Fix bymls with path nodes from saving. Fix material list not loading when another object is selected. Fix skeletons not exporting Fix materials missing a name and not updating in the editor properly - Fix dds and bftex not showing on the filter for bntx/nutexb properly
422 lines
16 KiB
422 lines
16 KiB
using ByamlExt.Byaml;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Syroot.BinaryData;
using EditorCore;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library;
using ByamlExt;
using FirstPlugin.Forms;
namespace FirstPlugin
//Editor from
//Added as an editor form for saving data back via other plugins
public partial class ByamlEditor : STForm, IFIleEditor
public IFileFormat FileFormat;
public List<IFileFormat> GetFileFormats()
return new List<IFileFormat>() { FileFormat };
public ByteOrder byteOrder;
public dynamic byml;
public string FileName = "";
bool pathSupport;
ushort bymlVer;
public ByamlEditor(System.Collections.IEnumerable by, bool _pathSupport, ushort _ver, ByteOrder defaultOrder = ByteOrder.LittleEndian, bool IsSaveDialog = false, BYAML byaml = null)
treeView1.BackColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormBackColor;
treeView1.ForeColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormForeColor;
if (!IsSaveDialog)
stButton1.Visible = false;
stButton2.Visible = false;
stPanel1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
/* if (byaml.FileName == "course_muunt.byaml")
pathSupport = true;
TurboMunntEditor editor = new TurboMunntEditor();
editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
editor.LoadCourseInfo(by, byaml.FilePath);
byteOrder = defaultOrder;
FileName = byaml.FileName;
byml = by;
pathSupport = _pathSupport;
bymlVer = _ver;
if (byml == null) return;
void ParseBymlFirstNode()
//the first node should always be a dictionary node
if (byml is Dictionary<string, dynamic>)
parseDictNode(byml, treeView1.Nodes);
else if (byml is List<dynamic>)
if (((List<dynamic>)byml).Count == 0)
MessageBox.Show("This byml is empty");
parseArrayNode(byml, treeView1.Nodes);
else if (byml is List<ByamlPathPoint>)
MessageBox.Show("Unsupported root node");
else throw new Exception($"Unsupported root node type {byml.GetType()}");
Stream saveStream = null;
public ByamlEditor(System.Collections.IEnumerable by, bool _pathSupport, Stream saveTo, ushort _ver, ByteOrder defaultOrder = ByteOrder.LittleEndian, bool IsSaveDialog = false, BYAML byaml = null) : this(by, _pathSupport, _ver, defaultOrder, IsSaveDialog, byaml)
treeView1.BackColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormBackColor;
treeView1.ForeColor = FormThemes.BaseTheme.FormForeColor;
if (!IsSaveDialog)
stButton1.Visible = false;
stButton2.Visible = false;
stPanel1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
saveStream = saveTo;
saveToolStripMenuItem.Visible = saveTo != null && saveStream.CanWrite;
//get a reference to the value to change
class EditableNode
public Type type { get => Node[Index].GetType(); }
dynamic Node;
dynamic Index;
public dynamic Get() => Node[Index];
public void Set(dynamic value) => Node[Index] = value;
public string GetTreeViewString()
if (Index is int)
return Node[Index].ToString();
return Index + " : " + Node[Index].ToString();
public EditableNode(dynamic _node, dynamic _index)
Node = _node;
Index = _index;
void parseDictNode(IDictionary<string, dynamic> node, TreeNodeCollection addto)
foreach (string k in node.Keys)
TreeNode current = addto.Add(k);
if (node[k] is IDictionary<string, dynamic>)
current.Text += " : <Dictionary>";
current.Tag = node[k];
current.Nodes.Add("✯✯dummy✯✯"); //a text that can't be in a byml
else if (node[k] is IList<dynamic>)
current.Text += " : <Array>";
current.Tag = ((IList<dynamic>)node[k]);
else if (node[k] is IList<ByamlPathPoint>)
current.Text += " : <PathPointArray>";
current.Tag = ((IList<ByamlPathPoint>)node[k]);
parsePathPointArray(node[k], current.Nodes);
current.Text = current.Text + " : " + (node[k] == null ? "<NULL>" : node[k].ToString());
if (node[k] != null) current.Tag = new EditableNode(node, k);
void parsePathPointArray(IList<ByamlPathPoint> list, TreeNodeCollection addto)
int index = 0;
foreach (var k in list)
var n = addto.Add(k == null ? "<NULL>" : k.ToString());
if (k != null) n.Tag = new EditableNode(list, index);
void parseArrayNode(IList<dynamic> list, TreeNodeCollection addto)
int index = 0;
foreach (dynamic k in list)
if (k is IDictionary<string, dynamic>)
TreeNode current = addto.Add("<Dictionary>");
current.Tag = ((IDictionary<string, dynamic>)k);
else if (k is IList<dynamic>)
TreeNode current = addto.Add("<Array>");
current.Tag = ((IList<dynamic>)k);
else if (k is IList<ByamlPathPoint>)
TreeNode current = addto.Add("<PathPointArray>");
current.Tag = ((IList<ByamlPathPoint>)k);
parsePathPointArray(k, current.Nodes);
var n = addto.Add(k == null ? "<NULL>" : k.ToString());
if (k != null) n.Tag = new EditableNode(list, index);
private void BeforeExpand(object sender, TreeViewCancelEventArgs e)
if (e.Node.Tag != null && e.Node.Nodes.Count == 1 && e.Node.Nodes[0].Text == "✯✯dummy✯✯")
if (((dynamic)e.Node.Tag).Count == 0)
if (e.Node.Tag is IList<dynamic>) parseArrayNode((IList<dynamic>)e.Node.Tag, e.Node.Nodes);
else if (e.Node.Tag is IDictionary<string, dynamic>) parseDictNode((IDictionary<string, dynamic>)e.Node.Tag, e.Node.Nodes);
else throw new Exception("WTF");
private void ContextMenuOpening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
CopyNode.Enabled = treeView1.SelectedNode != null;
editValueNodeMenuItem.Enabled = treeView1.SelectedNode != null && treeView1.SelectedNode.Tag is EditableNode;
private void CopyNode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ByamlViewer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void exportJsonToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SaveFileDialog sav = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "Xml file | *.xml" };
if (sav.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
XmlConverter.ToXml(new BymlFileData { Version = bymlVer, byteOrder = byteOrder, SupportPaths = pathSupport, RootNode = byml }));
public static void ImportFromJson()
public static void OpenByml()
OpenFileDialog opn = new OpenFileDialog();
opn.Filter = "byml file | *.byml";
if (opn.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
OpenByml(opn.FileName, new BYAML());
static bool SupportPaths()
return MessageBox.Show("Does this game support paths ?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes;
public static void OpenByml(string Filename, BYAML byaml) =>
OpenByml(new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Open), byaml, Filename);
public static void OpenByml(Stream file, BYAML byaml, string FileName = "") =>
OpenByml(file, byaml, FileName, SupportPaths());
public static void OpenByml(Stream file, BYAML byaml, string FileName, bool paths) =>
OpenByml(file, byaml, FileName, paths, null, false);
public static void OpenByml(Stream file, BYAML byaml, string FileName, bool? paths, Stream saveStream, bool AsDialog)
bool _paths = paths == null ? SupportPaths() : paths.Value;
var byml = ByamlFile.LoadN(file, _paths);
OpenByml(byml, byaml, saveStream, AsDialog);
public static void OpenByml(BymlFileData data, BYAML byaml, Stream saveStream = null, bool AsDialog = false)
var form = new ByamlEditor(data.RootNode, data.SupportPaths, saveStream, data.Version, data.byteOrder, AsDialog, byaml);
if (saveStream != null && saveStream.CanWrite)
saveStream.Position = 0;
private void saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SaveFileDialog sav = new SaveFileDialog() { FileName = FileName, Filter = "byml file | *.byml" };
if (sav.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
new BymlFileData { Version = bymlVer, byteOrder = byteOrder, SupportPaths = pathSupport, RootNode = byml });
private void editValueNodeMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var node = treeView1.SelectedNode.Tag as EditableNode;
if (node == null) return;
if (node.Get() is ByamlPathPoint)
new BymlPathPointEditor(node.Get()).ShowDialog(); //ByamlPathPoint is a reference type
string value = node.Get().ToString();
var dRes = InputDialog.Show("Enter value", $"Enter new value for the node, the value must be of type {node.type}", ref value);
if (dRes != DialogResult.OK) return;
if (value.Trim() == "") return;
node.Set(ByamlTypeHelper.ConvertValue(node.type, value));
treeView1.SelectedNode.Text = node.GetTreeViewString();
private void addNodeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dynamic target = treeView1.SelectedNode == null ? byml : treeView1.SelectedNode.Tag;
var targetNodeCollection = treeView1.SelectedNode == null ? treeView1.Nodes : treeView1.SelectedNode.Nodes;
if (target is EditableNode)
if (treeView1.SelectedNode.Parent == null)
target = byml;
targetNodeCollection = treeView1.Nodes;
target = treeView1.SelectedNode.Parent.Tag;
targetNodeCollection = treeView1.SelectedNode.Parent.Nodes;
var newProp = AddBymlPropertyDialog.newProperty(!(target is IList<dynamic>));
if (newProp == null) return;
bool clone = newProp.Item2 is IDictionary<string, dynamic> || newProp.Item2 is IList<dynamic>; //reference types must be manually cloned
var toAdd = clone ? DeepCloneDictArr.DeepClone(newProp.Item2) : newProp.Item2;
if (target is IList<dynamic>)
((IList<dynamic>)target).Insert(((IList<dynamic>)target).Count, toAdd);
parseArrayNode((IList<dynamic>)target, targetNodeCollection);
else if (target is IDictionary<string, dynamic>)
((IDictionary<string, dynamic>)target).Add(newProp.Item1, toAdd);
parseDictNode((IDictionary<string, dynamic>)target, targetNodeCollection);
else throw new Exception();
private void deleteNodeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (treeView1.SelectedNode == null)
MessageBox.Show("Select a node first");
dynamic target;
TreeNodeCollection targetNode;
if (treeView1.SelectedNode.Parent == null)
target = byml;
targetNode = treeView1.Nodes;
target = treeView1.SelectedNode.Parent.Tag;
targetNode = treeView1.SelectedNode.Parent.Nodes;
int index = targetNode.IndexOf(treeView1.SelectedNode);
if (target is Dictionary<string, dynamic>)
target.Remove(((Dictionary<string, dynamic>)target).Keys.ToArray()[index]);
private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
saveStream.Position = 0;
ByamlFile.SaveN(saveStream, new BymlFileData { Version = bymlVer, byteOrder = byteOrder, SupportPaths = pathSupport, RootNode = byml });
private void importFromXmlToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog openFile = new OpenFileDialog();
openFile.Filter = "xml file |*.xml| every file | *.*";
if (openFile.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
StreamReader t = new StreamReader(new FileStream(openFile.FileName, FileMode.Open), UnicodeEncoding.Unicode);
byml = XmlConverter.ToByml(t.ReadToEnd()).RootNode;