mirror of https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa.git synced 2025-02-16 09:42:33 +01:00

Merge branch 'master' into blender-4.1

# Conflicts:
#	io_scene_psk_psa/psa/importer.py
This commit is contained in:
Colin Basnett 2024-03-25 23:39:17 -07:00
commit a5bef57c8d
4 changed files with 74 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ This Blender addon allows you to import and export meshes and animations to and
## Compatibility
| Blender Version | Addon Version | Long Term Support |
| 4.0+ | [latest](https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa/releases/latest) | TBD |
| [3.4 - 3.6](https://www.blender.org/download/lts/3-6/) | [5.0.5](https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa/releases/tag/5.0.5) | ✅️ June 2025 |
| [4.1](https://www.blender.org/download/releases/4-1/) | [latest](https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa/releases/latest) | TBD |
| [4.0](https://www.blender.org/download/releases/4-0/) | [6.2.1](https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa/releases/tag/6.2.1) | TBD |
| [3.4 - 3.6](https://www.blender.org/download/lts/3-6/) | [5.0.6](https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa/releases/tag/5.0.6) | ✅️ June 2025 |
| [2.93 - 3.3](https://www.blender.org/download/releases/3-3/) | [4.3.0](https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa/releases/tag/4.3.0) | ✅️ September 2024 |
Bug fixes will be issued for legacy addon versions that are under [Blender's LTS maintenance period](https://www.blender.org/download/lts/). Once the LTS period has ended, legacy addon versions will no longer be supported by the maintainers of this repository, although we will accept pull requests for bug fixes.

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
bl_info = {
'name': 'PSK/PSA Importer/Exporter',
'author': 'Colin Basnett, Yurii Ti',
'version': (6, 2, 0),
'blender': (4, 0, 0),
'version': (7, 0, 0),
'blender': (4, 1, 0),
'description': 'PSK/PSA Import/Export (.psk/.psa)',
'warning': '',
'doc_url': 'https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa',

View File

@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ class PSA_PG_import(PropertyGroup):
('EXACT', 'Exact', 'Bone names must match exactly.', 'EXACT', 0),
('CASE_INSENSITIVE', 'Case Insensitive', 'Bones names must match, ignoring case (e.g., the bone PSA bone '
'\'root\' can be mapped to the armature bone \'Root\')', 'CASE_INSENSITIVE', 1),
fps_source: EnumProperty(name='FPS Source', items=(
('SEQUENCE', 'Sequence', 'The sequence frame rate matches the original frame rate', 'ACTION', 0),

View File

@ -125,6 +125,52 @@ def _resample_sequence_data_matrix(sequence_data_matrix: np.ndarray, frame_step:
return resampled_sequence_data_matrix
def _resample_sequence_data_matrix(sequence_data_matrix: np.ndarray, time_step: float = 1.0) -> np.ndarray:
Resamples the sequence data matrix to the target frame count.
@param sequence_data_matrix: FxBx7 matrix where F is the number of frames, B is the number of bones, and X is the
number of data elements per bone.
@param target_frame_count: The number of frames to resample to.
@return: The resampled sequence data matrix, or sequence_data_matrix if no resampling is necessary.
def get_sample_times(source_frame_count: int, time_step: float) -> typing.Iterable[float]:
# TODO: for correctness, we should also emit the target frame time as well (because the last frame can be a
# fractional frame).
time = 0.0
while time < source_frame_count - 1:
yield time
time += time_step
yield source_frame_count - 1
if time_step == 1.0:
# No resampling is necessary.
return sequence_data_matrix
source_frame_count, bone_count = sequence_data_matrix.shape[:2]
sample_times = list(get_sample_times(source_frame_count, time_step))
target_frame_count = len(sample_times)
resampled_sequence_data_matrix = np.zeros((target_frame_count, bone_count, 7), dtype=float)
for sample_index, sample_time in enumerate(sample_times):
frame_index = int(sample_time)
if sample_time % 1.0 == 0.0:
# Sample time has no fractional part, so just copy the frame.
resampled_sequence_data_matrix[sample_index, :, :] = sequence_data_matrix[frame_index, :, :]
# Sample time has a fractional part, so interpolate between two frames.
next_frame_index = frame_index + 1
for bone_index in range(bone_count):
source_frame_1_data = sequence_data_matrix[frame_index, bone_index, :]
source_frame_2_data = sequence_data_matrix[next_frame_index, bone_index, :]
factor = sample_time - frame_index
q = Quaternion((source_frame_1_data[:4])).slerp(Quaternion((source_frame_2_data[:4])), factor)
l = Vector(source_frame_1_data[4:]).lerp(Vector(source_frame_2_data[4:]), factor)
resampled_sequence_data_matrix[sample_index, bone_index, :] = q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z, l.x, l.y, l.z
return resampled_sequence_data_matrix
def import_psa(context: Context, psa_reader: PsaReader, armature_object: Object, options: PsaImportOptions) -> PsaImportResult:
result = PsaImportResult()
sequences = [psa_reader.sequences[x] for x in options.sequence_names]
@ -143,7 +189,7 @@ def import_psa(context: Context, psa_reader: PsaReader, armature_object: Object,
if armature_bone_index is not None:
# Ensure that no other PSA bone has been mapped to this armature bone yet.
if armature_bone_index not in armature_to_psa_bone_indices:
psa_to_armature_bone_indices[psa_bone_index] = armature_bone_names.index(psa_bone_name)
psa_to_armature_bone_indices[psa_bone_index] = armature_bone_index
armature_to_psa_bone_indices[armature_bone_index] = psa_bone_index
# This armature bone has already been mapped to a PSA bone.
@ -172,7 +218,7 @@ def import_psa(context: Context, psa_reader: PsaReader, armature_object: Object,
# Create intermediate bone data for import operations.
import_bones = []
import_bones_dict = dict()
psa_bone_names_to_import_bones = dict()
for (psa_bone_index, psa_bone), psa_bone_name in zip(enumerate(psa_reader.bones), psa_bone_names):
if psa_bone_index not in psa_to_armature_bone_indices:
@ -182,17 +228,22 @@ def import_psa(context: Context, psa_reader: PsaReader, armature_object: Object,
import_bone = ImportBone(psa_bone)
import_bone.armature_bone = armature_data.bones[psa_bone_name]
import_bone.pose_bone = armature_object.pose.bones[psa_bone_name]
import_bones_dict[psa_bone_name] = import_bone
psa_bone_names_to_import_bones[psa_bone_name] = import_bone
bones_with_missing_parents = []
for import_bone in filter(lambda x: x is not None, import_bones):
armature_bone = import_bone.armature_bone
if armature_bone.parent is not None and armature_bone.parent.name in psa_bone_names:
import_bone.parent = import_bones_dict[armature_bone.parent.name]
has_parent = armature_bone.parent is not None
if has_parent:
if armature_bone.parent.name in psa_bone_names:
import_bone.parent = psa_bone_names_to_import_bones[armature_bone.parent.name]
# Add a warning if the parent bone is not in the PSA.
# Calculate the original location & rotation of each bone (in world-space maybe?)
if import_bone.parent is not None:
if has_parent:
import_bone.original_location = armature_bone.matrix_local.translation - armature_bone.parent.matrix_local.translation
import_bone.original_rotation = armature_bone.matrix_local.to_quaternion()
@ -204,6 +255,12 @@ def import_psa(context: Context, psa_reader: PsaReader, armature_object: Object,
import_bone.post_rotation = import_bone.original_rotation.conjugated()
# Warn about bones with missing parents.
if len(bones_with_missing_parents) > 0:
count = len(bones_with_missing_parents)
message = f'{count} bone(s) have parents that are not present in the PSA:\n' + str([x.name for x in bones_with_missing_parents])
context.window_manager.progress_begin(0, len(sequences))
# Create and populate the data for new sequences.