using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; namespace VoxCharger { public static class AssetManager { #region --- Properties --- private static List MixList = new List(); private static MusicDb InternalHeaders = null; private static int LastOriginalID = 0; public static string MixName { get; private set; } public static string GamePath { get; private set; } public static string MixPath { get; set; } public static MusicDb Headers { get; private set; } = new MusicDb(); public static string MdbFilename { get; private set; } #endregion #region --- Mix Management --- public static void Initialize(string gamePath) { // Validate the existence of main music db string dbFilename = Path.Combine(gamePath, @"data\others\music_db.xml"); if (!File.Exists(dbFilename)) throw new FormatException("Invalid Game Directory"); // Look for other mixes MixList.Clear(); string modsPath = Path.Combine(gamePath, @"data_mods\"); foreach (var modDir in Directory.GetDirectories(modsPath)) { // Get directory name string modName = new DirectoryInfo(modDir).Name; if (modName == "_cache") continue; // Validate whether the mod is a mix mod dbFilename = Path.Combine(modDir, @"others\music_db.merged.xml"); if (!File.Exists(dbFilename)) continue; // Only supports latest KFC datecode with music folder if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(modDir, @"music\"))) continue; // Confirmed mod path, append into music db, ignore cache to avoid uncached mix being excluded MixList.Add(modName); } LastOriginalID = 0; GamePath = gamePath; } public static void CreateMix(string mixName) { string mixPath = Path.Combine(GamePath, @"data_mods\", mixName); if (Directory.Exists(mixPath)) throw new IOException("Mix directory is already exists"); // Create necessary directory Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(mixPath, @"graphics\s_jacket00_ifs\")); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(mixPath, @"music\")); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(mixPath, @"others\")); // Load Existing song DB to avoid duplicate id LoadInternalDb(mixName); // Create empty db MdbFilename = Path.Combine(mixPath, @"others\music_db.merged.xml"); File.WriteAllText(MdbFilename, ""); Headers.Clear(); MixName = mixName; MixPath = mixPath; } public static void LoadMix(string mixName) { string dataPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mixName) ? @"data\" : @"data_mods\"; string mixPath = Path.Combine(GamePath, dataPath, mixName); if (!Directory.Exists(mixPath)) throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Mix directory missing"); // Load Existing song DB to avoid duplicate id LoadInternalDb(mixName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mixName) && !MixList.Contains(mixName)) MixList.Add(mixName); // Locate the music db, if unavailable, create it MdbFilename = Path.Combine(mixPath, @"others\", string.IsNullOrEmpty(mixName) ? "music_db.xml" : "music_db.merged.xml"); Headers.Load(MdbFilename); MixName = mixName; MixPath = mixPath; } public static string[] GetMixes() { return MixList.ToArray(); } private static void LoadInternalDb(string mixName) { // First, we need to populate available ids outside selected mix // This will prevent duplicate ID not only with originals but with other mixes too // Load original music, ignore cache to avoid uncached mix being excluded or included string dbFilename = Path.Combine(GamePath, @"data\others\music_db.xml"); string modsPath = Path.Combine(GamePath, @"data_mods\"); // Load original headers data InternalHeaders = new MusicDb(); InternalHeaders.Load(dbFilename); LastOriginalID = InternalHeaders.LastID; // Load other music db foreach (var modDir in Directory.GetDirectories(modsPath)) { // Get directory name, exclude selected mix string modName = new DirectoryInfo(modDir).Name; if (modName == "_cache" || modName == mixName) continue; // Validate whether the mod is a mix mod // Do not skip unsupported mods, just read the db and ignore the rest of assets dbFilename = Path.Combine(modDir, @"others\music_db.merged.xml"); if (!File.Exists(dbFilename)) continue; // Confirmed mod path, append into music db InternalHeaders.Load(dbFilename, true); } } #endregion #region --- Asset Management --- public static void Import2DX(string source, VoxHeader header, bool preview = false) { if (!File.Exists(source)) throw new FileNotFoundException($"{source} not found", source); Import2DX(source, Get2DXPath(header, preview), preview); } public static void Import2DX(string source, VoxHeader header, Difficulty difficulty, bool preview = false) { if (!File.Exists(source)) throw new FileNotFoundException($"{source} not found", source); Import2DX(source, Get2DXPath(header, difficulty, preview), preview); } private static void Import2DX(string source, string output, bool preview = false) { if (!source.EndsWith(".2dx") && !source.EndsWith(".s3v")) { string tmp = DxTool.ConvertToWave(source, preview); DxTool.Build(tmp, output); Directory.Delete(tmp, true); } else { File.Copy(source, output); } } public static void ImportJacket(VoxHeader header, Image image) { ImportJacket(header, Difficulty.Novice, image); } public static void ImportJacket(VoxHeader header, Difficulty diff, Image image) { // Texture Small Image texSmall = new Bitmap(image, new Size(130, 130)); texSmall.Save($"{GetThumbnailJacketPath(header, diff)}.png", ImageFormat.Png); texSmall.Dispose(); texSmall = new Bitmap(image, new Size(108, 108)); texSmall.Save($"{GetJacketPath(header, diff)}_s.png", ImageFormat.Png); texSmall.Dispose(); // Texture Big Image texBig = new Bitmap(image, new Size(676, 676)); texBig.Save($"{GetJacketPath(header, diff)}_b.png", ImageFormat.Png); texBig.Dispose(); // Texture Normal Image texNormal = new Bitmap(image, new Size(300, 300)); texNormal.Save($"{GetJacketPath(header, diff)}.png", ImageFormat.Png); texNormal.Dispose(); } public static void ImportVox(VoxHeader header) { Directory.CreateDirectory(GetMusicPath(header)); foreach (var level in header.Levels.Values) { if (level.Chart == null) continue; var path = GetVoxPath(header, level.Difficulty); level.Chart.Serialize(path); } } public static void ImportVox(VoxHeader header, Difficulty diff, VoxChart chart) { Directory.CreateDirectory(GetMusicPath(header)); chart.Serialize(GetVoxPath(header, diff)); } public static void ImportVox(VoxHeader header, Difficulty diff, string content) { File.WriteAllText(GetVoxPath(header, diff), content); } public static void DeleteAssets(VoxHeader header) { string musicPath = GetMusicPath(header); if (Directory.Exists(musicPath)) Directory.Delete(musicPath, true); string jacketPath = Path.Combine( MixPath, $"graphics\\s_jacket00_ifs\\" ); string pattern = $"jk_{header.ID:D4}*"; foreach (string jacket in Directory.GetFiles(jacketPath, pattern)) { if (File.Exists(jacket)) File.Delete(jacket); } } #endregion #region --- Asset Identifier --- public static int GetNextMusicID() { // TODO: This probably inefficient in scenario where one or more mix has gap between each ids // This could be waste to those gaps, and eat up our precious limited id // However, these gaps may indicate deleted song, which should be taken by omnimix int id = InternalHeaders.LastID + 1; while (InternalHeaders.Contains(id) || Headers.Contains(id)) // Contains is O(1) so its should be fine id++; return id; } public static bool ValidateMusicID(int id) { return !InternalHeaders.Contains(id); } public static string GetDifficultyCodes(VoxHeader header, Difficulty difficulty) { switch (difficulty) { case Difficulty.Novice: return "1n"; case Difficulty.Advanced: return "2a"; case Difficulty.Exhaust: return "3e"; default: if (header.InfVersion == InfiniteVersion.MXM) return "5m"; return "4i"; } } public static string GetMusicPath(VoxHeader header) { return Path.Combine( MixPath, $"music\\{header.CodeName}\\" ); } public static string GetVoxPath(VoxHeader header, Difficulty difficulty) { return Path.Combine( GetMusicPath(header), $"{header.CodeName}_{GetDifficultyCodes(header, difficulty)}.vox" ); } public static string Get2DXPath(VoxHeader header, bool preview = false) { string ext = preview ? "_pre.2dx" : ".2dx"; return Path.Combine( GetMusicPath(header), $"{header.CodeName}{ext}" ); } public static string Get2DXPath(VoxHeader header, Difficulty difficulty, bool preview = false) { string ext = preview ? "_pre.2dx" : ".2dx"; return Path.Combine( GetMusicPath(header), $"{header.CodeName}_{GetDifficultyCodes(header, difficulty)}{ext}" ); } public static string GetJacketPath(VoxHeader header, Difficulty difficulty) { int index = (int)difficulty; if (difficulty == Difficulty.Infinite && header.InfVersion == InfiniteVersion.MXM) index = 5; return Path.Combine(GetMusicPath(header), $"jk_{header.ID:D4}_{index}"); } public static string GetDefaultJacketPath(VoxHeader header) { return GetJacketPath(header, Difficulty.Novice); } public static string GetThumbnailJacketPath(VoxHeader header, Difficulty difficulty) { int index = (int)difficulty; if (difficulty == Difficulty.Infinite && header.InfVersion == InfiniteVersion.MXM) index = 5; string thumbnailDir = "s_jacket00_ifs"; string graphicsDir = Path.Combine(MixPath, @"graphics\"); if (Directory.Exists(graphicsDir)) { foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(graphicsDir)) { string name = new DirectoryInfo(dir).Name; if (name.StartsWith("s_jacket") && name.EndsWith("_ifs")) { thumbnailDir = name; break; } } } return Path.Combine( graphicsDir, $"{thumbnailDir}\\", $"jk_{header.ID:D4}_{index}_t" ); } public static string GetDefaultThumbnailJacketPath(VoxHeader header) { return GetThumbnailJacketPath(header, Difficulty.Novice); } #endregion #region --- Utilities --- #endregion } }