import struct from PIL import Image from typing import Optional from bemani.format.dxt import DXTBuffer class TDXT: def __init__( self, header_flags1: int, header_flags2: int, header_flags3: int, width: int, height: int, fmt: int, fmtflags: int, endian: str, length_fixup: bool, raw: bytes, img: Optional[Image.Image], ) -> None: self.header_flags1 = header_flags1 self.header_flags2 = header_flags2 self.header_flags3 = header_flags3 self.width = width self.height = height self.fmt = fmt self.fmtflags = fmtflags self.endian = endian self.length_fixup = length_fixup self.__raw = raw self.__img = img @property def raw(self) -> bytes: return self.__raw @raw.setter def raw(self, newdata: bytes) -> None: self.__raw = newdata newimg = self._rawToImg(self.width, self.height, self.fmt, self.endian, newdata) width, height = newimg.size if width != self.width or height != self.height: raise Exception("Unsupported texture resize operation for TDXT file!") self.__img = newimg @property def img(self) -> Optional[Image.Image]: return self.__img @img.setter def img(self, newimg: Image.Image) -> None: self.__img = newimg self.__raw = self._imgToRaw(newimg) @staticmethod def fromBytes(raw_data: bytes) -> "TDXT": # First, check the endianness. (magic,) = struct.unpack_from("4s", raw_data) if magic == b"TDXT": endian = "<" elif magic == b"TXDT": endian = ">" else: raise Exception("Unexpected texture format!") ( magic, header_flags1, header_flags2, raw_length, width, height, fmtflags, expected_zero1, expected_zero2, ) = struct.unpack( f"{endian}4sIIIHHIII", raw_data[0:32], ) # Standalone TDXT files don't include the header in the length. Embedded ones # inside a TXP2 file do. Ugh. if raw_length == len(raw_data): length_fixup = False elif (raw_length + 64) == len(raw_data): length_fixup = True else: raise Exception("Invalid texture length!") # I have only ever observed the following values across two different games. # Don't want to keep the chunk around so let's assert our assumptions. if (expected_zero1 | expected_zero2) != 0: raise Exception("Found unexpected non-zero value in texture header!") if raw_data[32:44] != b"\0" * 12: raise Exception("Found unexpected non-zero value in texture header!") # This is almost ALWAYS 3, but I've seen it be 1 as well, so I guess we have to # round-trip it if we want to write files back out. I have no clue what it's for. # I've seen it be 1 only on files used for fonts so far, but I am not sure there # is any correlation there. header_flags3 = struct.unpack(f"{endian}I", raw_data[44:48])[0] if raw_data[48:64] != b"\0" * 16: raise Exception("Found unexpected non-zero value in texture header!") fmt = fmtflags & 0xFF # Extract flags that the game cares about. # flags1 = (fmtflags >> 24) & 0xFF # flags2 = (fmtflags >> 16) & 0xFF # unk1 = 3 if (flags1 & 0xF == 1) else 1 # unk2 = 3 if ((flags1 >> 4) & 0xF == 1) else 1 # unk3 = 1 if (flags2 & 0xF == 1) else 2 # unk4 = 1 if ((flags2 >> 4) & 0xF == 1) else 2 # Convert texture to image if possible, create structure. return TDXT( header_flags1=header_flags1, header_flags2=header_flags2, header_flags3=header_flags3, width=width, height=height, fmt=fmt, fmtflags=fmtflags & 0xFFFFFF00, endian=endian, length_fixup=length_fixup, raw=raw_data[64:], img=TDXT._rawToImg(width, height, fmt, endian, raw_data[64:]), ) @staticmethod def _rawToImg( width: int, height: int, fmt: int, endian: str, raw_data: bytes ) -> Optional[Image.Image]: # Since the AFP file format can be found in both big and little endian, its # possible that some of these loaders might need byteswapping on some platforms. # This has been tested on files intended for X86 (little endian) as well as PS3 # (big endian). I've found that the "correct" thing to do is always treat data as # little-endian instead of the determined endianness of the file. But, this could # also be broken per-game, so I'm not entirely sure this is fully possible to do # generically. However, what's here has been tested across a broad range of games # and does seem to work. if fmt == 0x01: # As far as I can tell, this is 8 bit grayscale. Decoding as such results in # images that are recognizeable and look correct. img = Image.frombytes( "L", (width, height), raw_data, "raw", "L", ) elif fmt == 0x0B: # 16-bit 565 color RGB format. Game references D3D9 texture format 23 (R5G6B5). newdata = [] for i in range(width * height): pixel = struct.unpack( "> 0) & 0x1F) << 3 green = ((pixel >> 5) & 0x3F) << 2 blue = ((pixel >> 11) & 0x1F) << 3 # Scale the colors so they fill the entire 8 bit range. red = red | (red >> 5) green = green | (green >> 6) blue = blue | (blue >> 5) newdata.append(struct.pack("> 15) & 0x1) != 0 else 0 red = ((pixel >> 0) & 0x1F) << 3 green = ((pixel >> 5) & 0x1F) << 3 blue = ((pixel >> 10) & 0x1F) << 3 # Scale the colors so they fill the entire 8 bit range. red = red | (red >> 5) green = green | (green >> 5) blue = blue | (blue >> 5) newdata.append(struct.pack("> 0) & 0xF) << 4 green = ((pixel >> 4) & 0xF) << 4 red = ((pixel >> 8) & 0xF) << 4 alpha = ((pixel >> 12) & 0xF) << 4 # Scale the colors so they fill the entire 8 bit range. red = red | (red >> 4) green = green | (green >> 4) blue = blue | (blue >> 4) alpha = alpha | (alpha >> 4) newdata.append(struct.pack(" bytes: # Construct the TDXT texture format from our parsed results. if self.endian == "<": magic = b"TDXT" elif self.endian == ">": magic = b"TXDT" else: raise Exception("Unexpected texture format!") fmtflags = (self.fmtflags & 0xFFFFFF00) | (self.fmt & 0xFF) return ( struct.pack( f"{self.endian}4sIIIHHIII", magic, self.header_flags1, self.header_flags2, # Some files include the header in the length, some do not. We detect this # in the header, and round-trip it here. len(self.raw) if self.length_fixup else (64 + len(self.raw)), self.width, self.height, fmtflags, 0, 0, ) + (b"\0" * 12) + struct.pack( f"{self.endian}I", self.header_flags3, ) + (b"\0" * 16) + self.raw ) def _imgToRaw(self, imgdata: Image.Image) -> bytes: width, height = imgdata.size if width != self.width or height != self.height: raise Exception("Unsupported texture resize operation for TDXT file!") if self.fmt == 0x0B: # 16-bit 565 color RGB format. raw = b"".join( struct.pack( "> 3) & 0x1F) << 11) | (((pixel[1] >> 2) & 0x3F) << 5) | ((pixel[2] >> 3) & 0x1F) ), ) for pixel in imgdata.getdata() ) elif self.fmt == 0x13: # 16-bit A1R5G55 texture format. raw = b"".join( struct.pack( "= 128 else 0x0000) | (((pixel[0] >> 3) & 0x1F) << 10) | (((pixel[1] >> 3) & 0x1F) << 5) | ((pixel[2] >> 3) & 0x1F) ), ) for pixel in imgdata.getdata() ) elif self.fmt == 0x1F: # 16-bit 4-4-4-4 RGBA format. raw = b"".join( struct.pack( "> 4) & 0xF) | (((pixel[1] >> 4) & 0xF) << 4) | (((pixel[0] >> 4) & 0xF) << 8) | (((pixel[3] >> 4) & 0xF) << 12) ), ) for pixel in imgdata.getdata() ) elif self.fmt == 0x20: # 32-bit RGBA format, stored in BGRA order. raw = b"".join( struct.pack( "