!!! danger "Please make sure you downloaded your data from an appropriate source.<br>This guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data."
### My game crashes on launch!
!!! tip ""
Could be due to **many** things, the most common of which are:
-`amdaemon` crashing in the background. Make sure that the `config_*.json` files
have valid syntax, your ICF files are correct, and [the OpenSSL fix](setup.md#fixing-openssl-on-intel-10th-gen-and-newer-cpus)
is applied on Intel Core 10th Gen CPUs and newer.
- Using the incorrect dipswitch settings for your refresh rate (e.g. `dipsw3=0` on
a 60Hz screen). Refer to [the setup guide](setup.md#gpio) to fix it.
- Enabling 120FPS on a monitor that is not **exactly 120Hz** or **exactly 1080p**.
If you cannot set your monitor's refresh rate to 120Hz, apply the "Bypass 120Hz
monitor check"/"Bypass 1080p monitor check" on a CHUNITHM web patcher (see [Resources](../../resources.md#web-patchers)).
??? info "Capturing logs from `amdaemon` for troubleshooting"
To assist with troubleshooting, a script can be used to capture logs from `amdaemon`. Create a file named
`amdaemontest.bat` in `App\bin`, then paste the code block below into the file.