import { createRequire } from 'node:module' import path from 'node:path' import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' import remote from '@electron/remote/main' import { electronApp, optimizer } from '@electron-toolkit/utils' import { app, BrowserWindow, shell } from 'electron' import contextMenu from 'electron-context-menu' /** process.js 必须位于非依赖项的顶部 */ import { isPackaged } from './helpers/process.js' import log from './helpers/log.js' import './helpers/console.js' import appStore from './helpers/store.js' import { getLogoPath } from './configs/index.js' import ipc from './ipc/index.js' import control from '$control/electron/main.js' import { loadPage } from './helpers/index.js' import { Edger } from './helpers/edger/index.js' const require = createRequire(import.meta.url) const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) log.initialize({ preload: true }) const debug = !!appStore.get('common.debug') if (!debug) { log.warn( 'Debug Tips:', 'If you need to generate and view the running log, please start the debugging function on the preference setting page' ) } contextMenu({ showCopyImage: false, showSelectAll: false, showSearchWithGoogle: false, showSaveImageAs: true, showInspectElement: !isPackaged, }) // The built directory structure // // ├─┬─┬ dist // │ │ └── index.html // │ │ // │ ├─┬ dist-electron // │ │ ├── main.js // │ │ └── preload.js // │ process.env.DIST = path.join(__dirname, '../dist') let mainWindow function createWindow() { const bounds = appStore.get('common.bounds') || {} const baseWidth = 768 const baseHeight = Number((baseWidth / 1.57).toFixed()) mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: baseWidth, minWidth: baseWidth, height: baseHeight, minHeight: baseHeight, ...bounds, show: false, icon: getLogoPath(), autoHideMenuBar: true, webPreferences: { preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.mjs'), nodeIntegration: true, sandbox: false, spellcheck: false, }, }) remote.enable(mainWindow.webContents) remote.initialize() mainWindow.on('ready-to-show', () => { }) mainWindow.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => { shell.openExternal(details.url) return { action: 'deny' } }) const edgeHidden = appStore.get('common.edgeHidden') if(edgeHidden) { new Edger(mainWindow) } ;['resize', 'move'].forEach((eventName) => { mainWindow.on(eventName, () => { if(mainWindow.isMaximized()) { return false } const bounds = mainWindow.getBounds() if(bounds.x < 0) bounds.x = 0 if(bounds.y < 0) bounds.y = 0 appStore.set('common.bounds', { ...bounds }) }) }) loadPage(mainWindow) ipc(mainWindow) control(mainWindow) } app.whenReady().then(() => { electronApp.setAppUserModelId('com.viarotel.escrcpy') app.on('browser-window-created', (_, window) => { optimizer.watchWindowShortcuts(window) }) createWindow() // macOS 中应用被激活 app.on('activate', () => { if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) { createWindow() return } }) }) app.on('window-all-closed', () => { app.isQuiting = true app.quit() mainWindow = null })