{{ define "main" }} {{ .Render "header" }} <div class="entry-content"> {{ .Content }} </div> {{ $author := index .Site.Data.authors ( .Params.author | default "" ) }} {{ $coauthor := index .Site.Data.authors ( .Params.coauthor | default "" ) }} <div class="entry-written-by"> {{ if $author }} <a href="https://community.citra-emu.org/users/{{ $author.key }}"> <img src="{{ $author.avatar }}" class="avatar"> </a> {{ end }} {{ if $coauthor }} <a href="https://community.citra-emu.org/users/{{ $coauthor.key }}"> <img src="{{ $coauthor.avatar }}" class="avatar"> </a> {{ end }} {{ if and $author $coauthor }} <p>Written by <a href="https://community.citra-emu.org/users/{{ $author.key }}">{{ $author.name }}</a> and <a href="https://community.citra-emu.org/users/{{ $coauthor.key }}">{{ $coauthor.name }}</a> on {{ .Date.Format "Monday January 02, 2006" }}</p> {{ else if $author }} <p>Written by <a href="https://community.citra-emu.org/users/{{ $author.key }}">{{ $author.name }}</a> on {{ .Date.Format "Monday January 02, 2006" }}</p> {{ else }} <p>No author was provided. Written on {{ .Date.Format "Monday January 02, 2006" }}</p> {{ end }} </div> {{ if .Params.forum }} <div class="entry-comments"> <div id="discourse-comments"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> DiscourseEmbed = { discourseUrl: 'https://community.citra-emu.org/', topicId: "{{ .Params.forum }}" }; (function() { var d = document.createElement('script'); d.type = 'text/javascript'; d.async = true; d.src = DiscourseEmbed.discourseUrl + 'javascripts/embed.js'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(d); })(); </script> </div> {{ end }} {{ end }}