!!! danger "Please make sure you downloaded your data from an appropriate source.<br>This guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data."
!!! danger "If you're coming from a previous version of CHUNITHM"
You'll want to create a new folder for the game and start from scratch.
CHUNITHM **DOES NOT** like being extracted over old data!
### Preparing data
!!! danger "There are currently issues with running game data in the `E:\` or `Y:\` drive.<br>Please extract the data into other drives."
!!! tip ""
After downloading and extracting your data, we need to make sure your files
aren't set to `Read-only`.
- Right click the folder containing your data, then click on `Properties`.
- In the `General` tab go down to `Attributes`, untick `Read-only` and click `Apply`.
- A popup will appear, select `Apply changes to this folder, subfolder and files`
and press `OK`.
- Finally, click `OK` again to exit out of properties.
You should end up with a file structure as follows.
Install Configuration Files (ICFs) tell the game what version it is.
**Without this your game cannot go online!**
If your `amfs` folder already has a file named `ICF1`, skip this step.
Otherwise, obtain copies of `ICF1` for your game version and place it in
the `amfs` folder. If it is named something else, rename it to exactly
`ICF1`**without any file extensions.**
!!! info "Showing file extensions"
By default, file extensions on Windows are hidden. Enable them by navigating to
the `View` tab in File Explorer and select `File name extensions`.
#### Installing unprotected executables
!!! tip ""
CHUNITHM executables are protected and will not run on a regular computer.
Obtained unprotected (also called "unpacked" or "decrypted" by the community)
copies of `chusanApp.exe` and `amdaemon.exe` for your game version. If these weren't
provided with your data, join the [Discord](https://discord.gg/cZRUmEPK78)
for assistance.
Copy `chusanApp.exe` and `amdaemon.exe` to the `bin` folder of your game data. Agree
to overwrite when asked.
### Patching the game
!!! info "Go through the [Web Patching](../../extras/patchweb.md) guide to learn how to use a web patcher."
There are **many** patches for CHUNITHM.
We will only bring up the ones we think could be genuinely useful.
!!! danger "As a general rule of thumb, if you're not sure what a patch does or you're not absolutely certain you need it, leave it alone, regardless of recommendations below."
| Force shared audio mode | Either | Force the game to use shared mode audio output, letting you listen to other audio sources while the game is running **at the cost of audio latency.**
| Force 2 channel audio output | Either | Try enabling this patch if you don't get audio output at all. |
| Disable song select timer | Either | Disables the song select timer. |
| Map selection timer | `30` or `-1` | Sets the map selection timer. |
| Ticket selection timer | `60` or `-1` | Sets the ticket selection timer. |
| Course selection timer | `30` or `-1` | Sets the course selection timer. |
| No encryption | ON | Disable encrypting network requests. **Required if you plan to run a local server.** |
| No TLS | ON | Disable checking if the server is `HTTPS` or not. **Required if you plan to run a local server.** |
| Bypass 1080p monitor check | Either | Disable checking if the monitor is 1080p when enabling 120FPS. Enable if you cannot set your monitor to 1080p. |
| Bypass 120Hz monitor check | Either | Disable checking if the monitor is **exactly 120Hz** when enabling 120FPS. Enable if you cannot set your monitor to 120Hz. |
| Allow as the network server | Either | Useful if you plan to run a local server. |
| Infinite credits | Either | Prevent credits from being consumed. You still have to put in enough credits to start the game or purchase premium tickets. |
### Installing segatools
!!! tip ""
- Head over to [segatools releases](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Dniel97/segatools/releases)
and download `segatools.zip`. **Do not download the source code.**
- Extracting the archive should give you a few more zip files. Find **`chusan.zip`**
and extract it to the `App\bin` folder in your game data.
You should now have a few more files inside the folder, as highlighted:
Both of these options require non-trivial setup. Refer to the official guides for [ARTEMiS](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Hay1tsme/artemis/src/branch/develop/docs/INSTALL_WINDOWS.md)
and [AquaDX](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX?tab=readme-ov-file#usage-v1-developmental-preview)
to set up a local server.
### Pre-launch requirements
!!! info "These steps are required, otherwise your game won't run."
#### VCRedist & DirectX
!!! tip ""
- Download and install the latest [VCRedist](https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist/releases/latest) (`VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe`)
- Download and install the [DirectX End-User Runtimes](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109)
#### Audio
!!! tip ""
- Right-click on the volume setting in your taskbar and select `Sounds`.
- Navigate to the `Playback` tab, right click on your default audio device, and click on `Properties`.
- Go to the `Advanced` tab.
- Check both boxes under `Exclusive Mode`.
- Open the `Default Format` dropdown.
- Pick either `16 bit, 48000Hz (DVD Quality)` or `24 bit, 48000Hz (Studio Quality)`, click `Apply`, then `OK`.
#### Fixing OpenSSL on Intel 10th Gen and newer CPUs
!!! tip ""
If you have an Intel 10th Gen CPU or newer, right click `App\bin\start.bat`, select `Edit`, and add the