from typing import Optional from typing_extensions import Final from bemani.backend.base import Base, Status from bemani.protocol import Node from bemani.common import Time, CardCipher class PASELIHandler(Base): """ A mixin that can be used to provide PASELI services to a game. """ INFINITE_PASELI_AMOUNT: Final[int] = 57300 """ Override this in your subclass if the particular game/series needs a different padding amount to display PASELI transactions on the operator menu. """ paseli_padding: int = 1 def handle_eacoin_request(self, request: Node) -> Optional[Node]: """ Handle PASELI requests. The game will check out a session at the beginning of the game, make PASELI purchases against that session, and then close it ad the end of of a game. This handler ensures that this works for all games. """ method = request.attribute('method') if not self.config.paseli.enabled: # Refuse to respond, we don't have PASELI enabled print("PASELI not enabled, ignoring eacoin request") root = Node.void('eacoin') root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NOT_ALLOWED)) return root if method == 'checkin': root = Node.void('eacoin') cardid = request.child_value('cardid') pin = request.child_value('passwd') if cardid is None or pin is None: # Refuse to return anything print("Invalid eacoin checkin request, missing cardid or pin") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NO_PROFILE)) return root userid = if userid is None: # Refuse to do anything print("No user for eacoin checkin request") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NO_PROFILE)) return root valid =, pin) if not valid: # Refuse to do anything print("User entered invalid pin for eacoin checkin request") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.INVALID_PIN)) return root session = if self.config.paseli.infinite: balance = PASELIHandler.INFINITE_PASELI_AMOUNT else: if self.config.machine.arcade is None: # There's no arcade for this machine, but infinite is not # enabled, so there's no way to find a balance. balance = 0 else: balance =, self.config.machine.arcade) root.add_child(Node.s16('sequence', 0)) root.add_child(Node.u8('acstatus', 0)) root.add_child(Node.string('acid', 'DUMMY_ID')) root.add_child(Node.string('acname', 'DUMMY_NAME')) root.add_child(Node.s32('balance', balance)) root.add_child(Node.string('sessid', session)) return root if method == 'opcheckin': root = Node.void('eacoin') passwd = request.child_value('passwd') if passwd is None: # Refuse to return anything print("Invalid eacoin checkin request, missing passwd") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NO_PROFILE)) return root if self.config.machine.arcade is None: # Machine doesn't belong to an arcade print("Machine doesn't belong to an arcade") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NO_PROFILE)) return root arcade = if arcade is None: # Refuse to do anything print("No arcade for operator checkin request") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NO_PROFILE)) return root if != passwd: # Refuse to do anything print("User entered invalid pin for operator checkin request") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.INVALID_PIN)) return root session = root.add_child(Node.string('sessid', session)) return root elif method == 'consume': def make_resp(status: int, balance: int) -> Node: root = Node.void('eacoin') root.add_child(Node.u8('acstatus', status)) root.add_child(Node.u8('autocharge', 0)) root.add_child(Node.s32('balance', balance)) return root session = request.child_value('sessid') payment = request.child_value('payment') service = request.child_value('service') details = request.child_value('detail') if session is None or payment is None: # Refuse to do anything print("Invalid eacoin consume request, missing sessid or payment") return make_resp(2, 0) userid = if userid is None: # Refuse to do anything print("Invalid session for eacoin consume request") return make_resp(2, 0) if self.config.paseli.infinite: balance = PASELIHandler.INFINITE_PASELI_AMOUNT - payment else: if self.config.machine.arcade is None: # There's no arcade for this machine, but infinite is not # enabled, so there's no way to find a balance, assume failed # consume payment. balance = None else: # Look up the new balance based on this delta. If there isn't enough, # we will end up returning None here and exit without performing. balance =, self.config.machine.arcade, -payment) if balance is None: print("Not enough balance for eacoin consume request") return make_resp(1,, self.config.machine.arcade)) else: 'paseli_transaction', { 'delta': -payment, 'balance': balance, 'service': -service, 'reason': details, 'pcbid': self.config.machine.pcbid, }, userid=userid, arcadeid=self.config.machine.arcade, ) return make_resp(0, balance) elif method == 'getlog': root = Node.void('eacoin') sessid = request.child_value('sessid') logtype = request.child_value('logtype') target = request.child_value('target') limit = request.child_value('perpage') offset = request.child_value('offset') # Try to determine whether its a user or an arcade session userid = if userid is None: arcadeid = else: arcadeid = None # Bail out if we don't have any idea what session this is if userid is None and arcadeid is None: print("Unable to determine session type") return root # If we're a user session, also look up the current arcade # so we display only entries that happened on this arcade. if userid is not None: arcade = if arcade is None: print("Machine doesn't belong to an arcade") return root arcadeid = # Now, look up all transactions for this specific group events = userid=userid, arcadeid=arcadeid, event='paseli_transaction', ) # Further filter it down to the current PCBID events = [event for event in events if'pcbid') == target] # Grab the end of day today as a timestamp end_of_today = Time.end_of_today() time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' # Set up common structure lognode = Node.void(logtype) topic = Node.void('topic') lognode.add_child(topic) summary = Node.void('summary') lognode.add_child(summary) # Display what day we are summed to topic.add_child(Node.string('sumdate', Time.format(, date_format))) if logtype == 'last7days': # We show today in the today total, last 7 days prior in the week total beginning_of_today = end_of_today - Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY end_of_week = beginning_of_today beginning_of_week = end_of_week - Time.SECONDS_IN_WEEK topic.add_child(Node.string('sumfrom', Time.format(beginning_of_week, date_format))) topic.add_child(Node.string('sumto', Time.format(end_of_week, date_format))) today_total = sum(['delta') for event in events if event.timestamp >= beginning_of_today and event.timestamp < end_of_today ]) today_total = sum(['delta') for event in events if event.timestamp >= beginning_of_today and event.timestamp < end_of_today ]) week_txns = ['delta') for event in events if event.timestamp >= beginning_of_week and event.timestamp < end_of_week ] week_total = sum(week_txns) if len(week_txns) > 0: week_avg = int(sum(week_txns) / len(week_txns)) else: week_avg = 0 # We display the totals for each day starting with yesterday and up through 7 days prior. # Index starts at 0 = yesterday, 1 = the day before, etc... items = [] for days in range(0, 7): end_of_day = end_of_week - (days * Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY) start_of_day = end_of_day - Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY items.append(sum(['delta') for event in events if event.timestamp >= start_of_day and event.timestamp < end_of_day ])) topic.add_child(Node.s32('today', today_total)) topic.add_child(Node.s32('average', week_avg)) topic.add_child(Node.s32('total', week_total)) summary.add_child(Node.s32_array('items', items)) if logtype == 'last52weeks': # Start one week back, since the operator can look at last7days for newer stuff. beginning_of_today = end_of_today - Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY end_of_52_weeks = beginning_of_today - Time.SECONDS_IN_WEEK topic.add_child(Node.string('sumfrom', Time.format(end_of_52_weeks - (52 * Time.SECONDS_IN_WEEK), date_format))) topic.add_child(Node.string('sumto', Time.format(end_of_52_weeks, date_format))) # We index backwards, where index 0 = the first week back, 1 = the next week back after that, etc... items = [] for weeks in range(0, 52): end_of_range = end_of_52_weeks - (weeks * Time.SECONDS_IN_WEEK) beginning_of_range = end_of_range - Time.SECONDS_IN_WEEK items.append(sum(['delta') for event in events if event.timestamp >= beginning_of_range and event.timestamp < end_of_range ])) summary.add_child(Node.s32_array('items', items)) if logtype == 'eachday': start_ts = end_ts = weekdays = [0] * 7 for event in events: event_day = Time.days_into_week(event.timestamp) weekdays[event_day] = weekdays[event_day] -'delta') if event.timestamp < start_ts: start_ts = event.timestamp topic.add_child(Node.string('sumfrom', Time.format(start_ts, date_format))) topic.add_child(Node.string('sumto', Time.format(end_ts, date_format))) summary.add_child(Node.s32_array('items', weekdays)) if logtype == 'eachhour': start_ts = end_ts = hours = [0] * 24 for event in events: event_hour = int((event.timestamp % Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY) / Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR) hours[event_hour] = hours[event_hour] -'delta') if event.timestamp < start_ts: start_ts = event.timestamp topic.add_child(Node.string('sumfrom', Time.format(start_ts, date_format))) topic.add_child(Node.string('sumto', Time.format(end_ts, date_format))) summary.add_child(Node.s32_array('items', hours)) if logtype == 'detail': history = Node.void('history') lognode.add_child(history) # Respect details paging if offset is not None: events = events[offset:] if limit is not None: events = events[:limit] # Output the details themselves for event in events: card_no = '' if event.userid is not None: user = if user is not None: cards = if len(cards) > 0: card_no = CardCipher.encode(cards[0]) item = Node.void('item') history.add_child(item) item.add_child(Node.string('date', Time.format(event.timestamp, time_format))) item.add_child(Node.s32('consume','delta'))) item.add_child(Node.s32('service','service'))) item.add_child(Node.string('cardtype', '')) item.add_child(Node.string('cardno', ' ' * self.paseli_padding + card_no)) item.add_child(Node.string('title', '')) item.add_child(Node.string('systemid', '')) if logtype == 'lastmonths': year, month, _ = Time.todays_date() this_month = Time.timestamp_from_date(year, month) last_month = Time.timestamp_from_date(year, month - 1) month_before = Time.timestamp_from_date(year, month - 2) topic.add_child(Node.string('sumfrom', Time.format(month_before, date_format))) topic.add_child(Node.string('sumto', Time.format(this_month, date_format))) for (start, end) in [(month_before, last_month), (last_month, this_month)]: year, month, _ = Time.date_from_timestamp(start) items = [] for day in range(0, 31): begin_ts = start + (day * Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY) end_ts = begin_ts + Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY if begin_ts >= end: # Passed the end of this month items.append(0) else: # Sum up all the txns for this day items.append(sum(['delta') for event in events if event.timestamp >= begin_ts and event.timestamp < end_ts ])) item = Node.void('item') summary.add_child(item) item.add_child(Node.s32('year', year)) item.add_child(Node.s32('month', month)) item.add_child(Node.s32_array('items', items)) root.add_child(Node.u8('processing', 0)) root.add_child(lognode) return root elif method == 'opchpass': root = Node.void('eacoin') oldpass = request.child_value('passwd') newpass = request.child_value('newpasswd') if oldpass is None or newpass is None: # Refuse to return anything print("Invalid eacoin pass change request, missing passwd") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NO_PROFILE)) return root if self.config.machine.arcade is None: # Machine doesn't belong to an arcade print("Machine doesn't belong to an arcade") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NO_PROFILE)) return root arcade = if arcade is None: # Refuse to do anything print("No arcade for operator pass change request") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.NO_PROFILE)) return root if != oldpass: # Refuse to do anything print("User entered invalid pin for operator pass change request") root.set_attribute('status', str(Status.INVALID_PIN)) return root = newpass return root elif method == 'checkout': session = request.child_value('sessid') if session is not None: # Destroy the session so it can't be used for any other purchases root = Node.void('eacoin') return root elif method == 'opcheckout': session = request.child_value('sessid') if session is not None: # Destroy the session so it can't be used for any other purchases root = Node.void('eacoin') return root # Invalid method return None