909 lines
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909 lines
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# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8
import unittest
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from bemani.tests.helpers import ExtendedTestCase
from bemani.format.afp.types.ap2 import AP2Action, IfAction, JumpAction, PushAction, AddNumVariableAction, Register
from bemani.format.afp.decompile import BitVector, ByteCode, ByteCodeChunk, ControlFlow, ByteCodeDecompiler, Statement
class TestAFPBitVector(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple(self) -> None:
bv = BitVector(5)
self.assertEqual(len(bv), 5)
self.assertEqual(bv.bitsSet, set())
self.assertEqual(len(bv), 5)
self.assertEqual(bv.bitsSet, {2})
self.assertEqual(len(bv), 5)
self.assertEqual(bv.bitsSet, {2, 3})
self.assertEqual(len(bv), 5)
self.assertEqual(bv.bitsSet, {3})
self.assertEqual(len(bv), 5)
self.assertEqual(bv.bitsSet, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4})
self.assertEqual(len(bv), 5)
self.assertEqual(bv.bitsSet, set())
def test_equality(self) -> None:
bv1 = BitVector(5, init=True)
bv2 = BitVector(5, init=False)
self.assertFalse(bv1 == bv2)
self.assertTrue(bv1 != bv2)
self.assertTrue(bv1 == bv2)
self.assertFalse(bv1 != bv2)
def test_clone(self) -> None:
bv = BitVector(5)
bvclone = bv.clone()
self.assertTrue(bv == bvclone)
self.assertEqual(bv.bitsSet, {2, 3})
self.assertEqual(bvclone.bitsSet, {2, 4})
def test_boolean_logic(self) -> None:
bv1 = BitVector(5).setBit(2).setBit(3)
bv2 = BitVector(5).setBit(1).setBit(2)
clone = bv1.clone().orVector(bv2)
self.assertEqual(clone.bitsSet, {1, 2, 3})
clone = bv1.clone().andVector(bv2)
self.assertEqual(clone.bitsSet, {2})
class TestAFPControlGraph(ExtendedTestCase):
# Note that the offsets made up in these test functions are not realistic. Jump/If instructions
# take up more than one opcode, and the end offset might be more than one byte past the last
# action if that action takes up more than one byte. However, from the perspective of the
# decompiler, it doesn't care about accurate sizes, only that the offsets are correct.
def test_control_flow(self) -> None:
cf = ControlFlow(1, 10, [20])
cf1, cf2 = cf.split(5, link=False)
self.assertEqual(cf1.beginning, 1)
self.assertEqual(cf1.end, 5)
self.assertEqual(cf1.next_flow, [])
self.assertEqual(cf2.beginning, 5)
self.assertEqual(cf2.end, 10)
self.assertEqual(cf2.next_flow, [20])
cf3, cf4 = cf.split(5, link=True)
self.assertEqual(cf3.beginning, 1)
self.assertEqual(cf3.end, 5)
self.assertEqual(cf3.next_flow, [5])
self.assertEqual(cf4.beginning, 5)
self.assertEqual(cf4.end, 10)
self.assertEqual(cf4.next_flow, [20])
def __make_bytecode(self, actions: Sequence[AP2Action]) -> ByteCode:
return ByteCode(
actions[-1].offset + 1,
def __call_graph(self, bytecode: ByteCode) -> Tuple[Dict[int, ByteCodeChunk], Dict[int, int]]:
# Just create a dummy compiler so we can access the internal method for testing.
bcd = ByteCodeDecompiler(bytecode, optimize=True)
# Call it, return the data in an easier to test fashion.
chunks, offset_map = bcd._ByteCodeDecompiler__graph_control_flow(bytecode)
return {chunk.id: chunk for chunk in chunks}, offset_map
def __equiv(self, bytecode: Union[ByteCode, ByteCodeChunk, List[AP2Action]]) -> List[str]:
if isinstance(bytecode, (ByteCode, ByteCodeChunk)):
return [str(x) for x in bytecode.actions]
return [str(x) for x in bytecode]
def test_simple_bytecode(self) -> None:
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
AP2Action(100, AP2Action.STOP),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 101: 1})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: STOP"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), [])
def test_jump_handling(self) -> None:
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
JumpAction(100, 102),
JumpAction(101, 104),
JumpAction(102, 101),
JumpAction(103, 106),
JumpAction(104, 103),
JumpAction(105, 107),
JumpAction(106, 105),
AP2Action(107, AP2Action.STOP),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 101: 1, 102: 2, 103: 3, 104: 4, 105: 5, 106: 6, 107: 7, 108: 8})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [4])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].previous_chunks, [4])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].next_chunks, [6])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[4].previous_chunks, [1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[4].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[5].previous_chunks, [6])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[5].next_chunks, [7])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[6].previous_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[6].next_chunks, [5])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[7].previous_chunks, [5])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[7].next_chunks, [8])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[8].previous_chunks, [7])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[8].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 102"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["101: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 104"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), ["102: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 101"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[3]), ["103: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 106"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[4]), ["104: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 103"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[5]), ["105: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 107"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[6]), ["106: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 105"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[7]), ["107: STOP"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[8]), [])
def test_dead_code_elimination_jump(self) -> None:
# Jump case
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
AP2Action(100, AP2Action.STOP),
JumpAction(101, 103),
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.PLAY),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.STOP),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 103: 1, 104: 2})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: STOP", "101: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 103"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["103: STOP"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), [])
def test_dead_code_elimination_return(self) -> None:
# Return case
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
AP2Action(100, AP2Action.STOP),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.RETURN),
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 103: 1})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: STOP", "101: RETURN"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), [])
def test_dead_code_elimination_end(self) -> None:
# Return case
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
AP2Action(100, AP2Action.STOP),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.END),
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.END),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 103: 1})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: STOP", "101: END"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), [])
def test_dead_code_elimination_throw(self) -> None:
# Throw case
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
PushAction(100, ["exception"]),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.THROW),
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 103: 1})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: PUSH\n 'exception'\nEND_PUSH", "101: THROW"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), [])
def test_if_handling_basic(self) -> None:
# If by itself case.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_FALSE, 103),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.PLAY),
# Line after the if statement.
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.END),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 102: 1, 103: 2, 104: 3})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2, 3})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [0, 1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].previous_chunks, [2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: PUSH\n True\nEND_PUSH", "101: IF, Comparison: IS FALSE, Offset To Jump To If True: 103"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["102: PLAY"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), ["103: END"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[3]), [])
def test_if_handling_basic_jump_to_end(self) -> None:
# If by itself case.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_FALSE, 103),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.PLAY),
# Some code will jump to the end offset as a way of
# "returning" early from a function.
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 102: 1, 103: 2})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [0, 1])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: PUSH\n True\nEND_PUSH", "101: IF, Comparison: IS FALSE, Offset To Jump To If True: 103"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["102: PLAY"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), [])
def test_if_handling_diamond(self) -> None:
# If true-false diamond case.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
JumpAction(103, 105),
# True case.
AP2Action(104, AP2Action.PLAY),
# Line after the if statement.
AP2Action(105, AP2Action.END),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 102: 1, 104: 2, 105: 3, 106: 4})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2, 3, 4})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].previous_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].next_chunks, [4])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[4].previous_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[4].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: PUSH\n True\nEND_PUSH", "101: IF, Comparison: IS TRUE, Offset To Jump To If True: 104"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["102: STOP", "103: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 105"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), ["104: PLAY"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[3]), ["105: END"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[4]), [])
def test_if_handling_diamond_jump_to_end(self) -> None:
# If true-false diamond case.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
JumpAction(103, 105),
# True case.
AP2Action(104, AP2Action.PLAY),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 102: 1, 104: 2, 105: 3})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2, 3})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].previous_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: PUSH\n True\nEND_PUSH", "101: IF, Comparison: IS TRUE, Offset To Jump To If True: 104"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["102: STOP", "103: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 105"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), ["104: PLAY"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[3]), [])
def test_if_handling_diamond_return_to_end(self) -> None:
# If true-false diamond case but the cases never converge.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(102, ['b']),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.RETURN),
# True case.
PushAction(104, ['a']),
AP2Action(105, AP2Action.RETURN),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 102: 1, 104: 2, 106: 3})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2, 3})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].previous_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: PUSH\n True\nEND_PUSH", "101: IF, Comparison: IS TRUE, Offset To Jump To If True: 104"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["102: PUSH\n 'b'\nEND_PUSH", "103: RETURN"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), ["104: PUSH\n 'a'\nEND_PUSH", "105: RETURN"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[3]), [])
def test_if_handling_switch(self) -> None:
# Series of ifs (basically a switch statement).
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the first if statement.
PushAction(100, [Register(0), 1]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.NOT_EQUALS, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(102, ['a']),
JumpAction(103, 113),
# Beginning of the second if statement.
PushAction(104, [Register(0), 2]),
IfAction(105, IfAction.NOT_EQUALS, 108),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(106, ['b']),
JumpAction(107, 113),
# Beginning of the third if statement.
PushAction(108, [Register(0), 3]),
IfAction(109, IfAction.NOT_EQUALS, 112),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(110, ['c']),
JumpAction(111, 113),
# Beginning of default case.
PushAction(112, ['d']),
# Line after the switch statement.
AP2Action(113, AP2Action.END),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 102: 1, 104: 2, 106: 3, 108: 4, 110: 5, 112: 6, 113: 7, 114: 8})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [7])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [3, 4])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].previous_chunks, [2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].next_chunks, [7])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[4].previous_chunks, [2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[4].next_chunks, [5, 6])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[5].previous_chunks, [4])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[5].next_chunks, [7])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[6].previous_chunks, [4])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[6].next_chunks, [7])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[7].previous_chunks, [1, 3, 5, 6])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[7].next_chunks, [8])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[8].previous_chunks, [7])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[8].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: PUSH\n Register(0)\n 1\nEND_PUSH", "101: IF, Comparison: !=, Offset To Jump To If True: 104"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["102: PUSH\n 'a'\nEND_PUSH", "103: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 113"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), ["104: PUSH\n Register(0)\n 2\nEND_PUSH", "105: IF, Comparison: !=, Offset To Jump To If True: 108"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[3]), ["106: PUSH\n 'b'\nEND_PUSH", "107: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 113"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[4]), ["108: PUSH\n Register(0)\n 3\nEND_PUSH", "109: IF, Comparison: !=, Offset To Jump To If True: 112"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[5]), ["110: PUSH\n 'c'\nEND_PUSH", "111: JUMP, Offset To Jump To: 113"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[6]), ["112: PUSH\n 'd'\nEND_PUSH"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[7]), ["113: END"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[8]), [])
def test_if_handling_diamond_end_both_sides(self) -> None:
# If true-false diamond case but the cases never converge.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(102, ['b']),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.END),
# True case.
PushAction(104, ['a']),
AP2Action(105, AP2Action.END),
chunks_by_id, offset_map = self.__call_graph(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(offset_map, {100: 0, 102: 1, 104: 2, 106: 3})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id.keys(), {0, 1, 2, 3})
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].previous_chunks, [])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[0].next_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[1].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].previous_chunks, [0])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[2].next_chunks, [3])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].previous_chunks, [1, 2])
self.assertItemsEqual(chunks_by_id[3].next_chunks, [])
# Also verify the code
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[0]), ["100: PUSH\n True\nEND_PUSH", "101: IF, Comparison: IS TRUE, Offset To Jump To If True: 104"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[1]), ["102: PUSH\n 'b'\nEND_PUSH", "103: END"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[2]), ["104: PUSH\n 'a'\nEND_PUSH", "105: END"])
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(chunks_by_id[3]), [])
class TestAFPDecompile(ExtendedTestCase):
# Note that the offsets made up in these test functions are not realistic. Jump/If instructions
# take up more than one opcode, and the end offset might be more than one byte past the last
# action if that action takes up more than one byte. However, from the perspective of the
# decompiler, it doesn't care about accurate sizes, only that the offsets are correct.
def __make_bytecode(self, actions: Sequence[AP2Action]) -> ByteCode:
return ByteCode(
actions[-1].offset + 1,
def __call_decompile(self, bytecode: ByteCode) -> List[Statement]:
# Just create a dummy compiler so we can access the internal method for testing.
bcd = ByteCodeDecompiler(bytecode, optimize=True)
return bcd.statements
def __equiv(self, statements: List[Statement]) -> List[str]:
return [str(x) for x in statements]
def test_simple_bytecode(self) -> None:
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
AP2Action(100, AP2Action.STOP),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ['builtin_StopPlaying()'])
def test_jump_handling(self) -> None:
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
JumpAction(100, 102),
JumpAction(101, 104),
JumpAction(102, 101),
JumpAction(103, 106),
JumpAction(104, 103),
JumpAction(105, 107),
JumpAction(106, 105),
AP2Action(107, AP2Action.STOP),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ['builtin_StopPlaying()'])
def test_dead_code_elimination_jump(self) -> None:
# Jump case
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
AP2Action(100, AP2Action.STOP),
JumpAction(101, 103),
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.PLAY),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.STOP),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ['builtin_StopPlaying()', 'builtin_StopPlaying()'])
def test_dead_code_elimination_return(self) -> None:
# Return case
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
PushAction(100, ["strval"]),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.RETURN),
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ["return 'strval'"])
def test_dead_code_elimination_end(self) -> None:
# Return case
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
AP2Action(100, AP2Action.STOP),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.END),
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.END),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ['builtin_StopPlaying()'])
def test_dead_code_elimination_throw(self) -> None:
# Throw case
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
PushAction(100, ["exception"]),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.THROW),
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ["throw 'exception'"])
def test_if_handling_basic_flow_to_end(self) -> None:
# If by itself case.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_FALSE, 103),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.PLAY),
# Line after the if statement.
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.END),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ["if (True) {\n builtin_StartPlaying()\n}"])
def test_if_handling_basic_jump_to_end(self) -> None:
# If by itself case.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_FALSE, 103),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.PLAY),
# Some code will jump to the end offset as a way of
# "returning" early from a function.
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ["if (not True) {\n return\n}", "builtin_StartPlaying()"])
def test_if_handling_diamond(self) -> None:
# If true-false diamond case.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
JumpAction(103, 105),
# True case.
AP2Action(104, AP2Action.PLAY),
# Line after the if statement.
AP2Action(105, AP2Action.END),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ["if (True) {\n builtin_StartPlaying()\n} else {\n builtin_StopPlaying()\n}"])
def test_if_handling_diamond_jump_to_end(self) -> None:
# If true-false diamond case.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
JumpAction(103, 105),
# True case.
AP2Action(104, AP2Action.PLAY),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ["if (True) {\n builtin_StartPlaying()\n} else {\n builtin_StopPlaying()\n}"])
def test_if_handling_diamond_return_to_end(self) -> None:
# If true-false diamond case but the cases never converge.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(102, ['b']),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.RETURN),
# True case.
PushAction(104, ['a']),
AP2Action(105, AP2Action.RETURN),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ["if (True) {\n return 'a'\n} else {\n return 'b'\n}"])
def test_if_handling_switch(self) -> None:
# Series of ifs (basically a switch statement).
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the first if statement.
PushAction(100, [Register(0), 1]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.NOT_EQUALS, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(102, ['a']),
JumpAction(103, 113),
# Beginning of the second if statement.
PushAction(104, [Register(0), 2]),
IfAction(105, IfAction.NOT_EQUALS, 108),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(106, ['b']),
JumpAction(107, 113),
# Beginning of the third if statement.
PushAction(108, [Register(0), 3]),
IfAction(109, IfAction.NOT_EQUALS, 112),
# False case (fall through from if).
PushAction(110, ['c']),
JumpAction(111, 113),
# Beginning of default case.
PushAction(112, ['d']),
# Line after the switch statement.
AP2Action(113, AP2Action.RETURN),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
# TODO: This should be optimized as an if/elseif/else chunk without so much indentation.
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), [
"if (registers[0] != 1) {\n"
" if (registers[0] != 2) {\n"
" if (registers[0] != 3) {\n"
" tempvar_0 = 'd'\n"
" } else {\n"
" tempvar_0 = 'c'\n"
" }\n"
" } else {\n"
" tempvar_0 = 'b'\n"
" }\n"
"} else {\n"
" tempvar_0 = 'a'\n"
"return tempvar_0"
def test_if_handling_diamond_end_both_sides(self) -> None:
# If true-false diamond case but the cases never converge.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the if statement.
PushAction(100, [True]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 104),
# False case (fall through from if).
AP2Action(102, AP2Action.STOP),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.END),
# True case.
AP2Action(104, AP2Action.PLAY),
AP2Action(105, AP2Action.END),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), ["if (True) {\n builtin_StartPlaying()\n} else {\n builtin_StopPlaying()\n}"])
def test_if_handling_or(self) -> None:
# Two ifs that together make an or (if register == 1 or register == 3)
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Beginning of the first if statement.
PushAction(100, [Register(0), 1]),
IfAction(101, IfAction.EQUALS, 104),
# False case (circuit not broken, register is not equal to 1)
PushAction(102, [Register(0), 2]),
IfAction(103, IfAction.NOT_EQUALS, 106),
# This is the true case
AP2Action(104, AP2Action.PLAY),
JumpAction(105, 107),
# This is the false case
AP2Action(106, AP2Action.STOP),
# This is the fall-through after the if.
PushAction(107, ['strval']),
AP2Action(108, AP2Action.RETURN),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
# TODO: This should be optimized as a compound if statement.
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), [
"if (registers[0] != 1) {\n"
" if (registers[0] != 2) {\n"
" builtin_StopPlaying()\n"
" label_4:\n"
" return 'strval'\n"
" }\n"
"goto label_4",
def test_basic_while(self) -> None:
# A basic while statement.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Define exit condition variable.
PushAction(100, ["finished", False]),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.DEFINE_LOCAL),
# Check exit condition.
PushAction(102, ["finished"]),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.GET_VARIABLE),
IfAction(104, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 107),
# Loop code.
AP2Action(105, AP2Action.NEXT_FRAME),
# Loop finished jump back to beginning.
JumpAction(106, 102),
# End of loop.
AP2Action(107, AP2Action.END),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), [
"local finished = False",
"while (not finished) {\n"
" builtin_GotoNextFrame()\n"
def test_advanced_while(self) -> None:
# A basic while statement.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Define exit condition variable.
PushAction(100, ["finished", False]),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.DEFINE_LOCAL),
# Check exit condition.
PushAction(102, ["finished"]),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.GET_VARIABLE),
IfAction(104, IfAction.IS_TRUE, 112),
# Loop code with a continue statement.
PushAction(105, ["some_condition"]),
AP2Action(106, AP2Action.GET_VARIABLE),
IfAction(107, IfAction.IS_FALSE, 110),
AP2Action(108, AP2Action.NEXT_FRAME),
# Continue statement.
JumpAction(109, 102),
# Exit early.
AP2Action(110, AP2Action.STOP),
# Break statement.
JumpAction(111, 112),
# End of loop.
AP2Action(112, AP2Action.END),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), [
"local finished = False",
"while (not finished) {\n"
" if (not some_condition) {\n"
" builtin_StopPlaying()\n"
" break\n"
" }\n"
" builtin_GotoNextFrame()\n"
def test_basic_for(self) -> None:
# A basic for statement.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Define exit condition variable.
PushAction(100, ["i", 0]),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.DEFINE_LOCAL),
# Check exit condition.
PushAction(102, [10, "i"]),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.GET_VARIABLE),
IfAction(104, IfAction.LT_EQUALS, 109),
# Loop code.
AP2Action(105, AP2Action.NEXT_FRAME),
# Increment, also the continue point.
PushAction(106, ["i"]),
AddNumVariableAction(107, 1),
# Loop finished jump back to beginning.
JumpAction(108, 102),
# End of loop.
AP2Action(109, AP2Action.END),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), [
"for (local i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {\n"
" builtin_GotoNextFrame()\n"
def test_advanced_for(self) -> None:
# A basic for statement.
bytecode = self.__make_bytecode([
# Define exit condition variable.
PushAction(100, ["i", 0]),
AP2Action(101, AP2Action.DEFINE_LOCAL),
# Check exit condition.
PushAction(102, [10, "i"]),
AP2Action(103, AP2Action.GET_VARIABLE),
IfAction(104, IfAction.LT_EQUALS, 115),
# Loop code with a continue statement.
PushAction(105, ["some_condition"]),
AP2Action(106, AP2Action.GET_VARIABLE),
IfAction(107, IfAction.IS_FALSE, 110),
AP2Action(108, AP2Action.NEXT_FRAME),
# Continue statement.
JumpAction(109, 112),
# Exit early.
AP2Action(110, AP2Action.STOP),
# Break statement.
JumpAction(111, 115),
# Increment, also the continue point.
PushAction(112, ["i"]),
AddNumVariableAction(113, 1),
# Loop finished jump back to beginning.
JumpAction(114, 102),
# End of loop.
AP2Action(115, AP2Action.END),
statements = self.__call_decompile(bytecode)
self.assertEqual(self.__equiv(statements), [
"for (local i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {\n"
" if (not some_condition) {\n"
" builtin_StopPlaying()\n"
" break\n"
" }\n"
" builtin_GotoNextFrame()\n"