# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence from typing_extensions import Final from bemani.backend.base import Base from bemani.backend.core import CoreHandler, CardManagerHandler, PASELIHandler from bemani.common import ( Profile, ValidatedDict, Time, GameConstants, DBConstants, BroadcastConstants, Model, ) from bemani.data import UserID, Achievement, ScoreSaveException, Config, Data from bemani.protocol import Node class PopnMusicBase(CoreHandler, CardManagerHandler, PASELIHandler, Base): """ Base game class for all Pop'n Music versions. Handles common functionality for getting profiles based on refid, creating new profiles, looking up and saving scores. """ game: GameConstants = GameConstants.POPN_MUSIC # Play medals, as saved into/loaded from the DB PLAY_MEDAL_NO_PLAY: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_NO_PLAY PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_FAILED: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_FAILED PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_FAILED: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_FAILED PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_FAILED: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_FAILED PLAY_MEDAL_EASY_CLEAR: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_EASY_CLEAR PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_CLEARED: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_CLEARED PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_CLEARED: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_CLEARED PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_CLEARED: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_CLEARED PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_FULL_COMBO: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_FULL_COMBO PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_FULL_COMBO: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_FULL_COMBO PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_FULL_COMBO: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_FULL_COMBO PLAY_MEDAL_PERFECT: Final[int] = DBConstants.POPN_MUSIC_PLAY_MEDAL_PERFECT # Chart type, as saved into/loaded from the DB, and returned to game CHART_TYPE_EASY: Final[int] = 0 CHART_TYPE_NORMAL: Final[int] = 1 CHART_TYPE_HYPER: Final[int] = 2 CHART_TYPE_EX: Final[int] = 3 # Old profile lookup type, for loading profile by ID NEW_PROFILE_ONLY: Final[int] = 0 OLD_PROFILE_ONLY: Final[int] = 1 OLD_PROFILE_FALLTHROUGH: Final[int] = 2 # Pop'n Music in particular requires non-expired profiles to do conversions # properly. supports_expired_profiles: bool = False def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Config, model: Model) -> None: super().__init__(data, config, model) if model.rev == "X": self.omnimix = True else: self.omnimix = False @property def music_version(self) -> int: if self.omnimix: return DBConstants.OMNIMIX_VERSION_BUMP + self.version return self.version def previous_version(self) -> Optional["PopnMusicBase"]: """ Returns the previous version of the game, based on this game. Should be overridden. """ return None def format_profile(self, userid: UserID, profile: Profile) -> Node: """ Base handler for a profile. Given a userid and a profile dictionary, return a Node representing a profile. Should be overridden. """ return Node.void("playerdata") def format_conversion(self, userid: UserID, profile: Profile) -> Node: """ Base handler for profile conversion. Given a userid and a profile dictionary, return a node which represents the converted profile for the next version of this game. Games will call previous_version to get a game class of their previous game version, and then will call format_conversion on that previous version to get the profile to migrate. """ return Node.void("playerdata") def unformat_profile(self, userid: UserID, request: Node, oldprofile: Profile) -> Profile: """ Base handler for profile parsing. Given a request and an old profile, return a new profile that's been updated with the contents of the request. Should be overridden. """ return oldprofile def get_profile_by_refid(self, refid: Optional[str], load_mode: int) -> Optional[Node]: """ Given a RefID, return a formatted profile node. Basically every game needs a profile lookup, even if it handles where that happens in a different request. This is provided for code deduplication. This method handles delegating to either format_profile, or looking up the previous game and calling format_conversion, whenever necessary. """ if refid is None: return None userid = self.data.remote.user.from_refid(self.game, self.version, refid) if userid is None: # User doesn't exist but should at this point return None if load_mode == self.OLD_PROFILE_ONLY: # Trying to import from older version oldversion = self.previous_version() profile = oldversion.get_profile(userid) if profile is None: return None return self.format_conversion(userid, profile) elif load_mode == self.NEW_PROFILE_ONLY: # Trying to import from current version profile = self.get_profile(userid) if profile is None: return None return self.format_profile(userid, profile) elif load_mode == self.OLD_PROFILE_FALLTHROUGH: # Try to load from current, if that fails try to load previous profile = self.get_profile(userid) if profile is not None: return self.format_profile(userid, profile) oldversion = self.previous_version() oldprofile = oldversion.get_profile(userid) if oldprofile is not None: return self.format_conversion(userid, oldprofile) return None else: # Unknown value raise Exception("Unrecognized value for get profile!") def new_profile_by_refid( self, refid: Optional[str], name: Optional[str], chara: Optional[int] = None, achievements: Sequence[Achievement] = (), ) -> Node: """ Given a RefID and an optional name, create a profile and then return a formatted profile node. Similar rationale to get_profile_by_refid. """ if refid is None: return None if name is None: name = "なし" userid = self.data.remote.user.from_refid(self.game, self.version, refid) if userid is None: raise Exception("Logic error! Didn't find user to tie profile to!") profile = Profile( self.game, self.version, refid, 0, { "name": name, }, ) if chara is not None: profile.replace_int("chara", chara) self.put_profile(userid, profile) for achievement in achievements: self.data.local.user.put_achievement( self.game, self.version, userid, achievement.id, achievement.type, achievement.data, ) return self.format_profile(userid, profile) def update_score( self, userid: UserID, songid: int, chart: int, points: int, medal: int, combo: Optional[int] = None, stats: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, ) -> None: """ Given various pieces of a score, update the user's high score and score history in a controlled manner, so all games in Pop'n series can expect the same attributes in a score. Note that the medals passed here are expected to be converted from game identifier to our internal identifier, so that any game in the series may convert them back. In this way, a song played on Pop'n 22 that exists in Pop'n 19 will still have scores/medals going back all versions. """ # Range check medals if medal not in [ self.PLAY_MEDAL_NO_PLAY, self.PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_FAILED, self.PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_FAILED, self.PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_FAILED, self.PLAY_MEDAL_EASY_CLEAR, self.PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_CLEARED, self.PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_CLEARED, self.PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_CLEARED, self.PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_FULL_COMBO, self.PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_FULL_COMBO, self.PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_FULL_COMBO, self.PLAY_MEDAL_PERFECT, ]: raise Exception(f"Invalid medal value {medal}") oldscore = self.data.local.music.get_score( self.game, self.music_version, userid, songid, chart, ) # Score history is verbatum, instead of highest score history = ValidatedDict({}) oldpoints = points if oldscore is None: # If it is a new score, create a new dictionary to add to scoredata = ValidatedDict({}) raised = True highscore = True else: # Set the score to any new record achieved raised = points > oldscore.points highscore = points >= oldscore.points points = max(points, oldscore.points) scoredata = oldscore.data # Replace medal with highest value scoredata.replace_int("medal", max(scoredata.get_int("medal"), medal)) history.replace_int("medal", medal) if stats is not None: if raised: # We have stats, and there's a new high score, update the stats scoredata.replace_dict("stats", stats) history.replace_dict("stats", stats) if combo is not None: # If we have a combo, replace it scoredata.replace_int("combo", max(scoredata.get_int("combo"), combo)) history.replace_int("combo", combo) # Look up where this score was earned lid = self.get_machine_id() # Pop'n Music for all versions before Lapistoria sends all of the songs # a player played at the end of the round. It doesn't send timestamps # for those songs (Jubeat does). So, if a user plays the same song/chart # more than once in a round, we will end up failing to store the attempt # since we don't allow two of the same attempt at the same time for the # same user and song/chart. So, bump the timestamp by one second and retry # well past the maximum number of songs. now = Time.now() for bump in range(10): timestamp = now + bump # Write the new score back self.data.local.music.put_score( self.game, self.music_version, userid, songid, chart, lid, points, scoredata, highscore, timestamp=timestamp, ) try: # Save the history of this score too self.data.local.music.put_attempt( self.game, self.music_version, userid, songid, chart, lid, oldpoints, history, raised, timestamp=timestamp, ) except ScoreSaveException: # Try again one second in the future continue # We saved successfully break def broadcast_score( self, userid: UserID, songid: int, chart: int, medal: int, points: int, combo: int, stats: Dict[str, int], ) -> None: # Generate scorecard profile = self.get_profile(userid) song = self.data.local.music.get_song(self.game, self.music_version, songid, chart) card_medal = { self.PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_FAILED: "Failed", self.PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_FAILED: "Failed", self.PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_FAILED: "Failed", self.PLAY_MEDAL_EASY_CLEAR: "Cleared", self.PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_CLEARED: "Cleared", self.PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_CLEARED: "Cleared", self.PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_CLEARED: "Cleared", self.PLAY_MEDAL_CIRCLE_FULL_COMBO: "Full Combo", self.PLAY_MEDAL_DIAMOND_FULL_COMBO: "Full Combo", self.PLAY_MEDAL_STAR_FULL_COMBO: "Full Combo", self.PLAY_MEDAL_PERFECT: "Perfect", }[medal] card_chart = { self.CHART_TYPE_EASY: "Easy", self.CHART_TYPE_NORMAL: "Normal", self.CHART_TYPE_HYPER: "Hyper", self.CHART_TYPE_EX: "Ex", }[chart] # Construct the dictionary for the broadcast card_data = { BroadcastConstants.PLAYER_NAME: profile.get_str("name", "なし"), BroadcastConstants.SONG_NAME: song.name, BroadcastConstants.ARTIST_NAME: song.artist, BroadcastConstants.DIFFICULTY: card_chart, BroadcastConstants.SCORE: str(points), BroadcastConstants.MEDAL: card_medal, BroadcastConstants.COOLS: str(stats["cool"]), BroadcastConstants.GREATS: str(stats["great"]), BroadcastConstants.GOODS: str(stats["good"]), BroadcastConstants.BADS: str(stats["bad"]), BroadcastConstants.COMBO: str(combo), } # Try to broadcast out the score to our webhook(s) self.data.triggers.broadcast_score(card_data, self.game, song)