import { spawn } from 'node:child_process' import appStore from '@electron/helpers/store.js' import { adbPath, gnirehtetApkPath, gnirehtetPath, } from '@electron/configs/index.js' const appDebug = appStore.get('common.debug') || false let adbkit = null const shell = async (command, { debug = false, stdout, stderr } = {}) => { const spawnPath = appStore.get('common.gnirehtetPath') || gnirehtetPath const ADB = appStore.get('common.adbPath') || adbPath if (!spawnPath) { throw new Error( 'Failed to retrieve Gnirehtet dependency path. If you\'re using macOS, please ensure that the dependency is installed correctly.', ) } const GNIREHTET_APK = gnirehtetApkPath const args = command.split(' ') console.log('', spawnPath) console.log('', adbPath) const gnirehtetProcess = spawn(`"${spawnPath}"`, args, { env: { ...process.env, ADB, GNIREHTET_APK }, shell: true, encoding: 'utf8', }) gnirehtetProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => { const stringData = data.toString() if (debug) { console.log('', stringData) } if (stdout) { stdout(stringData, gnirehtetProcess) } }) gnirehtetProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => { const stringData = data.toString() if (debug) { console.error('', stringData) } if (stderr) { stderr(stringData, gnirehtetProcess) } }) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { gnirehtetProcess.on('close', (code) => { if (code === 0) { resolve() } else { reject(new Error(`Command failed with code ${code}`)) } }) gnirehtetProcess.on('error', (err) => { reject(err) }) }) } let relayProcess = null const relay = async (args) => { if (relayProcess) { return relayProcess } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { shell('relay', { ...args, debug: appDebug, stdout: (_, process) => { if (!relayProcess) { relayProcess = process } resolve(process) }, }).catch((error) => { reject(error) }) }) } const install = deviceId => shell(`install ${deviceId}`) const start = deviceId => shell(`start ${deviceId}`) const stop = deviceId => shell(`stop ${deviceId}`) const tunnel = deviceId => shell(`tunnel ${deviceId}`) const installed = async (deviceId) => { const res = await adbkit.isInstalled(deviceId, 'com.genymobile.gnirehtet') console.log('gnirehtet.apk.installed', res) return res } const run = async (deviceId) => { await relay().catch((e) => { throw new Error(e?.message || 'Gnirehtet Relay fail') }) await install(deviceId).catch((e) => { throw new Error(e?.message || 'Gnirehtet Install Client fail') }) await start(deviceId).catch((e) => { throw new Error(e?.message || 'Gnirehtet Start fail') }) } window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { stop() if (relayProcess) { relayProcess.kill() } }) export default (options = {}) => { adbkit = options.adbkit return { shell, relay, install, installed, start, stop, tunnel, run, } }