mirror of https://github.com/ocornut/imgui.git synced 2025-02-17 19:09:27 +01:00

Demo: Assets Browser: Added assets browser demo.

This commit is contained in:
ocornut 2023-08-31 20:06:22 +02:00
parent 82de6c470b
commit d18e57e673

View File

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ Index of this file:
// [SECTION] Example App: Manipulating window titles / ShowExampleAppWindowTitles()
// [SECTION] Example App: Custom Rendering using ImDrawList API / ShowExampleAppCustomRendering()
// [SECTION] Example App: Documents Handling / ShowExampleAppDocuments()
// [SECTION] Example App: Assets Browser / ShowExampleAppAssetsBrowser()
@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ Index of this file:
// Forward Declarations
static void ShowExampleAppMainMenuBar();
static void ShowExampleAppAssetsBrowser(bool* p_open);
static void ShowExampleAppConsole(bool* p_open);
static void ShowExampleAppCustomRendering(bool* p_open);
static void ShowExampleAppDocuments(bool* p_open);
@ -275,6 +277,7 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
// Examples Apps (accessible from the "Examples" menu)
static bool show_app_main_menu_bar = false;
static bool show_app_assets_browser = false;
static bool show_app_console = false;
static bool show_app_custom_rendering = false;
static bool show_app_documents = false;
@ -290,6 +293,7 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
if (show_app_main_menu_bar) ShowExampleAppMainMenuBar();
if (show_app_documents) ShowExampleAppDocuments(&show_app_documents);
if (show_app_assets_browser) ShowExampleAppAssetsBrowser(&show_app_assets_browser);
if (show_app_console) ShowExampleAppConsole(&show_app_console);
if (show_app_custom_rendering) ShowExampleAppCustomRendering(&show_app_custom_rendering);
if (show_app_log) ShowExampleAppLog(&show_app_log);
@ -385,6 +389,7 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
ImGui::MenuItem("Main menu bar", NULL, &show_app_main_menu_bar);
ImGui::SeparatorText("Mini apps");
ImGui::MenuItem("Assets Browser", NULL, &show_app_assets_browser);
ImGui::MenuItem("Console", NULL, &show_app_console);
ImGui::MenuItem("Custom rendering", NULL, &show_app_custom_rendering);
ImGui::MenuItem("Documents", NULL, &show_app_documents);
@ -3306,6 +3311,12 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowMultiSelect()
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Multi-Select (tiled assets browser)"))
ImGui::BulletText("See 'Examples->Assets Browser' in menu");
// Advanced demonstration of BeginMultiSelect()
// - Showcase clipping.
// - Showcase deletion.
@ -9623,6 +9634,201 @@ void ShowExampleAppDocuments(bool* p_open)
// [SECTION] Example App: Assets Browser / ShowExampleAppAssetsBrowser()
//#include "imgui_internal.h" // NavMoveRequestTryWrapping()
struct ExampleAssetsBrowser
// State
int ItemsCount = 10000;
ExampleSelection Selection;
float IconSize = 32.0f;
int IconSpacing = 7;
bool StretchSpacing = true;
float ZoomWheelAccum = 0.0f;
// Functions
void Draw(const char* title, bool* p_open)
if (!ImGui::Begin(title, p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar))
// Menu bar
if (ImGui::BeginMenuBar())
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("File"))
if (ImGui::MenuItem("Close", NULL, false, p_open != NULL))
*p_open = false;
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Options"))
ImGui::PushItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 10);
ImGui::SliderFloat("Icon Size", &IconSize, 16.0f, 128.0f, "%.0f");
ImGui::SliderInt("Icon Spacing", &IconSpacing, 0, 32);
ImGui::Checkbox("Stretch Spacing", &StretchSpacing);
// Zooming with CTRL+Wheel
// FIXME-MULTISELECT: Try to maintain scroll.
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
if (ImGui::IsWindowAppearing())
ZoomWheelAccum = 0.0f;
if (io.MouseWheel != 0.0f && ImGui::IsKeyDown(ImGuiMod_Ctrl) && ImGui::IsAnyItemActive() == false)
ZoomWheelAccum += io.MouseWheel;
if (fabsf(ZoomWheelAccum) >= 1.0f)
IconSize *= powf(1.1f, (float)(int)ZoomWheelAccum);
IconSize = IM_CLAMP(IconSize, 16.0f, 128.0f);
ZoomWheelAccum -= (int)ZoomWheelAccum;
// Show a table with ONLY one header row to showcase the idea/possibility of using this to provide a sorting UI
// FIXME-MULTISELECT: Showcase sorting.
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0, 0));
ImGuiTableFlags table_flags_for_sort_specs = ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable | ImGuiTableFlags_SortMulti | ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit | ImGuiTableFlags_Borders;
if (ImGui::BeginTable("for_sort_specs_only", 3, table_flags_for_sort_specs, ImVec2(0.0f, ImGui::GetFrameHeight())))
if (ImGuiTableSortSpecs* sort_specs = ImGui::TableGetSortSpecs())
sort_specs->SpecsDirty = false; // No actual sorting in this demo yet
if (ImGui::BeginChild("Assets", ImVec2(0, 0), true, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove))
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const ImVec2 item_size(floorf(IconSize), floorf(IconSize));
// Layout: when not stretching: allow extending into right-most spacing.
float item_spacing = (float)IconSpacing;
const float avail_width = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x + (StretchSpacing ? 0.0f : floorf(item_spacing * 0.5f));
// Layout: calculate number of icon per line and number of lines
const int column_count = IM_MAX((int)(avail_width / (item_size.x + IconSpacing)), 1);
const int line_count = (ItemsCount + column_count - 1) / column_count;
// Layout: when stretching: allocate remaining space to more spacing. Round before division, so item_spacing may be non-integer.
if (StretchSpacing && column_count > 1)
item_spacing = floorf(avail_width - item_size.x * column_count) / column_count;
// Calculate and store start position.
const float outer_padding = floorf(item_spacing * 0.5f);
ImVec2 start_pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
start_pos = ImVec2(start_pos.x + outer_padding, start_pos.y + outer_padding);
// Multi-select
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags flags = ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ClearOnClickWindowVoid;
ImGuiMultiSelectIO* ms_io = ImGui::BeginMultiSelect(flags);
ExampleSelectionAdapter selection_adapter;
Selection.ApplyRequests(ms_io, &selection_adapter, ItemsCount);
// Altering ItemSpacing may seem unnecessary as we position every items using SetCursorScreenPos()...
// But it is necessary for two reasons:
// - Selectables uses it by default to visually fill the space between two items.
// - The vertical spacing would be measured by Clipper to calculate line height if we didn't provide it explicitly (here we do).
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(item_spacing, item_spacing));
const float line_height = item_size.y + item_spacing;
ImGuiListClipper clipper;
clipper.Begin(line_count, line_height);
if (ms_io->RangeSrcItem != -1)
clipper.IncludeItemByIndex((int)(ms_io->RangeSrcItem / column_count));
while (clipper.Step())
for (int line_idx = clipper.DisplayStart; line_idx < clipper.DisplayEnd; line_idx++)
const int item_min_idx_for_current_line = line_idx * column_count;
const int item_max_idx_for_current_line = IM_MIN((line_idx + 1) * column_count, ItemsCount);
for (int item_idx = item_min_idx_for_current_line; item_idx < item_max_idx_for_current_line; ++item_idx)
// Position item
ImVec2 pos = ImVec2(start_pos.x + (item_idx % column_count) * (item_size.x + item_spacing), start_pos.y + (line_idx * line_height));
// Draw box
ImVec2 box_min(pos.x - 1, pos.y - 1);
ImVec2 box_max(box_min.x + item_size.x + 2, box_min.y + item_size.y + 2);
draw_list->AddRect(box_min, box_max, IM_COL32(90, 90, 90, 255));
bool item_is_selected = Selection.Contains((ImGuiID)item_idx);
ImGui::Selectable("##select", item_is_selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags_None, item_size);
// Update our selection state immediately (without waiting for EndMultiSelect() requests)
// because we use this to alter the color of our text/icon.
if (ImGui::IsItemToggledSelection())
item_is_selected = !item_is_selected;
// Drag and drop
if (ImGui::BeginDragDropSource())
ImGui::SetDragDropPayload("ASSETS_BROWSER_ITEMS", "Dummy", 5);
ImGui::Text("%d assets", Selection.Size);
// Popup menu
if (ImGui::BeginPopupContextItem())
ImGui::Text("Selection: %d items", Selection.Size);
if (ImGui::Button("Close"))
// A real app would likely display an image/thumbnail here.
char label[32];
sprintf(label, "%d", item_idx);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(box_min, box_max, IM_COL32(48, 48, 48, 128));
draw_list->AddText(ImVec2(box_min.x, box_max.y - ImGui::GetFontSize()), item_is_selected ? IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255) : ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled), label);
ImGui::PopStyleVar(); // ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing
ms_io = ImGui::EndMultiSelect();
Selection.ApplyRequests(ms_io, &selection_adapter, ItemsCount);
// FIXME-MULTISELECT: Find a way to expose this in public API. This currently requires "imgui_internal.h"
//ImGui::NavMoveRequestTryWrapping(ImGui::GetCurrentWindow(), ImGuiNavMoveFlags_WrapX);
void ShowExampleAppAssetsBrowser(bool* p_open)
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Examples/Assets Browser");
static ExampleAssetsBrowser assets_browser;
assets_browser.Draw("Example: Assets Browser", p_open);
// End of Demo code