date = "2017-06-04T11:10:00-08:00"
title = "Citra Now Has A Game Compatibility Wiki!"
tags = [ "citra-release" ]
author = "saphiresurf"
forum = 1943

As game compatibility has broadened and the popularity of Citra has risen there's always been a lack of consistent 
 information on what could be played in Citra and what couldn't. Often times the best way to find out if a game was 
 working properly in Citra was to jump in and test it for yourself, but if any issues were encountered you'd be left 
 scouring through forums sifting through potentially out of date information for answers.

In order to address this issue [Flame Sage](https://community.citra-emu.org/u/flamesage/summary), 
 [Flamboyant Ham](https://community.citra-emu.org/u/flamboyant_ham/summary), 
 [anodium](https://community.citra-emu.org/u/anodium/summary), and 
 [TheKoopaKingdom](https://community.citra-emu.org/u/thekoopakingdom/summary) have worked hard to create a new game 
 compatibility wiki! As time goes on more and more titles from the 3DS library will be added to this list. As they're 
 added in, each game will be given a compatibility rating based on how well and how smoothly they run in Citra. On each 
 game's individual page there will be a summary of the game itself, how it runs on Citra, as well as any problems that 
 arise when running the game.

We encourage community contributions to this list as well! If you'd like to add new entries to this list you can find 
 out how to contribute [here](https://github.com/citra-emu/citra-games-wiki/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).

Thank you everyone for continuing on this journey with us!

[Check Out The Compatibility List Here](https://citra-emu.org/game/)