Several improvements to parsing.
Ability to decode graphics regions and assign them to textures. Removed incorrect name handling of one section. Support different endianness of files to support PS3 DanceDanceRevolution AFP files. Fully map out file for several T*BB files.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import os
import os.path
import struct
import sys
import textwrap
from PIL import Image, ImageOps # type: ignore
from typing import Any, List
from typing import Any, List, Optional
from bemani.format.dxt import DXTBuffer
from bemani.protocol.binary import BinaryEncoding
@ -64,19 +65,21 @@ def descramble_text(text: bytes, obfuscated: bool) -> str:
return ""
def descramble_pman(package_data: bytes, offset: int, obfuscated: bool) -> List[str]:
def descramble_pman(package_data: bytes, offset: int, endian: str, obfuscated: bool) -> List[str]:
# Unclear what the first three unknowns are, but the fourth
# looks like it could possibly be two int16s indicating unknown?
magic, _, _, _, numentries, _, data_offset = struct.unpack(
package_data[offset:(offset + 28)],
add_coverage(offset, 28)
if magic != b"PMAN":
if endian == "<" and magic != b"PMAN":
raise Exception("Invalid magic value in PMAN structure!")
if endian == ">" and magic != b"NAMP":
raise Exception("Invalid magic value in PMAN structure!")
names = []
names: List[Optional[str]] = [None] * numentries
if numentries > 0:
# Jump to the offset, parse it out
for i in range(numentries):
@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ def descramble_pman(package_data: bytes, offset: int, obfuscated: bool) -> List[
# Really not sure on the first entry here, it looks
# completely random, so it might be a CRC?
_, entry_no, nameoffset = struct.unpack(
package_data[file_offset:(file_offset + 12)],
add_coverage(file_offset, 12)
@ -94,15 +97,15 @@ def descramble_pman(package_data: bytes, offset: int, obfuscated: bool) -> List[
bytedata = get_until_null(package_data, nameoffset)
add_coverage(nameoffset, len(bytedata) + 1, unique=False)
name = descramble_text(bytedata, obfuscated)
names[entry_no] = name
for i, name in enumerate(names):
if name is None:
raise Exception(f"Didn't get mapping for entry {i + 1}")
return names
def swap32(i: int) -> int:
return struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack(">I", i))[0]
def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
data =
@ -121,7 +124,11 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
# First, check the signature
add_coverage(0, 4)
if data[0:4] != b"2PXT":
if data[0:4] == b"2PXT":
endian = "<"
elif data[0:4] == b"TXP2":
endian = ">"
raise Exception("Invalid graphic file format!")
# Not sure what words 2 and 3 are, they seem to be some sort of
@ -130,19 +137,19 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
# Now, grab the file length, verify that we have the right amount
# of data.
length = struct.unpack("<I", data[12:16])[0]
length = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[12:16])[0]
add_coverage(12, 4)
if length != len(data):
raise Exception(f"Invalid graphic file length, expecting {length} bytes!")
# I think that offset 16-20 are the file data offset, but I'm not sure?
header_length = struct.unpack("<I", data[16:20])[0]
header_length = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[16:20])[0]
add_coverage(16, 4)
# Now, the meat of the file format. Bytes 20-24 are a bitfield for
# what parts of the header exist in the file. We need to understand
# each bit so we know how to skip past each section.
feature_mask = struct.unpack("<I", data[20:24])[0]
feature_mask = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[20:24])[0]
add_coverage(20, 4)
header_offset = 24
@ -156,7 +163,7 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
if feature_mask & 0x01:
# List of textures that exist in the file, with pointers to their data.
length, offset = struct.unpack("<II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
length, offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
add_coverage(header_offset, 8)
header_offset += 8
@ -165,7 +172,7 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
interesting_offset = offset + (x * 12)
if interesting_offset != 0:
name_offset, texture_length, texture_offset = struct.unpack(
data[interesting_offset:(interesting_offset + 12)],
add_coverage(interesting_offset, 12)
@ -219,25 +226,27 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
add_coverage(texture_offset, deflated_size + 8)
if not write:
print(f"Would extract {filename}...")
print(f"Would write {filename} texture data...")
# Now, see if we can extract this data.
print(f"Extracting {filename}...")
print(f"Writing {filename} texture data...")
magic, _, _, _, width, height, fmt, _, flags2, flags1 = struct.unpack(
if magic != b"TDXT":
if endian == "<" and magic != b"TDXT":
raise Exception("Unexpected texture format!")
if endian == ">" and magic != b"TXDT":
raise Exception("Unexpected texture format!")
img = None
if fmt == 0x0E:
# RGB image, no alpha.
img = Image.frombytes(
'RGB', (width, height), raw_data[64:], 'raw', 'RGB',
# 0x10 = Seems to be some sort of RGB with color swapping.
# 0x11 = Unknown entirely, PS3 format. Looks to be one byte per pixel.
# 0x15 = Looks like RGB but reversed (end and beginning bytes swapped).
# 0x16 = DTX1 format, when I encounter this I'll hook it up.
elif fmt == 0x1A:
@ -261,15 +270,26 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
'RGBA', (width, height), raw_data[64:], 'raw', 'BGRA',
raise Exception(f"Unsupported format {hex(fmt)} for texture {name}")
print(f"Unsupported format {hex(fmt)} for texture {name}")
img = None
# Actually place the file down.
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
with open(f"{filename}.raw", "wb") as bfp:
if img:
with open(f"{filename}.png", "wb") as bfp:
||||, format='PNG')
with open(f"{filename}.raw", "wb") as bfp:
with open(f"{filename}.xml", "w") as sfp:
vprint(f"Bit 0x000001 - count: {length}, offset: {hex(offset)}")
for name in names:
@ -277,20 +297,21 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
vprint("Bit 0x000001 - NOT PRESENT")
# Mapping between texture index and the name of the texture.
texturemap = []
if feature_mask & 0x02:
# Seems to be a structure that duplicates texture names? Maybe this is
# used elsewhere to map sections to textures? The structure includes
# the entry number that seems to correspond with the above table.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
# Seems to be a structure that duplicates texture names? I am pretty
# sure this is used to map texture names to file indexes used elsewhere.
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
vprint(f"Bit 0x000002 - offset: {hex(offset)}")
if offset != 0:
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, text_obfuscated)
for name in names:
vprint(f" {name}")
texturemap = descramble_pman(data, offset, endian, text_obfuscated)
for i, name in enumerate(texturemap):
vprint(f" {i}: {name}")
vprint("Bit 0x000002 - NOT PRESENT")
@ -299,29 +320,77 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
vprint("Bit 0x000004 - legacy lz mode off")
# Mapping between region index and the texture it goes to as well as the
# region of texture that this particular graphic makes up.
texture_to_region = []
if feature_mask & 0x08:
# I *THINK* that this is the mapping between sections and their
# respective textures, but I haven't dug in yet.
length, offset = struct.unpack("<II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
# Mapping between individual graphics and their respective textures.
# This is 10 bytes per entry. Seems to need both 0x2 (texture index)
# and 0x10 (region index).
length, offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
add_coverage(header_offset, 8)
header_offset += 8
if offset != 0 and length > 0:
texture_to_region = [(0, (0, 0), (0, 0))] * length
for i in range(length):
descriptor_offset = offset + (10 * i)
texture_no, left, top, right, bottom = struct.unpack(
data[descriptor_offset:(descriptor_offset + 10)],
add_coverage(descriptor_offset, 10)
if texture_no < 0 or texture_no >= len(texturemap):
raise Exception(f"Out of bounds texture {texture_no}")
# TODO: The offsets here seem to be off by a power of 2, there
# might be more flags in the above texture format that specify
# device scaling and such?
texture_to_region[i] = (texture_no, (left, top), (right, bottom))
vprint(f"Bit 0x000008 - count: {length}, offset: {hex(offset)}")
vprint("Bit 0x000008 - NOT PRESENT")
if feature_mask & 0x10:
# Seems to be a strucure that duplicates the above section?
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
# Names of the graphics regions, so we can look into the texture_to_region
# mapping above.
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
vprint(f"Bit 0x000010 - offset: {hex(offset)}")
if offset != 0:
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, text_obfuscated)
for name in names:
vprint(f" {name}")
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, endian, text_obfuscated)
for i, name in enumerate(names):
if i < 0 or i >= len(texture_to_region):
raise Exception(f"Out of bounds region {i}")
region = texture_to_region[i]
texture = texturemap[region[0]]
filename = os.path.join(path, name)
if write:
# Actually place the file down.
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
print(f"Writing {filename}.xml graphic information...")
with open(f"{filename}.xml", "w") as sfp:
print(f"Would write {filename}.xml graphic information...")
vprint(f" {i}: {name}")
vprint("Bit 0x000010 - NOT PRESENT")
@ -333,28 +402,13 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
if feature_mask & 0x40:
# Two unknown bytes, first is a length or a count. Secound is
# an optional offset to grab another set of bytes from.
length, offset = struct.unpack("<II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
length, offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
add_coverage(header_offset, 8)
header_offset += 8
# TODO: 0x40 has some weird offset calculations, gotta look into
# this further.
names = []
for x in range(length):
interesting_offset = offset + (x * 12)
if interesting_offset != 0:
interesting_offset = struct.unpack(
data[interesting_offset:(interesting_offset + 4)],
if interesting_offset != 0:
# Let's decode this until the first null.
bytedata = get_until_null(data, interesting_offset)
add_coverage(interesting_offset, len(bytedata) + 1, unique=False)
name = descramble_text(bytedata, text_obfuscated)
vprint(f"Bit 0x000040 - count: {length}, offset: {hex(offset)}")
for name in names:
vprint(f" {name}")
@ -363,23 +417,23 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
if feature_mask & 0x80:
# One unknown byte, treated as an offset.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
vprint(f"Bit 0x000080 - offset: {hex(offset)}")
if offset != 0:
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, text_obfuscated)
for name in names:
vprint(f" {name}")
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, endian, text_obfuscated)
for i, name in enumerate(names):
vprint(f" {i}: {name}")
vprint("Bit 0x000080 - NOT PRESENT")
if feature_mask & 0x100:
# Two unknown bytes, first is a length or a count. Secound is
# an optional offset to grab another set of bytes from.
length, offset = struct.unpack("<II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
length, offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
add_coverage(header_offset, 8)
header_offset += 8
@ -387,28 +441,28 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
# TODO: We do something if length is > 0, we use the magic flag
# from above in this case to optionally transform each thing we
# extract.
# extract. This is possibly names of some other type of struture?
vprint("Bit 0x000100 - NOT PRESENT")
if feature_mask & 0x200:
# One unknown byte, treated as an offset.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
vprint(f"Bit 0x000200 - offset: {hex(offset)}")
if offset != 0:
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, text_obfuscated)
for name in names:
vprint(f" {name}")
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, endian, text_obfuscated)
for i, name in enumerate(names):
vprint(f" {i}: {name}")
vprint("Bit 0x000200 - NOT PRESENT")
if feature_mask & 0x400:
# One unknown byte, treated as an offset.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
@ -418,7 +472,7 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
if feature_mask & 0x800:
# This is the names of the animations as far as I can tell.
length, offset = struct.unpack("<II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
length, offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
add_coverage(header_offset, 8)
header_offset += 8
@ -432,7 +486,7 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
interesting_offset = offset + (x * 12)
if interesting_offset != 0:
name_offset, anim_length, anim_offset = struct.unpack(
data[interesting_offset:(interesting_offset + 12)],
add_coverage(interesting_offset, 12)
@ -452,16 +506,16 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
if feature_mask & 0x1000:
# Seems to be a secondary structure mirroring the above.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
vprint(f"Bit 0x001000 - offset: {hex(offset)}")
if offset != 0:
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, text_obfuscated)
for name in names:
vprint(f" {name}")
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, endian, text_obfuscated)
for i, name in enumerate(names):
vprint(f" {i}: {name}")
vprint("Bit 0x001000 - NOT PRESENT")
@ -469,7 +523,7 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
# I am making a very preliminary guess that these are shapes used along
# with animations specified below. The names in these sections tend to
# have the word "shape" in them.
length, offset = struct.unpack("<II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
length, offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}II", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 8)])
add_coverage(header_offset, 8)
header_offset += 8
@ -479,18 +533,25 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
names = []
for x in range(length):
interesting_offset = offset + (x * 12)
if interesting_offset != 0:
interesting_offset = struct.unpack(
data[interesting_offset:(interesting_offset + 4)],
if interesting_offset != 0:
# Let's decode this until the first null.
bytedata = get_until_null(data, interesting_offset)
add_coverage(interesting_offset, len(bytedata) + 1, unique=False)
name = descramble_text(bytedata, text_obfuscated)
shape_base_offset = offset + (x * 12)
if shape_base_offset != 0:
name_offset, shape_length, shape_offset = struct.unpack(
data[shape_base_offset:(shape_base_offset + 12)],
add_coverage(shape_base_offset, 12)
add_coverage(shape_offset, shape_length)
# TODO: At the shape offset is a "D2EG" structure of some sort.
# I have no idea what these do. I would have to look into it
# more if its important.
if name_offset != 0:
# Let's decode this until the first null.
bytedata = get_until_null(data, name_offset)
add_coverage(name_offset, len(bytedata) + 1, unique=False)
name = descramble_text(bytedata, text_obfuscated)
for name in names:
vprint(f" {name}")
@ -499,22 +560,22 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
if feature_mask & 0x4000:
# Seems to be a secondary section mirroring the names from above.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
vprint(f"Bit 0x004000 - offset: {hex(offset)}")
if offset != 0:
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, text_obfuscated)
for name in names:
vprint(f" {name}")
names = descramble_pman(data, offset, endian, text_obfuscated)
for i, name in enumerate(names):
vprint(f" {i}: {name}")
vprint("Bit 0x004000 - NOT PRESENT")
if feature_mask & 0x8000:
# One unknown byte, treated as an offset.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
@ -524,13 +585,13 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
if feature_mask & 0x10000:
# Included font package, BINXRPC encoded.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
# I am not sure what the unknown byte is for. It always appears as
# all zeros in all files I've looked at.
_, length, binxrpc_offset = struct.unpack("<III", data[offset:(offset + 12)])
_, length, binxrpc_offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}III", data[offset:(offset + 12)])
add_coverage(offset, 12)
if binxrpc_offset != 0:
@ -557,7 +618,7 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
if feature_mask & 0x20000:
# I am beginning to suspect that this is animation/level data. I have
# no idea what "afp" is.
offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
offset = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", data[header_offset:(header_offset + 4)])[0]
add_coverage(header_offset, 4)
header_offset += 4
@ -572,7 +633,7 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
# the second field is length, but it lines up with everything else
# I've observed and seems to make sense.
_, afp_header_length, afp_header = struct.unpack(
data[structure_offset:(structure_offset + 12)]
add_coverage(structure_offset, 12)
@ -580,7 +641,7 @@ def extract(filename: str, output_dir: str, *, write: bool, verbose: bool = Fals
# This chunk of data is referred to by name, and then a chunk.
anim_name_offset, anim_afp_data_length, anim_afp_data_offset = struct.unpack(
data[anim_info_ptr:(anim_info_ptr + 12)],
add_coverage(anim_info_ptr, 12, unique=False)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user