMost.Count == 0)
foreach (var child in root.Childern)
GetTopMostPanes(panes, topMost, child);
public class BxlytMaterial
//Setup some enable booleans
//These determine wether to switch to default values or not
//While i could null out the instances of each, it's best to keep those intact
//incase the settings get renabled, which keeps the previous data
public bool EnableAlphaCompare { get; set; }
public bool EnableBlend { get; set; }
public bool EnableBlendLogic { get; set; }
public bool EnableIndParams { get; set; }
public bool EnableFontShadowParams { get; set; }
public TreeNodeCustom NodeWrapper;
public bool TryRemoveTexture(string name)
int removeIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < TextureMaps?.Length; i++)
if (TextureMaps[i].Name == name)
removeIndex = i;
if (removeIndex != -1)
TextureMaps = TextureMaps.RemoveAt(removeIndex);
return true;
return false;
public virtual BxlytMaterial Clone()
return (BxlytMaterial)this.MemberwiseClone();
public void RemoveNodeWrapper()
if (NodeWrapper != null && NodeWrapper.Parent != null)
var parent = NodeWrapper.Parent;
public virtual void AddTexture(string texture)
int index = ParentLayout.AddTexture(texture);
BxlytTextureRef textureRef = new BxlytTextureRef();
textureRef.ID = (short)index;
textureRef.Name = texture;
TextureMaps = TextureMaps.AddToArray(textureRef);
TextureTransforms = TextureTransforms.AddToArray(new BxlytTextureTransform());
[DisplayName("Texture Transforms"), CategoryAttribute("Texture")]
public BxlytTextureTransform[] TextureTransforms { get; set; }
public MaterialAnimController animController = new MaterialAnimController();
[DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("General")]
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public BxlytHeader ParentLayout;
public void SetName(string oldName, string newName)
if (Name == null) return;
Name = Name.Replace(oldName, newName);
[DisplayName("Black Color"), CategoryAttribute("Color")]
public virtual STColor8 WhiteColor { get; set; } = STColor8.White;
[DisplayName("White Color"), CategoryAttribute("Color")]
public virtual STColor8 BlackColor { get; set; } = STColor8.Black;
[DisplayName("Blend Mode"), CategoryAttribute("Blend")]
public BxlytBlendMode BlendMode { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Blend Mode Logic"), CategoryAttribute("Blend")]
public BxlytBlendMode BlendModeLogic { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Alpha Compare"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")]
public BxlytAlphaCompare AlphaCompare { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Alpha Interpolation"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")]
public virtual bool AlphaInterpolation { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Texture Maps"), CategoryAttribute("Texture")]
public BxlytTextureRef[] TextureMaps { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Tev Stages"), CategoryAttribute("Tev")]
public BxlytTevStage[] TevStages { get; set; }
public class BxlytTevStage
public TevMode ColorMode { get; set; }
public TevMode AlphaMode { get; set; }
public class MaterialAnimController
public Dictionary<LMCTarget, float> MaterialColors = new Dictionary<LMCTarget, float>();
public Dictionary<LTPTarget, string> TexturePatterns = new Dictionary<LTPTarget, string>();
public Dictionary<LTSTarget, float> TextureSRTS = new Dictionary<LTSTarget, float>();
public Dictionary<LIMTarget, float> IndTextureSRTS = new Dictionary<LIMTarget, float>();
public void ResetAnim()
public class BxlytTextureTransform
public Vector2F Translate { get; set; }
public float Rotate { get; set; }
public Vector2F Scale { get; set; }
public BxlytTextureTransform()
Translate = new Vector2F(0,0);
Scale = new Vector2F(1, 1);
Rotate = 0;
public BxlytTextureTransform(FileReader reader)
Translate = reader.ReadVec2SY();
Rotate = reader.ReadSingle();
Scale = reader.ReadVec2SY();
public void Write(FileWriter writer)
public class BxlytIndTextureTransform
public float Rotation { get; set; }
public float ScaleX { get; set; }
public float ScaleY { get; set; }
public class SectionCommon
public virtual string Signature { get; }
internal uint SectionSize { get; set; }
internal long StartPosition { get; set; }
internal byte[] Data { get; set; }
public SectionCommon()
public SectionCommon(string signature)
Signature = signature;
public virtual void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header)
if (Data != null)
public class PerCharacterTransform
public float CurveTimeOffset { get; set; }
public float CurveWidth { get; set; }
public byte LoopType { get; set; }
public byte VerticalOrigin { get; set; }
public byte HasAnimInfo { get; set; }
public byte padding { get; set; }
public virtual void Read(FileReader reader, LayoutHeader header)
CurveTimeOffset = reader.ReadSingle();
CurveWidth = reader.ReadSingle();
LoopType = reader.ReadByte();
VerticalOrigin = reader.ReadByte();
HasAnimInfo = reader.ReadByte();
padding = reader.ReadByte();
public virtual void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header)
public class CustomRectangle
public int LeftPoint;
public int RightPoint;
public int TopPoint;
public int BottomPoint;
public OpenTK.Vector2 TopLeftPoint;
public OpenTK.Vector2 TopRightPoint;
public OpenTK.Vector2 BottomLeftPoint;
public OpenTK.Vector2 BottomRightPoint;
public CustomRectangle() { }
public CustomRectangle(OpenTK.Vector2 topLeft, OpenTK.Vector2 topRight,
OpenTK.Vector2 bottomLeft, OpenTK.Vector2 bottomRight)
TopLeftPoint = topLeft;
TopRightPoint = topRight;
BottomLeftPoint = bottomLeft;
BottomRightPoint = bottomRight;
LeftPoint = (int)topLeft.X;
RightPoint = (int)topRight.X;
TopPoint = (int)topLeft.Y;
BottomPoint = (int)bottomRight.Y;
public CustomRectangle(int left, int right, int top, int bottom)
LeftPoint = left;
RightPoint = right;
TopPoint = top;
BottomPoint = bottom;
TopLeftPoint = new OpenTK.Vector2(left,top);
TopRightPoint = new OpenTK.Vector2(right, top);
BottomLeftPoint = new OpenTK.Vector2(left, bottom);
BottomRightPoint = new OpenTK.Vector2(right, bottom);
public CustomRectangle RotateZ(float rotate)
var topLeft = RotateZPoint(TopLeftPoint.X, TopLeftPoint.Y, rotate).Xy;
var topRight = RotateZPoint(TopRightPoint.X, TopRightPoint.Y, rotate).Xy;
var bottomLeft = RotateZPoint(BottomLeftPoint.X, BottomLeftPoint.Y, rotate).Xy;
var bottomRight = RotateZPoint(BottomRightPoint.X, BottomRightPoint.Y, rotate).Xy;
return new CustomRectangle(
private OpenTK.Vector3 RotateZPoint(float p1, float p2, float rotate)
var rotatioZ = OpenTK.Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(OpenTK.MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(rotate));
return OpenTK.Vector3.TransformPosition(new OpenTK.Vector3(p1, p2, 0), rotatioZ);
public CustomRectangle GetTransformedRectangle(BasePane parent, Vector3F Transform, Vector3F Rotate, Vector2F scale)
var sca = new OpenTK.Vector2(scale.X, scale.Y);
var pos = new OpenTK.Vector2(Transform.X, Transform.Y);
var rect = this.RotateZ(Rotate.Z);
rect = new CustomRectangle(
(rect.TopLeftPoint * sca) + pos,
(rect.TopRightPoint * sca) + pos,
(rect.BottomLeftPoint * sca) + pos,
(rect.BottomRightPoint * sca) + pos);
if (parent != null)
return parent.TransformParent(rect);
return rect;
public int Width
get { return LeftPoint - RightPoint; }
public int Height
get { return TopPoint - BottomPoint; }
public class CNT1 : SectionCommon
public string Name { get; set; }
public CNT1(FileReader reader, Cafe.Header header)
uint paneNamesOffset = 0;
uint paneCount = 0;
uint animCount = 0;
uint controlUserNameOffset = 0;
uint paneParamNamesOffset = 0;
uint animParamNamesOffset = 0;
if (header.VersionMajor < 3)
paneNamesOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
paneCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
animCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
controlUserNameOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
paneNamesOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
paneCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
animCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
paneParamNamesOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
animParamNamesOffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
Name = reader.ReadZeroTerminatedString();
public override void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header)
public class GroupPane : BasePane
public override string Signature { get; } = "grp1";
public List<string> Panes { get; set; } = new List<string>();
private bool displayInEditor = true;
internal override bool DisplayInEditor
get { return displayInEditor; }
displayInEditor = value;
for (int i = 0; i < Panes.Count; i++)
var pane = SearchPane(Panes[i]);
if (pane != null)
pane.DisplayInEditor = value;
public GroupPane() : base()
public class FNL1 : SectionCommon
public List<string> Fonts { get; set; }
public FNL1()
Fonts = new List<string>();
public FNL1(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header) : base() {
Fonts = StringList.Read(reader, header);
public override void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header) {
StringList.Write(Fonts, writer, header);
public class TXL1 : SectionCommon
public List<string> Textures { get; set; }
public TXL1()
Textures = new List<string>();
public TXL1(FileReader reader, BxlytHeader header) : base() {
Textures = StringList.Read(reader, header);
public override void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header) {
StringList.Write(Textures, writer, header);
public class StringList
public static List<string> Read(FileReader reader, LayoutHeader header)
List<string> values = new List<string>();
ushort count = reader.ReadUInt16();
reader.Seek(2); //padding
long pos = reader.Position;
if (header is BRLYT.Header)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
uint offset = reader.ReadUInt32();
reader.ReadUInt32(); //padding
using (reader.TemporarySeek(offset + pos, SeekOrigin.Begin)) {
uint[] offsets = reader.ReadUInt32s(count);
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.Length; i++)
reader.SeekBegin(offsets[i] + pos);
return values;
public static void Write(List<string> values,
FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header)
//Fill empty spaces for offsets later
long pos = writer.Position;
if (header is BRLYT.Header)
writer.Write(new uint[values.Count * 2]);
//Save offsets and strings
for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
writer.WriteUint32Offset(pos + (i * 8), pos);
writer.Write(new uint[values.Count]);
//Save offsets and strings
for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
writer.WriteUint32Offset(pos + (i * 4), pos);
public class LayoutInfo : SectionCommon
public bool DrawFromCenter { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Canvas Width"), CategoryAttribute("Layout")]
public float Width { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Canvas Height"), CategoryAttribute("Layout")]
public float Height { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Layout Name"), CategoryAttribute("Layout")]
public string Name { get; set; }
public LayoutInfo()
DrawFromCenter = false;
Width = 0;
Height = 0;
Name = "";
public class LayoutControlDocked : Toolbox.Library.Forms.STUserControl
public DockContent DockContent;
public DockPane Pane => DockContent?.Pane;
public class LayoutDocked : DockContent