import { Bonjour } from 'bonjour-service' import net from 'node:net' import appStore from '$electron/helpers/store.js' export const MDNS_CONFIG = { PAIRING_TYPE: 'adb-tls-pairing', CONNECT_TYPE: 'adb-tls-connect', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: 60 * 1000, CONNECT_TIMEOUT: 30 * 1000, } export const ERROR_CODES = { TIMEOUT: 'TIMEOUT', PAIRING_FAILED: 'PAIRING_FAILED', CONNECTION_FAILED: 'CONNECTION_FAILED', INVALID_PARAMS: 'INVALID_PARAMS', } export class DeviceData { constructor(name, address, port) { = name this.address = address this.port = port } static fromMdnsService(service) { const ipv4Address = service.addresses?.find(addr => net.isIP(addr) === 4) if (!ipv4Address) return null return new DeviceData(, ipv4Address, service.port, ) } } export class MonitorError extends Error { constructor(code, message) { super(message) this.code = code } } export class DeviceScanner { constructor() { this.bonjour = null this.scanner = null } async startScanning(type, callback) { this.bonjour = new Bonjour() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.scanner = this.bonjour.find({ type }, (service) => { const device = DeviceData.fromMdnsService(service) if (device) { callback(device) } }) }) } dispose() { if (this.scanner) { this.scanner.stop() this.scanner = null } if (this.bonjour) { this.bonjour.destroy() this.bonjour = null } } } export class AdbConnectionMonitor { constructor() { this.deviceScanner = new DeviceScanner() this.isActive = false this.adb = null this.onStatus = () => {} } async startQrCodeScanning(options) { this.validateOptions(options) const { adb, password, onStatus = () => {}, } = options this.adb = adb this.isActive = true this.onStatus = onStatus try { this.onStatus('pairing') const device = await this.scanForDevice() await this.pairWithDevice(device, password) this.onStatus('connecting') try { const connectDevice = await this.waitForDeviceConnect(device) await this.connectToDevice(connectDevice) } catch (error) { if (error.code === ERROR_CODES.TIMEOUT) { this.onStatus('connecting-fallback') // 使用回退端口尝试连接 const fallbackPort = this.getBackPort(device) await this.connectToDevice({ ...device, port: fallbackPort, }) } else { throw error } } this.onStatus('connected') return { success: true, device, } } catch (error) { this.onStatus('error', error.message) return { success: false, error: error.message, } } finally { this.dispose() } } validateOptions(options) { if (!options?.adb) { throw new MonitorError( ERROR_CODES.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Adb is required', ) } if (!options?.password) { throw new MonitorError( ERROR_CODES.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Password is required', ) } } async scanForDevice() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => { this.dispose() reject(new MonitorError( ERROR_CODES.TIMEOUT, 'Connection attempt timed out', )) }, MDNS_CONFIG.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) this.deviceScanner.startScanning( MDNS_CONFIG.PAIRING_TYPE, (device) => { clearTimeout(timeoutHandle) resolve(device) }, ) }) } async pairWithDevice(device, password) { try { await this.adb.pair(device.address, device.port, password) } catch (error) { throw new MonitorError( ERROR_CODES.PAIRING_FAILED, 'Unable to pair with device', ) } } async waitForDeviceConnect(device) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const scanner = new DeviceScanner() const timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => { scanner.dispose() reject(new MonitorError( ERROR_CODES.TIMEOUT, 'Device connect timeout', )) }, MDNS_CONFIG.CONNECT_TIMEOUT) scanner.startScanning( MDNS_CONFIG.CONNECT_TYPE, (connectDevice) => { if (connectDevice.address === device.address) { clearTimeout(timeoutHandle) scanner.dispose() resolve(connectDevice) } }, ) }) } async connectToDevice(device) { try { await this.adb.connect(device.address, device.port) } catch (error) { throw new MonitorError( ERROR_CODES.CONNECTION_FAILED, `Failed to connect to device: ${error.message}`, ) } } getBackPort(device) { const devices = appStore.get('device') const value = Object.entries(devices).reduce((port, [key, value]) => { if (key.includes(device.address)) { port = key.split(':')[1] } return port }, 5555) return value } dispose() { this.deviceScanner.dispose() this.isActive = false } } export default new AdbConnectionMonitor()