import argparse import sys from typing import Any, Dict, Optional import yaml from bemani.client import ClientProtocol, BaseClient from bemani.client.iidx import ( IIDXTricoroClient, IIDXSpadaClient, IIDXPendualClient, IIDXCopulaClient, IIDXSinobuzClient, IIDXCannonBallersClient, IIDXRootageClient, ) from bemani.client.jubeat import ( JubeatSaucerClient, JubeatSaucerFulfillClient, JubeatPropClient, JubeatQubellClient, JubeatClanClient, JubeatFestoClient, ) from bemani.client.popn import ( PopnMusicTuneStreetClient, PopnMusicFantasiaClient, PopnMusicSunnyParkClient, PopnMusicLapistoriaClient, PopnMusicEclaleClient, PopnMusicUsaNekoClient, PopnMusicPeaceClient, PopnMusicKaimeiClient, ) from bemani.client.ddr import ( DDRX2Client, DDRX3Client, DDR2013Client, DDR2014Client, DDRAceClient, ) from bemani.client.sdvx import ( SoundVoltexBoothClient, SoundVoltexInfiniteInfectionClient, SoundVoltexGravityWarsS1Client, SoundVoltexGravityWarsS2Client, SoundVoltexHeavenlyHavenClient, ) from bemani.client.museca import ( Museca1Client, Museca1PlusClient, ) from bemani.client.reflec import ( ReflecBeat, ReflecBeatLimelight, ReflecBeatColette, ReflecBeatGroovinUpper, ReflecBeatVolzza, ReflecBeatVolzza2, ) from bemani.client.bishi import TheStarBishiBashiClient from bemani.client.mga.mga import MetalGearArcadeClient def get_client(proto: ClientProtocol, pcbid: str, game: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> BaseClient: if game == 'pnm-tune-street': return PopnMusicTuneStreetClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'pnm-fantasia': return PopnMusicFantasiaClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'pnm-sunny-park': return PopnMusicSunnyParkClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'pnm-lapistoria': return PopnMusicLapistoriaClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'pnm-eclale': return PopnMusicEclaleClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'pnm-usaneko': return PopnMusicUsaNekoClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'pnm-peace': return PopnMusicPeaceClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'pnm-kaimei': return PopnMusicKaimeiClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'jubeat-saucer': return JubeatSaucerClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'jubeat-saucer-fulfill': return JubeatSaucerFulfillClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'jubeat-prop': return JubeatPropClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'jubeat-qubell': return JubeatQubellClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'jubeat-clan': return JubeatClanClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'jubeat-festo': return JubeatFestoClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'iidx-rootage': return IIDXRootageClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'iidx-cannonballers': return IIDXCannonBallersClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'iidx-sinobuz': return IIDXSinobuzClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'iidx-copula': return IIDXCopulaClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'iidx-pendual': return IIDXPendualClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'iidx-spada': return IIDXSpadaClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'iidx-tricoro': return IIDXTricoroClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'bishi': return TheStarBishiBashiClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'ddr-x2': return DDRX2Client( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'ddr-x3': return DDRX3Client( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'ddr-2013': return DDR2013Client( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'ddr-2014': return DDR2014Client( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'ddr-ace': return DDRAceClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'sdvx-booth': return SoundVoltexBoothClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'sdvx-infinite-infection': return SoundVoltexInfiniteInfectionClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'sdvx-gravity-wars-s1': return SoundVoltexGravityWarsS1Client( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'sdvx-gravity-wars-s2': return SoundVoltexGravityWarsS2Client( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'sdvx-heavenly-haven': return SoundVoltexHeavenlyHavenClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'museca-1': return Museca1Client( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'museca-1+1/2': return Museca1PlusClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'reflec': return ReflecBeat( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'reflec-limelight': return ReflecBeatLimelight( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'reflec-colette': return ReflecBeatColette( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'reflec-groovin-upper': return ReflecBeatGroovinUpper( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'reflec-volzza': return ReflecBeatVolzza( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'reflec-volzza2': return ReflecBeatVolzza2( proto, pcbid, config, ) if game == 'metal-gear-arcade': return MetalGearArcadeClient( proto, pcbid, config, ) raise Exception(f'Unknown game {game}') def mainloop(address: str, port: int, configfile: str, action: str, game: str, cardid: Optional[str], verbose: bool) -> None: games = { 'pnm-tune-street': { 'name': "Pop'n Music Tune Street", 'model': "K39:J:B:A:2010122200", 'old_profile_model': "J39:J:A:A", 'avs': None, }, 'pnm-fantasia': { 'name': "Pop'n Music Fantasia", 'model': "L39:J:B:A:2012091900", 'old_profile_model': "K39:J:A:A", 'avs': "2.13.6 r4921", }, 'pnm-sunny-park': { 'name': "Pop'n Music Sunny Park", 'model': "M39:J:B:A:2014061900", 'old_profile_model': "L39:J:A:A", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'pnm-lapistoria': { 'name': "Pop'n Music Lapistoria", 'model': "M39:J:B:A:2015081900", 'old_profile_model': "M39:J:B:A", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'pnm-eclale': { 'name': "Pop'n Music Eclale", 'model': "M39:J:B:A:2016100500", 'old_profile_model': "M39:J:B:A", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'pnm-usaneko': { 'name': "Pop'n Music Usagi to Neko to Shounen no Yume", 'model': "M39:J:B:A:2018101500", 'old_profile_model': "M39:J:B:A", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'pnm-peace': { 'name': "Pop'n Music peace", 'model': "M39:J:B:A:2020092800", 'old_profile_model': "M39:J:B:A", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'pnm-kaimei': { 'name': "Pop'n Music Kaimei riddles", 'model': "M39:J:B:A:2022061300", 'old_profile_model': "M39:J:B:A", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'jubeat-saucer': { 'name': "Jubeat Saucer", 'model': "L44:J:A:A:2014012802", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'jubeat-saucer-fulfill': { 'name': "Jubeat Saucer Fulfill", 'model': "L44:J:B:A:2014111800", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'jubeat-prop': { 'name': "Jubeat Prop", 'model': "L44:J:B:A:2016031700", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'jubeat-qubell': { 'name': "Jubeat Qubell", 'model': "L44:J:D:A:2016111400", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'jubeat-clan': { 'name': "Jubeat Clan", 'model': "L44:J:E:A:2018070901", 'avs': "2.17.3 r8311", }, 'jubeat-festo': { 'name': "Jubeat Festo", 'model': "L44:J:B:A:2022052400", 'avs': "2.17.3 r8311", }, 'iidx-rootage': { 'name': "Beatmania IIDX ROOTAGE", 'model': "LDJ:J:A:A:2019090200", 'avs': "2.17.0 r7883" }, 'iidx-cannonballers': { 'name': "Beatmania IIDX CANNON BALLERS", 'model': "LDJ:J:A:A:2018091900", 'avs': "2.17.0 r7883" }, 'iidx-sinobuz': { 'name': "Beatmania IIDX SINOBUZ", 'model': "LDJ:J:A:A:2017082800", 'avs': "2.16.1 r6901", }, 'iidx-copula': { 'name': "Beatmania IIDX copula", 'model': "LDJ:J:A:A:2016083100", 'avs': "2.16.1 r6901", }, 'iidx-pendual': { 'name': "Beatmania IIDX PENDUAL", 'model': "LDJ:A:A:A:2015080500", 'avs': "2.16.1 r6901", }, 'iidx-spada': { 'name': "Beatmania IIDX SPADA", 'model': "LDJ:A:A:A:2014071600", 'avs': "2.16.1 r6901", }, 'iidx-tricoro': { 'name': "Beatmania IIDX Tricoro", 'model': "LDJ:J:A:A:2013090900", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'bishi': { 'name': "The★BishiBashi", 'model': "IBB:A:A:A:2009092900", 'avs': None, }, 'ddr-x2': { 'name': "DanceDanceRevolution X2", 'model': "JDX:J:A:A:2010111000", 'avs': None, }, 'ddr-x3': { 'name': "DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX", 'model': "KDX:J:A:A:2012112600", 'avs': "2.13.6 r4921", }, 'ddr-2013': { 'name': "DanceDanceRevolution (2013)", 'model': "MDX:J:A:A:2014032700", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'ddr-2014': { 'name': "DanceDanceRevolution (2014)", 'model': "MDX:A:A:A:2015122100", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'ddr-ace': { 'name': "DanceDanceRevolution A", 'model': "MDX:U:D:A:2017121400", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'sdvx-booth': { 'name': "SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH", 'model': "KFC:J:A:A:2013052900", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'sdvx-infinite-infection': { 'name': "SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-", 'model': "KFC:J:A:A:2014102200", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'sdvx-gravity-wars-s1': { 'name': "SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS Season 1", 'model': "KFC:J:A:A:2015111602", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'sdvx-gravity-wars-s2': { 'name': "SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS Season 2", 'model': "KFC:J:A:A:2016121900", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'sdvx-heavenly-haven': { 'name': "SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN", 'model': "KFC:J:A:A:2019020600", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'museca-1': { 'name': "MÚSECA", 'model': "PIX:J:A:A:2016071300", 'avs': "2.17.0 r7883", }, 'museca-1+1/2': { 'name': "MÚSECA 1+1/2", 'model': "PIX:J:A:A:2017042600", 'avs': "2.17.0 r7883", }, 'reflec': { 'name': "REFLEC BEAT", 'model': "KBR:A:A:A:2011112300", 'avs': None, }, 'reflec-limelight': { 'name': "REFLEC BEAT limelight", 'model': "LBR:A:A:A:2012082900", 'avs': "2.13.6 r4921", }, 'reflec-colette': { 'name': "REFLEC BEAT colette", 'model': "MBR:J:A:A:2014011600", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'reflec-groovin-upper': { 'name': "REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper", 'model': "MBR:J:A:A:2015102100", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'reflec-volzza': { 'name': "REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA", 'model': "MBR:J:A:A:2016030200", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'reflec-volzza2': { 'name': "REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2", 'model': "MBR:J:A:A:2016100400", 'avs': "2.15.8 r6631", }, 'metal-gear-arcade': { 'name': "Metal Gear Arcade", 'model': "I36:J:A:A:2011092900", 'avs': None, }, } if action == 'list': for game in sorted([game for game in games]): print(f'{game} - {games[game]["name"]}') sys.exit(0) if action == 'game': if game not in games: print(f'Unknown game {game}') sys.exit(2) config = yaml.safe_load(open(configfile)) print(f'Emulating {games[game]["name"]}') emu = get_client( ClientProtocol( address, port, config['core']['encryption'], config['core']['compression'], verbose, ), config['core']['pcbid'], game, games[game], ) emu.verify(cardid) def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A utility to generate game-like traffic for testing an eAmusement server.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="Port to talk to. Defaults to 80", type=int, default=80) parser.add_argument("-a", "--address", help="Address to talk to. Defaults to", type=str, default="") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="Core configuration. Defaults to trafficgen.yaml", type=str, default="trafficgen.yaml") parser.add_argument("-g", "--game", help="The game that should be emulated. Should be one of the games returned by --list", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", help="List all known games and exit.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-i", "--cardid", help="Use this card ID instead of a random one.", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Print packets that are sent/received.", action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() if args.list: action = 'list' game = None elif action = 'game' game = else: print("Unknown action to perform. Please specify --game or --list") sys.exit(1) game = { 'pnm-19': 'pnm-tune-street', 'pnm-20': 'pnm-fantasia', 'pnm-21': 'pnm-sunny-park', 'pnm-22': 'pnm-lapistoria', 'pnm-23': 'pnm-eclale', 'pnm-24': 'pnm-usaneko', 'pnm-25': 'pnm-peace', 'pnm-26': 'pnm-kaimei', 'iidx-20': 'iidx-tricoro', 'iidx-21': 'iidx-spada', 'iidx-22': 'iidx-pendual', 'iidx-23': 'iidx-copula', 'iidx-24': 'iidx-sinobuz', 'iidx-25': 'iidx-cannonballers', 'iidx-26': 'iidx-rootage', 'jubeat-5': 'jubeat-saucer', 'jubeat-5+': 'jubeat-saucer-fulfill', 'jubeat-6': 'jubeat-prop', 'jubeat-7': 'jubeat-qubell', 'jubeat-8': 'jubeat-clan', 'jubeat-9': 'jubeat-festo', 'ddr-12': 'ddr-x2', 'ddr-13': 'ddr-x3', 'ddr-14': 'ddr-2013', 'ddr-15': 'ddr-2014', 'ddr-16': 'ddr-ace', 'sdvx-1': 'sdvx-booth', 'sdvx-2': 'sdvx-infinite-infection', 'sdvx-3s1': 'sdvx-gravity-wars-s1', 'sdvx-3s2': 'sdvx-gravity-wars-s2', 'sdvx-4': 'sdvx-heavenly-haven', 'reflec-1': 'reflec', 'reflec-2': 'reflec-limelight', 'reflec-3': 'reflec-colette', 'reflec-4': 'reflec-groovin-upper', 'reflec-5': 'reflec-volzza', 'reflec-6': 'reflec-volzza2', 'mga': 'metal-gear-arcade', }.get(game, game) mainloop(args.address, args.port, args.config, action, game, args.cardid, args.verbose) if __name__ == '__main__': main()