import { screen } from 'electron' export class Edger { constructor(window) { if (!window) { throw new Error('Window instance is required') } this.window = window this.isHidden = false this.dockEdge = null this.originalBounds = null this.animationTimer = null this.showDebounceTimer = null this.hideDebounceTimer = null this.isDragging = false this.isAnimating = false this.lastMousePosition = null this.mouseMovementBuffer = [] this.lastAnimationTime = 0 this.isMaximized = window.isMaximized() this.lastMaximizedState = this.isMaximized // Animation configs this.animationDuration = 300 this.animationSteps = 30 this.visiblePortion = 2 this.mouseBufferSize = 5 this.mouseVelocityThreshold = 50 this.animationCooldown = 100 // Thresholds this.snapThreshold = 10 this.undockThreshold = 20 this.showHideThreshold = 50 this.stablePositionThreshold = 3 // Window topping this.wasAlwaysOnTop = window.isAlwaysOnTop() this.handleWindowBlur = this.handleWindowBlur.bind(this) this.handleWindowFocus = this.handleWindowFocus.bind(this) // Add mouse tracking timer reference this.mouseTrackingTimer = null this.initialize() } easeOutCubic(t) { return 1 - (1 - t) ** 3 } easeInCubic(t) { return t * t * t } easeInOutCubic(t) { return t < 0.5 ? 4 * t * t * t : 1 - (-2 * t + 2) ** 3 / 2 } addBounceEffect(finalBounds) { const bounceSteps = 15 const bounceDistance = 5 let step = 0 const bounceBounds = { ...finalBounds } switch (this.dockEdge) { case 'right': bounceBounds.x -= bounceDistance break case 'left': bounceBounds.x += bounceDistance break case 'top': bounceBounds.y += bounceDistance break } const bounceTimer = setInterval(() => { step++ const progress = step / bounceSteps const easeProgress = this.easeInOutCubic(progress) const currentBounds = { x: Math.round(bounceBounds.x + (finalBounds.x - bounceBounds.x) * easeProgress), y: Math.round(bounceBounds.y + (finalBounds.y - bounceBounds.y) * easeProgress), width: finalBounds.width, height: finalBounds.height, } try { this.window.setBounds(currentBounds) } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to set window bounds during bounce:', err) clearInterval(bounceTimer) this.isAnimating = false return } if (step >= bounceSteps) { clearInterval(bounceTimer) this.window.setBounds(finalBounds) this.isAnimating = false } }, 16) } showWindow() { if (!this.window || this.window.isDestroyed() || !this.isHidden || this.isAnimating) return clearTimeout(this.hideDebounceTimer) if (this.showDebounceTimer) return this.showDebounceTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.animateWindow(this.originalBounds, false) this.isHidden = false this.showDebounceTimer = null }, 100) } hideWindow() { if (!this.window || this.window.isDestroyed() || this.isHidden || this.isAnimating) return clearTimeout(this.showDebounceTimer) if (this.hideDebounceTimer) return this.hideDebounceTimer = setTimeout(() => { const hiddenBounds = this.getHiddenBounds() this.animateWindow(hiddenBounds, true) this.isHidden = true this.hideDebounceTimer = null }, 300) } initialize() { // Track window movement this.window.on('move', () => { if (!this.isHidden) { this.checkEdgeSnap() } }) // Track drag start this.window.on('will-move', () => { this.isDragging = true if (this.dockEdge) { this.checkUndock() } }) // Track drag end this.window.on('moved', () => { this.isDragging = false }) // Track mouse position this.startMouseTracking() // Add window focus event listening this.window.on('blur', this.handleWindowBlur) this.window.on('focus', this.handleWindowFocus) // Check initial status if (this.window.isAlwaysOnTop()) { this.wasAlwaysOnTop = true } // Add window close event listener this.window.on('closed', () => { this.destroy() }) // Listening to maximize event this.window.on('maximize', () => { this.isMaximized = true this.lastMaximizedState = true // 如果之前已贴边,则取消贴边状态 if (this.dockEdge) { this.undock() } }) // Listening to restore event this.window.on('unmaximize', () => { this.isMaximized = false // Add a short delay to avoid triggering welt checks setTimeout(() => { this.lastMaximizedState = false }, 100) }) } handleWindowBlur() { if (this.isHidden) { this.setAlwaysOnTop(true) } } handleWindowFocus() { if (!this.isHidden && !this.wasAlwaysOnTop) { this.setAlwaysOnTop(false) } } setAlwaysOnTop(value) { try { if (!this.window || this.window.isDestroyed()) return if (process.platform === 'darwin') { this.window.setAlwaysOnTop(value, 'floating') } else { this.window.setAlwaysOnTop(value) } } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to set always on top:', err) } } // Improved access to hidden location method to ensure that the window edge is always visible getHiddenBounds() { const currentBounds = this.window.getBounds() const display = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint({ x: currentBounds.x, y: currentBounds.y, }) const screenBounds = display.workArea let hiddenBounds = { ...currentBounds } const minVisiblePixels = 3 // To ensure that at least three pixels is visible switch (this.dockEdge) { case 'right': hiddenBounds.x = screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width - minVisiblePixels break case 'left': hiddenBounds.x = screenBounds.x - currentBounds.width + minVisiblePixels break case 'top': hiddenBounds.y = screenBounds.y - currentBounds.height + minVisiblePixels break } // Make sure the window does not completely hidden hiddenBounds = { x: Math.round(hiddenBounds.x), y: Math.round(hiddenBounds.y), width: currentBounds.width, height: currentBounds.height, } return hiddenBounds } // Add the window position recovery method restoreWindowPosition() { if (!this.dockEdge || !this.originalBounds) return const display = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint({ x: this.originalBounds.x, y: this.originalBounds.y, }) const screenBounds = display.workArea // Make sure the window within the scope of the screen const restoredBounds = { ...this.originalBounds } switch (this.dockEdge) { case 'right': restoredBounds.x = Math.min( restoredBounds.x, screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width - restoredBounds.width, ) break case 'left': restoredBounds.x = Math.max(restoredBounds.x, screenBounds.x) break case 'top': restoredBounds.y = Math.max(restoredBounds.y, screenBounds.y) break } this.window.setBounds(restoredBounds) } destroy() { // Clear all timers this.cleanupAnimation() if (this.showDebounceTimer) { clearTimeout(this.showDebounceTimer) this.showDebounceTimer = null } if (this.hideDebounceTimer) { clearTimeout(this.hideDebounceTimer) this.hideDebounceTimer = null } if (this.mouseTrackingTimer) { clearInterval(this.mouseTrackingTimer) this.mouseTrackingTimer = null } // Clean up event listeners if (this.window && !this.window.isDestroyed()) { this.window.removeListener('blur', this.handleWindowBlur) this.window.removeListener('focus', this.handleWindowFocus) this.window.removeAllListeners() // Restore original always on top state if (this.window.isAlwaysOnTop() !== this.wasAlwaysOnTop) { this.setAlwaysOnTop(this.wasAlwaysOnTop) } } this.mouseMovementBuffer = [] this.window = null this.dockEdge = null this.originalBounds = null this.isHidden = false this.isDragging = false this.isAnimating = false } startMouseTracking() { const trackMouse = () => { if (!this.dockEdge || !this.window || this.window.isDestroyed()) return const currentTime = const mousePos = screen.getCursorScreenPoint() // Update mouse movement buffer this.updateMouseBuffer(mousePos, currentTime) try { const windowBounds = this.window.getBounds() const display = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint(mousePos) const screenBounds = display.workArea // Check that the mouse is stable if (this.isMouseStable()) { if (this.isMouseNearEdge(mousePos, windowBounds, screenBounds)) { this.showWindow() } else if (this.isMouseOutsideWindow(mousePos, windowBounds)) { this.hideWindow() } } this.lastMousePosition = mousePos } catch (err) { // Window was destroyed, clean up this.destroy() } } this.mouseTrackingTimer = setInterval(trackMouse, 16) } updateMouseBuffer(mousePos, currentTime) { this.mouseMovementBuffer.push({ x: mousePos.x, y: mousePos.y, time: currentTime, }) if (this.mouseMovementBuffer.length > this.mouseBufferSize) { this.mouseMovementBuffer.shift() } } isMouseStable() { if (this.mouseMovementBuffer.length < this.mouseBufferSize) return true const recentMovements = this.mouseMovementBuffer.slice(-this.stablePositionThreshold) const firstPos = recentMovements[0] return recentMovements.every(pos => Math.abs(pos.x - firstPos.x) <= this.stablePositionThreshold && Math.abs(pos.y - firstPos.y) <= this.stablePositionThreshold, ) } calculateMouseVelocity() { if (this.mouseMovementBuffer.length < 2) return 0 const latest = this.mouseMovementBuffer[this.mouseMovementBuffer.length - 1] const previous = this.mouseMovementBuffer[this.mouseMovementBuffer.length - 2] const timeDiff = latest.time - previous.time if (timeDiff === 0) return 0 const distance = Math.sqrt( (latest.x - previous.x) ** 2 + (latest.y - previous.y) ** 2, ) return distance / timeDiff } isMouseNearEdge(mousePos, windowBounds, screenBounds) { const threshold = this.snapThreshold // Consider the offset of the window position const offset = 5 const velocity = this.calculateMouseVelocity() // If the mouse moves too fast, the display is not triggered if (velocity > this.mouseVelocityThreshold) return false switch (this.dockEdge) { case 'right': { const rightEdge = screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width return mousePos.x >= rightEdge - threshold && mousePos.y >= windowBounds.y - offset && mousePos.y <= windowBounds.y + windowBounds.height + offset } case 'left': { return mousePos.x <= screenBounds.x + threshold && mousePos.y >= windowBounds.y - offset && mousePos.y <= windowBounds.y + windowBounds.height + offset } case 'top': { return mousePos.y <= screenBounds.y + threshold && mousePos.x >= windowBounds.x - offset && mousePos.x <= windowBounds.x + windowBounds.width + offset } default: return false } } isMouseOutsideWindow(mousePos, windowBounds) { const margin = 10 // Add edge tolerance return mousePos.x < windowBounds.x - margin || mousePos.x > windowBounds.x + windowBounds.width + margin || mousePos.y < windowBounds.y - margin || mousePos.y > windowBounds.y + windowBounds.height + margin } animateWindow(targetBounds, isHiding = false) { const currentTime = if (currentTime - this.lastAnimationTime < this.animationCooldown) { return } if (this.animationTimer) { clearInterval(this.animationTimer) } if (this.isAnimating) return this.isAnimating = true this.lastAnimationTime = currentTime const startBounds = this.window.getBounds() // Make sure the start and destination positions are integers const sanitizedTargetBounds = { x: Math.round(targetBounds.x), y: Math.round(targetBounds.y), width: Math.round(targetBounds.width), height: Math.round(targetBounds.height), } let step = 0 let lastBounds = startBounds const animate = () => { step++ const progress = step / this.animationSteps const easeProgress = isHiding ? this.easeInCubic(progress) : this.easeOutCubic(progress) const currentBounds = { x: Math.round(startBounds.x + (sanitizedTargetBounds.x - startBounds.x) * easeProgress), y: Math.round(startBounds.y + (sanitizedTargetBounds.y - startBounds.y) * easeProgress), width: startBounds.width, height: startBounds.height, } // Prevent the same location from being set repeatedly if (this.boundsEqual(currentBounds, lastBounds)) { return } try { this.window.setBounds(currentBounds) lastBounds = currentBounds } catch (err) { console.error('Animation error:', err) this.cleanupAnimation() return } if (step >= this.animationSteps) { this.window.setBounds(sanitizedTargetBounds) this.cleanupAnimation() } } this.animationTimer = setInterval(animate, this.animationDuration / this.animationSteps) } boundsEqual(bounds1, bounds2) { return bounds1.x === bounds2.x && bounds1.y === bounds2.y && bounds1.width === bounds2.width && bounds1.height === bounds2.height } cleanupAnimation() { clearInterval(this.animationTimer) this.animationTimer = null this.isAnimating = false } checkUndock() { if (!this.dockEdge || !this.isDragging) return const windowBounds = this.window.getBounds() const display = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint({ x: windowBounds.x, y: windowBounds.y, }) const screenBounds = display.workArea const distanceFromRight = Math.abs(windowBounds.x + windowBounds.width - screenBounds.x - screenBounds.width) const distanceFromLeft = Math.abs(windowBounds.x - screenBounds.x) const distanceFromTop = Math.abs(windowBounds.y - screenBounds.y) let shouldUndock = false switch (this.dockEdge) { case 'right': shouldUndock = distanceFromRight > this.undockThreshold break case 'left': shouldUndock = distanceFromLeft > this.undockThreshold break case 'top': shouldUndock = distanceFromTop > this.undockThreshold break } if (shouldUndock) { this.undock() } } undock() { this.dockEdge = null this.originalBounds = null this.isHidden = false if (this.animationTimer) { clearInterval(this.animationTimer) this.animationTimer = null } } checkEdgeSnap() { // If the window is maximized state or just recover from maximization, do not perform welt if (this.isMaximized || this.lastMaximizedState) { return } if (this.isDragging && this.dockEdge) { this.checkUndock() return } const windowBounds = this.window.getBounds() const display = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint({ x: windowBounds.x, y: windowBounds.y, }) const screenBounds = display.workArea const distanceFromRight = Math.abs(windowBounds.x + windowBounds.width - screenBounds.x - screenBounds.width) const distanceFromLeft = Math.abs(windowBounds.x - screenBounds.x) const distanceFromTop = Math.abs(windowBounds.y - screenBounds.y) // Check right edge if (distanceFromRight < this.snapThreshold) { this.dockToEdge('right', windowBounds) } // Check left edge else if (distanceFromLeft < this.snapThreshold) { this.dockToEdge('left', windowBounds) } // Check top edge else if (distanceFromTop < this.snapThreshold) { this.dockToEdge('top', windowBounds) } } dockToEdge(edge, bounds) { // If the maximum window does not perform welt if (this.isMaximized) { return } this.dockEdge = edge this.originalBounds = bounds const display = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint({ x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y, }) const screenBounds = display.workArea // Snap to exact position switch (edge) { case 'right': this.window.setBounds({ x: screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width - bounds.width, y: bounds.y, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height, }) break case 'left': this.window.setBounds({ x: screenBounds.x, y: bounds.y, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height, }) break case 'top': this.window.setBounds({ x: bounds.x, y: screenBounds.y, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height, }) break } } } export default Edger