648 lines
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648 lines
20 KiB
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from flask import Blueprint, request, Response, url_for, abort, g # type: ignore
from bemani.common import ID, GameConstants
from bemani.data import Link, UserID
from bemani.frontend.app import loginrequired, jsonify, render_react
from bemani.frontend.ddr.ddr import DDRFrontend
from bemani.frontend.templates import templates_location
from bemani.frontend.static import static_location
ddr_pages = Blueprint(
def viewnetworkscores() -> Response:
# Only load the last 100 results for the initial fetch, so we can render faster
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
network_scores = frontend.get_network_scores(limit=100)
if len(network_scores['attempts']) > 10:
network_scores['attempts'] = frontend.round_to_ten(network_scores['attempts'])
return render_react(
'Global DDR Scores',
'attempts': network_scores['attempts'],
'songs': frontend.get_all_songs(),
'players': network_scores['players'],
'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
'shownames': True,
'shownewrecords': False,
'refresh': url_for('ddr_pages.listnetworkscores'),
'player': url_for('ddr_pages.viewplayer', userid=-1),
'individual_score': url_for('ddr_pages.viewtopscores', musicid=-1),
def listnetworkscores() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
return frontend.get_network_scores()
def viewscores(userid: UserID) -> Response:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
info = frontend.get_latest_player_info([userid]).get(userid)
if info is None:
scores = frontend.get_scores(userid, limit=100)
if len(scores) > 10:
scores = frontend.round_to_ten(scores)
return render_react(
'{}\'s DDR Scores'.format(info['name']),
'attempts': scores,
'songs': frontend.get_all_songs(),
'players': {},
'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
'shownames': False,
'shownewrecords': True,
'refresh': url_for('ddr_pages.listscores', userid=userid),
'player': url_for('ddr_pages.viewplayer', userid=-1),
'individual_score': url_for('ddr_pages.viewtopscores', musicid=-1),
def listscores(userid: UserID) -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
return {
'attempts': frontend.get_scores(userid),
'players': {},
def viewnetworkrecords() -> Response:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
network_records = frontend.get_network_records()
return render_react(
'Global DDR Records',
'records': network_records['records'],
'songs': frontend.get_all_songs(),
'players': network_records['players'],
'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
'shownames': True,
'showpersonalsort': False,
'filterempty': False,
'refresh': url_for('ddr_pages.listnetworkrecords'),
'player': url_for('ddr_pages.viewplayer', userid=-1),
'individual_score': url_for('ddr_pages.viewtopscores', musicid=-1),
def listnetworkrecords() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
return frontend.get_network_records()
def viewrecords(userid: UserID) -> Response:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
info = frontend.get_latest_player_info([userid]).get(userid)
if info is None:
return render_react(
'{}\'s DDR Records'.format(info['name']),
'records': frontend.get_records(userid),
'songs': frontend.get_all_songs(),
'players': {},
'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
'shownames': False,
'showpersonalsort': True,
'filterempty': True,
'refresh': url_for('ddr_pages.listrecords', userid=userid),
'player': url_for('ddr_pages.viewplayer', userid=-1),
'individual_score': url_for('ddr_pages.viewtopscores', musicid=-1),
def listrecords(userid: UserID) -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
return {
'records': frontend.get_records(userid),
'players': {},
def viewtopscores(musicid: int) -> Response:
# We just want to find the latest mix that this song exists in
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
name = None
artist = None
genre = None
difficulties: List[int] = [0] * 10
groove: List[Dict[str, int]] = [{}] * 10
for chart in frontend.valid_charts:
details = g.data.local.music.get_song(GameConstants.DDR, 0, musicid, chart)
if details is not None:
name = details.name
artist = details.artist
genre = details.genre
difficulties[chart] = details.data.get_int('difficulty', 13)
groove[chart] = details.data.get_dict('groove')
if name is None:
# Not a real song!
top_scores = frontend.get_top_scores(musicid)
return render_react(
'Top DDR Scores for {} - {}'.format(artist, name),
'name': name,
'artist': artist,
'genre': genre,
'difficulties': difficulties,
'groove': groove,
'players': top_scores['players'],
'topscores': top_scores['topscores'],
'refresh': url_for('ddr_pages.listtopscores', musicid=musicid),
'player': url_for('ddr_pages.viewplayer', userid=-1),
def listtopscores(musicid: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
return frontend.get_top_scores(musicid)
def viewplayers() -> Response:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
return render_react(
'All DDR Players',
'players': frontend.get_all_players()
'refresh': url_for('ddr_pages.listplayers'),
'player': url_for('ddr_pages.viewplayer', userid=-1),
def listplayers() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
return {
'players': frontend.get_all_players(),
def viewplayer(userid: UserID) -> Response:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
info = frontend.get_all_player_info([userid])[userid]
if not info:
latest_version = sorted(info.keys(), reverse=True)[0]
return render_react(
'{}\'s DDR Profile'.format(info[latest_version]['name']),
'playerid': userid,
'own_profile': userid == g.userID,
'player': info,
'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
'refresh': url_for('ddr_pages.listplayer', userid=userid),
'records': url_for('ddr_pages.viewrecords', userid=userid),
'scores': url_for('ddr_pages.viewscores', userid=userid),
def listplayer(userid: UserID) -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
info = frontend.get_all_player_info([userid])[userid]
return {
'player': info,
def viewsettings() -> Response:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
userid = g.userID
info = frontend.get_all_player_info([userid])[userid]
if not info:
return render_react(
'DDR Game Settings',
'player': info,
'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
'updatename': url_for('ddr_pages.updatename'),
'updateweight': url_for('ddr_pages.updateweight'),
'updateearlylate': url_for('ddr_pages.updateearlylate'),
'updatebackgroundcombo': url_for('ddr_pages.updatebackgroundcombo'),
'updatesettings': url_for('ddr_pages.updatesettings'),
@ddr_pages.route('/options/name/update', methods=['POST'])
def updatename() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
name = request.get_json()['name']
user = g.data.local.user.get_user(g.userID)
if user is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find user to update!')
# Grab profile and update name
profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
if len(name) == 0 or len(name) > 8:
raise Exception('Invalid profile name!')
if re.match(r'^[-&$\\.\\?!A-Z0-9 ]*$', name) is None:
raise Exception('Invalid profile name!')
profile = frontend.update_name(profile, name)
g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id, profile)
# Return that we updated
return {
'version': version,
'name': name,
@ddr_pages.route('/options/weight/update', methods=['POST'])
def updateweight() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
weight = int(float(request.get_json()['weight']) * 10)
enabled = request.get_json()['enabled']
user = g.data.local.user.get_user(g.userID)
if user is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find user to update!')
# Grab profile and update weight
profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
if enabled:
if weight <= 0 or weight > 9999:
raise Exception('Invalid weight!')
profile = frontend.update_weight(profile, weight, enabled)
g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id, profile)
# Return that we updated
return {
'version': version,
'weight': weight,
'enabled': enabled,
@ddr_pages.route('/options/earlylate/update', methods=['POST'])
def updateearlylate() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
value = request.get_json()['value']
user = g.data.local.user.get_user(g.userID)
if user is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find user to update!')
# Grab profile and update early/late indicator
profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
profile = frontend.update_early_late(profile, value)
g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id, profile)
# Return that we updated
return {
'version': version,
'value': value != 0,
@ddr_pages.route('/options/backgroundcombo/update', methods=['POST'])
def updatebackgroundcombo() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
value = request.get_json()['value']
user = g.data.local.user.get_user(g.userID)
if user is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find user to update!')
# Grab profile and update combo position
profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
profile = frontend.update_background_combo(profile, value)
g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id, profile)
# Return that we updated
return {
'version': version,
'value': value != 0,
@ddr_pages.route('/options/settings/update', methods=['POST'])
def updatesettings() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
settings = request.get_json()['settings']
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
user = g.data.local.user.get_user(g.userID)
if user is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find user to update!')
# Grab profile and settings dict that needs updating
profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
profile = frontend.update_settings(profile, settings)
g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, user.id, profile)
# Return updated settings
info = frontend.get_all_player_info([user.id])[user.id]
return {
'player': info,
'version': version,
def viewrivals() -> Response:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
rivals, info = frontend.get_rivals(g.userID)
return render_react(
'DDR Rivals',
'userid': str(g.userID),
'rivals': rivals,
'max_active_rivals': frontend.max_active_rivals,
'players': info,
'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
'refresh': url_for('ddr_pages.listrivals'),
'search': url_for('ddr_pages.searchrivals'),
'player': url_for('ddr_pages.viewplayer', userid=-1),
'addrival': url_for('ddr_pages.addrival'),
'removerival': url_for('ddr_pages.removerival'),
'setactiverival': url_for('ddr_pages.setactiverival'),
'setinactiverival': url_for('ddr_pages.setinactiverival'),
def listrivals() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
rivals, info = frontend.get_rivals(g.userID)
return {
'rivals': rivals,
'players': info,
@ddr_pages.route('/rivals/search', methods=['POST'])
def searchrivals() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
name = request.get_json()['term']
# Try to treat the term as an extid
extid = ID.parse_extid(name)
matches = set()
profiles = g.data.remote.user.get_all_profiles(GameConstants.DDR, version)
for (userid, profile) in profiles:
if profile.get_int('extid') == extid or profile.get_str('name').lower() == name.lower():
info = frontend.get_all_player_info(list(matches), allow_remote=True)
return {
'results': info,
@ddr_pages.route('/rivals/add', methods=['POST'])
def addrival() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
other_userid = UserID(int(request.get_json()['userid']))
userid = g.userID
# Find a slot to put the rival into
occupied: List[Optional[Link]] = [None] * 10
for link in g.data.local.user.get_links(GameConstants.DDR, version, userid):
if link.type[:7] != 'friend_':
pos = int(link.type[7:])
if pos >= 0 and pos < 10:
occupied[pos] = link
# Put rival in the first slot
newrivalpos = -1
for i in range(len(occupied)):
if occupied[i] is None:
newrivalpos = i
if newrivalpos == -1:
raise Exception('No room for another rival!')
# Add this rival link
profile = g.data.remote.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, other_userid)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile for rival!')
# Now return updated rival info
rivals, info = frontend.get_rivals(userid)
return {
'rivals': rivals,
'players': info,
@ddr_pages.route('/rivals/remove', methods=['POST'])
def removerival() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
other_userid = UserID(int(request.get_json()['userid']))
position = int(request.get_json()['position'])
userid = g.userID
# Remove this rival link
profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, userid)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
profile = frontend.deactivate_rival(profile, position)
g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, userid, profile)
# Now return updated rival info
rivals, info = frontend.get_rivals(userid)
return {
'rivals': rivals,
'players': info,
@ddr_pages.route('/rivals/activate', methods=['POST'])
def setactiverival() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
position = int(request.get_json()['position'])
userid = g.userID
profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, userid)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
profile = frontend.activate_rival(profile, position)
g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, userid, profile)
# Now return updated rival info
rivals, info = frontend.get_rivals(userid)
return {
'rivals': rivals,
'players': info,
@ddr_pages.route('/rivals/inactivate', methods=['POST'])
def setinactiverival() -> Dict[str, Any]:
frontend = DDRFrontend(g.data, g.config, g.cache)
version = int(request.get_json()['version'])
position = int(request.get_json()['position'])
userid = g.userID
profile = g.data.local.user.get_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, userid)
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
profile = frontend.deactivate_rival(profile, position)
g.data.local.user.put_profile(GameConstants.DDR, version, userid, profile)
# Now return updated rival info
rivals, info = frontend.get_rivals(userid)
return {
'rivals': rivals,
'players': info,