# NAMCO identifiers This file describes the various identifiers and their formats that are used in products by NAMCO. ## Generic fields ### Game code A sequence of two or three letters or numbers that identifies a specific NAMCO title. Example: `TE7` is Tekken 7. ### V-code The letter `V` followed by a sequence of three digits that identifies a specific NAMCO title. Example: `V386` is Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3DX+. ### Region code A single digit indicating the region for a specific release. * `1`: JPN / (unreadable kanji) * `2`: ASIA / 一般海外 ASIA * `3`: EXP / EXP、NAI * `4`: CHINA (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165005792426?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338722076&toolid=10001) * `5`: CHINA * `6`: ### Cabinet role A sequence of two letters indicating the cabinet role for a specific release. * `CT`: counter? * `LM`: live monitor? * `NA`: normal? * `RS`: ? * `ST`: satellite? * `TM`: terminal? * `TW`: medal/card game? ## Part number ## Product code Components: - `$g`: [game code](#game-code), `[A-Z0-9]{3}` - `$v`: version, `[0-9]` - `$V`: version, `[0-9]{3}` - `$l`: [region code (locale)](#region-code), `[0-9]` - `$c`: [cabinet role](#cabinet-role), `[A-Z]{2}` - `$t`: type, `[A-Z]{4}` * `MPRO`: M production? (on ES2 HDD, ES4 HDD) * `HDD0`: HDD (on N2 HDD) * `DVD0`: DVD (on System 246 game DVD) * `DAT0`: data (on ES1 HDD) - `$r`: revision, `[A-Z]` - `$R`: revision, `[A-Z][0-9]{2}` - `$u`: unknown, `[A-Z]{2}` Formats: - `$g$v-$u` * Used in System 256 case & HDD * Examples: - `TSF1-HA`: game code TSF, version 1, $u HA - `$g$V$l-$c-$r` * Used in System 246/256 dongle * Examples: - `TSF1002-NA-A`: game code TSF, version 1.00, locale Asia, cabinet role normal, revision A - `$g$V-$l-$c-$r` * Used in System 246/256 dongle * Examples: - `ZNT100-1-ST-A`: game code ZNT, version 1.00, locale Japan, cabinet role station, revision A - `$g$V$l-$c-$t-$r` * Used in early System N2 * Examples: - `WM31003-NA-HDD0-A`: game code WM3, version 1.00, locale Export, cabinet role normal, type HDD, revision A - `$g$V-$l-$c-$t-$r` * Used in System 246 (DVD), System 369, late N2, ES1, ES2, ES2+, ES3, ES4 * Examples: - `ZNT150-1-NA-DVD0-B`: game code ZNT, version 1.50, locale Japan, cabinet role standard, type DVD, revision B - `W3P100-2-NA-DAT0-A`: game code W3P, version 1.00, locale Asia, cabinet role standard, type data, revision A - `TTT103-3-ST-DAT0-A`: game code TTT, version 1.00, locale Export, cabinet role station, type data, revision A - `TG2100-2-LM-HDD0-A`: game code TG2, version 1.00, locale Asia, cabinet role live monitor, type hard drive, revision A - `PBN100-1-NA-MPRO-A`: game code PBN, version 1.00, locale Japan, cabinet role normal, type M production, revision A - `GCB100-1-TW-MPRO-B`: game code GCB, version 1.00, locale Japan, cabinet role TW, type M production, revision B - `GKE300-1-TM-DAT0-A`: game code GKE, version 3.00, locale Japan, cabinet role terminal, type data, revision A - `$g$V-$l-$c-$t-$R` * Used in late ES3, ES4, BNA1 * Examples: - `MHM200-1-NA-MPR0-C01`: game code MHM, version 2.00, locale Japan, cabinet role normal, type M production, revision C01 - `T46430-1-CT-MPR0-F03`: game code T46, version 4.30, locale Japan, cabinet role CT, type M production, revision F03 ## Dongle serial Components: - `$g`: game code, `[0-9]{4}` - `$r`: [region code](#region-code), `[0-9]` - `$c`: cabinet role, `[0-9]` - `$t`: title code, `[0-9]{2}` - `$n`: serial number, `[0-9]{4}` Formats: - `a$d$c$a $t$na` * Examples: - `a274811 260532a`: game #2748, region Japan, cabinet role 1, title 26, serial number 0532 - `a2793 13393143a`: game #2793, region Japan, cabinet role 3, title 39, serial number 3143 Unknowns: - System 256 dongle (memory card): `a 026161 351019 a` - System N2 W3X (Asia) dongle: `a 026441 275842 a` ## Net ID Components: - `$x`: unknown, `[A-Z]` * `D`: * `E`: * `G`: - `$c`: cabinet role, `[0-9]` - `$t`: title code, `[0-9]{2}` - `$n`: serial number, `[0-9]{4}` Formats: - `AB$xN-$a$t$n` * Examples: - `ABGN-1260532`: unknown G, cabinet role 1, title 26, serial number 0532 - `ABEN-3393143`: unknown E, cabinet role 3, title 39, serial number 3143