Add config, database and user interface to change network region as well as per-arcade region. Also unified IIDX prefecture setting.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from bemani.common.model import Model
from bemani.common.validateddict import ValidatedDict, Profile, PlayStatistics, intish
from bemani.common.http import HTTP
from bemani.common.constants import APIConstants, GameConstants, VersionConstants, DBConstants, BroadcastConstants
from bemani.common.constants import APIConstants, GameConstants, VersionConstants, DBConstants, BroadcastConstants, RegionConstants
from bemani.common.card import CardCipher, CardCipherException
from import ID
from bemani.common.aes import AESCipher
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ __all__ = [
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict
from typing_extensions import Final
@ -322,3 +323,206 @@ class BroadcastConstants(Enum):
COOLS: Final[str] = 'Cools'
COMBO: Final[str] = 'Combo'
MEDAL: Final[str] = 'Medal'
class _RegionConstants:
Class representing the various region IDs found in all games.
# The following are the original enumerations, that still are correct
# for new games today.
HOKKAIDO: Final[int] = 1
AOMORI: Final[int] = 2
IWATE: Final[int] = 3
MIYAGI: Final[int] = 4
AKITA: Final[int] = 5
YAMAGATA: Final[int] = 6
FUKUSHIMA: Final[int] = 7
IBARAKI: Final[int] = 8
TOCHIGI: Final[int] = 9
GUNMA: Final[int] = 10
SAITAMA: Final[int] = 11
CHIBA: Final[int] = 12
TOKYO: Final[int] = 13
KANAGAWA: Final[int] = 14
NIIGATA: Final[int] = 15
TOYAMA: Final[int] = 16
ISHIKAWA: Final[int] = 17
FUKUI: Final[int] = 18
YAMANASHI: Final[int] = 19
NAGANO: Final[int] = 20
GIFU: Final[int] = 21
SHIZUOKA: Final[int] = 22
AICHI: Final[int] = 23
MIE: Final[int] = 24
SHIGA: Final[int] = 25
KYOTO: Final[int] = 26
OSAKA: Final[int] = 27
HYOGO: Final[int] = 28
NARA: Final[int] = 29
WAKAYAMA: Final[int] = 30
TOTTORI: Final[int] = 31
SHIMANE: Final[int] = 32
OKAYAMA: Final[int] = 33
HIROSHIMA: Final[int] = 34
YAMAGUCHI: Final[int] = 35
TOKUSHIMA: Final[int] = 36
KAGAWA: Final[int] = 37
EHIME: Final[int] = 38
KOUCHI: Final[int] = 39
FUKUOKA: Final[int] = 40
SAGA: Final[int] = 41
NAGASAKI: Final[int] = 42
KUMAMOTO: Final[int] = 43
OITA: Final[int] = 44
MIYAZAKI: Final[int] = 45
KAGOSHIMA: Final[int] = 46
OKINAWA: Final[int] = 47
HONG_KONG: Final[int] = 48
KOREA: Final[int] = 49
TAIWAN: Final[int] = 50
# The following are new additions, replacing the "OLD" values below.
THAILAND: Final[int] = 51
INDONESIA: Final[int] = 52
SINGAPORE: Final[int] = 53
PHILLIPINES: Final[int] = 54
MACAO: Final[int] = 55
USA: Final[int] = 56
OTHER: Final[int] = 57
# Bogus value for europe.
EUROPE: Final[int] = 1000
NO_MAPPING: Final[int] = 2000
# Old constant values.
OLD_USA: Final[int] = 51
OLD_EUROPE: Final[int] = 52
OLD_OTHER: Final[int] = 53
# Min/max valid values for server.
MIN: Final[int] = 1
MAX: Final[int] = 56
# This is a really nasty LUT to attempt to make the frontend display
# the same regardless of the game in question. This is mostly because
# the prefecture/region stored in the profile is editable by IIDX and
# I didn't anticipate this ever changing.
def db_to_game_region(self, use_new_table: bool, region: int) -> int:
if use_new_table:
# The new lookup table does not have Europe as an option.
if region in {RegionConstants.EUROPE, RegionConstants.NO_MAPPING}:
return RegionConstants.OTHER
# The rest matches what we have already.
return region
# The old lookup table supports most of the values.
if region <= RegionConstants.TAIWAN:
return region
# Map the two values that still exist back to their old values.
if region == RegionConstants.USA:
return RegionConstants.OLD_USA
if region == RegionConstants.EUROPE:
return RegionConstants.OLD_EUROPE
# The rest get mapped to other.
return RegionConstants.OLD_OTHER
# This performs the equivalent inverse of the above function. Note that
# depending on the game and selection, this is lossy (as in, Europe could
# get converted to Other, etc).
def game_to_db_region(self, use_new_table: bool, region: int) -> int:
if use_new_table:
if region == RegionConstants.OTHER:
return RegionConstants.NO_MAPPING
# The new lookup table is correct aside from the above correction.
return region
# The old lookup table supports most of the values.
if region <= RegionConstants.TAIWAN:
return region
# Map the three values that might be seen to new DB values.
if region == RegionConstants.OLD_USA:
return RegionConstants.USA
if region == RegionConstants.OLD_EUROPE:
return RegionConstants.EUROPE
if region == RegionConstants.OLD_OTHER:
return RegionConstants.NO_MAPPING
raise Exception(f"Unexpected value {region} for game region!")
def LUT(cls) -> Dict[int, str]:
return {
cls.HOKKAIDO: '北海道 (Hokkaido)',
cls.AOMORI: '青森県 (Aomori)',
cls.IWATE: '岩手県 (Iwate)',
cls.MIYAGI: '宮城県 (Miyagi)',
cls.AKITA: '秋田県 (Akita)',
cls.YAMAGATA: '山形県 (Yamagata)',
cls.FUKUSHIMA: '福島県 (Fukushima)',
cls.IBARAKI: '茨城県 (Ibaraki)',
cls.TOCHIGI: '栃木県 (Tochigi)',
cls.GUNMA: '群馬県 (Gunma)',
cls.SAITAMA: '埼玉県 (Saitama)',
cls.CHIBA: '千葉県 (Chiba)',
cls.TOKYO: '東京都 (Tokyo)',
cls.KANAGAWA: '神奈川県 (Kanagawa)',
cls.NIIGATA: '新潟県 (Niigata)',
cls.TOYAMA: '富山県 (Toyama)',
cls.ISHIKAWA: '石川県 (Ishikawa)',
cls.FUKUI: '福井県 (Fukui)',
cls.YAMANASHI: '山梨県 (Yamanashi)',
cls.NAGANO: '長野県 (Nagano)',
cls.GIFU: '岐阜県 (Gifu)',
cls.SHIZUOKA: '静岡県 (Shizuoka)',
cls.AICHI: '愛知県 (Aichi)',
cls.MIE: '三重県 (Mie)',
cls.SHIGA: '滋賀県 (Shiga)',
cls.KYOTO: '京都府 (Kyoto)',
cls.OSAKA: '大阪府 (Osaka)',
cls.HYOGO: '兵庫県 (Hyogo)',
cls.NARA: '奈良県 (Nara)',
cls.WAKAYAMA: '和歌山県 (Wakayama)',
cls.TOTTORI: '鳥取県 (Tottori)',
cls.SHIMANE: '島根県 (Shimane)',
cls.OKAYAMA: '岡山県 (Okayama)',
cls.HIROSHIMA: '広島県 (Hiroshima)',
cls.YAMAGUCHI: '山口県 (Yamaguchi)',
cls.TOKUSHIMA: '徳島県 (Tokushima)',
cls.KAGAWA: '香川県 (Kagawa)',
cls.EHIME: '愛媛県 (Ehime)',
cls.KOUCHI: '高知県 (Kochi)',
cls.FUKUOKA: '福岡県 (Fukuoka)',
cls.SAGA: '佐賀県 (Saga)',
cls.NAGASAKI: '長崎県 (Nagasaki)',
cls.KUMAMOTO: '熊本県 (Kumamoto)',
cls.OITA: '大分県 (Oita)',
cls.MIYAZAKI: '宮崎県 (Miyazaki)',
cls.KAGOSHIMA: '鹿児島県 (Kagoshima)',
cls.OKINAWA: '沖縄県 (Okinawa)',
cls.HONG_KONG: '香港 (Hong Kong)',
cls.KOREA: '韓国 (Korea)',
cls.TAIWAN: '台湾 (Taiwan)',
# The following are different depending on the version of the game,
# so we choose the new value.
cls.THAILAND: "タイ (Thailand)",
cls.INDONESIA: "インドネシア (Indonesia)",
cls.SINGAPORE: "シンガポール (Singapore)",
cls.PHILLIPINES: "フィリピン (Phillipines)",
cls.MACAO: "マカオ (Macao)",
cls.USA: "アメリカ (USA)",
cls.EUROPE: '欧州 (Europe)',
cls.NO_MAPPING: "海外 (Other)",
# This is just so I can use the defined constants inside a LUT
# without having the LUT itself outside the class.
RegionConstants = _RegionConstants()
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import os
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine # type: ignore
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Set
from bemani.common.constants import GameConstants
from bemani.common import GameConstants, RegionConstants
from import ArcadeID
@ -79,6 +79,18 @@ class Server:
def pcbid_self_grant_limit(self) -> int:
return int(self.__config.get('server', {}).get('pcbid_self_grant_limit', 0))
def region(self) -> int:
region = int(self.__config.get('server', {}).get('region', RegionConstants.USA))
if region in {RegionConstants.EUROPE, RegionConstants.NO_MAPPING}:
# Bogus values we support.
return region
if region < RegionConstants.MIN or region > RegionConstants.MAX:
# Pick the original default for the network (USA).
return RegionConstants.USA
# Region was fine.
return region
class Client:
def __init__(self, parent_config: "Config") -> None:
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"""Add region column to arcade settings.
Revision ID: a1f4a09a1f90
Revises: 36dff3ac15a3
Create Date: 2021-09-06 22:01:29.905538
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = 'a1f4a09a1f90'
down_revision = '36dff3ac15a3'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.add_column('arcade', sa.Column('pref', sa.Integer(), nullable=False))
# ### end Alembic commands ###
conn = op.get_bind()
# Set a sane default for all current arcades.
sql = "UPDATE arcade SET pref = 56"
conn.execute(text(sql), {})
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.drop_column('arcade', 'pref')
# ### end Alembic commands ###
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ arcade = Table(
Column('name', String(255), nullable=False),
Column('description', String(255), nullable=False),
Column('pin', String(8), nullable=False),
Column('pref', Integer, nullable=False),
Column('data', JSON),
@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ class MachineData(BaseData):
sql = "DELETE FROM `machine` WHERE pcbid = :pcbid LIMIT 1"
self.execute(sql, {'pcbid': pcbid})
def create_arcade(self, name: str, description: str, data: Dict[str, Any], owners: List[UserID]) -> Arcade:
def create_arcade(self, name: str, description: str, region: int, data: Dict[str, Any], owners: List[UserID]) -> Arcade:
Given a set of values, create a new arcade and return the ID of that arcade.
@ -296,14 +297,15 @@ class MachineData(BaseData):
An Arcade object representing this arcade
sql = (
"INSERT INTO arcade (name, description, data, pin) " +
"VALUES (:name, :desc, :data, '00000000')"
"INSERT INTO arcade (name, description, pref, data, pin) " +
"VALUES (:name, :desc, :pref, :data, '00000000')"
cursor = self.execute(
'name': name,
'desc': description,
'pref': region,
'data': self.serialize(data),
@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ class MachineData(BaseData):
An Arcade object if this arcade was found, or None otherwise.
sql = (
"SELECT name, description, pin, data FROM arcade WHERE id = :id"
"SELECT name, description, pin, pref, data FROM arcade WHERE id = :id"
cursor = self.execute(sql, {'id': arcadeid})
if cursor.rowcount != 1:
@ -346,6 +348,7 @@ class MachineData(BaseData):
[owner['userid'] for owner in cursor.fetchall()],
@ -360,7 +363,7 @@ class MachineData(BaseData):
# Update machine name based on game
sql = (
"UPDATE `arcade` " +
"SET name = :name, description = :desc, pin = :pin, data = :data " +
"SET name = :name, description = :desc, pin = :pin, pref = :pref, data = :data " +
"WHERE id = :arcadeid"
@ -369,6 +372,7 @@ class MachineData(BaseData):
'desc': arcade.description,
'pref': arcade.region,
'data': self.serialize(,
@ -411,7 +415,7 @@ class MachineData(BaseData):
arcade_to_owners[arcade] = []
sql = "SELECT id, name, description, pin, data FROM arcade"
sql = "SELECT id, name, description, pin, pref, data FROM arcade"
cursor = self.execute(sql)
return [
@ -419,6 +423,7 @@ class MachineData(BaseData):
arcade_to_owners.get(result['id'], []),
) for result in cursor.fetchall()
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class Arcade:
crediting accounts. Machines belong to either no arcade or a single arcase.
def __init__(self, arcadeid: ArcadeID, name: str, description: str, pin: str, data: Dict[str, Any], owners: List[UserID]) -> None:
def __init__(self, arcadeid: ArcadeID, name: str, description: str, pin: str, region: int, data: Dict[str, Any], owners: List[UserID]) -> None:
Initialize the arcade instance.
@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ class Arcade:
name - The name of the arcade.
description - The description of the arcade.
pin - An eight digit string representing the PIN used to pull up PASELI info.
region - An integer representing the region this arcade is in.
data - A dictionary of settings for this arcade.
owners - An list of integers specifying the user IDs of owners for this arcade.
@ -160,11 +161,12 @@ class Arcade:
|||| = name
self.description = description
|||| = pin
self.region = region
|||| = ValidatedDict(data)
self.owners = owners
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Arcade(arcadeid={}, name={}, description={self.description}, pin={}, data={}, owners={self.owners})"
return f"Arcade(arcadeid={}, name={}, description={self.description}, pin={}, region={self.region}, data={}, owners={self.owners})"
class Song:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, Optional
from flask import Blueprint, request, Response, render_template, url_for
from bemani.backend.base import Base
from bemani.common import CardCipher, CardCipherException, GameConstants
from bemani.common import CardCipher, CardCipherException, GameConstants, RegionConstants
from import Arcade, Machine, User, UserID, News, Event, Server, Client
from import APIClient, NotAuthorizedAPIException, APIException
from import adminrequired, jsonify, valid_email, valid_username, valid_pin, render_react
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ def format_arcade(arcade: Arcade) -> Dict[str, Any]:
'description': arcade.description,
'region': arcade.region,
@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ def viewsettings() -> Response:
'title': 'Network Settings',
'config': g.config,
'region': RegionConstants.LUT,
@ -213,9 +215,11 @@ def viewarcades() -> Response:
'arcades': [format_arcade(arcade) for arcade in],
'regions': RegionConstants.LUT,
'paseli_enabled': g.config.paseli.enabled,
'paseli_infinite': g.config.paseli.infinite,
'default_region': g.config.server.region,
'mask_services_url': False,
@ -402,6 +406,7 @@ def updatearcade() -> Dict[str, Any]:
|||| = new_values['name']
arcade.description = new_values['description']
arcade.region = new_values['region']
||||'paseli_enabled', new_values['paseli_enabled'])
||||'paseli_infinite', new_values['paseli_infinite'])
||||'mask_services_url', new_values['mask_services_url'])
@ -441,6 +446,7 @@ def addarcade() -> Dict[str, Any]:
'paseli_enabled': new_values['paseli_enabled'],
'paseli_infinite': new_values['paseli_infinite'],
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from flask import Blueprint, request, Response, abort, url_for
from bemani.backend.base import Base
from bemani.common import CardCipher, CardCipherException, ValidatedDict, GameConstants
from bemani.common import CardCipher, CardCipherException, ValidatedDict, GameConstants, RegionConstants
from import Arcade, ArcadeID, Event, Machine
from import loginrequired, jsonify, render_react, valid_pin
from bemani.frontend.templates import templates_location
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ def format_arcade(arcade: Arcade) -> Dict[str, Any]:
'description': arcade.description,
'region': arcade.region,
@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ def viewarcade(arcadeid: int) -> Response:
'arcade': format_arcade(arcade),
'regions': RegionConstants.LUT,
'machines': machines,
'game_settings': get_game_settings(arcade),
'balances': {balance[0]: balance[1] for balance in},
@ -172,6 +174,7 @@ def viewarcade(arcadeid: int) -> Response:
'add_balance': url_for('arcade_pages.addbalance', arcadeid=arcadeid),
'update_balance': url_for('arcade_pages.updatebalance', arcadeid=arcadeid),
'update_pin': url_for('arcade_pages.updatepin', arcadeid=arcadeid),
'update_region': url_for('arcade_pages.updateregion', arcadeid=arcadeid),
'generatepcbid': url_for('arcade_pages.generatepcbid', arcadeid=arcadeid),
'updatepcbid': url_for('arcade_pages.updatepcbid', arcadeid=arcadeid),
'removepcbid': url_for('arcade_pages.removepcbid', arcadeid=arcadeid),
@ -306,6 +309,34 @@ def updatepin(arcadeid: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {'pin': pin}
@arcade_pages.route('/<int:arcadeid>/region/update', methods=['POST'])
def updateregion(arcadeid: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# Cast the ID for type safety.
arcadeid = ArcadeID(arcadeid)
region = int(request.get_json()['region'])
except Exception:
region = 0
# Make sure the arcade is valid
arcade =
if arcade is None or g.userID not in arcade.owners:
raise Exception('You don\'t own this arcade, refusing to update!')
if region not in {RegionConstants.EUROPE, RegionConstants.NO_MAPPING} and (region < RegionConstants.MIN or region > RegionConstants.MAX):
raise Exception('Invalid region!')
# Update and save
arcade.region = region
# Return nothing
return {'region': region}
@arcade_pages.route('/<int:arcadeid>/pcbids/generate', methods=['POST'])
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from flask_caching import Cache # type: ignore
from bemani.common import GameConstants, Profile, ValidatedDict, ID
from import Data, Score, Attempt, Link, Song, UserID, RemoteUser
from import Data, Config, Score, Attempt, Link, Song, UserID, RemoteUser
class FrontendBase(ABC):
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class FrontendBase(ABC):
valid_rival_types: List[str] = []
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Dict[str, Any], cache: Cache) -> None:
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Config, cache: Cache) -> None:
|||| = data
self.config = config
self.cache = cache
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from flask_caching import Cache # type: ignore
from bemani.backend.bishi import BishiBashiFactory
from bemani.common import Profile, ValidatedDict, ID, GameConstants
from import Data
from import Data, Config
from bemani.frontend.base import FrontendBase
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class BishiBashiFrontend(FrontendBase):
game = GameConstants.BISHI_BASHI
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Dict[str, Any], cache: Cache) -> None:
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Config, cache: Cache) -> None:
super().__init__(data, config, cache)
self.machines: Dict[int, str] = {}
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import re
from typing import Any, Dict
from flask import Blueprint, request, Response, url_for, abort
from bemani.common import ID, GameConstants
from bemani.common import ID, GameConstants, RegionConstants
from import UserID
from import loginrequired, jsonify, render_react
from bemani.frontend.iidx.iidx import IIDXFrontend
@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ def viewsettings() -> Response:
'player': djinfo,
'regions': RegionConstants.LUT,
'versions': {version: name for (game, version, name) in frontend.all_games()},
'qpros': frontend.get_all_items(versions),
@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ def updateprefecture() -> Dict[str, Any]:
profile =, version,
if profile is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find profile to update!')
profile.replace_int('pid', prefecture)
profile.replace_int('pid', RegionConstants.db_to_game_region(version >= 25, prefecture))
||||, version,, profile)
# Return that we updated
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, List
from flask_caching import Cache # type: ignore
from bemani.backend.iidx import IIDXFactory, IIDXBase
from bemani.common import Profile, ValidatedDict, GameConstants
from import Attempt, Data, Score, Song, UserID
from bemani.common import Profile, ValidatedDict, GameConstants, RegionConstants
from import Attempt, Data, Config, Score, Song, UserID
from bemani.frontend.base import FrontendBase
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class IIDXFrontend(FrontendBase):
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Dict[str, Any], cache: Cache) -> None:
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Config, cache: Cache) -> None:
super().__init__(data, config, cache)
self.machines: Dict[int, str] = {}
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class IIDXFrontend(FrontendBase):
formatted_profile = super().format_profile(profile, playstats)
'arcade': "",
'prefecture': profile.get_int('pid', 51),
'prefecture': RegionConstants.game_to_db_region(profile.version >= 25, profile.get_int('pid', self.config.server.region)),
'settings': self.format_settings(profile.get_dict('settings')),
'flags': self.format_flags(profile.get_dict('settings')),
'sdjp': playstats.get_int('single_dj_points'),
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from flask_caching import Cache # type: ignore
from bemani.backend.mga import MetalGearArcadeFactory
from bemani.common import Profile, ValidatedDict, ID, GameConstants
from import Data
from import Data, Config
from bemani.frontend.base import FrontendBase
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class MetalGearArcadeFrontend(FrontendBase):
game = GameConstants.MGA
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Dict[str, Any], cache: Cache) -> None:
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Config, cache: Cache) -> None:
super().__init__(data, config, cache)
self.machines: Dict[int, str] = {}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from flask_caching import Cache # type: ignore
from bemani.backend.museca import MusecaFactory, MusecaBase
from bemani.common import GameConstants, VersionConstants, DBConstants, Profile, ValidatedDict
from import Attempt, Data, Score, Song, UserID
from import Attempt, Data, Config, Score, Song, UserID
from bemani.frontend.base import FrontendBase
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class MusecaFrontend(FrontendBase):
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Dict[str, Any], cache: Cache) -> None:
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Config, cache: Cache) -> None:
super().__init__(data, config, cache)
def all_games(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[GameConstants, int, str]]:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from flask_caching import Cache # type: ignore
from bemani.backend.reflec import ReflecBeatFactory, ReflecBeatBase
from bemani.common import GameConstants, Profile, ValidatedDict
from import Attempt, Data, Score, Song, UserID
from import Attempt, Data, Config, Score, Song, UserID
from bemani.frontend.base import FrontendBase
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class ReflecBeatFrontend(FrontendBase):
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Dict[str, Any], cache: Cache) -> None:
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Config, cache: Cache) -> None:
super().__init__(data, config, cache)
def all_games(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[GameConstants, int, str]]:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from flask_caching import Cache # type: ignore
from bemani.backend.sdvx import SoundVoltexFactory, SoundVoltexBase
from bemani.common import GameConstants, Profile, ValidatedDict
from import Attempt, Data, Score, Song, UserID
from import Attempt, Data, Config, Score, Song, UserID
from bemani.frontend.base import FrontendBase
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class SoundVoltexFrontend(FrontendBase):
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Dict[str, Any], cache: Cache) -> None:
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Config, cache: Cache) -> None:
super().__init__(data, config, cache)
def all_games(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[GameConstants, int, str]]:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ var card_management = React.createClass({
new_arcade: {
name: '',
description: '',
region: window.default_region,
paseli_enabled: window.paseli_enabled,
paseli_infinite: window.paseli_infinite,
mask_services_url: window.mask_services_url,
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ var card_management = React.createClass({
new_arcade: {
name: '',
description: '',
region: window.default_region,
paseli_enabled: window.paseli_enabled,
paseli_infinite: window.paseli_infinite,
mask_services_url: window.mask_services_url,
@ -182,6 +184,23 @@ var card_management = React.createClass({
renderRegion: function(arcade) {
if (this.state.editing_arcade && == {
return <SelectInt
value={ this.state.editing_arcade.region }
choices={ window.regions }
onChange={function(choice) {
var arcade = this.state.editing_arcade;
arcade.region =;
this.setState({editing_arcade: arcade});
} else {
return <span>{ window.regions[arcade.region] }</span>;
sortDescription: function(a, b) {
return a.description.localeCompare(b.description);
@ -309,6 +328,10 @@ var card_management = React.createClass({
render: this.renderDescription,
sort: this.sortDescription,
name: "Region",
render: this.renderRegion,
name: 'Owners',
render: this.renderOwners,
@ -344,6 +367,7 @@ var card_management = React.createClass({
<th>PASELI Enabled</th>
<th>PASELI Infinite</th>
@ -377,6 +401,18 @@ var card_management = React.createClass({
value={ this.state.new_arcade.region }
choices={ window.regions }
onChange={function(choice) {
var arcade = this.state.new_arcade;
arcade.region =;
this.setState({new_arcade: arcade});
||||, index) {
return (
@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ var arcade_management = React.createClass({
editing_pin: false,
new_pin: '',
region: window.arcade.region,
editing_region: false,
new_region: '',
paseli_enabled_saving: false,
paseli_infinite_saving: false,
mask_services_url_saving: false,
@ -103,6 +106,21 @@ var arcade_management = React.createClass({
saveRegion: function(event) {
{region: this.state.new_region},
function(response) {
region: response.region,
new_region: '',
editing_region: false,
getSettingIndex: function(setting_name) {
var real_index = -1;
||||, index) {
@ -296,6 +314,46 @@ var arcade_management = React.createClass({
renderRegion: function() {
return (
<LabelledSection vertical={true} label="Region">{
!this.state.editing_region ?
<span>{ window.regions[this.state.region] }</span>
onClick={function(event) {
this.setState({editing_region: true, new_region: this.state.region});
</span> :
<form className="inline" onSubmit={this.saveRegion}>
value={ this.state.new_region }
choices={ window.regions }
onChange={function(choice) {
onClick={function(event) {
new_region: '',
editing_region: false,
generateNewMachine: function(event) {
@ -478,6 +536,7 @@ var arcade_management = React.createClass({
<span className="placeholder">no description</span>
<LabelledSection vertical={true} label="PASELI Enabled">
<span>{ this.state.paseli_enabled ? 'yes' : 'no' }</span>
<Toggle onClick={this.togglePaseliEnabled.bind(this)} />
@ -314,12 +314,11 @@ var settings_view = React.createClass({
renderPrefecture: function(player) {
regions = this.state.version >= 25 ? Regions2 : Regions;
return (
<LabelledSection vertical={true} label="Prefecture">{
!this.state.editing_prefecture ?
onClick={function(event) {
this.setState({editing_prefecture: true});
@ -330,7 +329,7 @@ var settings_view = React.createClass({
onChange={function(choice) {
this.setState({new_prefecture: choice});
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
var Regions = [
"米国 (USA)",
"欧州 (Europe)",
"海外 (Other)",
Regions2 = [
"海外 (Other)",
@ -65,6 +65,8 @@
<dd>{{ 'yes' if config.paseli.enabled else 'no' }} (can be overridden by arcade settings)</dd>
<dt>Infinite PASELI Enabled</dt>
<dd>{{ 'yes' if config.paseli.infinite else 'no' }} (can be overridden by arcade settings)</dd>
<dt>Default Region</dt>
<dd>{{ region[config.server.region] }} (can be overridden by arcade settings)</dd>
<dt>Event Log Preservation Duration</dt>
<dd>{{ (config.event_log_duration|string + ' seconds') if config.event_log_duration else 'infinite' }}</dd>
@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ server:
# page. Note that this setting is irrelevant if PCBID enforcing is off.
# Set to 0 or delete this setting to disable self-granting PCBIDs.
pcbid_self_grant_limit: 0
# Default region for this network (set to USA by default). See RegionConstants
# for details on acceptible values. The range of accepted values is 1-56 matching
# the 56 normal regions found in RegionConstants, and 1000 for "Europe" and
# 2000 for "Other".
region: 56
# Webhook URLs. These allow for game scores from games with scorecard support to be broadcasted to outside services.
# Delete this to disable this support.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user