# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 from typing import Dict, Optional from typing_extensions import Final from bemani.backend.base import Base from bemani.backend.core import CoreHandler, CardManagerHandler, PASELIHandler from bemani.common import Profile, ValidatedDict, GameConstants, DBConstants, Parallel from bemani.data import UserID from bemani.protocol import Node class SoundVoltexBase(CoreHandler, CardManagerHandler, PASELIHandler, Base): """ Base game class for all Sound Voltex version that we support. """ game: GameConstants = GameConstants.SDVX CLEAR_TYPE_NO_PLAY: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_CLEAR_TYPE_NO_PLAY CLEAR_TYPE_FAILED: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_CLEAR_TYPE_FAILED CLEAR_TYPE_CLEAR: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_CLEAR_TYPE_CLEAR CLEAR_TYPE_HARD_CLEAR: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_CLEAR_TYPE_HARD_CLEAR CLEAR_TYPE_ULTIMATE_CHAIN: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_CLEAR_TYPE_ULTIMATE_CHAIN CLEAR_TYPE_PERFECT_ULTIMATE_CHAIN: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_CLEAR_TYPE_PERFECT_ULTIMATE_CHAIN GRADE_NO_PLAY: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_NO_PLAY GRADE_D: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_D GRADE_C: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_C GRADE_B: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_B GRADE_A: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_A GRADE_A_PLUS: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_A_PLUS GRADE_AA: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_AA GRADE_AA_PLUS: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_AA_PLUS GRADE_AAA: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_AAA GRADE_AAA_PLUS: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_AAA_PLUS GRADE_S: Final[int] = DBConstants.SDVX_GRADE_S CHART_TYPE_NOVICE: Final[int] = 0 CHART_TYPE_ADVANCED: Final[int] = 1 CHART_TYPE_EXHAUST: Final[int] = 2 CHART_TYPE_INFINITE: Final[int] = 3 CHART_TYPE_MAXIMUM: Final[int] = 4 def previous_version(self) -> Optional['SoundVoltexBase']: """ Returns the previous version of the game, based on this game. Should be overridden. """ return None def get_profile_by_refid(self, refid: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Node]: """ Given a RefID, return a formatted profile node. Basically every game needs a profile lookup, even if it handles where that happens in a different request. This is provided for code deduplication. """ if refid is None: return None # First try to load the actual profile userid = self.data.remote.user.from_refid(self.game, self.version, refid) profile = self.get_profile(userid) if profile is None: return None # Now, return it return self.format_profile(userid, profile) def new_profile_by_refid(self, refid: Optional[str], name: Optional[str], locid: Optional[int]) -> Node: """ Given a RefID and an optional name, create a profile and then return a formatted profile node. Similar rationale to get_profile_by_refid. """ if refid is None: return None if name is None: name = 'NONAME' # First, create and save the default profile userid = self.data.remote.user.from_refid(self.game, self.version, refid) profile = Profile( self.game, self.version, refid, 0, { 'name': name, 'loc': locid, }, ) self.put_profile(userid, profile) return self.format_profile(userid, profile) def format_profile(self, userid: UserID, profile: Profile) -> Node: """ Base handler for a profile. Given a userid and a profile dictionary, return a Node representing a profile. Should be overridden. """ return Node.void('game') def unformat_profile(self, userid: UserID, request: Node, oldprofile: Profile) -> Profile: """ Base handler for profile parsing. Given a request and an old profile, return a new profile that's been updated with the contents of the request. Should be overridden. """ return oldprofile def get_clear_rates(self) -> Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[str, int]]]: """ Returns a dictionary similar to the following: { musicid: { chart: { total: total plays, clears: total clears, average: average score, }, }, } """ all_attempts, remote_attempts = Parallel.execute([ lambda: self.data.local.music.get_all_attempts( game=self.game, version=self.version, ), lambda: self.data.remote.music.get_clear_rates( game=self.game, version=self.version, ) ]) attempts: Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[str, int]]] = {} for (_, attempt) in all_attempts: # Terrible temporary structure is terrible. if attempt.id not in attempts: attempts[attempt.id] = {} if attempt.chart not in attempts[attempt.id]: attempts[attempt.id][attempt.chart] = { 'total': 0, 'clears': 0, 'average': 0, } # We saw an attempt, keep the total attempts in sync. attempts[attempt.id][attempt.chart]['average'] = int( ( (attempts[attempt.id][attempt.chart]['average'] * attempts[attempt.id][attempt.chart]['total']) + attempt.points ) / (attempts[attempt.id][attempt.chart]['total'] + 1) ) attempts[attempt.id][attempt.chart]['total'] += 1 if attempt.data.get_int('clear_type', self.CLEAR_TYPE_NO_PLAY) in [self.CLEAR_TYPE_NO_PLAY, self.CLEAR_TYPE_FAILED]: # This attempt was a failure, so don't count it against clears of full combos continue # It was at least a clear attempts[attempt.id][attempt.chart]['clears'] += 1 # Merge in remote attempts for songid in remote_attempts: if songid not in attempts: attempts[songid] = {} for songchart in remote_attempts[songid]: if songchart not in attempts[songid]: attempts[songid][songchart] = { 'total': 0, 'clears': 0, 'average': 0, } attempts[songid][songchart]['total'] += remote_attempts[songid][songchart]['plays'] attempts[songid][songchart]['clears'] += remote_attempts[songid][songchart]['clears'] return attempts def update_score( self, userid: Optional[UserID], songid: int, chart: int, points: int, clear_type: int, grade: int, combo: int, stats: Optional[Dict[str, int]]=None, ) -> None: """ Given various pieces of a score, update the user's high score and score history in a controlled manner, so all games in SDVX series can expect the same attributes in a score. """ # Range check clear type if clear_type not in [ self.CLEAR_TYPE_NO_PLAY, self.CLEAR_TYPE_FAILED, self.CLEAR_TYPE_CLEAR, self.CLEAR_TYPE_HARD_CLEAR, self.CLEAR_TYPE_ULTIMATE_CHAIN, self.CLEAR_TYPE_PERFECT_ULTIMATE_CHAIN, ]: raise Exception(f"Invalid clear type value {clear_type}") # Range check grade if grade not in [ self.GRADE_NO_PLAY, self.GRADE_D, self.GRADE_C, self.GRADE_B, self.GRADE_A, self.GRADE_A_PLUS, self.GRADE_AA, self.GRADE_AA_PLUS, self.GRADE_AAA, self.GRADE_AAA_PLUS, self.GRADE_S, ]: raise Exception(f"Invalid clear type value {grade}") if userid is not None: oldscore = self.data.local.music.get_score( self.game, self.version, userid, songid, chart, ) else: oldscore = None # Score history is verbatum, instead of highest score history = ValidatedDict({}) oldpoints = points if oldscore is None: # If it is a new score, create a new dictionary to add to scoredata = ValidatedDict({}) raised = True highscore = True else: # Set the score to any new record achieved raised = points > oldscore.points highscore = points >= oldscore.points points = max(oldscore.points, points) scoredata = oldscore.data # Replace clear type and grade scoredata.replace_int('clear_type', max(scoredata.get_int('clear_type'), clear_type)) history.replace_int('clear_type', clear_type) scoredata.replace_int('grade', max(scoredata.get_int('grade'), grade)) history.replace_int('grade', grade) # If we have a combo, replace it scoredata.replace_int('combo', max(scoredata.get_int('combo'), combo)) history.replace_int('combo', combo) # If we have play stats, replace it if stats is not None: if raised: # We have stats, and there's a new high score, update the stats scoredata.replace_dict('stats', stats) history.replace_dict('stats', stats) # Look up where this score was earned lid = self.get_machine_id() if userid is not None: # Write the new score back self.data.local.music.put_score( self.game, self.version, userid, songid, chart, lid, points, scoredata, highscore, ) # Save the history of this score too self.data.local.music.put_attempt( self.game, self.version, userid, songid, chart, lid, oldpoints, history, raised, )