@echo off :: Game doesn't work properly when not run with administrator privileges >nul 2>&1 net session if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo This script requires administrative privileges. echo Please run the script as an administrator. pause exit 1 ) :: Script expects to be located in a subfolder "bemanitools" in the root folder :: (contents/) next to the folders modules, data etc. cd /d %~dp0 :: Script expects to be located in the root folder (contents/) next to the :: folders modules, data etc. set CONTENT_DIR=%CD%\.. set BEMANITOOLS_DIR=%CONTENT_DIR%\bemanitools set MODULES_DIR=%CONTENT_DIR%\modules :: Keep that data vanilla, no need to copy these around anymore :: Just add them to the env PATH so launcher can find the libs and game executable :: Remark: This also requires admin privileges to propage correctly to launcher set PATH=^ %MODULES_DIR%;^ %BEMANITOOLS_DIR%;^ %PATH% :: Current working dir is the game's root folder cd /d %CONTENT_DIR% %BEMANITOOLS_DIR%\launcher %BEMANITOOLS_DIR%\launcher-cn.xml --config %BEMANITOOLS_DIR%\sdvxhook2-cn.conf %*