mirror of synced 2025-03-03 08:36:18 +01:00
KillzXGaming c78251aab3 A few additions
Update primative type for meshes. This will allow custom primative types for rendering.
Add strikers and punch out wii model/texture support (older formats of LM2/LM3).
Add LM2 Arcade model support (updated format of MKAGPDX)
Add support for LM2/LM3 pck audio archives.
Add support for LM2 message/localization data.
2019-11-10 08:41:17 -05:00

747 lines
29 KiB

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Assimp;
using OpenTK;
using Toolbox.Library.Rendering;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Toolbox.Library.Animations;
using Toolbox.Library.Forms;
namespace Toolbox.Library
public class AssimpData
private float UnitScale = 1;
public bool UseTransformMatrix = true;
public bool RotateSkeleton = false;
public float RotateSkeletonAmount = 90;
public Scene scene;
public List<STGenericObject> objects = new List<STGenericObject>();
public List<STGenericMaterial> materials = new List<STGenericMaterial>();
public STSkeleton skeleton;
public List<string> BoneNames = new List<string>();
public AssimpContext Importer = new AssimpContext();
public string[] GetSupportedImportFormats()
return Importer.GetSupportedImportFormats();
public AssimpData()
public DAEHelper DaeHelper = new DAEHelper();
public class DAEHelper
//Gets the real node name based on ID
//Assimp is weird and sometimes uses ID for name so we need to get it manually
public Dictionary<string, string> IDMapToName = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public bool LoadFile(string FileName)
var settings = new Assimp_Settings();
if (settings.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
UseTransformMatrix = settings.UseNodeTransform;
RotateSkeleton = settings.RotateSkeleton;
RotateSkeletonAmount = settings.RotateSkeletonAmount;
AssimpContext Importer = new AssimpContext();
STConsole.WriteLine($"Loading File {FileName}", Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0));
/* var Flags = PostProcessSteps.Triangulate;
Flags |= PostProcessSteps.JoinIdenticalVertices;
Flags |= PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs;
Flags |= PostProcessSteps.LimitBoneWeights;
Flags |= PostProcessSteps.CalculateTangentSpace;
Flags |= PostProcessSteps.GenerateNormals;*/
scene = Importer.ImportFile(FileName, settings.GetFlags());
if (Utils.GetExtension(FileName) == ".dae")
STConsole.WriteLine($"UnitScale {UnitScale}");
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception e)
if (e.ToString().Contains("Error loading unmanaged library from path"))
MessageBox.Show($"Failed to load assimp! Make sure you have Assimp32.dll next to the program!");
return false;
private void GetRealNodeNames(string FileName)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("node");
for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++)
string ID = "";
string Name = "";
foreach (XmlAttribute att in elemList[i].Attributes)
if (att.Name == "id")
ID = att.InnerText;
if (att.Name == "name")
Name = att.InnerText;
if (!DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(ID))
DaeHelper.IDMapToName.Add(ID, Name);
XmlNodeList elemListScale = doc.GetElementsByTagName("unit");
for (int i = 0; i < elemListScale.Count; i++)
foreach (XmlAttribute att in elemListScale[i].Attributes)
if (att.Name == "meter")
float.TryParse(att.InnerText, out UnitScale);
public void processNode()
Console.WriteLine($"Mesh Count " + scene.MeshCount);
Matrix4x4 identity = Matrix4x4.Identity;
if (scene.RootNode != null)
BuildNode(scene.RootNode, ref identity);
Console.WriteLine($"BuildNode Mesh Count " + scene.MeshCount);
STConsole.WriteLine("No root node found! Will default to Idenity Matrix!", Color.Red);
int Index = 0;
foreach (Mesh msh in scene.Meshes)
objects.Add(CreateGenericObject(null, msh, Index, Matrix4.Identity));
public static Animations.Animation[] ImportAnimations(string FileName)
AssimpContext Importer = new AssimpContext();
STConsole.WriteLine($"Loading File {FileName}", Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0));
var scene = Importer.ImportFile(FileName);
List<Animations.Animation> Anims = new List<Animations.Animation>();
foreach (var anim in scene.Animations)
return Anims.ToArray();
private void BuildNode(Node parent, ref Matrix4x4 rootTransform)
Matrix4x4 world = rootTransform;
Matrix4 worldTK = Matrix4.Identity;
if (UseTransformMatrix)
Matrix4x4 trafo = parent.Transform;
world = trafo * rootTransform;
worldTK = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);
if (parent.MeshCount > 0)
STConsole.WriteLine($"Use Transform Matrix {UseTransformMatrix}");
STConsole.WriteLine($"Transform node {parent.Name}");
STConsole.WriteLine($"Translation {worldTK.ExtractTranslation()}");
STConsole.WriteLine($"Rotation {worldTK.ExtractRotation()}");
STConsole.WriteLine($"Scale {worldTK.ExtractScale()}");
foreach (int index in parent.MeshIndices)
objects.Add(CreateGenericObject(parent, scene.Meshes[index], index, worldTK));
foreach (Node child in parent.Children)
BuildNode(child, ref world);
public void LoadScene()
skeleton = new STSkeleton();
if (scene.RootNode != null)
var idenity = Matrix4x4.Identity;
var SklRoot = GetSklRoot(scene.RootNode, BoneNames);
if (SklRoot != null)
BuildSkeletonNodes(SklRoot, BoneNames, skeleton, ref idenity);
BuildSkeletonNodes(scene.RootNode, BoneNames, skeleton, ref idenity);
if (scene.HasMaterials)
foreach (Material mat in scene.Materials)
foreach (Assimp.Animation animation in scene.Animations)
foreach (var tex in scene.Textures)
public static Animations.Animation CreateGenericAnimation(Assimp.Animation animation)
Animations.Animation STanim = new Animations.Animation();
STanim.Text = animation.Name;
float TicksPerSecond = animation.TicksPerSecond != 0 ? (float)animation.TicksPerSecond : 25.0f;
float Duriation = (float)animation.DurationInTicks;
STanim.FrameCount = (int)(Duriation * 30);
//Load node animations
if (animation.HasNodeAnimations)
var _channels = new NodeAnimationChannel[animation.NodeAnimationChannelCount];
for (int i = 0; i < _channels.Length; i++)
_channels[i] = new NodeAnimationChannel();
var boneAnim = new Animations.Animation.KeyNode(_channels[i].NodeName);
boneAnim.RotType = Animations.Animation.RotationType.EULER;
STConsole.WriteLine($"Creating Bone Anims {boneAnim.Text} ");
for (int frame = 0; frame < STanim.FrameCount; i++)
if (_channels[i].HasPositionKeys)
for (int key = 0; key < _channels[i].PositionKeyCount; key++)
if (frame == _channels[i].PositionKeys[key].Time)
boneAnim.XPOS.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = _channels[i].PositionKeys[key].Value.X,
Frame = frame,
boneAnim.YPOS.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = _channels[i].PositionKeys[key].Value.Y,
Frame = frame,
boneAnim.ZPOS.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = _channels[i].PositionKeys[key].Value.Z,
Frame = frame,
if (_channels[i].HasRotationKeys)
for (int key = 0; key < _channels[i].RotationKeyCount; key++)
if (frame == _channels[i].RotationKeys[key].Time)
var quat = _channels[i].RotationKeys[key].Value;
var euler = STMath.ToEulerAngles(quat.X, quat.Y, quat.Z, quat.W);
boneAnim.XROT.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = euler.X,
Frame = frame,
boneAnim.YROT.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = euler.Y,
Frame = frame,
boneAnim.ZROT.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = euler.Z,
Frame = frame,
boneAnim.WROT.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = 1,
Frame = frame,
if (_channels[i].HasScalingKeys)
for (int key = 0; key < _channels[i].ScalingKeyCount; key++)
if (frame == _channels[i].ScalingKeys[key].Time)
boneAnim.XSCA.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = _channels[i].ScalingKeys[key].Value.X,
Frame = frame,
boneAnim.YSCA.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = _channels[i].ScalingKeys[key].Value.Y,
Frame = frame,
boneAnim.ZSCA.Keys.Add(new Animations.Animation.KeyFrame()
Value = _channels[i].ScalingKeys[key].Value.Z,
Frame = frame,
//Load mesh animations
if (animation.HasMeshAnimations)
var _meshChannels = new MeshAnimationChannel[animation.MeshAnimationChannelCount];
for (int i = 0; i < _meshChannels.Length; i++)
_meshChannels[i] = new MeshAnimationChannel();
return STanim;
public STGenericMaterial CreateGenericMaterial(Material material)
STGenericMaterial mat = new STGenericMaterial();
mat.Text = material.Name;
TextureSlot tex;
if (material.GetMaterialTexture(TextureType.Diffuse, 0, out tex))
mat.TextureMaps.Add(CreateTextureSlot(tex, TextureType.Diffuse));
if (material.GetMaterialTexture(TextureType.Normals, 1, out tex))
mat.TextureMaps.Add(CreateTextureSlot(tex, TextureType.Normals));
if (material.GetMaterialTexture(TextureType.Specular, 1, out tex))
mat.TextureMaps.Add(CreateTextureSlot(tex, TextureType.Specular));
return mat;
private STGenericMatTexture CreateTextureSlot(TextureSlot tex, TextureType type)
var matTex = new STGenericMatTexture();
switch (type)
case TextureType.Diffuse:
matTex.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse;
case TextureType.Normals:
matTex.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Normal;
case TextureType.Lightmap:
matTex.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Light;
case TextureType.Emissive:
matTex.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Emission;
case TextureType.Specular:
matTex.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Specular;
case TextureType.Shininess:
matTex.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Metalness;
case TextureType.Opacity:
matTex.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Transparency;
case TextureType.Displacement:
matTex.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Unknown;
matTex.Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tex.FilePath);
matTex.WrapModeS = SetWrapMode(tex.WrapModeU);
matTex.WrapModeT = SetWrapMode(tex.WrapModeV);
STConsole.WriteLine($"Getting assimp texture slot {matTex.Name} Type {matTex.Type}");
return matTex;
private STTextureWrapMode SetWrapMode(TextureWrapMode wrap)
switch (wrap)
case TextureWrapMode.Wrap:
return STTextureWrapMode.Repeat;
case TextureWrapMode.Mirror:
return STTextureWrapMode.Mirror;
case TextureWrapMode.Clamp:
return STTextureWrapMode.Clamp;
case TextureWrapMode.Decal:
return STTextureWrapMode.Repeat;
return STTextureWrapMode.Repeat;
private Node GetSklRoot(Node node, List<string> boneNames)
string Name = node.Name;
if (DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(node.Name))
Name = DaeHelper.IDMapToName[node.Name];
string ParentArmatureName = node.Parent != null ? node.Parent.Name : "";
if (ParentArmatureName != string.Empty && DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(ParentArmatureName))
ParentArmatureName = DaeHelper.IDMapToName[ParentArmatureName];
bool IsBone = boneNames.Contains(Name) && !boneNames.Contains(ParentArmatureName) ||
Name.Contains("Skl_Root") || Name.Contains("nw4f_root") ||
Name.Contains("skl_root") || Name == "Root";
if (IsBone)
return node;
if (node.HasChildren)
foreach (Node child in node.Children)
return GetSklRoot(child, boneNames);
return null;
private void BuildSkeletonNodes(Node node, List<string> boneNames, STSkeleton skeleton, ref Matrix4x4 rootTransform)
Matrix4x4 trafo = node.Transform;
Matrix4x4 world = trafo * rootTransform;
Matrix4 worldTK = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);
string Name = node.Name;
string ParentArmatureName = node.Parent != null ? node.Parent.Name : "";
if (DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(node.Name))
Name = DaeHelper.IDMapToName[node.Name];
if (ParentArmatureName != string.Empty && DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(ParentArmatureName))
ParentArmatureName = DaeHelper.IDMapToName[ParentArmatureName];
bool IsBone = boneNames.Contains(Name) && !boneNames.Contains(ParentArmatureName) ||
Name.Contains("Skl_Root") || Name.Contains("nw4f_root") ||
Name.Contains("skl_root") || Name.Contains("all_root") || Name.Contains("_root") || Name.Contains("Root");
//Root set saved by this tool
//Get our root manually as it's a child to this
bool IsRootSkeleton = Name == "skeleton_root";
short SmoothIndex = 0;
short RigidIndex = -1;
//Loop through all the bones. If the parent is not in the bone list, then it's Parent is the root
if (IsBone)
var idenity = Matrix4x4.Identity;
CreateByNode(node, skeleton, ParentArmatureName, SmoothIndex, RigidIndex, true, ref idenity);
else if (IsRootSkeleton && node.HasChildren)
var idenity = Matrix4x4.Identity;
CreateByNode(node.Children[0], skeleton, ParentArmatureName, SmoothIndex, RigidIndex, true, ref idenity);
if (node.HasChildren)
foreach (Node child in node.Children)
BuildSkeletonNodes(child, boneNames, skeleton, ref world);
private List<Node> tempBoneNodes = new List<Node>();
private void CreateByNode(Node node, STSkeleton skeleton, string ParentArmatureName,
short SmoothIndex, short RigidIndex, bool IsRoot, ref Assimp.Matrix4x4 rootTransform)
Matrix4x4 trafo = node.Transform;
Matrix4x4 world = trafo;
var transformMat = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);
int matchedBoneIndex = skeleton.bones.FindIndex(item => item.Name == node.Name);
if (matchedBoneIndex < 0)
STBone bone = new STBone();
bone.skeletonParent = skeleton;
bone.RotationType = STBone.BoneRotationType.Euler;
if (DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(node.Name))
bone.Text = DaeHelper.IDMapToName[node.Name];
bone.Text = node.Name;
bone.SmoothMatrixIndex = (short)skeleton.bones.IndexOf(bone);
bone.RigidMatrixIndex = -1; //Todo calculate these
STConsole.WriteLine($"Processing Bone {bone.Text}");
STConsole.WriteLine($"SmoothMatrixIndex {bone.SmoothMatrixIndex}");
STConsole.WriteLine($"RigidMatrixIndex {bone.RigidMatrixIndex}");
STConsole.WriteLine($"Transform Matrix {transformMat}");
if (IsRoot)
bone.parentIndex = -1;
if (RotateSkeleton)
transformMat = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world * Matrix4x4.FromRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(RotateSkeletonAmount)));
transformMat = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);
if (tempBoneNodes.Contains(node.Parent))
bone.parentIndex = tempBoneNodes.IndexOf(node.Parent);
var scale = transformMat.ExtractScale();
var rotation = transformMat.ExtractRotation();
var position = transformMat.ExtractTranslation();
var rotEular = STMath.ToEulerAngles(rotation);
bone.position = new float[] { position.X, position.Y, position.Z };
bone.scale = new float[] { scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z };
bone.rotation = new float[] { rotEular.X, rotEular.Y, rotEular.Z, 1 };
STConsole.WriteLine($"Duplicate node name found for bone {node.Name}!", Color.Red);
foreach (Node child in node.Children)
CreateByNode(child, skeleton, ParentArmatureName, SmoothIndex, RigidIndex, false, ref rootTransform);
public STGenericObject CreateGenericObject(Node parentNode,Mesh msh, int Index, Matrix4 transform)
STGenericObject obj = new STGenericObject();
if (msh.MaterialIndex != -1)
obj.MaterialIndex = msh.MaterialIndex;
scene.Materials.Add(new Material() { Name = msh.Name });
if (scene.Materials[msh.MaterialIndex].Name == "")
scene.Materials[msh.MaterialIndex].Name = msh.Name;
obj.HasPos = msh.HasVertices;
obj.HasNrm = msh.HasNormals;
obj.HasUv0 = msh.HasTextureCoords(0);
obj.HasUv1 = msh.HasTextureCoords(1);
obj.HasUv2 = msh.HasTextureCoords(2);
obj.HasIndices = msh.HasBones;
if (msh.HasBones)
obj.HasWeights = msh.Bones[0].HasVertexWeights;
obj.HasTans = msh.HasTangentBasis;
obj.HasBitans = msh.HasTangentBasis;
obj.HasVertColors = msh.HasVertexColors(0);
obj.ObjectName = msh.Name;
if (parentNode != null && msh.Name == string.Empty)
obj.ObjectName = parentNode.Name;
obj.boneList = GetBoneList(msh);
obj.VertexSkinCount = (byte)GetVertexSkinCount(msh);
STGenericObject.LOD_Mesh lod = new STGenericObject.LOD_Mesh();
lod.faces = GetFaces(msh);
lod.IndexFormat = STIndexFormat.UInt16;
lod.PrimativeType = STPrimativeType.Triangles;
obj.vertices = GetVertices(msh, transform, obj);
obj.VertexBufferIndex = Index;
return obj;
public List<int> GetFaces(Mesh msh)
List<int> faces = new List<int>();
if (msh.HasFaces)
foreach (Face f in msh.Faces)
if (f.HasIndices)
foreach (int indx in f.Indices)
return faces;
public List<string> GetBoneList(Mesh msh)
List<string> bones = new List<string>();
foreach (Bone b in msh.Bones)
if (!bones.Contains(b.Name))
return bones;
public int GetVertexSkinCount(Mesh msh)
List<int> indciesTotal = new List<int>();
var blendIndexes = new List<List<int>>();
var blendWeights = new List<List<float>>();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < msh.VertexCount; i++)
blendIndexes.Add(new List<int>());
blendWeights.Add(new List<float>());
foreach (var bone in msh.Bones)
var bi = msh.Bones.IndexOf(bone);
foreach (var vw in bone.VertexWeights)
if (msh.HasBones)
return msh.Bones.Max(b => b.VertexWeightCount);
return 0;
public List<Vertex> GetVertices(Mesh msh, Matrix4 transform, STGenericObject STobj)
Matrix4 NormalsTransform = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(transform.ExtractRotation());
List<Vertex> vertices = new List<Vertex>();
for (int v = 0; v < msh.VertexCount; v++)
Vertex vert = new Vertex();
if (msh.HasVertices)
vert.pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(AssimpHelper.FromVector(msh.Vertices[v]), transform);
if (msh.HasNormals)
vert.nrm = Vector3.TransformNormal(AssimpHelper.FromVector(msh.Normals[v]), NormalsTransform);
if (msh.HasTextureCoords(0))
vert.uv0 = new Vector2(msh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0][v].X, msh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0][v].Y);
if (msh.HasTextureCoords(1))
vert.uv1 = new Vector2(msh.TextureCoordinateChannels[1][v].X, msh.TextureCoordinateChannels[1][v].Y);
if (msh.HasTextureCoords(2))
vert.uv2 = new Vector2(msh.TextureCoordinateChannels[2][v].X, msh.TextureCoordinateChannels[2][v].Y);
if (msh.HasTangentBasis)
vert.tan = new Vector4(msh.Tangents[v].X, msh.Tangents[v].Y, msh.Tangents[v].Z, 1);
if (msh.HasVertexColors(0))
vert.col = new Vector4(msh.VertexColorChannels[0][v].R, msh.VertexColorChannels[0][v].G, msh.VertexColorChannels[0][v].B, msh.VertexColorChannels[0][v].A);
if (msh.HasTangentBasis)
vert.bitan = new Vector4(msh.BiTangents[v].X, msh.BiTangents[v].Y, msh.BiTangents[v].Z, 1);
if (msh.HasBones)
for (int i = 0; i < msh.BoneCount; i++)
Bone bn = msh.Bones[i];
if (bn.HasVertexWeights)
foreach (VertexWeight w in bn.VertexWeights)
if (DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(bn.Name))
bn.Name = DaeHelper.IDMapToName[bn.Name];
if (!BoneNames.Contains(bn.Name))
return vertices;
private Matrix4 FromAssimpMatrix(Matrix4x4 mat)
Vector3D scaling;
Vector3D tranlation;
Assimp.Quaternion rot;
mat.Decompose(out scaling, out rot, out tranlation);
Console.WriteLine($"rotQ " + rot);
Matrix4 positionMat = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(AssimpHelper.FromVector(tranlation));
Matrix4 rotQ = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(AssimpHelper.TKQuaternion(rot));
Matrix4 scaleMat = Matrix4.CreateScale(AssimpHelper.FromVector(scaling));
Matrix4 matrixFinal = scaleMat * rotQ * positionMat;
return matrixFinal;