import copy from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, UniqueConstraint # type: ignore from sqlalchemy.types import String, Integer, JSON # type: ignore from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import BIGINT as BigInteger # type: ignore from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Tuple, Any from bemani.common import ValidatedDict, Time from import BaseData, metadata from import UserID """ Table for storing logistical information about a player who's session is live. Mostly, this is used to store IP addresses and such for players that could potentially match. """ playsession = Table( # type: ignore 'playsession', metadata, Column('id', Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True), Column('game', String(32), nullable=False), Column('version', Integer, nullable=False), Column('userid', BigInteger(unsigned=True), nullable=False), Column('time', Integer, nullable=False, index=True), Column('data', JSON, nullable=False), UniqueConstraint('game', 'version', 'userid', name='game_version_userid'), mysql_charset='utf8mb4', ) """ Table for storing open lobbies for matching between games. """ lobby = Table( # type: ignore 'lobby', metadata, Column('id', Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True), Column('game', String(32), nullable=False), Column('version', Integer, nullable=False), Column('userid', BigInteger(unsigned=True), nullable=False), Column('time', Integer, nullable=False, index=True), Column('data', JSON, nullable=False), UniqueConstraint('game', 'version', 'userid', name='game_version_userid'), mysql_charset='utf8mb4', ) class LobbyData(BaseData): def get_play_session_info(self, game: str, version: int, userid: UserID) -> Optional[ValidatedDict]: """ Given a game, version and a user ID, look up play session information for that user. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. userid - Integer identifying a user, as possibly looked up by UserData. Returns: A dictionary representing play session info stored by a game class, or None if there is no active session for this game/version/user. The dictionary will always contain an 'id' field which is the play session ID, and a 'time' field which represents the timestamp when the play session began. """ sql = ( "SELECT id, time, data FROM playsession " "WHERE game = :game AND version = :version AND userid = :userid " "AND time > :time" ) cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'userid': userid, 'time': - Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR, }, ) if cursor.rowcount != 1: # Settings doesn't exist return None result = cursor.fetchone() data = ValidatedDict(self.deserialize(result['data'])) data['id'] = result['id'] data['time'] = result['time'] return data def get_all_play_session_infos(self, game: str, version: int) -> List[Tuple[UserID, ValidatedDict]]: """ Given a game and version, look up all play session information. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. Returns: A list of Tuples, consisting of a UserID and the dictionary that would be returned for that user if get_play_session_info() was called for that user. """ sql = ( "SELECT id, time, userid, data FROM playsession " "WHERE game = :game AND version = :version " "AND time > :time" ) cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'time': - Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR, }, ) ret = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): data = ValidatedDict(self.deserialize(result['data'])) data['id'] = result['id'] data['time'] = result['time'] ret.append((UserID(result['userid']), data)) return ret def put_play_session_info(self, game: str, version: int, userid: UserID, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Given a game, version and a user ID, save play session information for that user. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. userid - Integer identifying a user. data - A dictionary of play session information to store. """ data = copy.deepcopy(data) if 'id' in data: del data['id'] # Add json to player session sql = ( "INSERT INTO playsession (game, version, userid, time, data) " + "VALUES (:game, :version, :userid, :time, :data) " + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time=VALUES(time), data=VALUES(data)" ) self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'userid': userid, 'time':, 'data': self.serialize(data), }, ) def destroy_play_session_info(self, game: str, version: int, userid: UserID) -> None: """ Given a game, version and a user ID, throw away session info for that play session. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. userid - Integer identifying a user, as possibly looked up by UserData. """ # Kill this play session sql = ( "DELETE FROM playsession WHERE game = :game AND version = :version AND userid = :userid" ) self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'userid': userid, }, ) # Prune any orphaned lobbies too sql = "DELETE FROM playsession WHERE time <= :time" self.execute(sql, {'time': - Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR}) def get_lobby(self, game: str, version: int, userid: UserID) -> Optional[ValidatedDict]: """ Given a game, version and a user ID, look up lobby information for that user. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. userid - Integer identifying a user, as possibly looked up by UserData. Returns: A dictionary representing lobby info stored by a game class, or None if there is no active session for this game/version/user. The dictionary will always contain an 'id' field which is the lobby ID, and a 'time' field representing the timestamp the lobby was created. """ sql = ( "SELECT id, time, data FROM lobby " "WHERE game = :game AND version = :version AND userid = :userid " "AND time > :time" ) cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'userid': userid, 'time': - Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR, }, ) if cursor.rowcount != 1: # Settings doesn't exist return None result = cursor.fetchone() data = ValidatedDict(self.deserialize(result['data'])) data['id'] = result['id'] data['time'] = result['time'] return data def get_all_lobbies(self, game: str, version: int) -> List[Tuple[UserID, ValidatedDict]]: """ Given a game and version, look up all active lobbies. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. Returns: A list of dictionaries representing lobby info stored by a game class. """ sql = ( "SELECT userid, id, data FROM lobby " "WHERE game = :game AND version = :version AND time > :time" ) cursor = self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'time': - Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR, }, ) ret = [] for result in cursor.fetchall(): data = ValidatedDict(self.deserialize(result['data'])) data['id'] = result['id'] ret.append((UserID(result['userid']), data)) return ret def put_lobby(self, game: str, version: int, userid: UserID, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Given a game, version and a user ID, save lobby information for that user. Parameters: game - String identifying a game series. version - Integer identifying the version of the game in the series. userid - Integer identifying a user. data - A dictionary of lobby information to store. """ data = copy.deepcopy(data) if 'id' in data: del data['id'] # Add json to lobby sql = ( "INSERT INTO lobby (game, version, userid, time, data) " + "VALUES (:game, :version, :userid, :time, :data) " + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time=VALUES(time), data=VALUES(data)" ) self.execute( sql, { 'game': game, 'version': version, 'userid': userid, 'time':, 'data': self.serialize(data), }, ) def destroy_lobby(self, lobbyid: int) -> None: """ Given a lobby ID, destroy the lobby. The lobby ID can be obtained by reading the 'id' field of the get_lobby response. Parameters: lobbyid: Integer identifying a lobby. """ # Delete this lobby sql = "DELETE FROM lobby WHERE id = :id" self.execute(sql, {'id': lobbyid}) # Prune any orphaned lobbies too sql = "DELETE FROM lobby WHERE time <= :time" self.execute(sql, {'time': - Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR})