#! /bin/bash declare -a arr=( "api" "afputils" "arcutils" "bemanishark" "binutils" "cardconvert" "dbutils" "frontend" "ifsutils" "iidxutils" "jsx" "proxy" "psmap" "read" "replay" "responsegen" "sampleclient" "scheduler" "services" "struct" "trafficgen" "twodxutils" ) declare -a cmdline=() for project in "${arr[@]}" do cmdline+=('-m') cmdline+=("bemani.utils.$project") done for test in `find bemani/tests/ -name "test_*.py" | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed 's,\.py,,'` do cmdline+=('-m') cmdline+=("bemani.tests.$test") done MYPYPATH=$(python -c "import os; print(os.path.realpath('.'))") mypy \ "${cmdline[@]}" \ --warn-redundant-casts \ --warn-unused-ignores \ --warn-unused-configs \ --warn-unreachable \ --disallow-untyped-calls \ --disallow-untyped-defs \ --disallow-subclassing-any \ --disallow-incomplete-defs \ --disallow-untyped-decorators \ --check-untyped-defs \ --strict-equality \ --no-implicit-reexport \ --no-implicit-optional \ --no-strict-optional # Currently we are missing the following options to make us "strict": # --disallow-any-generics - Currently impossible to type certain generics such as Callable. # --warn-return-any - This finds a lot of code that we know is correct but mypy can't prove, not worth it. # We also would want to get rid of the following options: # --no-strict-optional - We have a lot of code that doesn't check but should check for optional.