Grayscale textures in jubeat that had a transparent background were being extracted with black backgrounds.
Convert archives of tex images.
usage: gitadora-texbintool.exe [--no-rect/--nr] [--no-split/--ns] input_filename
--no-rect/--nr: Don't create a rect table (Some games like Jubeat don't use the rect table)
--no-split/--ns: Don't split images into separate images if they use the rect table
If you specify a .bin file as the input_filename
then the tool will extract the textures into a folder with the same name as the .bin file.
If you specify a folder as the input_filename
then the tool will create a .bin file with the same name as the folder.
is used for .bin creation. It skips writing the rect section at the end of the bin file.
is used during .bin extraction. Texbins can have multiple files, and within those files have multiple rects/subimages.
This command will output the original images with a metadata.xml
file containing the rect information.
When creating a .bin from a folder with a metadata.xml
, the metadata.xml
is used to create the .bin. Any files in the folder not listed in the metadata.xml
will be ignored.
If you want to replace a specific subimage without modifying the original image file, you can modify the ExternalFilename
part of the metadata.xml
to point to the new image file while updating the X/Y (set to 0) and updating the W/H (set as required).
Convert individual tex files.
usage: gitadora-textool.exe input_filename
If you specify a .tex file as the input_filename
then the tool will convert the .tex to .png.
If you specify a non-.tex file as the input_filename
then the tool will try to convert the image file to .tex.
The tool uses C#'s Bitmap class to load images, so any format supported normally by C# should work (PNG, JPG, BMP, etc).
PNG is the only "officially" supported format but JPG should be safe as well, and probably others too.