mirror of synced 2025-03-03 16:43:55 +01:00

Add a basic x86 emulator to psmap for reconstruction of dynamic structures.

This commit is contained in:
Jennifer Taylor 2021-09-03 04:33:25 +00:00
parent 929e6be305
commit c1b362885d
3 changed files with 465 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,51 @@
import pefile # type: ignore
import struct
import sys
from iced_x86 import Decoder, Formatter, FormatterSyntax, FormatMnemonicOptions
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional
class Memory:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.values: Dict[int, int] = {}
def store(self, offset: int, data: bytes) -> None:
for i, b in enumerate(data):
self.values[i + offset] = b
def load(self, offset: int, length: int) -> bytes:
data: List[int] = []
for i in range(offset, offset + length):
if i in self.values:
return bytes(data)
class Registers:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.eax = 0
self.ebx = 0
self.ecx = 0
self.edx = 0
self.esi = 0
self.edi = 0
self.ebp = 0
self.esp = 0xFFFFFFFF
self.zf = False
self.of = False
self.cf = False
class PEFile:
def __init__(self, data: bytes) -> None:
self.data = data
self.__pe = pefile.PE(data=data, fast_load=True)
self.__adhoc_mapping: Dict[int, int] = {}
def virtual_to_physical(self, offset: int) -> int:
for section in self.__pe.sections:
@ -13,10 +55,399 @@ class PEFile:
if offset >= start and offset < end:
return (offset - start) + section.PointerToRawData
for virtual, physical in self.__adhoc_mapping.items():
if offset == virtual:
return physical
raise Exception(f"Couldn't find physical offset for virtual offset 0x{offset:08x}")
def physical_to_virtual(self, offset: int) -> int:
for section in self.__pe.sections:
start = section.PointerToRawData
end = start + section.SizeOfRawData
if offset >= start and offset < end:
return (offset - start) + section.VirtualAddress + self.__pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
for virtual, physical in self.__adhoc_mapping.items():
if offset == physical:
return virtual
raise Exception(f"Couldn't find virtual offset for physical offset 0x{offset:08x}")
def is_virtual(self, offset: int) -> bool:
return offset >= self.__pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
def is_64bit(self) -> bool:
return hex(self.__pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine) == '0x8664'
def emulate_code(self, start: int, end: int, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
if self.is_virtual(start):
# Assume this is virtual
start = self.virtual_to_physical(start)
if self.is_virtual(end):
# Assume this is virtual
end = self.virtual_to_physical(end)
if verbose:
def vprint(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr)
def vprint(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
registers = Registers()
memory = Memory()
formatter = Formatter(FormatterSyntax.NASM) # type: ignore
decoder = Decoder(64 if self.is_64bit() else 32, self.data[start:end], ip=self.physical_to_virtual(start))
insts = [i for i in decoder]
loc = 0
while loc < len(insts):
inst = insts[loc]
loc = loc + 1
mnemonic = formatter.format_mnemonic(inst, FormatMnemonicOptions.NO_PREFIXES) # type: ignore
if mnemonic == "mov":
dest = formatter.format_operand(inst, 0)
src = formatter.format_operand(inst, 1)
vprint(f"mov {dest}, {src}")
size = get_size(src) or get_size(dest)
if size is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not determine size of {mnemonic} operation!")
result = fetch(registers, memory, size, src)
assign(registers, memory, size, dest, result)
elif mnemonic == "sub":
dest = formatter.format_operand(inst, 0)
amt = formatter.format_operand(inst, 1)
vprint(f"sub {dest}, {amt}")
size = get_size(amt) or get_size(dest)
if size is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not determine size of {mnemonic} operation!")
result = fetch(registers, memory, size, dest) - fetch(registers, memory, size, amt)
assign(registers, memory, size, dest, result)
elif mnemonic == "push":
src = formatter.format_operand(inst, 0)
vprint(f"push {src}")
size = get_size(src)
if size is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not determine size of {mnemonic} operation!")
result = fetch(registers, memory, size, src)
registers.esp -= 4
assign(registers, memory, size, "[esp]", result)
elif mnemonic == "test":
op1 = formatter.format_operand(inst, 0)
op2 = formatter.format_operand(inst, 1)
vprint(f"test {op1}, {op2}")
size = get_size(op1) or get_size(op2)
if size is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not determine size of {mnemonic} operation!")
result = fetch(registers, memory, size, op1) & fetch(registers, memory, size, op2)
registers.zf = result == 0
registers.of = False
registers.cf = False
elif mnemonic == "jne":
dest = formatter.format_operand(inst, 0)
vprint(f"jne {dest}")
if not registers.zf:
destination = get_value(dest)
if destination is None:
raise Exception(f"Jumping to unsupported destination {dest}")
dest_off = self.virtual_to_physical(destination)
if dest_off < start or dest_off >= end:
raise Exception(f"Jumping to {hex(destination)} which is outside of our evaluation range!")
decoder = Decoder(64 if self.is_64bit() else 32, self.data[dest_off:end], ip=self.physical_to_virtual(dest_off))
insts = [i for i in decoder]
loc = 0
elif mnemonic == "jmp":
dest = formatter.format_operand(inst, 0)
vprint(f"jmp {dest}")
destination = get_value(dest)
if destination is None:
raise Exception(f"Jumping to unsupported destination {dest}")
dest_off = self.virtual_to_physical(destination)
if dest_off < start or dest_off >= end:
raise Exception(f"Jumping to {hex(destination)} which is outside of our evaluation range!")
decoder = Decoder(64 if self.is_64bit() else 32, self.data[dest_off:end], ip=self.physical_to_virtual(dest_off))
insts = [i for i in decoder]
loc = 0
elif mnemonic == "or":
dest = formatter.format_operand(inst, 0)
src = formatter.format_operand(inst, 1)
vprint(f"or {dest}, {src}")
size = get_size(src) or get_size(dest)
if size is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not determine size of {mnemonic} operation!")
result = fetch(registers, memory, size, dest) | fetch(registers, memory, size, src)
assign(registers, memory, size, dest, result)
elif mnemonic == "xor":
dest = formatter.format_operand(inst, 0)
src = formatter.format_operand(inst, 1)
vprint(f"xor {dest}, {src}")
size = get_size(src) or get_size(dest)
if size is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not determine size of {mnemonic} operation!")
result = fetch(registers, memory, size, dest) ^ fetch(registers, memory, size, src)
assign(registers, memory, size, dest, result)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported mnemonic {mnemonic}!")
# Replace memory that we care about.
newdata = [x for x in self.data]
for virtual in sorted(memory.values):
physical = self.virtual_to_physical(virtual)
newdata[physical] = memory.values[virtual]
except Exception:
# This is outside of the data we are tracking. Its really not ideal
# that we are just shoving this at the end of the data, but it should
# work for what we care about.
physical = len(newdata)
self.__adhoc_mapping[virtual] = physical
self.data = bytes(newdata)
self.__pe = pefile.PE(data=self.data, fast_load=True)
def sanitize(indirect: str) -> str:
if indirect[:5] == "near ":
indirect = indirect[5:]
if indirect[:6] == "short ":
indirect = indirect[6:]
if indirect[:5] == "byte ":
indirect = indirect[5:]
if indirect[:5] == "word ":
indirect = indirect[5:]
if indirect[:6] == "dword ":
indirect = indirect[6:]
return indirect
def get_address(registers: Registers, indirect: str) -> Optional[int]:
indirect = sanitize(indirect)
if indirect[0] == "[" and indirect[-1] == "]":
val = indirect[1:-1]
if val[-1] == 'h':
return int(val[:-1], 16)
if val == "esp":
return registers.esp
raise Exception(f"Unsupported indirect address {indirect}!")
return None
def get_value(immediate: str) -> Optional[int]:
immediate = sanitize(immediate)
if immediate[-1] == "h":
return int(immediate[:-1], 16)
except Exception:
return None
return int(immediate, 10)
except Exception:
return None
def get_size(reg: str) -> Optional[int]:
if reg in {'eax', 'ebx', 'ecx', 'edx', 'esp', 'ebp', 'esi', 'edi'}:
return 4
if reg in {'ax', 'bx', 'cx', 'dx', 'sp', 'bp', 'si', 'di'}:
return 2
if reg in {'ah', 'al', 'bh', 'bl', 'ch', 'cl', 'dh', 'dl'}:
return 1
if reg[:5] == "byte ":
return 1
if reg[:5] == "word ":
return 2
if reg[:6] == "dword ":
return 4
return None
def assign(registers: Registers, memory: Memory, size: int, loc: str, value: int) -> None:
address = get_address(registers, loc)
if address is not None:
if size == 1:
data = struct.pack("<B", value)
elif size == 2:
data = struct.pack("<H", value)
elif size == 4:
data = struct.pack("<I", value)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported size {size} for memory assign!")
memory.store(address, data)
if loc == "eax":
registers.eax = value
if loc == "ebx":
registers.ebx = value
if loc == "ecx":
registers.ecx = value
if loc == "edx":
registers.edx = value
if loc == "esp":
registers.esp = value
if loc == "ebp":
registers.esp = value
if loc == "esi":
registers.esi = value
if loc == "edi":
registers.edi = value
if loc == "al":
registers.eax = (registers.eax & 0xFFFFFF00) | (value & 0xFF)
if loc == "bl":
registers.ebx = (registers.ebx & 0xFFFFFF00) | (value & 0xFF)
if loc == "cl":
registers.ecx = (registers.ecx & 0xFFFFFF00) | (value & 0xFF)
if loc == "dl":
registers.edx = (registers.edx & 0xFFFFFF00) | (value & 0xFF)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported destination {loc} for assign!")
def fetch(registers: Registers, memory: Memory, size: int, loc: str) -> int:
address = get_address(registers, loc)
if address is not None:
if size == 1:
return struct.unpack("<B", memory.load(address, size))[0]
elif size == 2:
return struct.unpack("<H", memory.load(address, size))[0]
elif size == 4:
return struct.unpack("<I", memory.load(address, size))[0]
raise Exception(f"Unsupported size {size} for memory fetch!")
immediate = get_value(loc)
if immediate is not None:
if size == 1:
return immediate & 0xFF
if size == 2:
return immediate & 0xFFFF
if size == 4:
return immediate & 0xFFFFFFFF
raise Exception(f"Unsupported size {size} for immediate fetch!")
if loc == "eax":
return registers.eax
if loc == "ebx":
return registers.ebx
if loc == "ecx":
return registers.ecx
if loc == "edx":
return registers.edx
if loc == "esi":
return registers.esi
if loc == "edi":
return registers.edi
if loc == "esp":
return registers.esp
if loc == "ebp":
return registers.esp
if loc == "ax":
return registers.eax & 0xFFFF
if loc == "bx":
return registers.ebx & 0xFFFF
if loc == "cx":
return registers.ecx & 0xFFFF
if loc == "dx":
return registers.edx & 0xFFFF
if loc == "si":
return registers.esi & 0xFFFF
if loc == "di":
return registers.edi & 0xFFFF
if loc == "al":
return registers.eax & 0xFF
if loc == "bl":
return registers.ebx & 0xFF
if loc == "cl":
return registers.ecx & 0xFF
if loc == "dl":
return registers.edx & 0xFF
raise Exception(f"Unsupported source {loc} for fetch!")

View File

@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ from bemani.protocol import Node
from bemani.utils.responsegen import generate_lines
def parse_psmap(data: bytes, offset: str, rootname: str, *, verbose: bool = False) -> Node:
pe = PEFile(data=data)
def parse_psmap(pe: PEFile, offset: str, rootname: str, *, verbose: bool = False) -> Node:
root = Node.void(rootname)
base = int(offset, 16)
@ -24,8 +23,8 @@ def parse_psmap(data: bytes, offset: str, rootname: str, *, verbose: bool = Fals
# Now, grab bytes until we're null-terminated
bytestring = []
while data[offset] != 0:
while pe.data[offset] != 0:
offset = offset + 1
# Its shift-jis encoded, so decode it now
@ -38,12 +37,12 @@ def parse_psmap(data: bytes, offset: str, rootname: str, *, verbose: bool = Fals
while True:
readbase = base
if pe.is_64bit(): # 64 bit
chunk = data[base:(base + 24)]
chunk = pe.data[base:(base + 24)]
base = base + 24
(nodetype, mandatory, outoffset, width, nameptr, default) = struct.unpack('<BBHIQQ', chunk)
else: # 32 bit
chunk = data[base:(base + 16)]
chunk = pe.data[base:(base + 16)]
base = base + 16
(nodetype, mandatory, outoffset, width, nameptr, default) = struct.unpack('<BBHIII', chunk)
@ -237,6 +236,24 @@ def main() -> None:
"Hex offset where we should start emulating x86/x64 code to reconstuct a dynamic psmap structure. "
"This can be specified as either a raw offset into the DLL or as a virtual offset."
"Hex offset where we should finish emulating x86/x64 code to reconstuct a dynamic psmap structure. "
"This can be specified as either a raw offset into the DLL or as a virtual offset."
help="Display verbose parsing info.",
@ -249,7 +266,16 @@ def main() -> None:
data = fp.read()
layout = parse_psmap(data, args.offset, args.root, verbose=args.verbose)
pe = PEFile(data=data)
# If asked, attempt to emulate code which dynamically constructs a psmap structure.
if args.emulate_start and args.emulate_end:
start = int(args.emulate_start, 16)
end = int(args.emulate_end, 16)
pe.emulate_code(start, end, verbose=args.verbose)
layout = parse_psmap(pe, args.offset, args.root, verbose=args.verbose)
# Walk through, outputting each node and attaching it to its parent
code = '\n'.join(generate_lines(layout, {}))

View File

@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ jaconv